Facebook gay emoji

Can anyone confirm this does not exist in countries where it would hurt their market share? Like the Caribbean or Africa? I want to confirm the hypocrisy

We could fuck them if not, and send it over BuzzFeed. Kill profits in any trad country

FB will lose money in Saudi Arabian investment.

wait what? if this is true their hipocrisy would go viral.

Just need an overseas user to check and unleash the shit storm

Bong checking in, no gay here.

Nope. This exist here in Africa as well

so no one from EU, NA, maybe... turkey?

doesnt exist here either but everyones mocking it lol

Doesn't exist here either.


Not here in Uruguay despite fag marriage being legal.
If it was available in my country I'd subvert it though, marking stuff as "gay" as in "fake and gay"

I wonder if people will just use it to call things"gay". That would be funny.

Using facebook is gay by definition.

miss me wit that pride shit

All emojis are gay

But thos are the type of likes that you can guve (i think) All of the other emojis are emotions, but the other one is just homosexuality?
>How do you feel about this?
Sad? Angry? Gay? Happy?

I hope this happens
like, someone posts a video of them doing a lame cover of some song and you flag it gay


Not here in the US

No fag flag here boss

How is that hypocrisy? Social Justice and anti-immigrant maga shit sells in capitalist systems. It's not about spreading progay shit. It's about profit. Just delete your Facebook if you're triggered

No such flag over here in Germany, user.

No sodomite flag here.

Just checked, we don't have it. Are you sure you didn't enable the gay option or visited a lot of gay pages user?

It doesn't exist in Croatia

user, I...

Uh guys. The gay flag shit is real

i can't use it but i see it in here on facebook. Even some retards boast about spamming it on antiabortion groups, antiimmigrant groups etc. so yeah ;/

Ah, they figured out how to add it in without offending their conservative customers....

You have to like the fag page to get it.

I don't want to be seen with these people, so I'm not going to opt in.

The mere fact that there's no Nazi reaction insults me.

Not here, m8.

We don't have the fag button.
By the way, make it into a symbol of the right for the lulz, or not, I am not your boss or something.

No gay in Japan

>not using the fag symbol to troll your friends.

Just use to call someone a faggot.

Every time you use the Pride reaction, you're calling the post, if not OP, fuckin' gay.

Pass it on.

you have to like the LGBT fb page for it too work

This has gotten so out of hand.
>top reactions to this post include "like", "love", and "makes me want to suck a dick"

Do you guys know if the reaction posted by someone who has liked the page is visible for someone who hasn't?

Doesn't exist here

Great now you can tag someone's comment or post as gay. I don't see a problem here.