Work Too Much

Pic is my daily schedule. How is the average person supposed to do anything meaningful in America living in this hell?


Here's mine:

8:30am Wake up, take shower, leave for work

9:00am Arrive at work

4:00pm Leave work

4:05pm Arrive at home and do whatever I want until I go to sleep

Midnight: Sleep

What keeps you going? Do you ever feel the days merging together into nothingness?

4:00 and 4:05 is supposed to be 5:00 and 5:05 respectively. Unless i wake up an hour earlier and get to work at 8am which I then leave at 4pm

Not really, I enjoy my job as a software engineer and find it pretty fun. Once I'm home I just screw around with friends on the internet

Every so often I'll go to a convention or do something with friends irl

Two big problems I see with your schedule

1. Ten-hour workday. Isn't it possible to reduce that to eight hours?

2. One-hour drive each way. You should really look into living closer to work. I pay like $300/month extra just to literally live right next to work so it's a short walk for me. Relatively, a very small price for extreme concenience

Yeah thanks for the advice. A lot of it is estimated but you know when you get in a mindset like (Time to get ready for work) it kinda takes up the whole hour.

i wonder the same thing man. i don't have time for anything, i even have to work on the weekends.

Do you work 7 days a week?

Who the fuck takes 3 showers a day?

Shower #1: Relaxing shower to get in sleeping mood.

Shower #2: Smell nice and clean so people at the gym don't make fun of me.

Shower #3: Get all the gym sweat off and smell good for work.

OP loses time exercising and complains about is schedule : HAHAHAHA


Who doesn't exercise?

I prefer to exercise my mind ; and I'm fit.


You're also French, and a faggot. So there's that.

LMAO says a lot about you. Use your body as hard as you want, it will thank you later when you'll be old. I personnally believe that exercising is insignificant. But I'm probably wrong. Appearing attractive is not something I need nor something I admire. But who cares, if you think you muscles matter more than your head go on. Before people didn't need to exercise : they built their houses, have to walk long distances, have to hunt, etc. They were not exercising, they exercised because they have to. What you do today : lifting weight. And at the end : what did you create ?

Btw not hating people who exercise. Take care of yourselves, I can be wrong.

>not exercising body And mind

Fool. If you don't do cardiovascular exercise that means you have decreased blood oxygen. the brain needs oxygen to perform at it's best. You are not reaching your highest potential.

>pay attention to me
You're just NOW realizing that you're a wage slave? Pic related.

>software engineer
Come on now!

I have two a week, you're a fucking ocd clean freak, sort yourself out.

Do you get days off?

You sort YOURself out smelly NEET.

Yeah 2 a week.

Why wouldn't I take a shower as many times as I can? It's relaxing and good. only takes 10-20mins.

Niggers you both souNd like feminised incels. I bet you use peach scented body scrubs and shampoo, also I'm not a neet some weeks I almost do >30 hrs.

What makes you think that I'm not active at all ? Not to exercise doesn't make you a fucking vegetable. Last time my doctor checked my pusle and blood pressure, she asked me if I was a fucking athlete.

As I said, I'm not hating on people who exercise. And I know some people have to because of their genetics and fucked up way of life. But don't come here to complain about your schedule if you lose time trying to "take weight".

6:00 AM Wake up, take shower
7:00 AM Leave for work
9:30 AM Arrive at work (yes my commute it 2.5 hrs)
5:30 PM Leave work
8:00 PM Arrive at home, eat
10:00 PM Sleep

All that for the privilege of working for $18/hr

please kill me

Taking your weight regularly is important and only takes a few seconds. If you suddenly gain or lose a lot of weight it could mean you have a serious disease. Measurements are very important to health.

Fuck. That sucks man.

Sunday morning: love you
Monday morning: love you

I work 12 hours a day, 7 am to 7pm
7 days a week for most of the year. Sometimes I'm gone from home for months on end. Sometimes I'm on night shift and only get 1 day to acclimate.
t.california contractor.
Specialize in biofarm clean rooms and powerplants.

How do you do it? Cold showers, work out when you get the chance (hotel, in work breaks) fap once a week. Eat right, and be a fucking man. I work for my vacation days.

Thanks user

I think I'm gonna quit

Neet bux don't seem so bad

These neetbux don' pay for themself, goy

Oh and that 12 doesn't count lunch or commuting. That means I'm at the site or facility AT 7 and leave AT 730.
The per deim and OT is pretty good senpai

oh ok my bad, man. I thought you were trying to gaining weight. Though what I said is still relevant.

>Do you ever feel the days merging together into nothingness?
All the god damn time hombre, work is just legal slavery.

>What keeps you going?
unfortunately you need money to live, and nobody was unjewed enough to teach me early on how to. So now I'm stuck slaving and trying to learn on my own with the generous hours our jew overlords have given us goyim to enjoy (weekends).

>working out every day
Utter fucking retard.
That either means you don't do it properly, or you're destroying your muscles, take some rest days.

Read the thread, Muhammad

Some days I lift. Others I run. I look sexy and feel very good.

What do you generally do on the days off?
Also what holidays do you get?
Also what job do you have?


I'm a Security Supervisor. On my days off I fish and have sex / go on dinner dates and shit. I have basically unlimited vacation time but I never take it because it's frowned upon to take too much.

Work 3-9 am usually, 30k yr.
Come home and shit post/doof around all day.
Bed around 8. Pretty ok by me.

you're basically a working neet. At 30k/yr.

Good thing people are retards and will never wake up. Otherwise the (((architects))) of this system would be fucked

Or our civilization would collapse into famine, disease and war because no one is producing anything. And the architects don't exist.

>we need people slaving away to produce and market hamburgers to obese people to cure disease.
You will always be a slave. Especially in your feeble mind.

No one is above everything saying, "output 5 more big macs! 30 Cheeseburgers now!". No, it's consumers choosing to eat that shit and restaurant owners spending capital to sell it to them.

>muh capital
It's a fucking abstract concept you fuck wit. It doesn't physically exist. This is why we are all slaves. Because of retarded kike worshippers like you. Literally kill yourself.

Yes it does. People turn natural resources into products and sell them to other people for a profit. Money greases the wheels on this process by providing a medium through which the value of the product can be traded for anything else so long as everyone agrees on the value of the currency.

>muh shekels
Fucking kill yourself already.

News flash. If we all stopped working then we would all die because society is too big to handle the population without constant maintenance of it's infrastructure.

And no, the jews are not watching over us like gods.

Try living with less dumb shit. You don't need all the stupid crap you buy.

My financial situation is fine.

The fact you see your problem, but are posting to pol about it as opposed to changing it is why this is your schedule is like this. There are so many many ways to change situations we do not like.

Oh and shower however many times you like, but never do anything because you are worried about being made fun of. That is one of the worst reasons ever do to anything. And... if you truly feel like you smell without it you might consider that washing away the bacteria that naturally thrives as part of the healthy body ecosystem is being killed by you 3 times a day. That creates a perfect breeding ground for nasty stinky bacteria to take hold. Kinda like overuse of antibiotics having an effect on the flora of your gut.

Good luck to you. I hope you find the time you desire in your life.

how much money do you make?

Dude I only have like 4 productive hours a day. That's not enough time to do shit. I can't quit my job or I will be out on the street.


Sorry wrong poster

Monday to Friday:
>7am start work
>3:30 finish except if there's a need for over time and 2 extra hours are mandatory
>Make about £100 a day if it's til 3:30 more on overtime, can always volunteer for more.
>Get home exercise and then browse the chans, watch YouTube or some history documentaries and talk to friends (occasionally read)
>sleep as much as I need to catch up for any lost hours during week
>read books
>hangout with friends
>Watch Vikings or some other shows with my parents
>Browse 4chins
Only for this summer though, life is good for this student
Oh I also cook a lot also.

10:00am - 1:00pm Wake up, take a shower if i didn't do that day before. Eat something and go to computer. Play vidya/shitpost

6:00pm Eat something. Back to computer

10:00pm Eat something. Go to bed and grab laptop. Shitpost and watch useless videos till around 1:00am to 3:00am and sleep


Bad for your skin if those are hot showers since they're so regular brah. Try cold showers they have tons of additional benefits and are good for your skin

Fucking waste of space.

Thanks. Yeah maybe I'll try that out.

I know gapping is degenerate but I need my muh dick time to keep me sane. 45 min (or until nut) once a week.

I go all in too man I'll pick out a favorite fapkino fix my favorite food get some wine. This is fap hour my friend. Reality at the door.