Tell me why encouraging someone to commit suicide should be a criminal offense

Tell me why encouraging someone to commit suicide should be a criminal offense.



kill yourself nigger faggot

do i really want you to die? Nah.

Should you kill yourself? Probably.

I'm not responsible for words that affect you. I'm not telling you to kill someone else. You have control of your own brain faggot.

rake yourself

because you're responsible ?

kill yourself nigger faggot

do i really want you to die? Nah.

Should you kill yourself? Probably.

I'm not responsible for words that affect you. I'm not telling you to kill someone else. You have control of your own brain cuck.


it's not

You're not responsible, the person who kills themselves is the one responsible for killing themselves. You're not the one pulling the trigger on the gun or closing the car doors and putting on the exhaust.

it shouldnt go kys

She a good gurl she dindu nuffin!

It shouldn't be illegal.

Can I get a basic gestalt?

an hero please

Depends on the evidence. Why take the risk either way.

>implying you have free speech on the internet

Because suicidal people are often mentally ill.

If you tell a retarded/autistic kid to jump off a building and he does it out of sheer retardation, you could be held criminally accountable.

Same idea, except it's depression instead of retardation.

A Candian arguing that we should be able to say what we want. Oh, the fucking irony. Why don't your write to your paper and tell them Muhamed was a pedophile? That's not a criminal offense, or is it? Fucking Leaf.

It shouldn't be. This one did nothing wrong.

Kill yourself faggot.

go jump off a bridge

kill yourself nigger

>bullies useless cuck into killing himself
>this is punished instead of rewarded, for some reason

Because encouraging mentaly unstable person is just as bad as pulling the trigger you fucking leaf.

no its not

You do have free speech on the internet, you can't and shouldn't be put in jail for stuff you say on here unless it encourages violence.

LOL its ok cuz i said he was a cuck after!

im totally a real christian tho

>You do have free speech on the internet
Have you never read the legal shit for websites? I guess not since you're a literal fucking LEAF.

1. How am I supposed to know?

2. Why is it my fault that the person is retarded?

I don't speak for the policies in my country, nor do I support them.

Not if they're Republicans or Democrats. Those people are mentally unstable and should be encouraged to jump off the nearest high building, every last one of them.

Suicides are massive drains on any economy.

maaybe if the dude showed no signs of wanting to kill himself before being encouraged I could see it

but he probably would have killed himself anyway and is better off for doing so because he was a fucking cuck

dindu nuffin

Speaking out of turn should be illegal

>>but he probably would have killed himself anyway
where do you get your basis

>a thing

Nah, it's called being a pussy bitch. I used to have depression, then I quit being a pussy and it went away

you never suffered from real depression

ITT: queers who should actually kys themselves

Found the pussy bitch

Crazy bitch convinced her boyfriend that if he loves he has to kill himself, keeps insisting he do it even after he changes his mind, he does it like the CüCK he is because she made him promise he would do it and she pushes him about not breaking his promise etc.

If he's sending her tons of texts while contemplating suicide he's probably gonna do it then or later.
No one wakes up completely fine then commits suicide. If she had told him not to he'd last for a week until he does it again and she doesn't respond to his text.

>putting on the exhaust
My exhaust system is currently on my car... is that real dangerous?

found the internet tough guy

If you're suffering from actual clinical depression it's one thing, but like 4/5ths of all "depression" cases are just pussy bitches being pussy bitches. It's better if they're dead anyway

This movie's gonna bomb so hard

So if you hire someone to kill someone toy shouldn't get in trouble? After all its their decision to murder someone. You aren't pulling the trigger.

Shes a qt and i know she will get off and everything will be alright. No more tears, you hear me.

Everything will be have me

cos suicide is stupid. It's like you were given the jackpot of existence and not just as a fucking ant or an animal but a fucking human during this time in history where basically everything has been taken care of for your hedonistic needs. Killing yourself is just plain stupid. Even if you are one depressed little fuck, might as well stick it out and comfort yourself with the knowledge that no matter what, we're all gonna be dead in 100 years. SO might as well buy the ticket and enjoy the ride. You'll be dead sooner than you think. Cheers.

can't unsee

It is though after a certain point. A girl just recently got charged with manslaughter because she relentlessly egged on her boyfriend to commit suicide. Regardless of what wannabe keyboard warriors will sperg at you, judges will treat you like the piece of shit you are if you find yourself in court because you told somebody they should kill themselves and the ended up doing it

>tfw obsessed with clinically suicidal women

all of my 3 exes were suicidal(one literally tried and survived in last sec). fuck this obsession. is this white knighthing or some shit? sad women is looking smarter, noble, more loyal and more beautiful than average.

Meathook yourself you nazi.

wonder why she an heroed

>destroying government property should be okay

Like you have not even learned

being a psychologist either makes people soulless or depressed here

Lol she needed a chair. What was she, short?

Because you're actually conspiring to kill someone, which is illegal.

and communism was never tried

>If you shouted fire in a crowded theater and it killed people in a crush is not free speech?

Its not free speech and absolutely prosecutable. Judges tend to be common sense people and absolutely deplore Jesuit sophistry like this. Its wrong simple and she should get 20 years in prison but because she has a twat will get 6 months and a suspended sentence and be free to act as a succubus.

She will probably be on Dr Phil in 2 years time flogging her story for cash like Amanda Knox the little bitch.

Or lazy, you could easily run up and lift your legs over

They're just words dipshit. You aren't in control of the other person. If they are depressed/autist/retarded enough to kill themselves and not give a damn about their life, that's their fault.

It's not like you hired a hit man.

I get your point, but its wildly different.

I'm a psychatrist and I tell suicidal patients to go into the woods without anything. See if that does it. Being in nature, deprived from all the comforts we have in daily life makes everyone realize how lucky we are. Even simple shit as a campfire can cure your depression. If you're depressed beyond believe just buy a tent and go camping. Go primal. If that doesn't work. Do it. Cos life is obviously not what you want. Most of the time suicide is just a cry for help. To get out of the jewish mind machine and all its machinations. Just go camping. See what it does for you.

To the Finnish autist in the other thread:

Stop using buzzwords for trying to compensate your total lack of arguments

Women are as intelligent as men and perform as well academically if not better, they are totally capable of understanding the consequences of their actions.

>You're a bitch because you're not pussy wipped

Sound logic, again, grow a brain you autistic fuck, Sup Forums has fucked with you already childishly susceptible brain.

The fact that you think women are some kind of mentally retarded creatures tells me you don't interact with anyone outside of your monitor, get a social life and maybe we can talk.

>I'm a psychiatrist and i tell people to kill themselves

Most hilariously fake thing I've read

>Even simple shit as a campfire can cure your depression

was planning to give it a go, now definetly gonna try it. maybe my instincts were already warning/recommending me it. thanks man.

also sometimes really feel like screaming, but since it's a "civilized" world, can't do it in middle of a city. maybe if i can find a decently isolated place, gonna scream my lungs out. feeling like it will make me feel good

psychologist of my ex said "you don't have to keep on living, there isn't a rule like that", so he might not be fake psychologist

>being an edgy redneck

Because it is a selfish mind set and a new form of self-victimization. Amount of sympathy and attention obtained by "victim" is directly related to the degree of which the person receiving sympathy/attention was related on a personal level to another having a tragic event. Having a boyfriend commit suicide is a power level victim card she would've been able to utilize for extreme social profit (+/- doesnt matter) in the short term and allowed for minor sympathy excuse profit in the long term. Also gives bonus points in comparing oneself to another's tragic situation later down the road in the oppression or victim olympics. Sad but true state of mind in individuals these days.

>I'm a psychatrist and I tell suicidal patients to go into the woods without anything.

Because often enough suicide is preventable without intervention, and is linked directly to social pressures.

Every time a psycho whore said she would kill herself if we broke up and I told her to fuck off and go ahead do it..... Well I guess that makes me a mass murderer.

Thank god none of them were serious.

I have never driven someone to suicide tendencies, therefore i can't empathize with your shitty behaviour.

Good advice. Tranquil wilderness is the best remedy for anxiety and stress, and it helps with depression in most cases. Its refreshing to the spirit to get out away from everything for a while and just be surrounded by raw beautiful nature.

Sure, if you kept reinforcing that thought and had a decent prosecution.


you worthless losers, i'm posting in this lunatic echochamber to say that she really looks like the eyebrow supermodel

All people are property of the state. As a fucking leaf, you should know as much.

You pathetic commies don't even know what communism is about. All private property is taboo, and that includes your own body.

Just thin your brows you fucking snowflake

>mentally imbalanced person in need of drugs / therapy or just compassion
>tip them over the edge
"It's not my fault they fell over, they were already unbalanced!"

She literally convinced him to kill himself when he was incredibly depressed. She even drove him to the place to do it.
That is incredibly fucked.
Telling faggots like OP to kys is fine though.

For the same reason convincing people to kill other people is a criminal offense; it's wrong.

exactly my point. Changing scenery alone helps a lot of suicidal people. It's giving them a new mind set. Whenever you're stuck. Stop what you're doing and go hike in nature. The smells, the scenery, the simple pleasure of survival and nature is better than most engineered pharma crap pills to numb the pain but not treat the root of the problem. Of course in very severe cases pills need to be prescribed. But most of the time, the cure is to change your environment that you feel trapped or stuck in.