So, who really made the US great?

So, who really made the US great?


Woah.....this is powerful

Legal tax-paying immigrants

The US was built on classical liberalism so at no point was it great, same deal with my country.



There was nothing stopping Americans doing those jobs beforehand...

Presidents and citizens who actually contributed to the economy, innovation, and leadership.

I did

Truly it's the employers fault for making this happen.

"Oh! We can't do it without cheap labor! Oh no!" and the politicians ate it all up. White are our own worst enemy...

Its the american justice system not the injun justice HOLOHOLOHOLOHOLOHOLOHOLOHOHLO

Thinks immigrants work! Ha Slav get real this isn't the 19th century. They mow lawns that's the meme, they don't work on telephone poles those are union jobs.

Just so people know, that image is an image of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


whoops meant to respond to

Around whites, don't turn out the lights.


>dirty mexican louis ck teaches you about immigration laws

Anglo-Americans, really. The Revolutionary War could be considered to be the 2nd English Civil War.

They don't include in that comic how the white people have to come in afterward and fix the shitty work the Mexicans did.

You could have the same comic with niggers and slavery. Most other races are only capable of doing unskilled labor.

That doesn't mean white people aren't better. We build the societies for disgusting minorities to play in.

how accurate is this? seems like a lot of numbers are taken out of nowhere

Everything was built and done while the population was still 95% white. Everything has been down hill since.

The whites that were intelligent enough to run a business and hire those spics

Pretty accurate. Even if the numbers are "off", you should be able to see the concept:

Blue-collar/non-college educated workers who are citizens of the US *technically* earn more in terms of raw income than their illegal counterparts. However, the illegal counterparts actually receive more UTILITY than their citizen counterparts because all of the services that is required or encouraged to function in life is either subsidized (food stamps, education, kid programs, medical visits, RENT, etc) or is avoidable (paying for food, taxes, police/fire/mail/other services, etc). Citizens HAVE to pay for these items whereas illegal immigrants do not. Imagine you earned 50% of a co-worker, but 90% of all you SHOULDVE paid for was deemed free. You would have the better deal, because your co-worker has to pay for all of those items whereas you do not.

Can anyone point me to Ted Kennedy's grave? I'd like to take a piss.

the obvious russia proxy makes it a little too obvious

heres a (you)

Underrated post.

>So, who really made the US great?
The industrialists that coordinated these workers and gave them jobs.


Tax rate is a bit out dated, and some other numbers might be off, but the core concept is accurate. Illegals benefit from taxpayer funded programs, despite not paying taxes.

What's with all the CIA shills using Russian proxies now? All of a sudden they are wearing Russian flags and saying they hate Putin and multiculturalism is good.

On the Lincoln piss. and don't forget John Kennedy

