For good old-fashioned fun, why is there not a single thread discussing this?

For good old-fashioned fun, why is there not a single thread discussing this?

Stop advertising your shitty events, Milo.

get the fuck out

Sup Forums is quickly becoming an entirely NatSoc board, and they divorced Milo a long time ago.


pls get the fuck out of here redditniggers

I remember when Milo used to post on Sup Forums

Because like all faggots, you're used up already. Sorry, sweetie. I replied, but I also fucking saged. Get fucked (if anyone will have you).

Back to stormfag faggot

Kike faggot

He redpills normies and pushes centrists to the right. He's ok to me. Hate that he's a fan of cock though.

Because this brain dead degenerate belongs over on , not here

I'm glad we're ideologically solidifying but its at the cost of most of us refusing to attend events in public out of fear of looking like a faggot.

>Believing the nazi LARPers are serious

no some of us are still just fascist or libertarian
but we are thankfully killing the donald meme
I myself am in the idea of military hierarchy gov fascism

He is all used up

>it's just a big joke lol
reddit pls go

Because Sup Forums is satire, right?

t. The_donald numale. And i'm not even a stormfag


I used to be alright this guy when he first started becoming popular.
I saw him in a debate with some feminist, he had some decent rhetoric.
The guy was obviously a huge fag, but it wasn't ridiculous.
Some people found him entertaining, and this was when disagreeing with feminism and other SJW shit was still pretty edgy, so if he was bringing people over to "our side", I'd be happy.

A year or so later, he's gone full Liberace mode, he's wearing drag when he gives speeches, he's wearing women's jewellery on television, every second sentence is about black cocks, he'd just taken what was a weird facet of his personality that I'd begrudgingly accepted and turned it into his whole gimmick.

He's just a civic nationalist anyway, there's not much we agree on.