White guy says "NIGGER" and gets beat up by black guy


Is this guy an allegory of Sup Forums ?

and fly away like a pussy*

I doubt anybody on this board would go up to someone and say nigger to their face while still being tough, I mean, these people are too scared to talk to attractive women


Bullshit. I am only on this board because it values free speech and I like the memes. I dont even watch anime.

I beat up leftie punks and niggers a couple of times in my teens, its literally nothing.
Especially uppity niggers and muslims are scared to death when you dont stand down and actually do something to them

>Especially uppity niggers and muslims are scared to death when you dont stand down and actually do something to them.

Hans pls.

Lmao sure you did

>Niggers confirmed for being Niggers
Nuffin new, chimp dindu nuffin

Gee I feel bad for the guy who was using violence in response to words.


>everybody must be a autist loser virgin like me

consider suicide my friends

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You don't taunt wild animals until your a safe distance away from them

>getting your autistic feelers hurt by some fag making vibrations in the air at you
>proceeding to harm said fag
>feel justified

Really got my amygdala on the ball

Take notes pol virgin pussies, this is exactly what will happen to you if you ever utter this word outside of your mom's basement, it's called the real world

Pussy betas shook af watching this video, as u shud be pussies

>sent into furious rage with a single word
>wonders why people think he's a subhuman

Had a somewhat similar encounter at the store I run. Got into it with some darky over my return policy after which, he proceeded to call me a "peckerwood". I asked him to hold the insults because "we both know I've got a better one." Then I told him to leave.

Your country is slowly committing suicide and you can't do shit about it, how's the EU going friend? Be careful you don't like an anti-migrant meme on fb you might not be so tough in prison when you get enriched by your peaceful muslim friends


Srsly tho leave the real world to alphas basement fags

>Be a good goy
>Don't challenge mayn truth

>This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

You know damn well this board is a shithole.

I'm disgusted by males who think being a twink with long hair is acceptable.

if a nigger acted violently because of some words that would only prove our point, that niggers are animals with no self control

Why are you so triggered? Your post made it seem like you shit in your adult diaper, is that true?

>look how shit it is goy
>go away
5 posts by this ID

Niggers once again showing they can't win without niggering.

I'm strong, tall, and not scared to fight. I guess that's why niggers leave me alone.

>gets beat up by niggers every week

Stop projecting Macroncuck

I declare this thread by the authority of sharing a flag with Adolf Hitler to be now a NIGGER Hate Thread
>Post your best chimps for the Fuhrer

Hahaha this is why pathetic racists like people on Sup Forums should keep their racism and edgyness to the internet. A lot of people say horrible things here that they wouldn't dare say to a black man. Pathetic.


>keke minaj



Austria why so racist? Do you even have blacks?


t.eternal anglo with nigger blood

I'm not black stop acting like a retard

>says its ok for one guy to beat a another guy for saying a word
>acts like its a good thing

caged in prison, migrant homes or rather wild KZs. But doesn't matter if they arrived here to die, still to many.

Fuck off Frenchie

years later, from inside a prison cell, young Tyrone would wonder to himself why nobody ever taught him why it's not OK to commit assault against people who say things that he doesn't like.

dumbass just proved niggers are violent.

whites win again.

But you act like a Nigger defeatist scum.
Take the rope pill NIGGER


He got beat up before he said nigger. I LMFAO when he ran down the hall. Nigs always beat up dork spaz white guys. I would have wrecked that nig for instance,

Poke a chimp with a stick see if yo ass don't get beat.

Flag has history to backup claims

You're a fucking pussy. No wonder a couple of shitskins with knives can terrorize our entire country. Hit the gym and take up boxing, most niggers are shitty fighters.

just think, america is 13% nigger

call a nigger a nigger you deserve to get ktfo

I'd never call this nigger a nigger.

On the other hand, I'd break his jaw if I needed to... he doesnt know how to fight.

Not many blacks have studied martial arts.

Now, if you know how to fight you might kick my ass, but most people who train dont go around insulting people needlessly or picking fights anyways.

> #Don'tTriggerTheNigger

Babe I love you

niggers are animals, what more proof do you need He should have remembered the 2nd amendment always protects the 1st

Make a thread for this operation and link it here.

In 1942, the U.S. Supreme Court established the doctrine by a 9–0 decision in Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire. It held that "insulting or 'fighting words,' those that by their very utterance inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace" are among the "well-defined and narrowly limited classes of speech the prevention and punishment of [which] … have never been thought to raise any constitutional problem."

The complaint against Chaplinsky stated that he shouted: "You are a God-damned racketeer" and "a damned Fascist". Chaplinsky admitted that he said the words charged in the complaint, with the exception of the name of the deity.

For this, he was charged and convicted under a New Hampshire statute forbidding intentionally offensive speech directed at others in a public place. Under New Hampshire's Offensive Conduct law (chap. 378, para. 2 of the NH. Public Laws) it is illegal for anyone to address "any offensive, derisive or annoying word to anyone who is lawfully in any street or public place ... or to call him by an offensive or derisive name."

haha 1st Amendmend

Whites are truly the beta race. No one will help their fellow white. They'll probably say he deserved it because he called him a nigger. It's sad to see the white race has fallen so low.




Why are Germans so fucking autistic?

We need to get back to the glory days.

>say nigger
>use physical violence like a nigger
>is a nigger

They were 1vs1

>Germanic Crimes
Good goy leaf

Its called Darwinism

>Sup Forums is one person



Your people have destroyed civilizations from the beginning of time.

The leading role of killing White People has been commited by Krauts

I gotta say user, at this point it's every man for himself. In Africa all the people are well built because everyone else died, and a lot of people did just from the harsh environment. This is our time to prove we as individuals are strong enough to survive. Im sorry if this sounds edgy but not everyone will, but in the end we will be collectively better for it.

This is exactly how it would go down

Is a nigger chimping out over being called a word niggers used every single day (fuck your hard R nigger tier justification) a good example of the inferiority of niggers, and why they are called niggers in the first place?

>nigs assault random people if they say a bad word
>wonder why they are in jail so often

White people are smarter and they need to start acting like it.

Dumb ass americans fighting over mean words

>The leading role of killing White People has been commited by Krauts

>Enlightenment subverted faggot communists

Germs are the flame keeping the west alive through the phoenix meme and with a little help from the Cisleithania

lol witeboi knocked tf out!!

It's like you are so unaware of the reality that Whites are the leading cause of death to Whites.

srry ahmed, u got BTFO



It's like idiot leftists have never met actual chads before.

WOW, so this is what freedom looks like...

No, this is

>From enlightenment subverted communists proceeding of destroying the west
Pick one

Why is she dancing like an arab if IDF?

This is what non-freedom looks like, Gulag Style.

So many things going wrong.

lots of arab jews in isreal

dude this is basically the equivalent of someone
walking up to you and your gf, slapping her ass
and telling her all the things he wants to do to her in bed

there are some things that people can say to you where you either walk away with no dignity
or you fight

JIDF please btfo
Everything that is Jew is disgusting.

>Being called an insult is a just cause for violence

Whites, because they have been killing themselves, conquering lands, and genociding eachother in all directions since before the Roman Expansion.

>too intelligent to say nigger


Israelis are pretty based desu and they're not a bunch of faggy surrender-monkeys like you, Jacques, you arrogant piece of shit.

Yes it is.
1. as if jewesses were allowed to dance like slutls
2. disgusting fake blonde hair
3. she's jew, so she's disgusting.

>Black guy suckerpunches guy sitting at his table and then throws a chimp out
Average day in an American school.

I don't know why blacks think beating someone when they aren't expecting it is some kind of badge of honor. Even the strongest man can be killed in his sleep.

If they think superiority is how loud they can yell "OOGA BOOGA DOOGETY DOO" while swinging clubs and fists around, then they have no place to wonder why so many people think less of them.

it is when the word nigger is given so much significance. we've turned it into an unspeakable, shocking no-no word

Israelis aren't based they're as filthy as paliniggers.
>burning palinigger olive trees
>they're not abunch of faggys

Do not asume your world is the same as the average Sup Forums user.

Don't reply seriously to shit like this guys. It just makes him see right.