Can someone give me the basic gestalt on civic nationalism? I've seen the term thrown around a lot on here...

Can someone give me the basic gestalt on civic nationalism? I've seen the term thrown around a lot on here, but I'm not sure I fully understand it.

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Bring in the migrants you want to have sex with.

fuck this attention whore get her off my board

It's nationalism based around a concept or style of governing rather than race or common ancestry.

>american cuck fetishes run so deep that selfies taken with other libertarians at a libertarian conference in Mexico really gets them going

against open borders
against Islam
against globalism/multiculturalism
pro mult-racialism
pro-individual freedom

Basically what liberals used to be.

see it gets bastardized into by people on this board, though

it was pretty much the idea that "all men are created equal", although there's a discrepancy if that was truly intended to be hyper-egalitarian, or if it was contextually about white dudes. go figure

It's another buzz word for patriotism

Basically its advocacy of putting national concerns before global concerns

With domestic politics centralized around responsibilities regarding society and maintaining civic traditions

Its akin to fascism in the emphasis of responsibility over freedom, but not nearly as heavy handed

And lastly its focus on who is legitimately a citizen is around those who uphold those responsibilities and traditions rather than a certain identity

The Founding fathers weren't Civic nationalists at all and didn't believe in extending citizenship to slaves/blacks, Indians, or pretty much anybody other than Brits and a select few other groups. They didn't even fully believe in White Nationalism as they only wanted specific European peoples like Brits in America.

Its also a meme for now, something kind of cobbled together from a different bunch of other positions

It can be argued for coherently, but its not formalized in an academic sense yet

19th century liberals were extremely racist by todays standards or they didn't think about race at all.
If you could ask a German revolutionary what he thinks about niggers he'd just give you a confused look.

Civic Nationalism has nothing at all to do with LGBT or individual freedom, those are idiosyncracies of the US so civic nationalism here might elevate them but not in other places. I'd also argue you can be a civic nationalist and pro multi-culturalism.

a group of people who cant get laid are shilling for women who dont deserve it and called it something stupid

its not civic nationalism

It's basically the "voices of reason" of today's society. Most of the prominent people in the anti-SJW movement are civic nationalists.

You could argue it would tolerate mutli-culturalism but I doubt it'd be like the cucked kind of European multi-cult

Probably closer to "Go ahead Achmed and have a mosque, just don't push your sharia or caliph shit"

Pretty much yeah, also explains Trump's whole common man appeal

Hmm an English search term is most searched for in English speaking countries!?!? Get out of here. No way user.

Try searching for whatever german people call cuck porn or whatever swedish people call cuck porn.


Pic heavily related

It doesn't work, you can have an incredibly small minority in a White nation but you can't have 50% white, 35% Latino, 14% Black and 1% other, someone is eventually going to make a move for sovereignty.

If you want an example of what that looks like look no further to the US prior to 1965, there were always blacks and natives within its borders and, since they arrived to the southwest, beans as well, they were just kept at a population small enough that they didn't cause any trouble or assimilated to the dominant culture.

The way I see it, the formula got fucked and perhaps irreversibly and Civic Nationalists are trying to go back to those old days without actually naming the issues that caused it in fears of losing the BASED BLACK GUY or BASED BROWN GUY

If they really are based then they will understand that the demographic shift is going to destroy the country but that would require them to come to terms with some uncomfortable truths about their own race/ethnicity

> cucked kind of European multi-cult
As opposed to the uncucked version of American multi-cult?
> Being expected to worship niggers who flood pop culture, sports, etc.
Face it, America is just as cucked as Europe if not more.


it's a ploy of white genocide.

I wouldn't say American multi-cult is uncucked, just not as bad as Europe

Like at least our right for the most part is against fucking Islam and not willing to kowtow to it (I know McCains of the right are an issue but they're losing power)

>What is civic nationalism?