Bill Maher Gets Cucked by Ice Cube for Saying Nigger

Watch Bill Maher get blown the fuck out on his own show by a washed up rapper and a Bernie Sanders intersectional feminist for saying "I'm a house nigga" on his show:

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How many threads about this do we need?


I can't stand Bill Maher. I don't even know what it is, he just seems like such a smug asshole.

Agreed. I hate to defend him but on the other hand I must ask- can I go to a music store and buy a new album where the N word is used several times? Then how do they expect the word to stop getting used if they are still pumping out products that anyone can legally buy FILLED with that exact word?

It seems like there are only 2 choices: Lead by example and stop using the word, or stop chimping out every time you hear it. Ice cubes "do as I say, not what I do" philosophy is bullshit and he knows it.

You are attempting to be fair and logical. They don't give a shit about any of that. They want something that they can hold over white people and this is the best they can come up with. It's funny if you think about it. Niggers always act so tough and then lose their shit over a little word.

totally not staged or anything


That's interesting, it does come off as some sort of publicity stunt (along with the Kathy griffin thing), my question is why though? What's the point?

this hard as fuck street nigger about to cry over one word a guy said a week ago

Bill Maher has a low IQ. His stupid ass should know that saying the word "nigger" is going to affect his ratings. His is dumb like most atheists I know.

Bill Maher lacks intelligence.

What is this thing?

Fucking americucks

there are still people who need to "data mine" pol for whatever the fuck they do. Too stupid to think for themselves.
Read a fucking book if you are confused.

Saying something that will come back to haunt you in a spur of the moment joke isn't an IQ issue. If anything, it's a poor impulse control issue. He obviously didn't plan it out ahead of time.

I live in a country that has no niggers on power .. are you 'muricans going to become Germans 2.0? Germans with ther nazi stuff and you with your racist stuff.. fuck sake stop cucking already USA.. call the nigger a nigger and dont be fucking afraid, if he tries something shot him in the head.. thats how free speech works

wait so ice cube made money off of rapping about police violence, selling drugs, killing thugs, it being a good day probably said the nig word a few times in the lyrics, and has the nerve to give bill maher shit?
typical rapper philosophy aka retardation

>I can't stand Bill Maher. I don't even know what it is
He's a Jew.

He said 'nigga' though, blacks are just mad at him because he's white

toplel I was just about to ask the same question.

I don't say it just because the white guys who say nigger are generally degenerate nigger lovers. I'll say it at home alone but I don't give a fuck about being on the special list of "mah nigga" white guys who get to say it on occasion.

That's a rhesus monkey stuffed in a dress. You can tell cause it's still definitely behaving like a rhesus monkey

>white privilege

maher is a fucking jew, i hate how whites get blamed for something a jew does

yeah i get that my point is
i dont recall Leo dicaprio getting any shit or anyone else like waltz for django
9 to 1 ice cube wouldnt have the balls to say that to tarantino, he'd beg to be the house nigga in django 2

I'm cool withcu
I'm not talking about you Bill

given that people like Bill Maher and Colbert are in the shitter, it's just becoming entertaining to watch these idiots give these guys a pass. The left just uses black people and has no respect for them. For all of Ice Cube's shit talking, he has no idea what is going on here.

Bill Maher is prob racist as fuck. He still just hits ice cube with snark, fuck me I have no respect for these people.

what genious idea to start banning words out of existence. how could it possibly backfire. the more we verbally abuse eachother and get these years of repressed racism out in the open, the less we will have to actually fight..

Is open racism being legal on the checklist Make America Great Again? Think so. It might actually reduce physical violence

>guys are getting too familiar and say nigger in a self-deprecating joke
>getting too familiar
How are we going to reach the proposed post-racist utopia if you can never be familiar (read: anti-racist) enough to use a word they use all the time? No matter what we do, there's a mile gap between us, but we all equal 'n shit, rite?

No. To concider using dumb nigger language is the problem. These liberals try and pander to dumb nigger culture and get what all of those intersectional types get. A shit show. That is what modern America is a product of. Stooping the whole culture down to the level of the vocal minority of a minority trapped in a spiral of silence.

One might think it was deliberate to perpetuate a narrative and distract from the actions of groups like BLM, Antifa and the implications of the current economics...

Fuck Liberal Jews, Fuck the Black Panthers.

the conclusion is to kill all white people or disenfranchise them enough that they might as well be dead. funnily enough, the plan of the jews is to create an eternal white -- wandering the earth, with no homeland, reviled wherever they go. this will be their penultimate revenge.

This. Why does nigger bother blacks so much? Every race has their own slur - chinks, kikes, spics, etc. All of them will get offended. But only blacks freak the fuck out, and only blacks insist on calling eachother derogatory words. Chinks don't call each other chinks. Jews don't call eachother kikes.

It's not just nigger either. Coon, chimp and other words have the same effect. And most of these words describe an unruly/uncivilized black. So by chimping out over the phrase chimping out, they just reinforce the slur instead of ignoring it. They're giving it power. This is why white people don't really have powerful slurs. It doesn't affect them.

Blacks need to chill out. And stop bitching about the police. Fucking hoodrats engaged in crime think the police target them because they're black. No you dumb nigger, it's because you're a hoodrat. And you're the reason every other black person is racially profiled.

But you keep being a hoodrat, you keep chimping out over racial slurs, you keep using those slurs to address friends, and nothing you bitch about will change.

When are blacks going to take responsibility for racial progress? They act like they still in chains.

>Why does nigger bother blacks so much?


Is it just me or does Maher look a bit Assange?
I think it's the same person living a double life.

He was trying to be edgy and it backfired on him.

>be anti asian, anti islam, incest jokes, no problem
>say nigger => chimpout

Wait, Bernstein had Black Panther ties? Fuck, I really like his conducting work too. Jews gonna jew.

so black people get upset when the white man says nigger. Maybe that is a good thing. I'm sick of soulless Negroes running around murdering white people for sport.

>we all know (((hollywood))) is ran by kikes
>still care or click about this scripted shit

if bill maher said "i'm a house cracka" i think that would've been funny and confuse these kike-pilled normies.

It shows him right, Its funny seeing when the left eats itself, no comradery like an fucking cult

I have chosen not to say the word nigger around black people myself, not because I am afraid of the consequences, but because I don't want to give them the excuse to spout off endlessly like these two baboons. There's always a BUT followed by a bunch of double standard bullshit. As soon as he said, "I accept your apology but..." I thought, "Oh Lord, here we fucking go." It never fails. One more reason to cry about "muh oppression."


lol at this ape using a slur against white people in the first sentence of his holier than thou rant about being RACISS

Listening to those apes lecture Maher about his (((white privilege))) while he just sat there and took it like a cuck was nauseating.

All three of them deserve the oven.

True, also they act as if its some sacred powerful word but its the most commonly used word in detroit's ebonics 2nd edition.
Nigga dis nigga dat nigga gibs or nigga i fuk you up; an average nigger conversation

Niggers: ooga booga box nood

Kike comedian who supports niggers: I'm a house nigga

Niggers: *bix nood intensifies*

>Why does nigger bother blacks so much?
It seems like it's just a basic insult that targets the appearance or attitudes of a person, but it goes deeper.

Insults work by either telling the truth (something accurate to reality) or by telling a lie (not accurate to reality)
The person once insulted then has a choice to make, which depending on a HUGE number of factors can result in any reaction from being unphased and ignoring it, up to and beyond physical violence (including murder and corpse mutilation)

In theory a black person could be completely unphased by someone calling them a nigger, however it would require a set of environmentally and/or psychologically stable elements which i regret to say most american blacks simply don't have.

Namely the deep belief and understanding that they themselves belong in america, that they are wanted in their own or other communities, that they believe or know they've done no harm or have given benefit to that community by their participation, that they have participating meaningfully in events, that they are accepted in the power structure of the larger society, that no one actually believes the insult to be true if it were stated in a crowd, etc, etc...

When you say an insult, it's usually (not) surprising to find out what does and doesn't work, given the person you say it to.

A monkey in clothes.

Poetic justice seeing this liberal faggot get scolded by the niggers he loves so much. Also, Ice Cube shouldn't talk. He had some of the most racist lyrics back in the 90s.

And slightly more:
Wether or not the person actually knows what the word means in the insult doesn't matter, just that the person senses an insult has been laid upon them. I seriously doubt anyone knows the exact definition of the word nigger or even where/when it originated from, as with most racial slurs.

Just like "bastard" a child born illegitamately by an unmarried couple, and "bitch" a female dog in heat.
Most people probably don't know those words even have those definitions, and most people (when insulted with them) don't care.


>Niggers getting pissed because they want to pick a fight.
100% correct.

It's like walking on the street looking, not looking in the pavement, and they walk up to you and start pushing and asking wtf you looking at.

It's just a way to pick a fight, to dominate a debate, to be aggressive and intimidating, while the person you attack aren't allowed to do jack shit in return.

That's why they use nigger constantly towards each other. It's a positive word for them, because we give them power treating them like spoiled children.

guys we should post our favorite nigger jokes in the bill maher youtube comments to piss off the liberals. if bill can make a nigga joke why can i?

what is the difference between a nigger and a park bench? a park bench can support a family.

what's a word that begins with N and you never want to call a black person? NEIGHBOR

look at bill squirming like a little bitch.
So afraid to be called a racist after calling everyone he doesn't like racist. Fucking fitly scumbag.

Niggers love them some fucking white folk.

>dat hurt jus love uz
>kyll dat wyatt boi

I acknowledge nothing. I still want segregation. Live alone and show us all how great your black asses are.

I'm too fucking frustrated. Uppity tunnel vision sub saharan African cry fest every god damn day.

Africa is getting raped by the Chinese and they just can't get over their obsession with whites.

>what's a word that begins with N and you never want to call a black person? NEIGHBOR

exactly. just like the liberals who live in the whitest neighborhoods and send their kids to white private school but call southerners racist because they have to live around black violence and hostility.

He's not getting cucked. Ice Cube accepted his apology and then threw in some invective about how only blacks can use the word nigga. If anyone else had said it, they would be going on apology tours for the next 5 years and their career would be ruined. Maher got away with it very lightly.

I can't stand that fucking jew. He is a smug self-serving little shit.

>ooooh I said nigga
>arn't I a little scamp!!!!!

I dig Cube but he is wrong on this. "We can say nigger but you can't."

That is some bull shit. If color doesn't matter anymore than either everyone can say nigger or no one can.

It's like saying cunt to a cunt. You shouldn't do it but sometimes a cunt is a cunt.

>it's our word

Don't these morons understand. Making something taboo makes people want to do it more. The correct response is to not get mad when someone says nigger.

The face of American Microcephaly

If they don't want white people to say nigger they shouldn't fucking say it every other word, Ice Cube especially.

You made it cool when you go "nigga nigga mufuggin bix nood" and if you don't like it stop saying it nigger

Maher shouldn't apologize and be a fucking pussy for some nigger, he should pull the Jewish oppression card to try to one up blacks

To distract from Seth Rich which was gaining steam.

>expecting a rational response from niggers