
Why is it alright to euthanize pets/animals when they get old or diseased but not humans?

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christian guilt

I never agreed with it personally I'd rather take care of the animal and nurse it back to health God knows I am shit at it but that is what I want at the end of the day.

Some folks though will just end their animals life if it coughs or makes a wierd noise or is sleeping extra comfortably.

Greedy children.

Ever do the egg experiment at school? where you have to take care of an egg?

Well some kids smashed their eggs and laughed and thought it was stupid.

These are the same people going around murdering and raping.

>tfw you took in an agg to class that Hatched into a lil babby chook

>egg comes first btw

>hurr i dont agree with it
thats because you never had a pet with some severe illness

why don't you fix its illness? instead of killing it ?

When you go to get cancer removed do you get the doctor to end your life ?

name any illness you would put an animal down for
>Excluding going berserk that is when it is acceptable to put the animal down.

And I will tell you how to cure it all it takes is for you to actually want to help the animal instead of keeping an animal in captivity for your own amusement why not recognize it as another life form with a brain equivilent to its size.

You know ancient humans had more brain mass than we do ?

Sometimes giving them another day to live just means letting the misery make them suffer.

This is the least human thing possible, empathetically speaking.

oh sure animals and people can get to such a state.

But there are people that will put their animal down out of convenience and its only recently human society at large realized animals can feel pain at all.

30 years ago animals couldn't feel pain.

A simple stroll through YouTube would telll you all you need to know.

There are some situations where it's better to not let the animal suffer anymore.

>But there are people that will put their animal down out of convenience
Yeah, idiots hurt my head sometimes.

yeah and I am making a distinction between terminal conditions and stating that animals can infact get better from some sicknesses.

People out there putting down loads of animals at a rate you wouldn't believe stuff like > "my kitten jumped wierd so I drowned it"

yeah they are who I am raging at not someone that put down their 15 year old dog cause of bowl cancer that had eaten away its stomach and there was no hope for a radical therapy.

cause feelings
if i was old and dying or simply dying in a bed and there was no recovery possible i'd want a massive dose of LSD and a trip to the park, sometime after say, i dunno 3-8pm in that timeframe id like to be randomly shot in the head with buckshot

>You know ancient humans had more brain mass than we do ?
That doesn't mean anything

That is what I am saying about animals.

Their brain size doesn't mean anything.

humans are animals
You are butthurt anscestor had bigger brain

I say me no care how big brain is because it no matter

U are doesn't mean anything.
U are butthurt anscestor had bigger brain

I say me no care how big brain is because it no matter

Well then your point was meaningless and a waste of time

Animals are intelligent enough to attempt to communicate with you.

Might be meaningless to a brutish halfwit like yourself not everyone holds your opinion.

The good thing about freedom is that anyone can have pets

The bad thing about freedom is that anyone stupid can have pets.

You aren't saying anything at this point, and I don't recall stating where I stand on the issue, dipshit

This is how I feel as well, Ozbro.

It is in oregon

You fucking stupid animal.
You don't have to say shit you telegraph your every action because you are a stupid fuck

>"Your point about brain mass doesn't mean anything but we are smarter than animals and special centre of the universe sorta being"

Don't worry pal I know your type Anscestors might have had a bigger brain but it might not have meant anything but you sure as fuck make them look brilliant , frankly speaking brain size does not equate to intelligence nor mind and if you take that into account for animals and that we are akin then you start to realize that Hey maybe from the dogs point of view it doesn't want to be in my handbag at the mall and doesn't need to be put down because you forced it to do tricks for your own amusement.

what all of you fail to realize, and what noone has addressed, is the fact that a dog does not know its going to be killed

ITs so much different with a person than an animal, animals have sense of self and have little to no awareness. You could openly talk about how you are going to kill a dog and it wont know what happened until it dies

People are different, people can forsee these things, and the mental anguish that would cause in most people, knowing they could be put down, is too much to bear.

what all of you fail to realize, and what noone has addressed, is the fact that a dog does not know its going to be killed

ITs so much different with a person than an animal, animals have NO sense of self and have little to no awareness. You could openly talk about how you are going to kill a dog and it wont know what happened until it dies

People are different, people can forsee these things, and the mental anguish that would cause in most people, knowing they could be put down, is too much to bear.

Who the fuck euthanizes an animal unless it is terminally ill & in severe pain?

I was once eating pizza and saw this guy park his monster 4x4 pickup truck in the strip mall, which had a vet office. He started whaling like a bitch, and I was like lol wtf. Big fucker. Then he got out and dragged his almost lifeless massive dog (Mastiff I think) dog out from the passenger side and carried it towards the vet office while crying his eyes out to the vet. He even paused and turned around and turned back.

I just stared out the window for a few minutes without moving then left the pizza shop. Will never forget that.

watch this and tell me that Dog doesn't know whats happening look at its paws.

Nice bot PETA
Quite a great deal of people actually.

We Euthanize people too.

woops forgot link

Everyone should just take out their pet old yeller style

>nice bot peta

made a typo in the original post, notice how the NO is in all caps?

what am i supposed to be looking at? its just a dog that doesnt liketo go to the vet. have you ever brought a dog to the fucking vet before?

>We Euthanize people too
But it's not legal in most of the world.

I know, that shit enrages me. "Oh fee fee needs some cancer treatment that's 95% curable, but it costs $3000, so I'll just pay $80 to put her down. A new dog is just $400 anyways. Might as well spend the $2500 on a new Burberry purse!"

it's called DNR

animals aren't people
although i don't think theres anything wrong with voluntary euthanasia or eugenics

As long as you shoot the dog in the head properly and make sure he/she doesn't know what's going on and is happening that's ok. Like give your dog his or her last favourite treat, like a big fat juicy bone, then blow their brains out. Quick, painless, natural. The euthanasia can fail sometimes which results in absolute horrific terror and even fails to kill.

>pic related

Yes many times.

>literally did not watch the video.

And I didn't read your garbage because your spamming nonsensical points of view that have already been debunked by the scientists you coddle up to but conveniently ignore certain parts for your own convenience.

You are a piece of shit face it no one gives a shit about your memes at the end of the day when all is said and done and your shown for what you really are.

Just a screechy yelly spoiled brat.

Good thing I AM THE LAW


Stop posting mate your everything wrong with modern Aussie males

Dude i dread to think of the day my doggo gets too old and sick...I don't want to euthanize him, but i don't want him to drag on like a delayed corpse like my cousins dog that was basically blind, had to wear a diaper, take heart medicine and was fucking senile.

It breaks my heart to jst think of it. He will always be a pupper in my heart.

not really sure thats true.

>And I didn't read your garbage because your spamming nonsensical points of view

>continues to just shitpost

dude stop, a dogs walnut sized brain is not capable of realization of the self.

We should euthanize people too.

Rooster comes first, Hen pretends to make the rooster feel better. Then the egg

You can't tell an old dog who's suffering to not do the things that's causing the suffering.

For example their legs may be fucked up. If they were human you'd say take it easy on the legs. But a dogs not going to do that.

I agree, starting with LEAFS

I am not a millenial dick head.

and what everything wrong is that I refuse to tell your bogus lies.

I think you are what is wrong with our species.

At that point I think it is a kindness to help the creature on its way.

Was an exaggeration.

Don't care how long it takes we are evolving them niggaz.

but where did those hen and rooster come from ?
>This will go on for ages so lets save some time.

Humpty Dumpty

I think you should sleep on it! Get some rest user :) You've earned it!

Rome had to deal with this issue, when loyal family slaves because of age became a terrible drag on a family's fortunes.

Australia should have a mandatory euthanasia program for autistic children, so that we may never have to suffer listening to retarded redditors such as yourself again

Your not even Australian get out of here you fucking muslim cunt.

we never even had the Police Untill you foreign cunts came here.

>doggo becomes progressively sluggish and weak over couple months
>think its just the weather heating up
>doggo no like hot weather, makes feel lazy
>doggo faints on walk one day
>carry home
>next day take doggo to vet
>massive fluid around heart, terminal
>only meds will make doggo feel sick and lethargic
>decide to have doggo put down
>hardest decision of my life
>sobbing the whole time
>rubbing doggos head while doggo fades away
>doggo feels no pain anymore

We put our pets down so they dont suffer. It doesnt mean we dont love them. If we were stronger we would do the same for our family.

I love you, Jackson. I miss you.

>Don't care how long it takes we are evolving them niggaz.

we are not
what are you fucking on about

I kept my doggy alive for years with insulin injections and even injecting him with lactated ringers in his scruff to keep him hydrated

one night starts using the bathroom on himself, throwing up, try to sleep, wake up to same thing. urine showed signs of rhabdomyolysis.

took him to 24 hr vet to have hit put down. took it like a champ. was 15.

later....gave ok to pull plug on my old man. at one point was on vent and guppying, haven't seen anything til you see that.

renal failure. official cod.

lol yes we fucking are.

Always archive
>edition cnn com/2017/01/26/health/human-pig-embryo/index.html
>youtu be/ETfiUYij5UE

your a good person user, keep at it

Because muh playing god

user I want you to know that you will only ever be a disservice to our country. I doubt you do anything but talk shit on the internet and collect dole cheques, and you probably cant speak like a normal person. If you could post from behind an american proxy that would be sweet because its embarrassing to have our flag on your posts, and they are much more similar to what an American would post

You sir are mistaken I am a scientist with numerous accolades in medical science and cybernetics and you are a dweeb that wants to feel important.

because dogs cant buy things.

Because animals are not AS sentient as us, and therefor are incapable of accepting or denying said euthanization.

Because human thought is not fully understood, we, as a society, cannot determine if a person is capable of deciding when and where to end their own life.

In western society, especially here in the US, the means of painlessly taking your own life are readily available to law abiding citizens in most states, in the form of a shotgun. If you are unable to obtain a legal means of ending your life, heroin is widely available, and quite easy to overdose on for someone who has no tolerance to the drug. You get really high, fall asleep, stop breathing in your sleep, and die.

The argument for clinical suicide assistance is silly on a global scale because it isn't a conversation that most of western society is ready to have. That is a result of the fact that if you want to kill yourself, it's not that hard. Just don't do the twist like that fucking moron in china who half-jumped in front of a subway train.

RIP Jackson I'm sure you were a very good dog.

Jackson must have been a good dog. RIP, Jackson.

>If we were stronger we would do the same for our family
If one of your family members were more miserable if left alive it's obvious you would want the same for them as you did for your dog. Government has kept such basic human right illegal which is just bonkers.

>you are just a dweeb that wants to feel important
Nice Freudian slip

Trick question - it's not okay to kill others rather than tend to their suffering as best as possible.

Holy shit man! My dog's name was Jackson too and he died last year from an unknown tumor next to his heart. He fainted on a walk as well.

This is too creepy.

Sorry about your loss, man.

My dog died in my our car in my brothers arms. He was only 4 years old and was suck. I never cried so much, never knew I could. but I will never regret that. Better than dying in a cage at the vet

RIP in peace, pupper. You gave doggo a good life and doggo gave you years of happy memories. Cheers them, user.

Cats live longer, take less effort, dont fucking care if you leave to go to work, dont slobber all over you, and fit in your lap. I had a cat that lived to 20. No dog ever lasts that long. The larger breeds die after 6 to 8 years. It's best not to get attached to such a smart animal that lives such a short life. Loss can fuck your head up forever.


You don't kill him because he's sick, you are only allowed to do it when he's dying.

In Canada you rape your dog and then kill them for any reason.

>Kanada is sehr krank

Die Asianische ist ein hund

kinda tearing up on this end imagining this happening to my pupper. RIP Jackson

Source for this?

but brain size is correlated with intelligence you stupid new zealand faggot