How are jews not white?

How are jews not white?

They clearly have white skin, they came from the same regions as other Europeans, everyone else considers them white except Sup Forums

Jews are basically god tier whites that dominate the other whites

Other urls found in this thread:–right_political_spectrum)

They are ugly, and ugly is not a white trait, it means they're mixed with Mongoloids and Negroids.

>ugly is not a white trait


that is a face attached to a human rat who needs to be put in the fucking ground.

1 drop?

I mean, they're Semites (Arabs/Jews) mixed with Euros.

They're bastards that are neither. They aren't ethnically Jewish anymore (over half Euro means you aren't), nor are they Euro. Most in the West aren't religious (the ones that call themselves Jews).

Jews are ugly but smart

They're a specialized breed of white

Why do Jews give off that "reptilian" vibe? They may have some superficial white traits, but there's something off about them. I can feel all my warning instincts fire up when I see one.
Very different from the stern-yet-frank air I pick up from regular whites.

white is synonymous with Indo-European, i.e. Aryan.

Jews are semites, not Aryans.

I believe most jews are genetically sociopathic

>How are jews not white?
why are you asking Sup Forums? why don't you ask jews on some kike forum? they don't think they're white either.

I'm Albanian ghege what race am I?

also the answer is because they have 50% middle eastern DNA.

Only a specific group are smarter than average, and they're within wealthy families; it's like grabbing a heap of smart and wealthy Anglos and then saying they're different to the poorer ones

Israel has an IQ of 98

>why don't you ask jews on some kike forum?

There are forums just for jews?

You can see white Jews because they are mixed with Europeans...But the pure Jews are caucasoid(with brown skin)

American jews seem pretty smart. I have no fucking clue what Israel jews are like.

Because jews smell like sulphur! Whites do not.

Some do, but most are less.

They aren't really Jewish or Euro in the end.

Isn't Israel also like 30% non Jewish, wouldn't it affect average IQ?

American ones, the ones they tested, were from wealthy areas in NYC. Of course they'll be smart.

Go to poor Jewish areas and do the same testing, and they'll be average.

Israel is the best thing to use because it encompasses all Jews.

Albanians are Turkmen

Yeah I agree OP. I always laugh at these idiots who say Jews aren't white and talk shit about them. If they really control the world like Sup Forums claims then that must make them the top race by far. I mean to have fooled everyone else into complacency while being a top tier god race really shows who's smart and who isn't.

Ethnically, the Arabs in Israel and no different than the ethnic Jews in Israel.

Yeah. Like synagogues, Bilderberberg club, many of them.

You may be onto something. It'd be interesting to study the % of sociopaths among Jews compared to other races.

which means that all it takes for alienating an entire civilisation is only a handfull of 'em... pretty alpha if you ask me. But seriously though do you guys really think jews are a monolithic and Bene gesserit like organisation capable of controlling all the worlds fate by planing trans-generational schemes and corrupting societies core cultures ... I have a hard time not seing this as purely fictionnal, it just sounds way to huge

Yeah I never really believed that

I mean there are a lot of people trying to control the world, but they're not all jews

We need a board just for jews


>Semite ain't white kike

Jews threw everything they had at us, and just when they thought they had us, chanting how they weren't white in hope that the niggers wouldn't turn on them too.
The whites started fighting back.. and you know whats next when THAT happens.
So now here they are .. trying to convince us they're white again.
fucking lol

Eminem has been considered a "honorary black" and has the "black card" for the vast majority of his professional career, because he positively influenced the rap scene (a black dominated space) by being one of the most popular artists in their culture. It's obvious that Eminem was a blood haired, blue eyed Aryan, but his actions weighed more than his ethnicity.

It's the same idea as the "Honorary Aryan" title that Hitler gave the Chinese, Japanese, and even a few Jews.

Now, look at the inverse of this idea. Doing something so bad you hurt the ethnic community. In Eminem's song "Just Lose It", he made fun of Michael Jackson, and for a while, a lot of black rappers said he went too far and should return his black card.

Very simple idea, you hurt the community, the volk, and you aren't welcome into the community anymore. The same applies to Jews, their efforts in creating a globalist, capitalist, multiracial world, mainly in white countries, is an attack on our community.

Their skin color be damned, if they are a net negative on our community, then they are not welcome. Saying " isn't white!!!" isnt literally saying their skin isn't white, but that they don't belong in the white community.

White Muslim converts are not white.
Wiggers (White niggers) are not white.
Coalburners are not white.
Communists are not white.
And most importantly, Jews are not white.

>How are jews not white?

They will literally tell you they aren't if you ask them.

Ahhh, I can smell your jewish arrogance and sense of superiority from thousands of miles away. The Jew admires unscrupulous use of cunning to deceive others. He thinks that makes him "smarter", "superior".
In his infinite pride and ego, he has not once stopped to wonder if perhaps goyim have something called VALUES, PRINCIPLES, BELIEFS, A MORAL COMPASS, all of which take precedence over personal material gain. A mind sickened by the Talmudic illness cannot grasp such concept.

>jews are a race

I don't know what fantasy you live in but there are handsome and ugly ones in every race

Where one would have to submit a "sup /jew" photo with a cut penis instead of CAPTCHA.

Oh shit

You opened my eyes

This actually makes sense

>but they're not all jews
nope, but once you've spent long enough on here that you can't help but keep an eye out for it, you notice them everywhere in positions of power, influence and authority. it's uncanny.

sometimes i feel like a black dude who looks up and sees nothing but white people. when i look up there's just so many jews.


jews co-opted whiteness just like they co-opt everything else - they are liars and thieves, they are not true whites

Anytime OP. Nice pepe.

Why it is a problem? Are you leftist?

>inbred, insane semites who call themselves non white

You can only trust one if:
>condemns the tribe for their actions as a community
>condemns the international bankers and NWO as part of said tribe
>condemns and exposes the Talmud

Not so much tb.h, was just listing the usual traits of the global jew conspiracy. I personally have no strong hatred towards socialist ideals, mainly the ones found in homogenous, rich countries, because they don't have a parasitic population that would abuse the system.

While Sup Forums is obviously aware of why such a system would be bad for America, even boomer conservatives instinctually understand it, even if they won't commit the thoughtcrime needed to say it.

Hating international finance/globalist capitalism doesn't make you a leftist

Capitalism and communism are both Jewish inventions to oppress, enslave, and control the goyim.

>they are ugly

Genetics go deeper than skin colour

we need a jewish history month

>trusting a traitor to their own people
why would you do that



In this day and age when rightists talk about workers' rights and leftists demand more government regulations it's pretty hard to tell what exactly makes one to fall into one or another category.

You trust people who love truth above everything else. Even if the truth hurts the reputation of their own people.

It's not as simple as you're making out. Zuckerjew there is heavily admixed with European, I would even wager it's the majority of his lineage, yet whatever Jewish admixture is lingering around in his blood is highly visible despite being so whitewashed he has light eyes and pale skin. A lot of these famous, high ranking Jews are more white than they are semitic, but they cling to their nepotic societies and Jewish identity. Mainly because in Jewish tradition, it's pushed down through the matrilineal bloodline, meaning that as long as your mother is a Jew and the father is a goy, you're still a full Jew.

Point is that Jews are genetically not "white". A lot of people will try to argue in both directions, either that Jews have lived in Europe so long and mixed so much with Europeans that they're now white or that ethnically European people were once Jewish (Portuguese, Italian etc) and have forgotten their roots. This is of course bullshit, as Jews have always been a worldwide minority and are phenotypically different from Mediterraneans and any other European race.

It's not that Jews aren't white. It's that whites aren't Jewish. Jewish the bar. White is the rung below it.

Jews sometimes proudly proclaim that Jews are a separate race, while at other times, they will claim they are white to make all whites look bad.

There are genetic markers that prove Jewish heritage.

wise words, but the actions of the tribe that we hate and they would be condemning are often just intelligent, selfish and tribalistic acts that ensure the survival of their people. zionists lobbying america for support of israel's genocides would be condemned by us, but for a jew to do it is traitorous to all of their interests as a people.

>genetic markers that prove Jewish heritage.

It's not that confusing if you understand how neoliberalism, globalism, neoconservatism, and identity politics works.

Leftist identity politics gives cover for neolibs, neoconservatism, and globalists (in other words internationalist, financial Jews) to rape the world. Everyone is too focused on white privilege to notice Jews are ruining the world economy, and even if they do notice that Jews are importing millions of non white into Europe, mainly as a scheme to create a housing bubble/cut wages, they're fine with it because orthodox identity politics demands the death of the white race anyway.

They are the descendants of Cain

Impossible to test, sociopaths have no compulsion about lying as do most Jews I've conversed with, so getting reliable test information from either would be impossible. Also, that would be antisemitic.


>How are jews not white?

~50% non-white DNA.

With this in mind the only legitimate opposition left to the current globalist order is some form of nationalist movement that puts the well being of the people of a Nation over the well being of a few rootless cosmopolitan jewish financers.

Trump tentatively promised a system like that but failed to deliver

Nope, every single Mongoloid and negroid is ugly.

Maybe you could make a case that they really are white, but Jews play the double game, where they claim to either be Jewish, or white, as if they are separate races, when it is convenient to them.

They treat it like dual-citizenship for race, but without being mixed. Because of this alone, they deserve to be gassed.

Youre just butthurt you retard swede

>are often just intelligent, selfish and tribalistic acts that ensure the survival of their people.
Sure, but at the expense of the rest of humanity? It's not their intelligence we condemn, but something else There's really only two sides to this fight.
Truth and courage vs Deceit and cowardice
Whichever you pick, you necessarily oppose the other.

They're not from Europe and they hate and want to destroy Europeans bitterly now fuck off you subhuman kike piece of shit.

based freeman
perfectly put

It's funny when some burger mongrel calls blonde jew non-white.
Dear Americans: You're not white, haven't been long time. Deal with it.

Which jew made capitalism?

>this is the state of america
>they actually defend shitskins now

>Sure, but at the expense of the rest of humanity?
most polacks would probably feel the same about the european future. they'd happily see us prosper at the expense of all others. in the choice between tyranny and slavery some choose one and some choose the other.

the Jews have been persecuted a thousand times in their long history, sometimes justly and sometimes not. but whatever they've been doing has allowed them to rise to the top of western society and many societies before that, without ever being made extinct by annoyed emperors or enraged populations. and for all those cunning scumbags directing post-modernist propaganda, you get Einsteins and other geniuses who are not cunning but are just super intelligent.

>There's really only two sides to this fight.
it's really not that simple. whether Jewish persecution has been just or unjust is a matter of opinion, and usually depends on who you are.

the jews dont even consider themselves white, why should we? the only time they consider themselves white is when they're criticizing the white race

>this is me
guess if im a kike or not bonuspoints if you get it right.

Well, it's clear who's who but my point is terms "left" and "right" (–right_political_spectrum) were basically made obsolete in western politics. Both sides also seem way too reactionary to me to be called progressive or conservative. See, even this words mean nothing today because conservative doesn't mean backward anymore just like progressive stopped being good.

They are not white because they don't want to be lumped in with people that are being equated to facists and racists, which results in them, as a group, being punished and attacked for literally everything. White people are now the world's punching bag and the jews want no part of it because some of them are perpetuating it.

Welcome to being 2nd class citizens white folk. Until you rise up and defend yourselves, you'll always be the target of jealousy and hatred for doing nothing wrong.

jews are evil incarnate