Why do millennials protest over useless issues like BLM or gender identity when their jobs are being sent to India and...

Why do millennials protest over useless issues like BLM or gender identity when their jobs are being sent to India and China?


whaddya meen you got problems. i wish my peeple had your problems, goy!

Thank you for posting what I was thinking

Obviously they haven't been tested by real life yet. Give it ten years


Those are the issues they actually have, they can't see those jobs on india and they weren't sure they will gave those jobs to them anyway, they have weird piercings and black friends.

>get outsourced and lose job twice in highschool
okay must be the field. fast food and IT
>be nurse for college
>caught doing a drug at home on the weekend. unrelated to nurse jon. got criminal record. now cant get job as healthcare professional.

>fuck it lets grow tits and try sex work

>posts a chink

1post by this ID

Because they think every person is equal so they don't mind when jobs get shipped to other countries because everyone is just a human and equally deserving of the job.

Logged in just to upvote!

4pbp. Every 16-21yo is worried about meme issues like gay rights when theyre not even gay because thats the extent of their worries so far. Theyre rarely worried about economics or want to be fiscally conservative because why the hell would they? Some of them have never even had to pay for their phone bills yet.

(((Public Education)))

What is it about her that makes her so attractive?

I mean yeah obviously she's good looking, but is it that gentle, soothing voice of hers?

Would definitely make 3/4 white kids with her.

Any women who is half white is usually more attractive.

Ignore everyone that gives you a direct answer to this question.
These university courses these uni victims take, are professional protesting courses. Where activities include controversy, minority rights and questioning fair establishment.

There is a demand for protesters, and people make a decent income from going to them. But these courses are now required to screen the types of protesters that the requesting company wants in their media image. So its down to the agency to supply organizations with the right type. Usually a social studies degree is a good qualification to have.

I find it hilarious people trying to reason with "protesters", this is their bread and butter, you think they are going to walk off from a job because you were right?? XD

she looks a lot worse without the lighting. would still bang


Yet another millennial thread. Find something useful to focus on for fucks sake.

They are being distracted

Nigga if you mention jews on reddit you get banned

Because people like Soros pay them to and media tells them to

That's true.

I have a real thing for half white, half black girls.

She looks fine dude. More Asian though but not a bad thing.

Why do you amarifats bitch about jobs when your country literally runs by foreign aid , these are multinational companies , invested by countries all over the world

You can't mention that, it would be racist.

Because their Jewish professors told them to. It's really that simple.

They have more economic security while in school than out there in the labor market. So they tow the line just like their parents towed the Union line.

This happens when, even though they have no future, they have enough gibs from family to lead a good life.

The subversion campaign was more successful than it was originally intended to be; now the danger is that things spiral too far out of control

"Pact with the devil".

Simple, democrats and liberals still control majority of the narrative.

They control both social and legacy media, they control the schools, they control the government.

If you can get the masses to to pay attention to pointless shit like BLM and identity politics, they would ignore important issues like all the shady shit politicians are doing. IE: stealing billions of american tax dollars to line their pockets.

TL;DR, it's the jews.

Protest against their bosses? What are you, a communist?

Millennials bought the global community, globalization we are the world bullshit hook line n sinker.

So while retarded millennials in the west act like us and some niggers over in india or china share some solidarity with each other, the niggers in china and india are gearing up to eat our lunch and become the world powers of the future.

millennials are a fucking cucked generation, we're not as ravenously degenerate as the boomers or as useless as gen x, but we're cucked idealists for sure. we need a massive war to kill the weak millennials off.

>race mixing

They fight these imaginary wars because their future been sold out from under them. Just think of all the pop culture bullshit they wallow in. Hell even politics gets Harry Potter'd constantly. It's a generation of escapism. I'm a late age millennial myself and I'm guilty of it a bit too, I collect and restore old vidya for instance. Relive a bit of the childhood with my Nintendos.. but then I see manchildren with rooms full if plastic toys and dolls, tweets from women having "spiritual" awakenings over fucking Wonder women and I'm left fucking aghast. Same with gender, sexual roles and Identity Politics it's just a giant game they use to avoid the reality of their situations and truth be told they're good at twisting reality to fit their escapism.

George Soros and The Muslim Brotherhood.

There you go, know your enemy is half the battle.

not to mention the fighting for illegals to come here just so rich businessmen can hire labor under minimum wage

Because they don't have jobs to go to.

They are the same people who volunteer to work at soup kitchens every Thanksgiving but never any other time. It's to feel good about themselves.

If it's not right in front of them, it doesn't exist to them. They have no foresight and jump on trends to appear virtuous.