Why shouldn't we nationalize and redistribute the country's assets and retain capitalism?

>communism failed because no one worked
>no one worked because there was no incentive
>conclusion: retain capitalism
>60 families effectively control USA if not global politics through dynastic wealth
>i.e. lucky sperm club
>conclusion: no, you shouldn't feel bad about confiscating the wealth of a Morgan, a Vanderbilt, a DuPont, or even a Rothschild :)
>if you redistribute the net assets of the USA, each citizen would receive over $265,000
>truly free markets
>incentive to work
>mass of people no longer in misery

Literally nothing is wrong with this.

Other urls found in this thread:


>incentive to work

I don't think you have thought your clever plan through.

$265,000 isn't enough to retire on. You'll still need to work if you don't want to starve.

> if you redistribute the net assets of the USA, each citizen would receive over $265,000
Do you know how assets work? You'd be redistrubuting the debt and other financial obligations among all people too.

That's an implementation question. Lots of ways to address it.

Background reading on why you should care about this amazon.com/Rich-Super-Rich-Ferdinand-Lundberg/dp/B000W29TJ4

You'd never get their wealth. The super-elite would either take their assets offshore, or THEY would end up becoming the "commissars".
>massive decrease to Net Assets

The people you would ACTUALLY end up stealing from in this situation are our best and brightest goyim. The doctors, and engineer types probably don't have the means to get offshore.

So basically your system will just drag down our best people for the sake of our worst people. Sounds pretty shitty to me m8.

US military vs. Tahiti. Who do you think will win?

Who do you think exerts disproportionate control over the US military and government?

Further, most wealth is not something that you can just pick up and walk away with. Something like gold is only a small portion of total wealth. The most valuable stuff--real estate, intangibles, etc.--you can't.

Fortunately the military is probably the only independent or nearly independent part of the government that remains. You also tacitly just agreed with me: if the military were to perform a coup they could seize it.

>redistribute the wealth

Is this it? Is this how we show the normies that Capitalism and Gommunizm are the same scam?

Forgot to turn off the meme name.

>if you redistribute the net assets of the USA, each citizen would receive over $265,000
If you think that means anything, you don't understand the first fucking thing about economics. When EVERYONE has a quarter million dollars, a quarter million dollars becomes precisely as valuable as the air in your mouth: in other words worthless.

Get rid of Rothschild because of the laws broken and the horrible things done, not because you're a greedy piece of shit who wants money you didn't earn.

You understand that the US is an oligarchy, right? And that 60 or fewer families control policy?

Stop living life as a slave.

Occupy Wall Street's biggest problem is that they focused on the 1%. If they had been smarter they would have focused on the 0.01%, or even the 0.001%. That is where the real problem lies.

The problem was that they got manipulated by kike agents into doing stupid shit, so they were completely ineffective, and now liberals are afraid to speak out against the uber wealthy, for fear of being associated with OWS.

This is textbook controlled opposition.

>60 families
Further, you are a fool if you believe that these families don't collude and have alliances with one another.

How does that change how monetary systems work?

Don't understand the question. It won't make capitalism sustainable, but it will provide a reset that we so badly need.

Gotta have to run in a few but hopefully you guys continue the conversation while I'm gone.

That jews are mean doesn't change the fact that if you give everyone a quarter of a million dollars, they won't be worth a quarter of a million dollars anymore.

>implying the military serves our people and not the people that they are paid by
Oh I am laffin!

Wrong, most "wealth" is numbers on a screen right now. Bill Gates is the "richest man", is he not? His wealth is all digital. In our current paradigm, money is what primarily gives someone power.

If you confiscate all of the money to redistribute it, then money effectively has no power anymore. You might as well just abolish dollars today, they are just paper and computer bits after all, and establish/print a new currency tomorrow.

What this means is, the people running the revolution will ALWAYS be the true enemy, because they will be the ones with REAL power when the money suddenly becomes worthless. Property is worth nothing if you cannot defend it, so all "property" is now temporarily worth nothing as well.
>this is why the media & intellectuals love this

The phrase power to "the people" is deceptive, it actually means power to the people who command "the people".
>media, intellectuals, celebrities, figureheads

They will become the ones with the REAL power because they control the mob. The intellectuals spreading these ideals will be the undisputed leaders of the revolution and they will be the ones to run the """temporary state.""""
>meaning, whatever mechanism you use to redistribute the confiscated assets

The de-evolution of this new "state" will not happen as promised, and there will be nothing anyone can do to stop them. THEY are the organizers/movers of people. They have the TOTAL monopoly of power now, and there is no "money-power" to challenge them.
>power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely

Occupy Wallstreet might've had a tiny sincere core at its inception, but they were completely co-opted and then swiftly drowned in a sea of leftist thugs and idiots.

even better idea.
Tell niggers chinks and poos they need to pay for what they lay.
Tell the big money men to give you a massive pay rise.

You need to instill a sense of duty into each individual.

>expecting nonwhites to accept responsibility

>each citizen would receive over $265,000
>>truly free markets
>>incentive to work
You are too retarded for words