When will you realize that there's nothing wrong with Universal Basic Income?

When will you realize that there's nothing wrong with Universal Basic Income?
We might not need it now, but it's the thing that's going to take us through the incoming Automation age.

To achieve a Universal Basic Income, you require a tyrannical government.

>being less useful than a robot

>Everyone gets $2,000 a month no questions asked.

>Suddenly the price of every commodity service triples.

What could go wrong am i rite?

As a result, the government has to step in by building affordable housing. The ones who tripled the rent suddenly have nobody left who is interested in their housing, forcing them to lower their rent in long terms.


Death is necessary for any kind of improvement.

>hey guys what happens if we gave everyone a flat rate and then everyo.. oh God why is a cheeseburger 20 dollars ahh fuck

Fuck your inflationary welfare scheme.

You want a space age welfare system? The government takes control of your bank account and pays for any healthy food, water, bus/train transportation and rent (if this system is successful) you pay for with that card. This is for adults, children obviously don't have cards so lunch and dinner is provided at over funded public schools.

Otherwise, sales tax is ceased because it too just makes everything expensive, income tax is replaced with 5% increments from 20% to 65% and I quite like carbon taxes, especially if they're only used to prop up nuclear industry.

Oh, and pay for your own fucking university with loans, it's literally the definition of sound investment if you choose something that both pays well and that your race and gender is allowed to do.

I know diddums, I know. Think of it more like being less useful than someone with a computer and a programming development environment. That's actually who is replacing you, the programmer just hacked reality to be in many places at one time.

Likewise, the YouTuber replaces the news reporter and the Sup Forums shitposter replaces the philosopher.

>Building over the greenbelt for blacks and muslims.

Mate, I'd rather cut off my penis with a rusty bread knife.

>get basic income for everyone
>everyone stops doing anything useful
Where are you going to get the money for basic income then?

>maximum prices

No experiment has ever been performed in which the UBI had to be paid by the recipients themselves. EVERY experiment so far featured a huge external capital influx. It is that capital influx that provided the community benefits. Not the UBI.
'Automation' is literally a fucking meme used to scare the people into socialism. It will provide more jobs, not less.

Yes because artificial government price ceilings make things cheaper like in the Soviet Union.

>robots that will be able to repair themselves and other robots wont have an impact on the means of production


>how does economy 101

Dumbass. If cars are capped at $100 no one will sell cars.

Well that or you force the building owners to only demand what their apartments are actually worth. Either way, the free market wont guarantee housing for everyone for acceptable prices. It doesnt do so today and it won't with a basic income.

>means of production
Commie kike detected

The only way it would work is if you tax peoples potential to create value regardless of whether they chose to work or not. High IQ, healthy, fit or otherwise productive workers would not receive a basic income, they would receive a basic tax bill payable regardless of whether they have actually worked. This is equivalent to forced labour

basic universal income is a retarded idea, because it will change absolutely nothing, yes you get some $$ on your bank account, but this $$ won't buy you anything, cause anything worthy will cost so much that in order for you to get it, you'll have to go to work, money will become pretty much useless on Zimbabwe scale

Who decides what they are worth? You understand that prices are currently set by what people are willing to buy/sell for on a second by second basis.

>We might not need it now, but it's the thing that's going to take us through the incoming Automation age.
It'll speed up the automation age, you moron, when people who do work and get paid need to be paid more to offset the basic income, their production value will decrease, thus perpetuating the need for automation, eventually everybody will be out of work and living off the basic income, assuming it can be provided indefinitely and doesn't lead to an economic and social meltdown

>automation makes production cheaper and more efficient
>universal basic income somehow increases prices anyway

Good economics, Sup Forums

tell me again how money isn't a jewish invention?

>refuses to address argument and spouts nonsense about a phrase used as a label to discredit poster
strawman detected

Value is not determined by cost, centralised calculation of value in any meaningful sense of the word is only possible with complete knowledge and then would require the simultaneous optimising of literally millions of equations.

A loaf of bread that takes a million man hours to produce is not worth more than the same loaf produced by a process that requires one man hour

it increases prices through inflation, fucking huemonkey

Have you seen what happens to people when all aspects of survival and hardship are removed?
You'll see the birth of Slaanesh.

When people have more money they are willing to spend more. Stores will capitalize on this by increasing prices. Those who work get more money on top of the universal income so they can buy more.

We wind up with the same system as currently just inflated.

What alternative do you suggest when all low skill jobs(50% of jobs in existence) get outsourced to robots because they make less mistakes and are cheaper to "employ" than humans?
Genuinely curious.

Yes, but in the end this argument is rather a pro basic income than a con.

The competitive market has a hands off eugenic effect that rewards productivity and punishes parasitism. Poverty, inequality and all those other mean things you want to eliminate will only grow as you pay for their continued survival.

You want to encourage laziness? Because that is how you do it.

You're thinking top down. The economy is from the bottom up. Society will need these people otherwise no one will have capital to spend. So it will fix itself.

Capitalism is a self correcting system.

Automation only makes products and services cheaper once they're used on a massive scale. As said, there aren't going to be improvements, if anything only drawbacks.

Then again, didn't expect a huenigger to understand economics.

Except I didn't say it wouldn't influence the means of production. I said no net jobs would be lost. You have some fucking guts accusing me of strawmanning.

>capitalism will self correct 50% of the work force no longer having anything to do

The magic invisible hand, you fool

Human brain = meet people and advantage your ingroup at their expense = human civilization.

Universal basic income is only sustainable for a time.It won't be enough money for people to go out and spend it to stimulate the economy. It may be enough for people to scrap by month to month. This is a scheme of the central bankers to keep the fiat money printing going for a time. This will bankrupt governments before long. Universal basic income is the central bankers effort to keep a dying economy afloat.

Yes Goyim, Universal Basic Income will free you up for so many fun activities. Please destroy your entire structure of civilization so you can come into the warm embrace of the state.

Net jobs being lost is a moot argument considering that for the length of civilized history, every new emerging industry created new jobs to keep up with population growth, as society becomes more autonomous and digitized, jobs creation not growing with the population renders more and more people unemployed, what do those people with no jobs to do, do with themselves?

If not enough people are employed and earning then no one will have money to buy products. So these industries will either die or find an alternative. Also, those who do not produce will perish, which makes the problem go away through attrition.

Eventually left to it's own devices a median stable population will hold at which Productivity matches Income.

people used to haggle. jews didnt like the price of goods being up in the air like that. they wanted something they could control. insert currency. fast forward today. they crash markets as they see fit when its time to invest in another nations currency.

Nope. That comment fully addressed and deconstructed your subversion succinctly. Lampshade yourself

Prepare for Hyper Inflation when this is instantiated. Screencap this and buy a rope while it is still cheap.


>the government has to step in
Eternal votes, eternal struggles, eternal maze.

I don't know. But creating government jobs with fakes money isn't the solution.

There's not going to be basic income. Nobody is going to pay you to eat and breathe through your mouth all day. The vision of a completely automated world is HIGHLY speculative to begin with and may never come. But, even if it did to us still have to find some way to offer value to other people in order to eat. And if you couldn't, then you'd starve or die at 35 (like people do in Africa).

I don't believe in automation, because robots have to be made, they take up loads of resources that are expensive already today, I think in the long run a hard working low payed job done by a human being is cheaper than having a robot

A robot never tires. Never eats. Is always 100% productive. Doesn't need benefits. You would be a fool not to get one. I bet they will finance them to businesses. Like multi-purpose robots for rent.

You treat growing unemployment due to automation as if it's a given fact but it isn't. Automation has been going on for hundreds of years and not once has it led to mass unemployment. A shift away from manual labor, yes, but that only opens up new doors with new jobs behind them. This has always been the case and there is no valid reason why this time would be different.

Universal Basic Income is the new trendy slang for the kids to say "communism" these days?

Who would build those buildings? I mean if I could use the same time for enjoyment and self-improvement, I'd really have no interest in building any houses.

Currently I'm both designing and constructing buildings, which earns me a good sum of money. The first one (design) I could continue, but good luck getting me down to the construction site to do actual work.

But the fucking leeches only do the enjoyment part.

No self improvement, no helping others and no meeting other people.

I agree, but this is only plausible, if people are able to adapt and aquire new skills to be productive in the new labor market.

Literally this


That's what humans do fuck face. We change, adapt and build our environment. Don't underestimate people.

People sure as fuck won't adapt if you pay them to sit on their ass all day.

The urge to survive is a strong one. Provided with the right incentive people will adapt to changing circumstances.

Yes, it is and they will "print free money" to pass out to the public. This will kickstart the Economy at first. But the value of the fiat currency will go down and spiral out of control. The result will be hyper inflation and a collapse of the currency will occur.

>Thinking the government will let any retard have as many kids as he wants or hell, any kids at all when the gov has to pay everyone just for existing

And thats off the top of my head

How many other freedoms would this shit trample

free income scares people the same way fire scared cavemen.

People have forgotten that money is a commodity itself.

Not everybody is able to adapt and just will ask for handouts.

the difference being universal.

robot is not 100% productive and never will be, cause it is a machine, it will fail, need upkeep, maintenance,

Yes of course. But i've also learned that the free market generally ignores low cost apartments anyway. The problem already exists today. A basic income will not solve it, but neither will a free market.

There was never a period in time where machines were capable of learning, as we are seeing now.

Factories created automated processes that required humans manning the oversight and building of the parts themselves, machine learning is capable of taking over at this current time. Why would a big business employ humans that require being paid on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis, when they can outsource that labour to some japanese chink company that offers machine learning capable solutions?

Businesses operate as cost effectively as they can, im not saying anytime in the near future is this going to be possible, but certainly within the next 2 decades or so, there will be a massive hit to how many humans will be employed, claiming "automation has always been a thing" is not true in the intelligent automative capacities that are available in the modern day and age.

You need to grow out of socialism.

It just serves to creat more beraucray who drain you with taxes.

Instead promote the free market.

I'm all for a minimum hourly wage or at least to mandate that workers and employers have to base the compensation in their contract on an hourly basis to prevent overworking.

My homeland for example has a 350 Euro minimum wage.
But it's calculated on a monthly basis.
So you work your self out 12 hours every single day without rest for this small ammount it slowly erodes at your person.

it's an even lazier form of communism. communism actually cares about having a productive society (at least in theory). these UBI retards actually managed to come up with something worse than communism

>work after basic income

>implying anyone would work if the government payed people to not work

They will die. Life is a struggle and there is no free lunch.

t. into level economics major

"Hey our robot failed and/or is unproductive!"

"Alright send it back here's a new one."


Wow that was easy.

Wow, I just stopped in on this thread to tell you how much of a fucking faggot retard you are OP.

Seriously you have no concept of economics whatsoever do you? Fucking. Idiot.

Alright, see ya later.

The NIT is where only a poor person who was left without a job because the modern job crises receives $15,000 enough to live on because they were in need.

The UBI is where millionaires and billionaires like mark cuckstain receive $3000 in their mailbox and the poor cant afford shit because its ""universal"" and had to pay for everyone rather than targeting the people who were screwed over by the automated economy.

Nice welfare system UBI cucks.
You didnt think it through too much.

At least the population will be skimmed to a more sustainable level. We have been living on the back of cheap energy. As soon as the supply's lines cannot be maintained shit will hit the fan.

Ill take a large Big Mac meal, extra side of fries.

So, who does the work?

This Universal Income bullshit is like Communism-Lite

Fuck off, Commies

We will not walk in fear, one of another. We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason, if we dig deep in our history and our doctrine, and remember that we are not descended from fearful men — not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate and to defend causes that were, for the moment, unpopular.

It's communism minus any economic thought whatsoever.

this will never ever work, also it will kill men forever and we'll be in male genocide

This is what happens when an entire generation doesn't learn how money works.

I like this one, I hope the people will be able to listen when this point in time occurs. It is about taking responsibility and grasping the opportunity's in this moment.

>in the next 20 years, businesses wont need plebs anymore to produce their goods and provide their services
Nothing will happen, thanks chief economist of buzzfeed

>>implying anyone would work if the government payed people to not work

Actually thats the problem nowadays that basic income would fix. Nowadays you get unemployment money in most western societies. Often this is enough to have a basic living. If you take then a simple job you life doesnt get better, but instead you just lose the unemployment money and have the same living standard. Thats why many long term unemployed people and espeically in europe lots of 3rd world immigrants have no interest in working.
With basic income EVERYONE gets the money. Even Richie Rich would get his lets say 500 € per month. But then if someone takes a small job, he will get his salary on top of that. So working pays off again, especially for the poor and uneducated who could only stack tin cans in a supermarket as a job.

Basic income will make people more motivated to work then the current systems of food stamps, unemployment money, housing allowance etc etc

I think this is the big misunderstanding most people have about basic income.

are you an imbecile ? do you believe robots will be given out for free ?

Tho I like the idea of universal basic income. The attached picture is wrong. "Money to live" and "self improvement" are connected for most ppl. If everyone had the money to live, most would give up on any form of self-improvement. The virgin NEET numbers would go through the roof.

Why the fuck would they be?
>what is warranty
>what is an investment in the short term to maximize revenue in the long term with the removal of human error.

Businesses will rent them.



Work makes you free

Who remembers the predictions that, by the year 2000, we'd have flying cars, and hoverboards, etc?? So this new batch of retarded are speculating that, in the near future, we'll have machines that invent and build and repair each other... so we need worldwide welfare payments (starting now) to prepare for it.

Give me a fucking break. As far back as you care to look, people have been making false predictions about future technology. Why don't you lazy, neet faggots just go get a job already and stop rationalizing your present uselessness?

Ya. At best you're just going to have AI's working alongside humans checking vitals or diagnosing shit. they will make humans more productive and capable.

Introductory Economics is all one needs to see how flawed UBI/Communism is.

basic income is the only way you're going to get women to stop entering the workforce instead of becoming happy homesteaders early in life. Men will still want to work and be productive and it will make all the trades/service industry jobs increase in value.

An entire generation of entitled little cunts
You shouldn't be able to have children or vote if you don't pay tax this problem has gone too far
Cut our losses and remove the weaker of the species who cannot bring themselves to work hard
Just look at the youth vote for labour in uk
And when you try and talk to them about why socialism and communism don't work they just can't understand/ignore your hate facts

this is the only acceptable response here.