Can any LGBTfags explain this to me

Can any LGBTfags explain this to me

Leftcucks keep saying "gender is a social construct and is not the same as biological sex"
Assuming that statement to be true, why do trannies want to change to the other sex? They say their gender is not aligned with their biological body. However, if gender is a social concept then how can they be born the "wrong" sex?

Is this some complex jewry?

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It's called enabling mental illness, of course it's not going to make a lick of sense dumb hue.

except no lefty is pro-lgbt.

and no, liberals aren't lefties

Of course it's some complex jewry.

Gender roles are socially constructed. Gender isn't, gender is your psychological sense of self. There's numerous studies that show trannies have feminised regions of their brains. That's not any way to reverse this, it's just how they developed, might as well let them transition. However permission to transition should be more rigorous as right now many people just get confused and can't separate not fitting into gender roles from feeling a disonance between your body and mind (gender dysphoria).

>There's numerous studies that show trannies have feminised regions of their brains

not true

>Gender isn't, gender is your psychological sense of self

there is no such thing. gender=sex, the idea of the separate gender outside of the biological realm of reality is bourgeoisie postmodernist garbage.

You clearly have no understanding of psychology then. But I'm guessing you're the Greek guy who flips out in every fucking thread trannies are mentioned in then posts ugly trannies from a folder you have saved for totally non-masturbation-related purposes.

Don't try to reason with them logically. It is simply illogical bleating and mob think of people taught to sound intelligent without actually thinking.

That line is spouted to confuse the listener into what trans folk really want: to be put into a body of the opposite gender.

That will never happen. Ever. So the next best thing is radical surgery and a high dose of hormones to make them feel and superficially look like the opposite gender, even though even the trappiest trap is identifiable as a trap with a minute of close scrutiny.

"Gender is a social construct" is itself an inherently flawed mantra because although gender identity IS in large part ascribed via social constructs and institutions, it's based in cold, hard, undeniable and immutable fact: men are men, women are women, actual hermaphrodites are a very rare abberation and they're the only ones with the right to claim "i'm polygender afluid sexqueer"

TL;DR it's simple jewry that only serves to reaffirm existing leftcuck brainwashing. It doesn't convince anyone and it never will.


modern psychology is swayed by the lgbt lobby and has been swayed since the 70s. psychology isn't a science in any stretch of the term, but it's trying to be passed as such in order to justify it's "conclusions" as scientific.

if you want to look into some psychology that's not postmodernist garbage, you'll get a better grasp of why what we call psychology today is a joke.

gender dysphoria is a very real thing, but the belief you're born into the wrong sex is simply a psychosis of a sick person and nothing more.

There are indeed numerous studies that show this, and numerous that do not, which is why we rely on metastudy for topics like this.

No full or extensive metastudy of transgenderism has evidenced a physiological basis for transgender.

>leftcuck brainwashing

again, it's the right wing liberals who spout lgbt idpol not marxists. learn what the left is before actually talking shit

t h e r e s n o s u c h t h i n g a s n o n b i n a r y

a n y o n e w h o c l a i m s o t h e r w i s e n e e d s t o b e p s y c h o l o g i c a l l y e v a l u a t e d

and it's brutal to boot

Even if there are trans girls and trans boys, even if gender is a social construct like they so rigorously claim, at the end of the day there's still only two genders. There's no "genderfluid", there's no "agender", there's no "pretzelqueer".

what the fuck are you talking about
LGBT niggotry is literally pushed by leftists, libcucks and other cultural marxists
the right wing is completely against any of that shit

lol, there's no such thing as any of that tripe. It's scale-shifting 101, the genderfluid, agender shit is promoted to foster acceptance of trannies was promoted to foster acceptance of fags was promoted to foster rejection of traditional values. There's point A they want you to concede, but it's so ridiculous that you never would because you aren't insane. So they come out with point B which is somehow even more ludicrous than point A, and now you're conceding point A simply to compromise in rejecting point B.
Then they go back to pushing point B and come out with point C and the cycle continues. It's neurotic exacerbation the whole way down and the purpose is control of thoughts and destruction of probity and reality.

Nigga we ain't got gays here lol, we got blonde tourists we don't needs to be gay

Sexual reassignment surgery can only be performed on people who are disgnosed with certain mental illness, and in some cases to people with sexual chromosomes abnormalities (like XXY) to help them feel normal with their messed up body.

I believe the argument goes that even though gender is a social construct, society still expects those gender roles to only be done by that sex. So the best way for them to be accepted by society is to start presenting themselves as the other sex, so they aren't questioned when they act in that way

It's all bullshit and assumes that effeminiate men and masculine women can't exist

do you know the definition of right wing you uneducated retard? right wing means pro-capitalist, the democrats are pro-capitalist and the GOP are liberals since liberalism is the laissez-faire model of economics that we have today.

please open a fucking book jesus fucking christ

Ask the Trans community only. Gays, lesbians and bisexuals are found throughout history and across cultures and were only considered bad by who? That's right, the Jews. And apparently neocucks fell for the LGB hate Jew hook line and sinker. Trannies are mentally challenged retarded with ridiculously high 75% rates of suicide and mental illness, wholly unrelated to sexuality. Stop grouping us with them.

except for the fact that male homos also have high rates of suicides, stds and high probability of pedophilia

Can Aruba give an American tips on how to deal with the faggot/tranny problem?

You have two groups.

Actual transsexuals
special snowflake attention whores playing dress up.

The special snowflakes outnumber the legit transsexuals 100,000 to 1 BECAUSE THEY ARE NORMAL HUMAN BEINGS WITHOUT A FETAL NEUROLOGICAL DISORDER , so you see them all the time in the media now vomiting their propaganda everywhere.

I really am sorry you have to be harassed by these fascists all the time, but know that they have nothing at all to do with us.

I wish I could talk more about this and help educate young trans people, but the overwhelming backlash I would get from leftist nazi groups really demotivates me from helping anyone.

Every single time I try and speak up about anything, even when I argue in favor of transgender rights, people still attack me because I don't believe in special snowflakes without any medical diagnostic basis.

I refuse to include them because I will not pander to social justice.
I only care about scientific facts and my entire concept of myself and my immense inner pain, life experience, and gender dysphoria reflects that of the actual scientific evidence.

To swap genders willy nilly ,or claim to be transsexual after 50 years of your life magically out of nowhere, or not being yourself as the gender your brain originally formed as and you've been your entire life is scientifically unfounded and ludicrous.

I am a woman. I was born a woman. Ive always been a woman. My body developed male but that only happened because I wasn't medically diagnosed due to ignorance and treated properly as a child. I didnt become a man and now im magically transitioning back. No. Ive always been a woman. I was a little girl forced through discrimination, perversion, and religious persecution, to be crossdressed against my will and to be raised incorrectly as a boy and it was a living nightmare where I attempted suicide and mutilated my body an untold amount of times because every minute of it was psychological torture.

Gender is something that was taken from grammar and solely done to muddy the waters by interchanging it with sex and spread confusion so trannies would be tolerated.

I don't know how to tell you this, but transgender is a related more to a fetish than dysphoria.

Either they are gay and get off being fucked by straight guys, or the more common version, they get a natural high from talking, acting and especially putting make-up and clothing of women on.

Regarding bullshit paid-for gender studies:
>Two Dudes Wrote a Fake Penis Study and Got It Published to Slam Gender Research
>Penii a social construct and causes global warming
>"Part of the fault may fall on the open-access, pay-to-publish model, but the rest falls on the entire academic enterprise collectively referred to as 'gender studies,'"
>But other scientists have come to the defense of the field of gender studies, pointing out that flawed, weak, or incorrect papers get published in practically all disciplines, including medicine and math.

tl;dr it's a scam

I studied this shti for an exam...they thinkt hat Trans people are BORN and BRAINWASHED into our "normal" double gender system, so they want hard to comply to what "normal people" think as a "female" and thus they dress up and act like women.

Accordyign to radical feminists sociologists EVERYONE is dumb but themselves, even trans are dumb. No one "understands" genders BUT them.

So they actually don't support surgical operations..they want some crazy shit fluidity, like what you see on tumblr..its totally retarded.

m8 me and all my leftist friends know there are 2 genders

why does everyone hate us because we're left? hell, we hang out with rightists daily

"Nonbinary" is a Tumblr fashion trend that didn't start existing until Brucie castrated himself.

That picture of the mma fighter is a little misleading isnt it? She was knocked out I think even and lost to the cis girl.

Here's the fight.
Fallon gets body slammed, groundpounded, and figure 4 locked in the first 15 seconds.