Is it better to be a blupilled normie or a redpilled loner?

Is it better to be a blupilled normie or a redpilled loner?

Weekends nights are the worst, I finished all my work early and just sit in my room browsing Sup Forums or playing videogames/guitar. Maybe I don't have a choice because I'm too geeky but it still feels bad man.

Does anyone want to talk politics or random current events? I'm so bored guys.

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I don't want to be a cityfag but I can't afford to move away, at least for now. It's killing me, and I know I'd likely be taxed to death if/when I become a humble farmer but I see it as the only way out. To actually produce something of value(food) and to actually have land to work with.

It's depressing.. Maybe you can adapt the same dream.. If all else fails I honestly think I'll just go out and live in the woods, pretty close to being homeless anyways.. Damn kikes ruined our purpose, I wonder if IN personality types were actually somewhat happy in the old days, living by and in nature.

You could just suck it up and realize everyone you interact with is beneath you until they prove them self's.

The truth hurts but it will set you free.

If I could be a normie I would, but it's too scary to try

Sucks to be bored, but as long as you feel happy it's fine to be a loner. Get some online friends to game with, it's enough social contact for me at least.

Besides, you always crave what you can't get.

Well you will die in the same way as normies, and then none of it will matter, so you might as well not worry.

the guy that aspires to be a normie is like the guy who gets fit and thinks his social retardation is going to be automatically cured. it's fine to just do your own thing in life and as long as you don't need to take advantage of someone else.

>Get some online friends to game with
I would but I don't know any good online games. I used to play a ton of Dota 2 but haven't touched it in about a year, also I'm not sure I want to go back,

The thing is I'm not socially retarded, I had a decent number of normie friends and even a few Chads I hung out with in highschool. Here at uni though I'm a complete shut in.

then go meet people. if you don't like anybody, just search for a hobby. try everything. i'm kind of going through the same thing. i used to play video games all the time but they just bore the shit out of me now.

I often go to the office alone on weekends and work. I can't stand the loathsomeness of sitting here in my own filth banting about dick size on a tibetan throat singing board.

that actually sounds really comfy...

>then go meet people
That's the goal but for some reason my first reaction is always to avoid invitations to do shit.
>i used to play video games all the time but they just bore the shit out of me now.
I'm starting to feel this too, it's like everything is just a grind and I end up just browsing Sup Forums for an hour.

What do you do all night?

>What do you do all night
Bant about dick size on a tibetan throat singing board like the weekdays, but at least it wasn't all fucking day. Nothing more miserable.

>Is it better to be a blupilled normie or a redpilled loner?

define better

just spend your free time trying every different thing you possibly can. anything you are even slightly interested in. it sounds like you're depressed and honestly, it happens to everyone at some point. you just need some sort of change, even if it's the most minor thing ever. college kind of does that to people if they aren't just there to party for 4 more years.

>define better
That's a tough one senpai. I guess, which one will I regret more?

>which one will I regret more?

That's easy. Redpill. There is still a few generations timeline until shit hits the fan so you mite live out your life in ignorant bliss but it's not really worth thinking about isnt it?

You already took the red pill. There is no going back. But then again why would you want to go back?

You'd probably be a loner even if you were blue pilled

What are your hobbies? Is there anything you may be interested in that you could do with a group?

This. There's tons of normie shit-ins, the idea that being bluepilled will help you have friends is basically just a scare tactic to keep people in line.

*Shut ins, you get the point

That's why I try to work week ends. I have no life outside of work, no friends, nothing. My days off are spent sleeping and drinking. Shit sucks, might as well be making $$$$$$.

Welcome to the club.

Honestly nothing really. I pretty much only play guitar, browse Sup Forums, and do uni work

Fuark dudes, how do we get out of this hole? I can't be the only one who feels like I'm going insane.

You can be a red pilled normie.
Just have to learn how drop out mentally and stop being serious about everything.

>Fuark dudes, how do we get out of this hole?
Learn the wisdom of the stoics and start enjoying the most simple things in life.

Once you swallow that one final glowing red orb, people will start to become irrelevant, and your entire existence will be transformed. You will be filled with true knowledge & confidence, everything else, even your own self become irrelevant in an instant. Then your true journey can begin, and you don't have to know books or what the world told you, you will get fed knowledge on a whole new level....
not many can start that journey though, but if you are among them, you are already chosen for more if you know it or not

So uh, where do I sign up?

you have three options, OP.
1) embrace being a shut-in. keep swallowing the red pill. spend your time reading, lifting, improving yourself instead of wallowing in self-pity or yearning for "the blue pilled normie life". what exactly do you think you're missing out on?
2) if you cannot overcome the urge to "go out there", you will simply have to change your attitude. stop avoiding invitations, or go seek a hobby group, as other anons have suggested.
3) combine the two. view the red pill as a process of self-improvement, first and foremost. let this new competence translate into confidence in other aspects of your life.

Red-pilled loner. Try to find other like-minded people.

A truthful life is usually a lonely one. But without Truth, no meaning can be had.

I think it doesn't work that way... you have to show your worth first, or you will never receive a form in the first place....

that's actually quite brilliant, now that I think of it

Sort yourself out user

>Honestly nothing really. I pretty much only play guitar, browse Sup Forums, and do uni work
wew that's literally exactly me, except I work out four times a week or so too.
>Fuark dudes, how do we get out of this hole? I can't be the only one who feels like I'm going insane.
I would also like to know. I don't really mind it all too much though I'm naturally a loner

> redpilled
> loner

These are mutually exclusive. Knowing truth and being able to benefit from it are inseparable.

1) As a redpilled individual you should be aware of the common thought processes that make 'normies' function. Use these to your advantage. Good books on this are 'How to Win Friends and Influence People', 'Never Eat Alone', and 'Secret of Being a Power Connector'
2) being redpilled means realizing that almost everything you desire in this life is in the hands of other people. Relationships, Wealth, Prestige...they all require the cooperation fo other people. Thus, being able to influence others for mutual benefit is among the top attributes you need to attain to have a high quality of life.
3) You are who you make yourself. Tired of being geeky? Stop the geeky shit and do something else. Join a church (you don't have to believe), start a band, play some sports, join a club, or go to meetups.

>implying Sup Forums is successful

All the keks faggot.

As if you have a choice. You wouldn't enjoy it, that's the whole point.

I've started to notice this trend as well,OP. I have a few friends that are rather like-minded, but not redpilled per say. Not sure what I should do,

Lone wolf is the way to go, the more I interact with people IRL these days the more cynical I get, thank God I work in a pretty isolated position and communicate with the rest of the company via email, for the most part. Get a dog(s) if you need friends
theme song:
Imageboard of Broken Feels

Just re-bluepill yourself. Start with your most "out there" redpill belief and read a shitton of counterarguments.

I'm a redpilled normie. The secret is to exude wokeness with your every action, especially jokes and matters of honor, and slowly your social circle will stop being obnoxious Islam fetishists and start loving Western civilization. You have to be worth changing for though. That's the hard part.

sounds like your life is too easy and you're not being challenged enough.

raise the stakes. plenty of (good) ways to do that.

>Is it better to be a blupilled normie or a redpilled loner?
Yes, but it is too late for you
You have seen too much already

I think the problem is I just look geeky, I'm working out but natty lifting is very slow

Personally I feel good interacting with people. My favorite thing about coming home is hanging out with my family.

Let me know phamalam

>My favorite thing about coming home is hanging out with my family.
Trips of truth, family is good, mine are almost full as on stormfag as I am. It's the useless faggots and immigrants in the general population that are grating to deal with

Solitude is Bliss

brutal suffering seems to be a key element. Getting yourself broken without trying to escape, surviving something most people would flee from might be a good start

Everybody seeks the knowledge, but few are able to pay the price

This may be an unpopular outlook but a lot of fuckers on here get way too caught up in the redpill and bluepill shit far too much. Instead of sticking to one side or the other, just be aware what each offers.

It's good to realize the hard truth, but don't live every fucking day going forward ignoring the more "normal" things in life or straight up avoiding them just because it wouldn't be as "redpilled".

If you do, you'll continue to feel worse and waste more and more time on here instead of sorting yourself out for the better. You have to be rational and learn to make up your own mind instead of being completely influenced by some meme pill.

>don't live every fucking day going forward ignoring the more "normal" things in life
90% of 'normal' things these days are straight up jewish lies or globalist propaganda. Walking with my dogger in the woods is the only way for me to stay sane. Target shooting helps as well.

Now that you've taken the redpill, could you honestly go back to being a bluepilled normie without resenting it, yourself and everyone around you? It might make you bitter, but you're not in denial, or living in ignorance.

aren't you're a cheap bastard

Which one of those three would you say is the best?

Red pilled loser. I hate people and prefer to be alone anyway.

That won't work if you can counter those blue-pilling arguments meant to convince you.

Don't blame being redpilled for your social ills, you can be a redpilled normie, you just have to hide your power level which is the hardest thing

> Is it better to be a blupilled normie or a redpilled loner?
More like blue pilled loner vs red pilled loner. Once you become le red pill you don't just lose your social skills and friendships fag, you probably never had any

Men should be able to entertain themselves. Read some books, play music, play decent PC games, chat online about politics/life whatever, write a journal, research your ancestry, volunteer in your community, there's a whole world out there and it rarely works in your favour unless you make it.

>you probably never had any
but I did

>Not enjoying both.
Learn who to be redpilled with and who not to. It helps cut down on idiots in life and find real people. I tend to just either ignore a person who is too blinded like people who share articles from shateblue. The Comey thing really help cut down on the number of idiots. However there are people who can be just as blind but they are only so because they are enjoying life. Stop being a faggots for memes sake and learn when and where to show your levels.

t. Have a adequet number of friends and inner circle of right Libertarian friends.

Exercise! Lack of it is probably the number one cause of depression. Do anything you can to get as much as possible. Even walking works.

Are they though? Did you actually investigate and ensure they're straight up lies? I'm not saying you're wrong but you're acting very reactionary and seem to view things very surface level, which is no better than being a bluepilled normie. The same way bluepills write off any hard truths, redpilled normies like yourself just automatically assume the vast majority of things are lies, propaganda or something in between, without actually digging into what is a "lie".

This is what I was getting at it with my original post, it's very easy to become a redpilled normie, you have to learn to think for yourself and view things from all perspectives.

>Did you actually investigate and ensure they're straight up lies?
I tend to dig as deep as possible into most subjects, one common theme is money and greed. Then there is the government propaganda, you don't have to look to far to come to the conclusion that the CBC/Global and others spin everything with such a commie-liberal-globalist slant that anything they say is bullshit or a half-truth.

I spent a lot of my life in chat rooms and forums, living my social life through a keyboard and monitor or microphone and camera. I mean it got me laid a few times, but I also had some semblance of a social life still.

Years later I finally got married and have two kids. That takes up a lot of my time and I try to spend time outside of the house playing in a worship band for church, playing pool, random festivals etc etc... I couldn't really name anyone as a true friend, like I Haven't been able to for years, but I am trying to get out of this black hole known as the internet.

what do you need friends for? you already have a wife and kids. neither of my parents have never really had many friends, at least not since I've been alive

...there's no such thing as personality types. Hell, there's no such thing as personalities. that's so kike.