I Debate Socialists and Win Everytime. Sarcasm is the Language of Capitalists

If you ever debate a socialist just use sarcasm, socialists aren't smart enough to understand it. I just use sarcasm. I don't even listen to the other guys arguments i just use sarcasm because only capitalists are smart enough to use sarcasm. Here's a conversation

>Socialist: blah blah 1% wealth increase GDP doesn't benefit the people blah blah blah all new wealth goes to the 1% blah blah
>Socialist: Some bullshit about how newly created wealth is made by the ""working class"" but benefits the ""owner class"" or some bullshit
>Me: Alllllright ooookkkk sure buddy
>Socialist: "Wages haven't increased in 35 years but inflation, productivity and GDP has gone up. We aren't richer but the national wealth is getting richer"
>Me: IDK man but guess what has gone up, and guess what is getting bigger, MY COCK!

Everyone fucking laughs it was dope as fuck. That is how to debate a socialist, you just use sarcasm, he looks like a dork and you look like a genius who just couldn't give 2 fucks. I am basically like Ben Shapiro 2.0

What kind of shitposting is this even?
Day of the rake when?

The worst part is, this isn't even satire. This is what you people actually believe.

This leaf is dumb as a stump.

This isnt regular shit posting
this is
advanced shitposting

WTF, I was expecting praise not this bullshit, get your asses back to /leftypol/

Or how about you go back to /leftypol/ if you love socialism so much

>rightist pretending to be a leftist pretending to be a rightist
Looks like you tricked us!

Sure buddy, suuuure

bumping your thread so everyone can see how retarded you are

SAGE if you are just going to make fun

No. This is how you rightists want to behave. You don't get to hide from it when it's inconvenient for you.

you seem like a tool OP

I'm really drunk right now so don't say too much shit man

t. socialist

So am I but I'm not a fucking retard. Deal with it.

Libertarian, me bucko, you just look like an enormous cockgobbling retard here. I don't know where you live, but I'd put good money on it being the backwater middle of fuck-all nowhere, where Bobby who went to the local community college thirty miles away is the most educated person around.

Holy shit you're stupid as fuck

Why are you trashing college?

Rightist are really bad at debating socialists. they only use ad hominems and have not even read the communist manifesto or anything

I'm not reading that trash. I only read books by Sowell or Frederick Hayek.

Do you live in a bubble? I thought only liberals did that? Are you afraid of new ideas? Do you need a safe space?

I don't want to hear new ideas, i only want truth!

Ah, so you don't know what I mean by that. Cheers.

Pls project more, leftofascist scum.

Cringe thread

M8...he won...you made no counter-points.