Why is it that when a good flat earth thread starts, it gets wiped but a million slide threads persist DAILY NON STOP???

If FLAT EARTH is such a worthless subject thats easily debunked, why delete a good discussion?

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This isn't Sup Forums related. And Flat Earth doesn't deserve discussion anyway.

Shaq wasnt supposed to open his trap about the earth being flat FYI

I started being gangstalked after I tried redpilling people on flat earth

How is our taxpayer money funding NASA's CGI operation not a political topic?


Fuck it, Im dumpin and bumpin


Why would you want to discuss this DUMB SHIT?

Clouds are not completely opaque, you can even see it in the pic that only the thinnest portions of the clouds appear trasparent, because of the strong light behind them (most clear in pic 2). Also this is not politics related which is probably why it gets deleted.




If the earth is flat then what's beyond Antarctica?

Go and debate it on /sci/

AGAIN NASA recieves BILLIONS in taxpayer money, yet where is the oversight on spending?


it's simply unbelievable that flat earthers are real breathing human beings with a pulse

when you go on youtube, you can find flat earth videos with tens of thousands of views, good ratings and a ton of upvoted positive comments

there's simply no way all of them are trolls

Watch these videos and try to dispute the science he presents.


But with the images you are posting you are debating the science of it, not the politics.

what is light fragmentation.

ever wonder why you only see sun rays when it's cloudy


Is science always right? Why do NYE and NGT say the earth is ACTUALLY A OBLONG SPHEROID yet NASA shows us perfect spheres?

Nazi map

What is the scientific reasoning behind this anyway? The visual trickery or clouds behind the son.

Okay I'm actually kind of curious, how does that work? Does someone have a diagram or something?

> Go to most east point of Russia
> Cross border

You are now in Canada. Theory debunked

It's more sad than anything. I've yet to met a flat earther in real life, it looks like most of them are americunts.

By science I mean mathematical calculations that prove a theory in this case.
Watch the fucking videos.

spin a bucket and water stays in it even when upside down

You're missing the point (litterly)

Why is this hotspot so small if the sun is so big?


So an ice wall? I wonder if there could be new lands and civilizations beyond




Sphere Earth was a deception made by ((Scientists)) inspired by the King deceiver Lucifer to hide the reality of what we live in.
((They)) did it for control and manipulation purposes. He did it to turn up down, right left, flat to a sphere. The purpose to hide God from the masses. The same people against the flat earth are the same people for muh 97 percent climate science and evolution. Evolution is as fake as the sphere earth.

SeeCan do that in a flat earth too

First of all, water doesn't always lie flat - look up hydrogen bonding

Second of all look up newton's law of universal gravitation to understand the physics behind gravitational attraction.

If you don't know literal basic physics, debating you on these topic s is useless. No doubt you'll just refute this by saying "hurr physics is fake".


yah way out

Theory of gravitation***

If you can't even cite properly gtfo

Are you kidding me? I work on the ocean, yet I can't see the coast. Why is that?

Ive already seen this smug asshole talk himself to death over this shit. He makes a poor case. I used to believe the earth was round and I watched these videos to prove to myself it was after learning about flat earth and seeing raw footage


All the ancient greek math and pretentious science in the world can't make me unsee hard proof.

Theres no measurable curve or speed of the earth. Something is wrong in the heliocentric theory. Maybe the earth is round? But its not the correct measurements we've been given.

>What is gravity
Dumb burger

>It's finest

Bright object with translucent object in front of it.

Find me an image of the flight path pitched on a spheric rendering of the earth rather than a flat map first lmao

Blind as a bat desu

Lel it was more or less proven in writing that the world is round in 200 BC through Eratosthenes. People thinking the world was flat is a victorian era meme.

Poo in the loo not in the street, ok pajeet?

>Why is it that when a good flat earth thread starts, it gets wiped
I know I'm reporting all of them on sight.

>doesn't understand what a theory is
>doesn't understand that a theory isn't just some guy doing a lot of guess work

because earth is an "obolong spheroid" by such a small deviation that you can't say it from those pictures. it's literally like an extra 30 meter or something compared to the size of earth

I know this is CIA level bait, but if the earth is flat, then explain the Coriolis effect. Fag.


Lands the Jews don't want you to see.

Of course it's political.


All go up in smoke when the earth is flat and you are at the behest of a far higher power..

The Government have removed peoples faith in God and transferred that power to themselves by saying the earth is round. The whole world order as it stands is based upon the globe.

A flat earth removes any power and control a government has over you the instant the world population is aware.


In a flat earth wouldn't flight times increase as you go further out from the center? Pls explain

Why is this a problem for you? Just let them have their thread. Conspiracy theories are a common thing here. Let them talk.

Ever seen a waterdrop?

LOL maybe sarah palin was onto something when she said she could see russia from alaska

>calls a theory a law
Ok senpai, I guess I'm he one who doesn't understand what a theory is, oh and btw, just because it was written down in a book doesn't make it so, have you proven gravity yourself?

She never said that fag. That was Tina fey.

It's a problem because they deliberately come to Sup Forums for a reason. They wouldn't last 2 seconds without getting blow the fuck out on /sci/. As somebody who regularly browses both boards I can tell you that the people on Sup Forums aren't scientifically capable to discuss any of this shit without making me cringe.

If the round earth is spinning 1000 mph, how do planes make up for the difference?

So here's the thing that stops me from getting behind this. why do the stars spin in different directions in the southern hemisphere than in the north?

>line in the first pic doesn't even follow the horizon
>line in the second pic is superimposed over a mountain range
>line in the last pic does show a curve
what is this trying to show?

> get old telescope
> See spheres in space

Theory debunked


Literally citing exactly what I mean by its name and you still come back with your predictable, unintelligible, retard-tier grasp on science babble.

That may be, but I have glasses to correct my vision which I wear, so instead of calling me blind, explain to me why I can't see the coast on a clear, sunny day, no humidity, and the temperature is about 55 degrees F so there would be no mirage.

because the planes are moving relative to the rotation of the earth already

Why don't you move there and send us a nice postcard?

Put water in a bucket and spin the bucket in a circle holy shit the water stays in the bucket when it is upside down.....centrifical force is an amazing thing.

>reddit earthers

Try again buddy



I don't know, that doesn't answer my question though. I'm genuinely curious about the flat earther answer to that

You should write science fiction

are they under the impression that Donald Trump is a flat earther?

According to official NASA imagery the uninhabited Australian desert is full of cities.

What exactly is your point

>worthless subject
>good discusion

Do you see why people hate you?

good rebuttal

So the ayys we sometimes detect are actually just advanced snowniggers from the outside world. Now I truly see.

Why would they increase?

Space isn't real

They said it was (((fires)))

Damn, I wish this was real. I'd love to stand atop the ice wall look down on the Earth and then venture off in search of other worlds.

Planes move relative to the frame of reference of the earth.

If the world is flat whats keeping us to the ground?

Also what will happen when we flip the earth?

If the world is flat whats underneath it?

Cant we go to space if we tunnel underground?

Why arent we tunneling underground to go to space?

Why arent flat worlders digging down to prove the earth is flat?

If the earth is flat, how come the sun can shine at the underside of the clouds in the morning/evening?

You flat earth people brighten up my day.

>tfw IQ

Your answer is illogical. Planes move every direction. If the earth rotates counterclockwise, planes flying away from the rotation would have to fly further as the earth spins, vice versa flights flying counterclockwise would have a shorter flight as the earth would spin toward their destination.


It's a picture. I'm guessing the light from the sun is so strong that it overshines the clouds, making it look like the clouds go behind the sun. I have yet to see an even slightly compelling argument for flat earth.

Jesus is this what becomes of the mind when it stop caring about and trying to attract and mate with women.


Look at those circles, the space in them increases as you go out, in the same way (if the earth was flat) wouldn't we take way longer to go from Australia to South America than New York to London?

Why are you programmed so hard to believe the earth is a flat disk hockey puck? We've only been able to drill 6 miles, who the fuck knows whats underneath. The flat earth could be fucking endless!

Look at this footage, do you see a curve or an edge?


Planes lift of with the same speed at the earth is rotating. Any acceleration in any direction only changes that initial speed. Walk in a straight line at a constant speed with a ball in your hand and throw it up in the air. The ball rtains the speed with which you were walking, it doesn't just go up in the air and miss you when it comes back down.
