A brief message for "constitutionalists," Oath Keepers, etc

So, you want to "protect the constitution." Okay, that's a good start. But let me explain something:

There is nothing unconstitutional about America becoming a third-world shithole. That can happen entirely within the framework of the US constitution.

And yet, I think we'd all agree that defending against that outcome is more important than just about anything else.

I would much rather live in a non-shithole than have (for example) a 6th amendment right to a speedy trial.

I have read through the constitution of Monaco, and there is no right to a speedy trial in there. Roman Catholicism is the state religion. And yet, I would rather live there than in MANY places where the US constitution applies, like ghetto Baltimore.

And if you're being honest, so would you.

Now, why is that?

The answer is that a constitution is only the beginning. A constitution is only as useful as the people who live in the society to which it applies. Liberia's constitution was a direct adaptation of the US constitution.

In other words, you cannot actually "defend the US constitution" without defending the underlying demographics of the United States. There is no way around this fact - it's just a fundamental aspect of reality.

Other urls found in this thread:


If the Constitution keeps us from protecting our people and nation, then fuck it.

Your spacing is all fucked up, it's awkward to read.
Gas yourself.

This. Learn how to write a paragraph, OP.

What the


are you talking

about OP

I'm just not sure

I follow what the

fuck this is supposed to

be about

They just don't want you fucking up their image. Being set on 11 at all times is a fucking terrible way to attract new people to a movement. Also, spacing. kys.

Spacing is fine faggots. It was clear and well written.

you have to go back

Is this a joke? What a bunch of feminine losers. Focus on the content.

Behavior is 75% genetic.
Respect for rule of law is genetic.
The constitution was an expression of white behavior.
The constitution is, in a rough way, in the genes of whites.
Not true with other races.

>Focus on the content.
I just can't find the will to care.

It's tough for Oath Keeper-types to understand, but a "constitution" of any sort is largely meaningless by itself. It only gains meaning through its actual application, and the nature of that application is determined by the population applying it.

The US constitution already imploded once, in the 1860's - it's not a magical document that will unite everyone if only they "believe" in it, whatever that means.


I did. It was as gay as the spacing. Here is an equally gay pic for a gay thread

It's actually a very simple concept. It takes willful ignorance not to grasp it.


Source: your ass


The US is a young nation, the constitution its identity. It's unfortunate that you've got the headaches that you do (all nations have headaches) but you specifically distanced yourselves from the countries that would supply your population. You wanted to be different, you had to create an identity. Its hollowness is now having the predictable effects as you look for something to fill that gap.

Old nations have problems too, our biggest problem though is that given the cultural dominance of the US, most issues are approached from a US orientated perspective which just doesn't apply to us.

We're all screwed.

Did the "Constitution" prevent Hillary Clinton??????

Who are the Oath Keepers and why should I care?

fuck off to monaco then

no guns would mean no gun violence, your point? we suffer for our freedom

They are a group of former and current Police / Military, who claim they will disobey orders to round up people and/or confiscate our guns. (side effect of the Obama era)

But mostly its just a google hangout for .gov roasties to keep eyes on any "dissenters" and report them up the (((chain)))

Who are you and why should anyone waste time convincing you to care?

None of that was really the case until quite recently in historical terms - the 1965 immigration act, and then the immigration flood that began in the 1970's and never stopped.

The post-'65 trends were driven more by postwar globalism and "anti-racist" ideologies than anything else. Opponents of these disastrous changes were basically associated with Hitler. Useful idiots like senator Ted Kennedy carried out the will of architects like (((Emauel Celler))).

It's a mess.

And every last bit of it was 100% "constitutional" - which is my main point here.

so their a bunch of larpers in essence.

No one is obligated to read your spew. Get over yourself.

Fuck you faggot. It takes twenty seconds you simpleton.

Oath keepers sound like the brownshirts of the globalist/communist regime that is about to take footing.

Don't be surprised if they're on a payroll and have a general.

Way to miss the point. The point is that a society is its people. A document is meaningless by itself. What sort of people do you entrust to apply the US constitution? We had a real-life experiment trying to get Liberians to apply it to themselves, and it failed catastrophically.

Study history; learn its lessons. Apply them.

>What sort of people do you entrust to apply the US constitution?

Either have some Alien species govern us without the flaws people have or program an A.I system.

So, you want to "protect the spacing." Okay, that's a good start. But let me explain something:

There is nothing unreadable about OP being a double-spacing faggot. That can happen entirely within the framework of Sup Forums.

And yet, I think we'd all agree that defending against that outcome is more important than just about anything else.

I would much rather live in a single-spaced shit board than have (for example) huge amounts of empty fucking space all over my screen.

I have posted on reddit, and there is no easy way to double space in those comments. And yet, I would rather post there than in MANY of the faggy threads on Sup Forums, like the donald trump general.

And if you're being honest, so would you.

Now, why is that?

The answer is that a single spacing is only the beginning. Single spacing is only as useful as the content of the post to which it applies. 4+Sup Forums's format was a direct adaptation of Sup Forums's.

In other words, you cannot actually "defend single spacing" without defending the underlying posters on this board. There is no way around this fact - it's just a fundamental aspect of reality.

The Bible has always been the book you need to know and follow for the US constitution to be a reasonable document. The founders knew this. Unchecked freedom in religion, and degeneracy will destroy this nation and undermine everything we have. The second most important document of this nation (The US Constitution) will be worthless paper if we don't return to the most important document of this nation: the Bible. And I am not talking about the RCC. I am talking about ALL the followers of the Book.

well, get to monaco then


There is a group that hang out at my gun club and talk all kinds of good talk and shit, but they are literally too narrow minded to do anything in a real fight. For example the one guy is already mentally defeated and has himself getting rammed up the ass with a heat seeking missile out in the woods. The rest of them only do the same kind of shooting, day after day after day.

I suggested they kit up and try out airsoft to see what semi real combat is like, and they all scoffed and more or less said that real guns is where its at... Sure, that might sound ok, but without context, real plinking is kinda pointless.

Another guy in the group we are sure is an FBI guy in deep cover. He posts all sorts of shit on facebook about all the "non-compliant" AR-15s hes building. People with half a brain look at this crew and are like wtf????

And the weirdest part... is that they are at the range, EVERY, FUCKING, DAY.... sometimes twice a day on the weekends... and they each shoot at least $50 a day. ((($$$$$$$)))

Oath Keepers is just a meat-space social network, with the sole purpose of providing an alternate way to catch those who are smart enough to leave no online finger print of their feelings/motivations...

They did absolutely NOTHING for Lavoy Finicum... and that sin will never be forgotten,

oh daddy likey
who dis demon of semen?

>I think we'd all agree that defending against that outcome is more important than just about anything else.
Nope. Defending the Constitution is more important.

I could be wrong, but I do not recall a single tangible "thing" that the group has done; except get in front of cameras at the right time, and "stand down" at the wrong time. Its basically just a national (((CLIQUE)))


I'm keeping things short, simple, and direct for our Oathkeeper/Baby Boomer audience.

The founders and leaders of Liberia were also Christians...

I'd rather live in an America that is as well-run as it can be. The quality of that leadership depends upon the nation's demographics, as I have previously explained.

This is a psyop to remove a large hurdle from tptb. When the shit hits the fans these guys are gonna be on our side. They will defend the constitution and not carry out out orders that run contrary to it. They can't fire them all or kill them all. But they can seed the meme machine with negative sentiment. Will nu-pol fall for it? I think so.

What does that even mean in real terms? Like I said - there is NOTHING unconstitutional about mass-immigration, about third-worldization, about national decline and degeneration, etc.

Those are extra-constitutional qualities. The constitution only matters if it has a worthwhile society to carry it out. Do you understand this?

It means fight against mass-immigration, third-worldization, national decline and degeneration, and so on within the limits that the Constitution allows us to fight those things.

So this is the power of Aussie Shitposting....

America was built for whites. Niggers and darks were never supposed to have the same rights. By modern definition most are a different species than us. Someone should really push that fact in the Supreme Court.

>Founding fathers believed European blood to be extremely important in maintaining American society

The Founding Fathers were Deists. God is the assumed creator.

no one here supports oath cuckers, lol, I just hope they're PRfagging instead of CIA shilling

I think a lot of people don't realize that the constitution was meant to be a 'living' document - the ability to amend to it as needed over the course of the countries history is one of its defining features. I think that a few of the amendments have bit the US in the butt, like certain provisions on the freedom of religion... theirs no way the founders could've foreseen a massive migration of Muslims to our country and then have people DEFEND their ridiculous faith.

>Lavoy Finicum
Except Lavoy was fucking wrong. He was in over his head because he took an ignorant course of action and got aced for it.

>I think a lot of people don't realize that the constitution was meant to be a 'living' document

That's debatable. Do you have proof?

my waifu

...the ability to ratify it and add amendments?

Usually when people call the Constitution a "living document" they're basically saying "lol let's just reinterpret this shit whenever it gets inconvenient to us". That's why other user was confused.

Oh yeah I gotcha, I looked it up and it appears 'living constitution' is largely used by people who want to reinterpret it to fit their current beliefs, which I disagree with, but i think the ability to add amendments is one of its strongest features
seeing as we've only added 17 ( 15 if you don't count the prohibition ones) so the US takes it pretty seriously

this is so stupid it hurts reading

These people can't comprehend that other groups don't think about the abstract things like constitutions with the same reverence that they do. Latin American nations have changed and thrown out multiple constitutions like used underware as it suited them, yet people believe they are going to revere the constitution of a country the have no real loyalty to. Boomer delusions.

They basically subscribe to an extreme view of what is called "legal positivism" - the idea that the law contains itself, and the way to run a society is to simply apply the law.

It's truly autistic, since it fails to understand that laws don't actually exist apart from the people who are supposed to live by them. I don't like using reductio ad absurdum arguments, but if you give the constitution to a herd of cows, it means jack shit, since the "population" is incapable of applying the text.

And what happens to that constitution when the majority shitskins scream "dat paypa raycist"
I'm sorry man, most non-whites don't care about shit like that, only what they get and when they get it. There is a reason why the jews want these people to replace us. They would gladly sell their rights and dignity for hand outs.

Anyone have copies of the South African or Rhodesian constitutions?

>you cannot actually "defend the US constitution" without defending the underlying demographics of the United States
wow you took so many twists and turns there

i wonder what web site you came from

let's see if I can guess

does it start with an r

and have an eddit in it?


This. It's annoying as hell. California education I suppose.

Content + Formating = GoldPost

A magnificent thing to behold.

no shit right, just look at the way its argument is being framed

America is not a racial state. If you want a white nation move to Europe.
We are a melting pot and Trump himself.celebrates multiculturalism.
You are a fringe nut job and prob my dumb trailer trash. Get a job nd an education then try to take pride in something aside.from your skin color. Maybe try achievements.
Personally I hope white people get need out so that Nazi shit like yourself ceases to exist.
I refused to have kids with a white woman for this very reason.

Just shows yet again white nationalists are dumb trailer trash. They latch onto race because they haven't accomplished.jack shit on their own.

huh? That doesn't show that at all. Take a logic class you mongoloid.

It shows the moron doesn't understand basic grammar. He probably went to a southern high school that taught creationism.



Seriously though user, go to a 3rd world country and get back at me. When you get accused of a crime you didn't commit, and then get severely punished without a public trial, I bet you would be begging for that 6th amendment right, You think these things seem arbitrary, but their is not a place left in the world that is free besides America.

>Liberias constitution copys the USAs.
>According to the 'magic dirt' theory, Liberia should be just as successful as the USA.

see >That doesn't show that at all. Take a logic class you mongoloid.

Since you're clearly a retard allow me to spell it out for you. Dismissing OP's argument by attacking the formatting of his post is a logical fallacy of which you are guilty. What fancy school did you go to that can't even teach its pupils basic logic?

So true. A democracy is only as good as the people who comprise the electorate.

Stanford. Did you even go to college? You sound like poor white trash


We the people are guaranteed even encouraged by the Constitution and Declaration of Independence the right to overthrow our government. Remember that. You liberals best wait about twenty years.

Dear Reddit

Stop spacing out your text

You look like a retard


I still agree with you though and you are being attacked by a bunch of shills.


t. (((Civic nationalists)))

Op ist gute

Good post.

So you are a trade or some other menial job? Do you have an education or pretty much just white trash?

In 20 years the average age of a white man in America will be 53. The average age of a minority will be 27. Good luck Jethro

Do you truly believe that any given population can apply the US constitution in a similar manner and create nations of similar wealth and success by doing so? Because if that's what you actually believe, then you're taking a fairly extreme position by historical standards.

This is not something that the people who wrote the constitution would agree with, for one thing.

>Personally I hope white people get need out so that Nazi shit like yourself ceases to exist.
>I refused to have kids with a white woman for this very reason.

This, low IQs don't comprehend anything. It's all stone age gibs me dat thinking with them.

Yes we were a racial state you shitskin retard. You are nothing but blight. None of you monkeys can comprehend laws, history, or much at all.

Did you misread the post? Liberia HAD the equivalent of a 6th amendment right to speedy trial. Let me try to explain this yet again: a constitution is NOT a society. It takes a society to APPLY a constitution. And shitty societies apply things shittily. It doesn't matter what the document SAYS - the quality of governance is not determined by text.

way to totally miss the point you nimrod, the whole concept of the 6th amendment will go right out the door in a majority non-white country

The constitution will be upheld by the supreme court. Those people have the highest integrity, and are the best judges and lawyers in the world. America will not become Liberia, so long as Americans make up the population and the majority of government. This is why isolationism is important, and globalism goes against American interest. I get your fear, but it is an irrational one if America operates the way it was intended, and doesn't try to be Europe.

>There is nothing unconstitutional about America becoming a third-world shithole. That can happen entirely within the framework of the US constitution.
no dude that's fucking bullshit. for 100 years the wording has been twisted and amended to include fucking shitskin niggers as people. they clearly were not.

the document is for white people. that's a fact. it always was.

Where is that written at? Oh, it is just your feelings? Sorry snowflake, no one cares how you feel


I have a masters in statistics from UT and I work as a professional risk analyzer for enterprise investments. You are a simpleton who can't understand basic logic and parrots liberal sophistry.

Give me liberty or give me death, now suck a cock you Commie fuck

Hey OP!!! I'm buying a ticket for you to move to NORTH KOREA!!!! I hope you stave to death there.

As Americans, we love throwing degenerates in our for profit prisons. The more people that want to try and go against the grain of Americas ideology, the more we can profit off of free labor from prisoners, it's a win win.

A "constitution" needs people who respect it, like it, want to uphold it, want to enforce it, want to see it enforced, and will disagree with judges pulling liberal interpretation bullshit

There is NOTHING that stops a judge from ruling the first amendment has reasonable limitations aka hate speech
Definately there has been insane abuses of the US constitution via activist liberal judges, and you rarely see any republican talking about pushing back against it