Convert me

I'm agnostic at the moment and like the teachings of Christianity. However I just find it difficult to think that a God is above us all. Why should I follow Christianity and what are some arguments in favour of believing in a God.

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Tell God you don't buy his shit and demand that he prove he's real.

Yes, do this. He'll come to you and say "Wow! You're such a euphoric gentleman! Thanks for not believing in me until there was no other option! Please, come straight to heaven. We need more free-thinking intellectuals like you."

I recommend probably doing it at night when nobody else is around.

Yell at the top of your lungs. Tell God FUCK YOU if you don't reveal yourself and lay out various demands to know for sure what's true.

It's important to understand that science and God are completely compatible. All knowing, infinite, without form, these qualities indicate that its not a person above you. The nothing that the big bang came to be within, is God.

Try not to think of God as a single person. Think of God the Father as an entity. A being. Pure divinity and the origin of life itself. "I Am Who I Am".

Christianity is all about salvation. About achieving your divine destiny and reuniting with the Father of all life and creation. It's about loving your fellow man.

What sort of specific questions do you have?

I slowly became convinced of God's existence but now I can tell you he is certainly real, there is no specific evidence I can point to and say "this alone proves God's existence logically and scientifically" but I can tell you that having read the bible and seen everything it says about morality, history, the world, and itself, I now believe. The perfection of God's moral law's and the description of the human moral mindset specifically have convicted me to believe as I can provide no argument against them.

If you can't believe Christ is the son of god nothing can persuade you of that. Just accept Catholic teachings as the column that susteined our society for thousand of years.

Look up how Christ fulfilled the Messianic prophecies made centuries before his birth to the letter. That's what did it for me.

My reason for choosing Christianity: of all the myths, legends and philosophy, this one is the story of the God that sacrifices for his creation, instead of asking for your sacrifice.

The story of Jesus as recorded in the gospels is about what happens when the Spirit of God appears on Earth, and is resisted by the worldly powers of organized religion and the state. Anytime the message of Christ becomes co-opted by religious doctrine or state power, it has already abandoned its roots, since at its core the Jesus story is about how those very powers will stop at nothing to subvert and destroy the Christ. Though of course they can never succeed - to those with eyes to see and ears to hear, the King remains enthroned.

Christ shows us that self-giving sacrificial love is the true power in the universe, not the top-down tyrannical brute strength of Caesar. Christ's earliest followers proclaimed "Jesus is Lord!", rather than "Caesar is Lord!" which regions conquered by the empire were required to say. The implied subversive question - who is making a better Kingdom? Caesar who puts people on crosses, or Christ who bears the cross in love for all? Caesar who dominates and kills all who oppose with brute strength, or God who raised Christ from the dead?

Why is self-giving sacrifice the ultimate power? Picture water. In some senses, the most submissive substance imaginable. It will flow through your fingers, fit any container you put it in. Yet nothing can compete with it for domination of the planet - it covers 70% of Earth's surface. It uses its power not to dominate like a tyrant, but to quietly nourish each and every thing that lives. This is built into Creation as a prefiguration of Christ. The blood of Christ is spiritual water, and those who drink of it will never thirst again.

Good leaf post

Pretty much this
Then I started studying history and got redpilled on Hitler and the Nazis and all the history we've been lied to about since the 1930s and it was as if the veil from my eyes was violently lifted away and I saw the world as it was and not what I thought it should be

“I never came into the church as a person who was being taught. I came in on my knees. That is the only way in. When people start praying they need truths; that’s all. You don’t come into the Church by ideas and concepts, and you cannot leave by mere disagreement."

>specific questions
Um, god, why did you let me be raped by my uncle every weekend from when I was 6 1/2 until i was almost 9?

>Then I started studying history and got redpilled on Hitler and the Nazis and all the history we've been lied to about since the 1930s
Everything told about Hitler is true. He was not a Christian, sadly, he only used Christianity as a means to an end. Hitler is almost antithetical to being a Christian. Other than hating the Jews, of course.

Yes, thats comes later.
"Oy vey, just turn the other cheek to mudslimes and let them rape your women and kill your children, change them with love". I would to become Christian again but Im so disgusted by the way you guys cuck yourself out to everyone. No fucking bad bone. "Dude just turn da otha cheek n they will feel bad n apologize. Praise Jebus!"

you were probably asking for it desu

Ask me something you find bothersome or in conflict user, I will try to answer it based on Christianity

I want a serious answer from you Christfags. Why was I raped by my uncle for almost 3years when I was a kid? There is a lovng GOD???

checked and post nekkie pics for research so we can set this issue to rest

Turn the other cheek is referring to turning yours, and only your cheek. You cannot turn the other cheek for someone else. This is basic christian doctrine that fedoras and paganlarps seem to never understand.

>why do bad things happen to good people
go read the book of job, and if that doesn't satisfy you, go read the literal thousands of answers to this question, which are a literal google search away.

>tell me what I should believe in

Doode just read on religion, belifs, codes and see what calls to you the most. Im have been a Heathen for years now cause germanic religions have been worshiped longer than abrahamic religions

Bad things happen because they can happen, simple as that.

Humans have free will. Some humans decide to use that free will for evil intentions. Whatever you went through, it was for a reason. Maybe you are meant to be a social worker for abused children. Whatever your destiny is, if you choose to follow and achieve it, your past will only help you to make your future a brighter one.

I love you, user. I'm sorry that happened to you.

I've read them all, Steve. Basically, according to Christians, God could hav prevented my uncle from sexually abusing me but he didn;t think it was worth it and he'll make everything right after we've all died, in the next life,
I'd like to say, if you believe THAT, you're an imbecile. A useful idiot.

God is perfection, we are not. So a perfect God SHOULD be able to make a perfect world, perfect being, perfect universe. Nothing is perfect so the Christian is not perfect.

You asked for answers, then you responded to them with personal attacks and nothing else.

>Whatever you went through, it was for a reason.
If I could reach through the internet and strangle you, I would.

>according to Christians, God could hav prevented my uncle from sexually abusing me but he didn;t think it was worth it and he'll make everything right after we've all died
you clearly haven't read many of them, because the answer is a lot more nuanced than this

if you are actually serious and not trolling, then I'm sorry your uncle raped you, but that's not God's fault, it's your uncle's fault. Do you not want anybody to have free will?

You are athiest and this is a thinly veiled christianity hate thread.

Religious people live longer. Studies have attributed this to lowered stress levels as a result of people having faith that God will take care of them.

Your anger won't changed what happened, and blaming God won't take the pain away.

Once again, I'm sorry. I hope you can one day escape your past and get the help you need.

>people having faith that God will take care of them.
this is prosperity gospel and is not biblical

Ok I will convert you

First yes God is above you but that is how it is, you I and all of us are his children he gave you a soul we are all a part of him in a way.

The ten commandments should be your moral guide in life, without rules there is anarchy.

Jesus died for our sins so you too can have a chance to get to heaven it like a second alliance with God the first one was for jews the chosen people but they have strayed from the path and Jesus was sent.

Now its important to realize there are two testaments the old one and the new one, the new one is more forgiving but we must not forget the old one where there are examples of punishment.

Christianity today relies more on the new testament but its to soften the perception and people then think Christianity is weak but its not.

It's a belief and don't be manipulated by religion or todays fake pope they come and go but faith is everlasting there will be times when you doubt it but its part of the process it how it forms you that matters.

Will you do it live like a man should or will you go to a deviant hopeless world ?

Nobody is forcing you but to think there is nothing above you is naive at best.

Free will is an illusion. We may have will, but it's anything but free. You don't choose your genes, your brain, your parents, your environment you grow up in or any of the millions of influences you will encounter throughout your life.

The only reason you aren't some psychopathic murdered as opposed to a good person is in fact luck.

If you don't accept Jesus' sacrifice you will suffer eternally in the lake of fire.

Free Will doesn't mean you choose what you start off with, it means once you start, the choice of how to behave and interact with your fellow humans is up to you.

>The only reason you aren't some psychopathic murdered as opposed to a good person is in fact luck.
yeah i've never heard about a psychopathic murderer, or a serial rapist, or lifelong drug abuse, or a child molester, or a human trafficker, or a devout muslim turn to christ.

nope, it was rigged from the start for that poor guy, the blocks already fell into place.
give me a fucking break

Entire books have been written on this argument. It's called Nature vs. Nurture.

Agree to disagree, I suppose :)

Thank you for this response. I'm interested in sitting down and reading the Bible over time, what should I read?

>I'm sorry your uncle raped you, but that's not God's fault, it's your uncle's fault. Do you not want anybody to have free will?
This is why people hate the church.
Since I was 6yo I was forced to take my uncles dick in my vagina and in my mouth. He was and is a respected church member. And yes everyone has heard my story. He ever apologised about 10 years ago and now its like nothing ever happened. But anyway.
Look at the responses I get on here and you'll understand why America in particular does nothing about child abuse, and in fact protects and nurtures abusers.
"Ïts not God's fault!"

Alright, let me rephrase, what people commonly think of as free will, ie the ability to choose otherwise, is a myth.

Even your thoughts are not your choice. You don't actually choose what you think of next, your brain just presents the next thoughts to you.

Now I'm not arguing that choosing does happen, but I am arguing that the conscious part of your brain is not the part doing the choosing. In fact, it's the last thing to learn your choices down the chain.

all of it from genesis to revelation
if the old testament seems to hard to a read for a beginner just read genesis, exodus, job and proverbs then read the new testament from start to finish

Absolutely not. I'm absolutely agnostic, both of my parents are Christians but I could never fully convince myself that a God existed but I understand that a society needs religion and Sup Forums has moved me further towards Christianity over time.

That's ridiculous. The world doesn't center around child abusers. Just because we don't agree with you that nihilism is the only way doesn't mean that we're all glad you got raped. You aren't coping properly.

a science book

New Testament:
The Gospel of Matthew
The Gospel of John
Acts of the Apostles
Corinthians 1 and 2

Yes, so someone attacks me, the sole provider for my family, and Im like "naah man, this cool. atleast I get to go heaven while my family starves lmao"

what a shitty thing to do, what a cunt, I would rather go to hell if Jesus is a goth emo cunt like that

Watch this:

Prof. Jordan Peterson identifies the "spiritual root" of religious truth, and Christianity, he sees, has the most developed understanding of the core values that seem to be embedded into our subconscious.

Things like morality, the sacraficial hero, the archetypes of storytelling are all engrained into our psyche at a fundemental level where when we here these words (the truth and goodness, uninhibited by human flaw) it sends us into a feeling of divine purpose.

>"Ïts not God's fault!"
because it isnt? did god put his dick in your vagina and mouth? or did your uncle? it sounds to me like you're protecting your uncle from the evil deeds he did to you by blaming it on God. Talk about protecting and nurturing abusers.

your issue isn't with God, it's with free will. people have free will to do bad things, and if God intervened and stopped every single bad thing from happening, then it wouldn't really be free will, now would it?
Go read genesis, it will hopefully shed light on this.

I'll keep you in my prayers.

Even when that happens, that wasn't "free will." If anything convinced a murdered to become a good person, well that influence still came from outside. Something he heard inspired him or made him feel bad or whatever and his brain and body reacted to it and now he's a good boy. Still isn't free will.

Why should I believe the bible is the word of God? Or if it isn't, what value does the bible have as a religious authority?

Treating science as its own branch of thought is unscientific in and of itself.

You are allowed to defend yourself and your family. In fact, there is something called "Just War Doctrine" in Catholicism.

You don't choose nature or nurture. So neither of those actually help for the argument of free will.

Religion is for the weak, Men who need a crutch to live by. Realize we cant even leave our solar system any time soon. Radiation wrecks everything. I believe in a supreme being. Religion is a tool of power and control. The worst thing is they dont understand the watchers are being watched.

Imagine you are an adult babysitting two kids.
One kid kicks the other one in the head repeatedly then strips her naked and rapes her in every hole for 8 hours. You sit there and watch but do nothing to interfere. Because you are the christian god and believe in free will. KYS. This happened to me. There is no god

Agnostic what? Theist, Deist, Pantheist, Atheist?

God isnt actively interfering with the world.
See it as a testing ground. the Father sent the Son to pay for sin, including those before the Son. Then the Son left. Now the Holy Spirit watches over the church.

Sin is possible because people have to choose to follow God, God does not want people to simply be forced to follow him.

Again, its almost like a testing ground, the earth is. Man is fallen, and God wants us to be reunited, but we have to choose to leave our sinful styles behind and to follow him.


Just look up William Lane Craig and Frank Turek

are you purposely being facetious or are you just stupid?
people can chose to be influenced by something or not, when Jehovah's witnesses come knocking on their door with their amazing sales pitch do you immediately sign up to church? when you see an infomercial for the next hot new food processor do you instantly buy the family pack?

spiritual revelation can come through no outside influence to btw, everything is a choice.

>Convert me

Sorry I'm an orthodox and we don't really believe in converting.
If you ever feel like it, you will convert yourself.

the adult babysitter was hired to protect and watch over the children
God has no obligations to nurture or protect us.

>Your anger won't changed what happened, and blaming God won't take the pain away.
>Once again, I'm sorry. I hope you can one day escape your past and get the help you need.
I need to forgive god? Behold, the cancer of the christian mind.

14 And God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years, 15 and let them be lights in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth.” And it was so. 16 God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. 17 God set them in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth, 18 to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good. 19 And there was evening, and there was morning—the fourth day.

Whatever kind of idiot wrote the bible apparantly thought that plants existed before the sun

How can one say "we dont believe in converting"?

The sole purpose of life is to spread the word of God

>Free Will doesn't mean you choose what you start off with, it means once you start, the choice of how to behave and interact with your fellow humans is up to you.

But what you start off with is why you make those decisions.

because they did, god created them that way

because ortholarps like him are only cultural christians, just do whatever you want man

Why do you feel entitled to happiness?

>But what you start off with is why you make those decisions.
you want to make decision that don't pertain to you at all? are you retarded or something

>forgive god
I didn't say anything even close to that. I'm saying that you are currently struggling with your past and you need help. Serious professional help. Being angry at God, or a God, or any supernatural being isn't going to change what happened and it won't take the pain away.

But we don't choose our influences. I don't "decide" how much something is going to have an influence on me. I either hear their sales pitch and I like it and am convinced, or I'm not.

Think of dragons, do you think you could actually choose right now to believe in dragons? You can't.

>Be Christian
>Avoid faggotry cuck-christians.
>Join hardcore christians who realize it's time to fight for Our Lord. (Usually a smaller congregation.)
Our heavenly father may bless and forgive, but we also have to show some resistance to Satan and his apostle Mohammed.

Learn to appreciate Deus Vult and The Crusades.
Muslim shitskins cover in fear when white non-jewed Christians appear.

Then you give the victim eternal life in ultimate paradise and give the rapist eternal punishment in hell. Sounds just to me.

Besides: Since when did your feelings determine whether or not there is a god, you edgy loony?

>14 And God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years, 15 and let them be lights in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth.” And it was so. 16 God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. 17 God set them in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth, 18 to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good. 19 And there was evening, and there was morning—the fourth day.

This doesn't say that? Light came first?

all life is suffering

the answer is to find a philosopy that enables you to withstand tragedy

god doesn't love you, the loving part of god is found within yourself and other people

I tried reading KJV but it's very difficult to understand and I feel like I'm missing a lot of important stuff if I dont look up an explanation for each story (which seems like it's missing the whole point of reading it)

Is there a more modern version I could read that's still good?

>You aren't coping properly.
Standard Christian response to church child abuse. Could yo possibly TRY and put yourself in my shoes just for 10 seconds, and imagine how such a fucked up statement would make you feel???

No they didn't, plants need sunlight for photosynthesis and even the earth itself didn't exist before the sun

>he thinks that Genesis is literally how the earth was created and not an allegory of our creation
>he thinks every Christian is a fundamentalist idiot

Fucking hell, Ahmed. I know you're knew to Western Civilization but at least go to a Mass before pretending to know anything about us.

>you want to make decision that don't pertain to you at all? are you retarded or something

I don't get what you mean, explain?

>Think of dragons, do you think you could actually choose right now to believe in dragons? You can't.
i believe dragons were the "prehistoric" dinosaurs that lived alongside man pre-flood :^)

i get your point though, and it's an argument that's gone back and forth for ages. like that other user said, nature vs nurtue, and we aren't going to solve this dilemma on a congolese ivory trading forum in one thread

be careful there are gender neutral versions which fuck up the story

>Anglo wanting to be Christian
How many Christians are there left in the UK?

Can you explain this?

I would argue it's for the strong, playing on easy mode with no rules is for the weak.

you think ancient people didn't know plants need sunlight?
give me a break
genesis is literal

New American Bible

hundreds of thousands.

I know this is going to sound hokey but believe me when I say he reveals himself to you the more you believe in him. Its why it is called faith.

explain what
i thought my post was pretty straight forward

>did god put his dick in your vagina and mouth? or did your uncle? it sounds to me like you're protecting your uncle from the evil deeds he did to you by blaming it on God. Talk about protecting and nurturing abusers.
>your issue isn't with God, it's with free will. people have free will to do bad things, and if God intervened and stopped every single bad thing from happening, then it wouldn't really be free will, now would it?
>Go read genesis, it will hopefully shed light on this.
>I'll keep you in my prayers.
This is the corrupt mind of the christian. It's nothing to do with Christianity. It's my problem


If you can't even take God for his word, then why bother?

Read the book of Revalations. Many of the prophecies have come true, some will. The symbolism and events can be directly linked to today.

>you want to make decision that don't pertain to you at all? are you retarded or something

It's not, I don't get it?