Swedish feminists systematically having sex with underage refugees

Swedish Left-wing women about sex with young refugees: "We All Do It"

Swedish social service workers tend to be older women that are outspoken advocates of socialism, feminism, multiculturalism, ect. It is now being alleged that many of these women actually get involved in social services in order to have sex with young immigrant men. Some Swedish media outlets are even accusing these women of “exploiting teenagers” for sex. These women are being called”Batikhäxor,” which is sometimes translated into English as “Dye Witch.”

The ongoing double-murder trial of Johanna Moller has brought the scandal to the forefront. Moller is accused of having an Afghan refugee murder her husband and father. During the trial, it has been alleged that she routinely plied underage refugees with drugs and alcohol and had sex with them.

The communist website Black Spot published an explosive anonymous column from a female social worker stating that it is common to have sex with young male refugees. The anonymous columnist says that the males are traumatized and the sex is therapeutic for them.

Swedish commentator Ann Heberlein says that she personally knows of numerous cases of female social workers having sex with young refugee men. Heberlein says she even knows examples of married women who decided they would rather have sex with young refugees than continue their marriage. Many women sign up to be a foster home for so-called “unaccompanied minors” for the purpose of having sex with them. Most of these “minors” are actually in their teens and early twenties.

In a related story, a Swedish woman has been exposed as performing lap dances for “child refugees” and having intimate relationships with them at an asylum centre in Åmål.

Meanwhile, another woman slept with under aged refugee in her foster home, and was charged with rape.


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We're reaching levels of KEK that shouldn't even be possible


No worries. That also happened to no ones surprise in Denmark.
"Bornecenter for asylborn lukker efter mistanke om sexmisbrug
To kvindelige ansatte politianmeldt for seksuelt misbrug af drenge på Bornecenter Tullebolle"
Childcenter for refugees closes after suspicion about sexual child abuse.
Two female employers charged for sexual childabuse of boys in childcenter Tullebolle.

And in Finland.
"Elderly Finnish women are believed to have offered lone migrant teens money for having sex with them, Inta-Sanomat wrote.
Taina Cederström, an instructor at a local center for asylum seekers, told the newspaper that women had been attempting to buy sex from underage refugees at the Helsinki railway station during Christmas, by offering the boys €20 for their services.
She said she was certain about at least two such cases, but added that there could have been more.
The employees of the Diakonissalaitos Foundation, which runs the center, found out about the case after they started wondering where the refugee boys got the money for cigarettes and other things. Questions asked by the refugee boys also raised their suspicions."

Can I apply for refugee status in Sweden? :^)

It is a sexual emergency.

And the Calais jungle of course.
"Charities working in the camp have said that the issue is a genuine concern, although some female volunteers have called the criticism ‘patronising and paternalistic’ Getty"

"One man who raised the alarm was later subjected to a barrage of online abuse."

"“I have heard of volunteers having sex with multiple partners in one day, only to carry on in the same vein the following day. And I know also, that I’m only hearing a small part of a wider scale of abuse." "

"The man added that the majority of cases in question involved female volunteers and male refugees – which he claimed risked the objectification of women volunteering in the camp.
He wrote: “Female volunteers having sex enforces the view (that many have) that volunteers are here for sex. This impression objectifies women in the camp and increases the risks"

Refugees enjoy it.
Swedes enjoy it.
Win-win for everyone, i'd say.


>when the invading brown horde is actually more civilized than women

It is absolute degeneracy. Women truly are our greatest enemy.

I love Sweden


>ywn be raped by 3 swedish qts

these young men can't conest

And in Germany of course.

>Win-win for everyone, i'd say.
You are paying for it. You are paying for genetic filth to, maybe procreate, or at the very least, you are paying for their sexlife. Women are making you a cuck through the state.

When these fat genetic losers procreate with the low iq africans, you will have to pay for their offspring. Endless amount of money down the drain. Sterilise them or no welfare state and the problem is solved.

Western men should all convert to Islam as to appropriate their religion and make it ours. Just as the romans did with Christianity. Then we should subject women to our new sharia law - banning them back into the kitchen again.

Come home white man. Uncuck yourselves.

and of course germany would support it

that's why ugly feminists support refugees.

imagine how things would be if you reversed the genders.
would you complain about 19 young women entering per 1 old man,for every 20 refugees?

they are enjoying an artificially inflated cock-carousel that will still accept them once they get old

No borders no nations!
They are communists.
They made it perfectly clear that they wish to destroy my nation. That is treason. Not even exaggerating. It is straight up treason.

In their defense, some of them are really hot.

pic related

this too

Can you imagine the massive international shitstorm if there were tons of young muslim girl "refugees" who would be preyed upon by older male "charity workers"?
Everybody knows those lefty shitstains are lusting for brown dick since they convinced themselves and each other for decades now that white dick is the incarnation of evil. Those "people" are little more than braindead at this point.


"Masculinity is invasive, femininity is invitational. Funny how the most fundamental biomechanical sex differences play out similarly in the bedroom and on the geopolitical world stage. A comment from Steve Sailer’s:

strutting military-age youths with smartphones, giving Germany’s surrender a weird sexual vibe that nobody yet has explained satisfactorily even in retrospect.

Is it really that hard to explain?

The sexual appeal of strutting military age young men would be to whom? To women, both young and old. If the appeal is sexual it can’t be to anyone else. It is to women.

Does that mean an invasion of these Muslims is appealing to women? The smart answer seems to be No. But if the sexual appeal is not to women, then there is no sexual appeal, but we know and we feel there is a sexual appeal. Therefore the correct answer has to be YES. And the smart answer has to be wrong.

The sexy men are invading because the women want it.

And it’s stupid but it’s not false.

When men make a mistake, they invade somewhere they should not have–due to male desires blinding their reason.

When women make a mistake, they invite someone they should not have–due to female desires blinding their reason.

The reason we have not yet seen an explanation is that we assume politics are based on male desires. And second, women do not understand their own desires, so they would be less able to articulate this than I am. What woman would say, “I know it is stupid, but I need to see if these sexy, strong foreigners might make better lovers and rulers.”

But that’s the answer."

>Western men fail to control their women
>It's the women's fault somehow

You don't blame a dog for shitting on your carpet, you blame yourself for failing to house-train it.

>picture not attached ugly women with tattoos piercings and dyed hair

Just out of curiosity. Are you ok with removing women's suffrage? Or should dogs also be allowed to vote?

Deuteronomy 28:30 warned us about this

>Thou shalt betroth a wife, and another man shall lie with her: thou shalt build an house, and thou shalt not dwell therein: thou shalt plant a vineyard, and shalt not gather the grapes thereof.

But muh rape culture. Muh toxic masculinity. Whoring these young men out is a form of therapy


And probably give birth to hordes of refugee babies.
Nasty animals.
And remember (((who))) tricked into this mindset.
They are brainwashed beyond oblivion.

You agree with him. But notice he did not answer my question. He thinks women should be allowed to vote. At the core of feminism is women's suffrage, he is a feminist. There is a lot of those men. Claim to be such badasses, but still think women should have the same power as men. It boils down to them not having the balls to use the violence that is needed to remove women's suffrage, and so he lashes out at men instead.

Human prehistory is the repeated story of bands of brothers from one tribe slaughtering and enslaving the men and women of another tribe, respectively. I think that this psychological motif is inherent in all people today. This explains why women are always so eager to let the barbarians in through the gates, seeing their own men as decadent, effeminate and incapable. You can fucking see it in Merkel's eyes. Stories like these will probably only become more and more common.

this is not sexy young girls btw this is old hags

It's because Middle Eastern men are masculine as fuck & can fuck for much longer and better than white men.
Also unlike niggers they look human and are good looking

Men need to go back to how they were
that is the only option
you faggots need to stop crying and realize that

>And remember (((who))) tricked into this mindset.
But if it was fertile asian women that were marching up across Europe in droves, would women still be brainwashed and welcome them? Simple yes or no will suffice.

true but it is still embarrassing

>Just out of curiosity. Are you ok with removing women's suffrage? Or should dogs also be allowed to vote?

Why wouldn't you want to make your own vote count twice?

It's fine.

Are you racist?


a fucking swede

>Refugees enjoy it
>10 year old boys enjoy being raped

Germans, everyone

also Jeremiah 5:15

demasculinization is a punishement that comes from God




Slowly but surely, I'm starting to agree with this line of thinking. Although it will be easier to just implement traditionalist Catholicism and reinstate cannon law (which is basically sharia law for white people).

Guess it's punishment for vikings stealing all the women 1000 years ago

Only if you're a kuffar

Imagine being a swedish male.

Imagine belonging to a people where 90% of the women would invite the whole third world and genocide your own race just to get their lifetime supply of brown and black dick.

I know France is pretty bad but thank God we're not nearly as bad.

Not sure about that after seeing the womens doing it.

Germany Yes !

Wait conservation of what exactly ?

>I don't allow women in my country to seek hypergamy quite as bad as men in this other country

I guess we all have to have something to hang our hat on.

What the fuck happened to you people.......

Nah fascism is the way to go I don't like boipucchi but I do like dogs and beer

But there were similar stories about the refugee camp in Calais.

>Why wouldn't you want to make your own vote count twice?
And there we have it.
And why should you as a man get two votes because I'm not married? And if a man gets 3 daughters and I get none, then you have 4 votes extra or what? And what about a woman who is single? What about a woman who is a widow? But you will never answer these obviously logical failures in your reasoning, because you want to be females bitches. You are a feminist.
We could say to women. Play one soccergame without men before you get your vote back, and they can't do it. Pic.We could tell them to build one house with everything installed without men, 3,5 billion women can't do it.
I can come up with even dumber experiments. But it won't matter. Because all that matters to you is to betray the brotherhood and run over to the females while you claim to be such a badass. Why not let children vote while we are at it? Hmm? What is the difference between women and a 14 year old child? So why not raise the fucking age down to 14, or 12, or 7? The parrents can just control what they vote right?
Voting is power over the military and police. Why give women that power in the first place? Why go through the trouble of letting women vote, so men have to constantly tell single women and spinsters what to vote? Why give you 2 votes and a single man one? Because you just don't want to take that confrontation, that is what it boils down to. But you can't even be honest enough to say that, so you just blame men instead. Enjoy being 54%, your country is even more fucked then any european country.

>Refugees enjoy it

They drug teenagers so they can fuck them you sick bastard

I actually side with refugees this time

Of course they wouldn't. And men shouldn't either.

Why are white women such worthless traitors?

I am aware of the logic that women might want to be gold-digging sluts and fuck around with some man who's rich and of a higher social status, but now they're fucking worthless refugee children. At this point, I'm pretty sure it's just in their DNA to be cheating sluts.

''i go out now and save the both of us''

The men are apathetic at best, and fiercely supportive at worst.

>And why should you as a man get two votes because I'm not married?

Why don't you see the not-so-subtle incentive there?

>But you will never answer these obviously logical failures in your reasoning, because you want to be females bitches.

It's not my job to help MGTOW fags and other males who have failed to compete artificially increase their social status.

>But you will never answer these obviously logical failures in your reasoning, because you want to be females bitches. You are a feminist.

It's not my job to help MGTOW fags and other males who have failed to compete artificially increase their social status.

>Because all that matters to you is to betray the brotherhood and run over to the females while you claim to be such a badass.

It's not my job to help MGTOW fags and other males who have failed to compete artificially increase their social status.

>Because you just don't want to take that confrontation, that is what it boils down to.

It's not my job to help MGTOW fags and other males who have failed to compete artificially increase their social status.

My theory is that women always side with what they perceive as the strong and ascendant group. It's hypergamy at the group, rather than individual, level.

Nah it works both ways. European colonisation and imperialism was spearheaded by unmarried men who then proceeded to take native wives. Men go take wives while women invite men over. Swedish feminists wanted to make it illegal for Swedish men to go to Thailand and marry thai women because only women should be able to marry foreigners.

>Under sexed, fat old cunts fuck gay bait.

Who cares.

these 3 whores who wanted to have some exotic cock are partially to blame for rapes, murders by "refugees" in Europe. When guys do this and its women pouring in, they would shut the country down to prevent it. Fucking whores.


They fit a stereotype so hard that it's not even funny. Everyone is emberrased. Except for them, which is infuriating. No self-awareness. Let's fuck people we should take care of on taxpayer money. Let's do this as representatives of this country. Fuck consequences.

Nothing new. This is simple outgroup preference. This is how civilizations collapse and die, when the in-group males are too weak, effeminate and cucked to do anything about it.

>goodbye Sweden

Nice one. Fail to answer the simple questions and then lash out at men.
>But you will never answer these obviously logical failures in your reasoning, because you want to be females bitches
Try and answer
> And if a man gets 3 daughters and I get none, then you have 4 votes extra or what?
Try and answer
>And what about a woman who is single?
Try and answer
>What about a woman who is a widow?
Try and answer.
>What is the difference between women and a 14 year old child?
But you won't. You will just say that it is men's fault. Even though every great man in history and even the bible fucking told men not to give power to women. You won't answer these questions.
>It's not my job to help MGTOW fags and other males who have failed to compete artificially increase their social status.
Ohhh, what a strong comeback. Really, such a badass.
We can keep having this discussion, and you will just keep throwing insults while you ignore the clear logical failures in your reasoning.

> Batikhäxor

top kek.

Are NAMBLA and The Butterfly Kisses Group sponsoring immigrants?

They're not even going for adult refugee men though, they're fucking shitskin kids now. That's even more fucked up.

The small benis named Sweden is shrinking

The "kids" are always in their late teens, if not older. This jives with my theory because it places them within military age.


>Why are white women such worthless traitors?
This is just what happens when you give women power, regardless of their race.

>women run your sandnigger country into the ground
>hardcore religion takes over soon after

Fuck the ancient Greeks. Fuck the Bible. Fuck the Romans. Fuck Churchill and fuck Hitler too. And while we are at it, fuck Stalin too. Fuck Lincoln and fuck all the founding fathers, FUCK THEM ALL I KNOW BETTER AND WOMEN SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO VOTE, AND ALL THE MEN WHO DISAGREES ARE JUST LOSERS!


Fucking hell man, seems like we Finns will have to conquer Sweden eventually, just to save them from themselves.

Most of these women will end up dead, so i dont really care

Funny, I oppose votes for men for these same reasons, I just expand them to women too.

>tfw refugees are the ones getting raped

Those 'boys' are underage, Hans.
>They may actually look 27, but, they cant have it all ways, can they now?

> Refugees are children.

Icelanders, everyone.

"When Sparta deteriorated in the 4th century BC, their fall from grace was blamed in part on the inclusion of their women in public life, their ability to own land, and thus their supposed ability to exert a certain amount of power over their men. It seems that the general consensus was, if you gave a Greek woman an inch, she would take a mile."
I'm such a winner! Hehehe, only LOSERS thinks it is absolutely retarded to give women direct power over the men in the military and police! REAL WINNERS give not only women power over the military and police, THEY MAKE THEM THE MAJORITY OF VOTERS! What could go wrong! Just needs strongz menz to keep women in check. All my great ancestors, all great philosophers, all great generals throughout history who would consider it absolutely retarded, THEY ARE JUST LOSERS!

The huge bulk of "westerners" coming to our sea shore as tourists, during communist times, were freaking Swedish women. Absolutely freakish old hags, looking for young meat. Few among desperate ones (for a foreign marriage to escape the hell) ever dared.

> Women are capable of being rational adults.
> Women are grown children needing constant guidance

Pick one.

>tfw even 12 year old Afghan boys can get laid in the West and you can't

white sharia salami kumin my bruddah

>tfw Swede women will never play with your little penis when you were a kid

I HAVE to be born in a stable muslim county didn't I? Thanks God, thank you for not letting get molested by blonde women!

You have to be wealthy, attractive and of high social status for a white woman to want you if you're white. Otherwise, just be a shitskin and they'll hop on your dick even if it's pedophilia and they could lose their job over it.

Sweden isn't real.

There's a 3rd way that is fair to all. If you pay more in federal taxes than receive in benefits, you get to vote.

Not just Swedish.




Checked. Let's archive it.

>independent co uk/news/world/europe/calais-jungle-volunteers-sex-refugees-allegations-facebook-care4calais-a7312066.html

>strutting military-age youths with smartphones
That guy is someone's dad.
Like, someone in their twenties.

standard of living probably