Oh don't mind me...

Oh don't mind me, I'm just the objectively better social drug and an effective painkiller with minimal side effects and no risk of physical dependence, still I'm illegal in most western countries.

fuck off with your nigger lettuce

You cause mental illness. Then the mentally ill people convince themselves that weed is the only thing that "cures" them.

Why don't you stop drinking as well as smoking?

Ever thought of that?

This, it gave me a serious mental illness

Social drug? Weed is cool and all but it makes me very letargic and slow. I can't really talk or do anything social while high.

Because drugs can be fun user

I smoked for years as a teen and now i'm here so yes it gave me autism

I smoked it for 14 years, since my 16 birthday. Now I can't because it gives me psychosis.

>fucking around with substances for fun

That's pretty degenerate right there. Plenty of fun can be had without drugs.

Youre doing it wrong try just having sex on weed and only using it for sex

You smell like diabetes.

You are mental illness

And mental illnesses are genetic

Now explain how taking a prescription med everyday is different
And yes I do mean fundamentally
It's not apples to oranges
More like apples to apples covered in shit and sold by jews

This. Fucks you up.

Weed makes you apathetic and kills your vocabulary, it's never normal people that use it.

Fuck weed do speed

I smoked weed in high school and subsequently developed severe anxiety and depression which basically ruined the latter years of my youth. I'm still fighting that shit 15 years later.

And where does this happen ? who are these people who set out to create mental illness ? what city & building do they work in ? do they call a meeting daily where paid employees brainstorm on new ways of creating mental illness ? No ? yeah didn't think so either.

I walk into a clinic and buy it here without any doctor note. You just show ID.

I use it to sleep, ever since my motorcycle accident I've been a major fuckwad and I don't calm down ever when I'm left to think alone in bed.

I mainly use weed in social settings or for sex, I'm not kidding, an orgasm when really stoned feels like it's a minute long and much more intense.

It's literally the best thing I've ever felt

>taking a controlled dose of a pill everyday vs blazing wildly varying amounts of a drug of wildly varying potency

really makes you think

Are we also to not mind the stench of diarrhea stricken cats in a bag set on fire that you junkie failures spread around.
Tell you what, I will be strongly again the weed as long as it is used by social reject who vote Sanders and shill for social justice.

Why haven't you tooken the lsdpill yet and realized that doing it helps curb addictions. I used it to quit smoking cigarettes and drinking every day

Drinking is fine because it makes you drunk and you know this. Weed fills the room so your getting some of the effects without "consenting" if you are around it.

Fuck off antifa

Pot reduces productivity. none of your 'muh strains' arguments are valid. it reduces productivity and thats a fact.

>reduced productivity of citizens reduces country's GDP
>Sabotaging your country's GDP is unpatriotic.
>being unpatriotic is for faggots.

And when the Muslims install Sharia Law in your cucked country, you can forget about smoking anything ever again as they behead you while raping your women and children, Klaus.

You Germans need to get rid of your pro-cuck, pro-EU leaders, overthrow Merkel, and run the Muslims out of your country before you can even lecture another person on what substances are or aren't illegal. Stop posting here until you can grow some balls and actually fight for your country instead of posting on Sup Forums about weed, you fucking worthless kraut.

degenerate faggot

You already had a mental illness Patryk.

Is that the world's biggest nug or the world's smallest girl?

I was a straight edge in high school and subsequently developed severe anxiety and depression which basically ruined the latter years of my youth. I'm still fighting that shit 15 years later.

Seriously. Never drank or drugged until 25, ruined everything because all my friends did drugs and I left. I never got pussy or developed personality until I smoked.


actually, no. they are cool with weed.

It's just a bunch of nugs packed together.

But I'm SÅ‚awek

No it doesn't. The people who say that "weed causes mental illness" are retards who already had an underlying mental illness that the weed just happened to bring to the forefront. Don't restrict my liberties because mentally ill faggots like yourself can't handle the smoke.

Not if its smoked by Infidels, which all Germans are, even if they are too cucked to realize that.

Not to mention mentally ill people smile as a form of self medication.
Voices get too loud and negative? Mellow them out with some fine bud


Don't cal us retards
>Voices get too loud and negative? Mellow them out with some fine bud
Sure... they would just become louder


>hurr durr someone told me water was good for me so I drank 10L and died

The dose maketh the poison.

>Don't cal us retards

It's like rubbing a magnet on your TV to watch the pretty rainbow colors.

so your assertion is that the weed brings out a preexisting condition, but somehow the weed has nothing to do with it? if it isn't caused by the weed, then the weed is the catalyst.

it's not like you weren't twisting it up throughout prohibition. christ, crybaby stoners are the worst.

My problems began to arise immediately after the first time I smoked weed. The day after I felt fucked in the head, and had my first ever panic attack. From then on, I began having them multiple times a day, and the rest is history.

Maybe you shouldn't smoke then. People allergic to shellfish don't try to prohibit shellfish.

>The people who say that "weed causes mental illness" are retards who already had an underlying mental illness


Anyone that has issues with using cannibals are simply mentally weak.

Day of The Stone

>so your assertion is that the weed brings out a preexisting condition, but somehow the weed has nothing to do with it?
If the condition is already there than the weed has nothing to do with it.
>if it isn't caused by the weed, then the weed is the catalyst.
So what? Lots of things can lead to mental breakdown. Near death experiences, poor life choices. Anything can be a "catalyst". Once again, quit trying to steal my liberties because you're a mentally ill faggot who can't handle the smoke.

There are two different kinds of productivity. One is where you personally have a task that you perform, and where your productivity is measured in the time it takes for you to complete that task. Another type of productivity is the amount of value that is created each time a transaction occurs. These aren't the same thing. For example, if you dig a hole quickly, you may be productive in terms of what your labor has accomplished. But if nobody paid you to do it, you added no value to the economy. In fact, from an economic point of view, spending labor creates no value in itself, it is only when you sell your labor or the fruit of your labor to someone else (and you value your labor less than the person buying it from you) that you're actually being productive economically.

Weed reduces the first kind of productivity, since it makes you more lazy. This doesn't necessarily mean it will make you less productive from an economic perspective.




No, my brain just overreacts creating visions and delussions

Weed can be both the catalyst and the cause of psychosis in a small percentage of people, as well as depression in an even larger percentage of people. There are many studies on this.

Well other people find it relaxing, so don't fuck it up for them just because you're a sperg.
I don't know how I'd handle those occasions when I'm tormented by visions of alcohol was illegal. Probably suicide

How much is too much?
Like a joints worth or so a day?

Or they don't want to damage their bodies.

>implying people don't get depressed
>implying they don't pay jews for expensive pills which alter their personality
>implying cannabis isn't a safer and cheaper natural alternative

Remember that you're on the side of the establishment, the government which is taking handouts from the pharmaceutical companies and brainwashing poor fucking like you into taking mr shecklesteins addictive benzos or opiates or antidepressants while hating on safe weed which does a better job and people can grow on their own easily.

It's almost as if prohibition removes the availability of responsible dosage information from the marketplace.

Really gets my noggin joggin.

Weed is only fine in small doses.

>Well other people find it relaxing, so don't fuck it up for them just because you're a sperg.
What the fuck are you even talking about? I don't even think weed should be illegal. I just think people who smoke it are fucking idiots, just like people who smoke cigarettes. But worse, because potheads delude themselves into a false sense of security, which is why so many of them are so un-selfaware.

Depends on tolerance.
Weed isn't like other drugs, doesn't destroy your body.
You just gotta make sure it doesn't destroy your productivity

You go be productive for fucken Malcolm, i'm gonna smoke some weed and sit back while you do the work.

i dont know if it is the incessant moaning about muh liberties, the circle jerking arguments, or the fact that you guys are always the least dependable in any group setting.

i use weed occasionally. it makes me stupid. i do it alone because it makes me stupid. you flaunting your niggory diggory is one thing, but honestly, just keep your self inflicted stupidity to yourself.

blaze it faggot.

If you smoke daily you have a problem user

If you smoke weed even occasionally you should also invest in a vaporizer, you don't fuck up your lungs

The two times i smoked i started puking like i was going to die
So I dont give a fuck

but dawg weed is degenerate and for niggers
don't get jewed by the eternal herbal jew
use meth

Pharmaceutical antipsychotics help me tame my mind, weed does the opposite

Puking? Because you were coughing or it actually made you nauseous?


>had back surgery a year and a half ago
>i can still feel the metal in my back
>painkillers stopped working so i stopped taking them
>was offered medicinal marijuana
>refused because im not fucking retarded
i'd rather suffer than take something that stops me from studying or functioning like a normal person
i have enough bullshit as it is, and im pretty sure it wont help my DID

>Oh don't mind me, I'm just the objectively better social drug and an effective painkiller with minimal side effects and no risk of physical dependence, still I'm illegal in most western countries.

Literally dude weed lmao

Youre taking too much. Start with a tiny bit and work your way up

Stop abusing medicine faggot. Some people actually need it and you give it a bad image.

Sucks for you OP. In an hour I'll be bakin' for the rest of the day.

It has psychological side effects like the probability to produce schizophrenia outbreaks, and the physical comes along with the tobacco. THC is a natural compound made by cannabis plant in order to narcotize birds and every other animal so they don't get eaten, and only insects can pollinizate. It's irrational to smoke it, but is the people who gives pot the value as placebo for trauma and "recreational" drug, which is nothing but a bunch of potheads socializing on a lazy way. If u gonna do drugs, do the ones that boost you and don't interfere with your life.


Anybody who drinks alcohol is a faggot, and faggots can suck my dick.

>Nigger Lettuce

>narcotize birds and every other animal so they don't get eaten
Do the birds and animals light it? Because without a heat source it won't do shit.

actually i think both pharma and weed should be avoided as much as possible

>faggots can suck my dick
Doesn't that make you a faggot too? It takes a faggot to make a faggot, after all.

I enjoy smoking weed occasionally, like one or two weekends out of the month, but people who think it's some magical cure-all are fucking retarded. It can relieve stress and pain, and most of its other medicinal benefits are more effective in extracts rather than smoking it.

You can totally become dependant on it, its bad for mental development in young people and frequent use makes you lazy and unmotivated (at least for most people, I have met exceptions)

if you'll get me a citizenship i'll gladly suck your dong

it makes you dumb, it DOES have dependance, and you are a fuckwit and nobody likes you, and you stink.

That's the joke.

>with minimal side effects and no risk of physical dependence,
You forgot to add "a massive fucking liar"

Have been vaping about a joint worth a day for the past week or so.
Feels good

Faggot nuemale drug.

OMG why the hell are we still talking about weed !!! It is degenerate

you gotta source m8, or are you just here for the bantz?

It makes you very aware of the meta-narrative. It doesn't surprise me that the Jews in this thread are getting upset by its use.

i dunno why, but my back pain gets worse if i smoke...maybe edibles are the better route for pain

>better social drug
Strongly disagree unless you mean the voices in your head
>effective painkiller
Mostly discomfort from sleep deprivation. Otherwise wtf are you talking about?
>minimal side effects
Try zero.

How does vaping compare to smoking? At least in terms of high and amount consumed. I've heard it's more efficient and healthier for your lungs at least.

try a cannabis infused balm

Yep it's especially useful for shit brick weed. It basically super charges each hit.

not as degenerate as your sub human race and your religion you piece of shit jew.

Or a fuckin aspirin