ITT: Your favorite red pilled YouTube channel

ITT: Your favorite red pilled YouTube channel

>Murdoch Murdoch ftw

Other urls found in this thread:

stop shilling, fatlord

>stealth rare
>from reddit
what a shame


nice try CIA


NATSOC uploads

Good music videos desu senpai

>Doesn't even know what stealth rare means
Go back, and takd your e-celeb thread with you.



Lauren "6 million" Southern

>Murdoch Murdoch

It's like some edgy 16 year old faggot shit out a stupid idea they thought is the coolest thing in the world, but is actually redditier cringe.

>Sargon of Akkad
>Chris Ray Gun

maybe laci green in the future aswell, she took the redpill pretty hard it seems



He's not perfect, but he's comfy, informative and meme-worthy

Laci Green is just shilling for views. She's being smart because she knows that the left is over and the right is the new counter culture. She's just doing what all attention whores do: attention whoring.




Have you actually watched any of his content or are you just shit posting?

Alerta Judiada produces the best NatSoc videos. People who reupload them like "The Impartial Truth" also make some good stuff themselves.

Adolf Hitler's Warning

Joseph Gobbels’ Warning:

mollyjew is controlled opposition

Turd Flinging Monkey

>c-c-ccontrolled opposition!!!

take your meds schizo

All of these people are purple pilled at most

>murdoch murdoch
>t shirts
oy vey give me the shekels

Youtubers need patreon because they can't make money off ads anymore


hahahaha nope. kys fag

they can get a job
remember old youtube? when everyone did stuff for fun and not for money?


I only watch the most red pilled individual on all of youtube.

Found the alt-light reddit cuck

>she took the redpill pretty hard it seems

i miss 2002

I like Lemon Molotov a lot for it's production quality.

I guess his videos got a little too big and he's had to go into hiding tho.


That's not the only thing she's taken hard it seems if you know what I mean...

Talking about miles of penis fyi.

Paul Joseph Watson
TJ Kirk/The Amazing Atheist
Andy Warski
Roaming Millennial
Some Black Guy
Chris Ray Gun
Blaire White
Louder With Crowder (his Cenk Uygur impression is incredible)
Daily Wire purely for /ourjew/ Ben being based as always

>Everyone falling for the most obvious bait

The sad thing is Sargon is a bigger cuck than laci green

Nah mate, their Patreon got shoah'd
As for their t-shirts, well thats a different rabbit hole all together

Jesus christ that list is awful

Pretty much all of those are fucking cringe tier. Fucking ghost yourself.

>/ourjew/ Ben being based as always
Off yourself

Murdoch Murdoch
America Renaissance
Stefan Molyneux
black pigeon speaks
brother nathanael
red ice tv

that's basically my sub list


RageAgainstTheStorm is pretty good. She seems to deeply care about her countries.

Anybody follow this channel?


Murdoch Murodch is supposed to be satire but some how it comes off as a semi-serious "animation" promoting purity spiraling amoung the groups in the alt right via anoying and mentaly impaired strawman.

A race mix is a race mix, you can't say its only 1/4th

Don't forget to take your meds today

She does, but she's also ashamed of it too at the same time

I do senpai


50 replies and nobody has posted the greatest right wing youtuber of all time?

I really think these guys are subversive elements, I mean, the main character is an addict. What does that say about the right exactly, I see it as an attempt to delegitimize the right.

i don't think he watched any of their videos, he's probably just some kike shill

>making video content to a Production company so they can take most of the profits, give you a salary and dictate what you produce
>this is a normal and respectable job

>making video content and distributing it on Youtube, having the viewers who like it paying you directly and giving you creative freedom
>this is somehow bad and "e-begging"

I will never understand how people still think this way. Are you just very low IQ? Can't you see that your thinking doesn't make any sense? You're faulting people for NOT giving most of the value of their product away.

coal oven, bald, sheltered
personally his humour is pure cringe to me also he's to casual in clickbaiting and drama bullshit

Sargon is ok I guess so long as you see him for the glutton he is

If you haven't seen Nxschell, you are not a Sup Forumslack

I'd buy one of their faggy tshirts if the international shipping wasn't so high.

Man being European right now must be such a fucking raw deal. It basically was boiling a frog without it knowing. I can't even imagine a world where our government is more concerned with some edgy kids on Sup Forums vs people blowing their country up.


topkek, parallel universes still make me smile

Skookum as FUCK!

Mark Dice
History Truths
The Impartial Truth
Esoteric Truths
Real Truths
Patriotic Populist
Politically Incorrect

>B-but none of them name the Jew!

The Alex Jones show. My life has never been the same since he introduced me to the fact that there are psychic interdimensional vampires

How is life in Liechtenstein?

Colin Patrick Flaherty

based david wood

Political Islam


kill yourself

These two, plus Chef John.
>you are the heinrich himmler
>of your fried chicken dinner

The Only One.

It doesn't get more Reddit than Murdoch Murdoch.

ITT: Sup Forums thinks it's MM shilling their own channel instead of leftists shilling it to make it unpopular because Sup Forums is full of contrarian faglords

Naked Ape

Kraut and Tea

I wish he'd stop associating himself with the Amazing Atheist and his fat fuck friends tho

Chris Anderson
Russel Lindquist

Dreamy Diglot.
I wanna marry her, make babies with her and fuck her for 5 hours every day.

My chakras were vamp'd by one of these a few years ago. I've been a husk of a person ever since.

Shills love to shit on Murdoch Murdoch, because it's exceptionally well made and powerful. They're scared to death of it, or at least the people paying them are.

Any answer than Morrakiu makes you a fucking cuck.

This. Murdoch Murdoch is great and people here are getting on them for trivial shit. Most of these people reek of subverting leftists.

i hope this is a meme

NakedApe is at least funny

Mladic did nothing wrong

Quit shillin' unless you've posted new content.

>Mark Citadel
>Gaelic Neo-Reactionary
>Granville Thorndyke
>Expanding Overton
>Apollonian Germ
>Survive the Jive

and the ultimate red pill

>Eric Orwoll

lionel nation, I am a russian hacker


Brother Nathaniel
American Renaissance
Granville Thorndyke

You fuckers need to watch some fucking Thorndyke.


"I don't wanna be a butt-head..."

I applaud you for triggering them so HARD.

Fucking watchmojo?

Prageru as well

what? their character for reddit is a fat faggot who sounds like a squeaky toy

My favourite.

He is a rate traitor with an asian gf.