Are you gona watch, Sup Forums?

Are you gona watch, Sup Forums?

I thought Batman died




fuck why no morgan freeman

how is Black Panther related to the infinity stones?

Probably but I will torrent it online for free


Fuck off


anyone who doesnt see it is a racist nazi

This WE movie needs to be celebrated, and I'll tell you why.

Imagine when the ever so charitable Disney decides to screen this movie all across Africa for free. 2 major things will happen.

1. The men/women/children watching this will literally think its a true story --which isnt far fetched considering they think people have gold inside their heads, albino body parts cure disease, and many many more truly idiotic things-- this will lead millions to believe Wakanda is a real place, and millions will go out to search for it in Africa and will die due to tribal warfare and heat exhaustion.

2. Africans watching this will literally think they be able to achieve the things they saw in the movie and will never migrate out of Africa, and try to fix their countries. So no more refugees in Europe.

People should start petitions now for this film to be shown across Africa for free so we can save Europe.

>>>>proving that "diversity" just means less white people

thanks, Hollywood!

hex nah, if u r let me know how crappy it was

>90% black
hella diverse, looking through IMDB and I ain't seeing any Jews, how the fuck does that happen?

No, but I support this movie 100%. If enough niggers buy into the "WE WUZ KANGZ AN KWANZ BACK IN AFRUKUH" meme maybe some of them will actually go back. Let them have their imaginary nigger paradise, so we can have our own white nations. Any movie that promotes the idea of ethno-nationalism is good in my book.

also, my fucking captcha. Thank you kek

lol no all those kiddy jew superhero movies fucking suck

what would a real life wakanda look like?

we wuz queenz and shiet mang

Yeah when it comes out on HBO. Fuck paying to watch these niggers prance around with CGI.


self bump for genius idea.

start the petition now. get the idea for free screenings of black panther in africa trending on twitter now.

because he's a uncle tom :^)

I'm gonna pirate that shit. Because of reparations.