She is right, you know, walls literally do not solve anything

Migrants will still come. They will come by boats, by planes, they will use fake marriages and student visas. They will dig tunnels and hide in trucks.

The Trump wall will be completely ineffective.

Other urls found in this thread:

tell that to israel

Borders are a social construct.

Israel is 25% Arab

Here is a chart showing the effectiveness of Hungarys border wall. 'Walls don't work' is something liars say in order to import more shitskins.

Ban them by boats, planes, marriages and student visas.

Build a wall.

Deport them.

There you go.

they are called slaves

Dang look at that, when you combine walls with enforcement you get results somehow. If only we could find some way to pay for this 10 billion dollar wall to stop the illegals who we pay 100 billion tax dollars for annually

It used to be 100% Arab.

Actually, Israel has a shitton of migration. Many Arab Israelis marry girls from outside of Israel, thus allowing for non-Jewish immigration.

>t-that wall won't work you idiot! They'll come anyway! Y-you stupid goyim fuck you are going to regret building it!!!

Okay, well, I'm going to build it anyway and we'll see if it works or not


Much smaller country. I hate to admit it but Mutti is right about this one. Only full scale razzias and deportations will work but that would be le nazi.

>Here is a chart showing the effectiveness of Hungarys border wall. 'Walls don't work' is something liars say in order to import more shitskins.
Yeah, that is incorrect.

95% of our illegals pass through Hungary. And the numbers have been pretty much constant before and after the Hungarian fence was created.

I agree partially. The real solution is extermination teams.

It really made me think, during the election, when Soros-funded illegal immigrants were jumping up and down on car hoods with burning American flags, or with Mexican flags, how diversity and tolerance of crime, is our greatest strength.

Aussie, why do you have so many Asians? Why do they still come to marrry, study and work? You are literally an island and still are being Asianed.

So don't tell me Merkel ain't right. You would have to change a shitton more than just build a wall.


>>t-that wall won't work you idiot! They'll come anyway! Y-you stupid goyim fuck you are going to regret building it!!!
>Okay, well, I'm going to build it anyway and we'll see if it works or not

Merkel doesn't say not to build the wall. She says that the wall alone is inefficient, which is 100% correct. You need to change immigration laws, stopping all immigration due to family reasons.

Tell that to Japan

take a look at this picture taken a few weeks ago

Couldn't the wall be justified as a works program? Or do we just give people money and not expect able body people to work?

They cost us more than that a year.....

Yes, listen to Merkle, you dumb muricunts.

The person that flooded the country she vowed to protect with millions of illegal immigrants and economic refugees by inviting them all in and then openening the borders wide for everyone to enjoy the german welfare system and replace the native population.

She is the right person to listen to when it comes to matters of immigration, for sure.

Those are Ancient walls and anyone can go inside the vatican.


Did she give any solution? if not she should stfu.

you are a social construct


>Did she give any solution? if not she should stfu.

The funny thing is, Merkel actually truly provided a solution. No Trump style platitudes.

Speaking in Mexico City, Merkel, who grew up in Communist East Germany behind the Iron Curtain, said that history showed that only when empires have got on well with their neighbours have migration pressures been resolved successfully.

"Obviously the main reason for people leaving must be addressed on site first, which means putting up walls and cutting oneself off will not solve the problem," said Merkel, who has come under political pressure at home for opening German borders to more than one million refugees since 2015.

"It's an issue you can study well in the history of China with the (Great) Wall of China, you can study it in the history of the Roman Empire. Essentially, only when great empires have managed to forge sensible relationships with their neighbours and to manage migration has it been a success," she added.

"I don't think that by simply improving the border facilities you can solve the problem," she told a panel discussion alongside Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto.

And she is 100% right. E.g. Europe needs to solve the Libyan migration crisis... by working with Libyan warlords.

I can fuck your whore of a mother for a twopence.

Never reply to me again, you bag of puke.

If walls don't keep people out of stuff why dis people build walls around their land for 10,000 years?

>fix their country for them or be held hostage by its poor...

>Israel should not be allowed to have a wall or state

Because they aren't banned?

You can make a law banning anyone if you want. Nothing is stopping you.


lies, lies, lies

Plus, most of your migrants come from north africa to Italy

Shoot to kill.
People know how the establishment intends to utilize people (and terrorists) as their cannon fodder. You have seen some of the insane laws Americans can implement, You have seen that they are willing to rip kids out of class rooms.
Find another strategy like... actually helping to creat stability and prosperity in Africa instead to funding breeding programs in a desert/milarial swamp. All this shit is on You germany. Play the good guys. remeber you ARE Nazis that have to atone for your sins after all.

Yes, you need to do more then just have walls.
>They will come by boats, by planes, they will use fake marriages and student visas.
Send back the boats.
Planes are no problem, because everyone who comes by plane will be checked at the airport. No valid visa? Fuck off.
Don't allow marriages with people from certain countries (fake marriages also are not really a problem)
Don't give student visas or just make sure that when the visa runs out the person leaves the country, with force if necessary.

>They will dig tunnels and hide in trucks.
No visa/valid papers? Of you go.

Enforcing a border is not impossible, you just need to do it.

>forbid islam
>literally solve all of your brown people problems at once

>lies, lies, lies
>Plus, most of your migrants come from north africa to Italy

No, most of our migrants as of 2017 still come from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq - and those people do NOT come via Italy but through Bulgaria and Greece.... and then Hungary.

The numbers are available right here:

Walls aren't an absolute solution to a problem. They're a stronger defense against a problem.

Those are just the "registered" illegals. Once the wall was put in place in Hungary, illegals just came illegally again. We get 10k illegals coming via Hungary every month. Not as many as in 2015, but still a shitton of them.

Fuck your kike chancellor and her South American tour. Every time she meets with our president we end taking up more rapefugees.

Now she's in Mexico defending the fucking illegals. Fucking corrupt globalist shill.

>You can make a law banning anyone if you want. Nothing is stopping you.

We actually have a lot harder legal immigration laws than you, Australia.

You want a third nuke?

>simply talk about a wall
>immigration goes down

>Merkle is a globalist
>borders don't exist
>your "neighbours" are the entire world

>"And she is 100% right. E.g. Europe needs to solve the Libyan migration crisis"

And the syrian migration crisis, the afghanisan migration crisis, the namibian migration crisis, and all other migration crises on the world.

Fuck off and die you piece of shit cunt.

Fuck you you filthy monkey. Your religion is literally responsible for everything bad in the world right now.

>The numbers are available right here
Which part says that the migrants come though Hungary?

>Walls do not solve anything

Hans, you should know a thing or two about walls, except here burgers are not trying to keep their talented and skilled people in, they're trying to keep the scum and the criminals out. Big difference.

this is only the beginning.

soon we will be rolling back the constitutional amendments back to, and including the 13th

>Migrants will still come. They will come by boats, by planes, they will use fake marriages and student visas. They will dig tunnels and hide in trucks.
So? Just deport them again. I'm sure the wall will do it's job at reducing them.

>less people are coming because there was a wall put in place
>b-but walls don't work, silly

lol you still believe your government wow

I guess that explains why germans were all in with Hitler

And I'm not even talking about immigrants to germany only, but all Europe. They are mostly africans

>100% semite

I used to live in a border town and it definitely will work against the coyotes. I used to hunt deer and had to bring a sidearm because coyotes would drive their trucks through the mountains. Wall = no trucks

Kek you degenerate slit eyed rat. As if the opinion of the most sexually deviant society matters.

Faggot, that will not solve the inferior sandniggers and subhumans we have already in western countries, since we already converted them to the Middle eastern religion we converted to...

>It's starting to increase again
Orbán Death Squads when?

>lol you still believe your government wow
Even worse, his source said nothing about his claim that the migrants were coming through Hungary.

>Which part says that the migrants come though Hungary?
The UNHCR says so. We know who comes from Italy and Spain and Greece by sea. So, by elimination we know that all the rest comes through the land borders.

You can compare how many people we got in 2017 to the sea arrivals to Italy. Around 10-15% can be explained via sea arrivals to Italy. But as Syrians, Iraqis and Afghans do not come via Libya, they come via the Balkans. And we also know they do not come through Croatia and Slovenia. Only other way is through Hungary... unless they go way up through Romania to Poland... which we also know doesn't happen because we receive them from our Souther border.

>Mexicans are Muslim

She's a stupid bitch then, any sensible nation takes protecting it's borders seriously, blood on her fucking hands.

That's actually true, but they're the great kind.

They are not migrants they are ILLEGALS. They are not supposed to be there you shithead.
Wall? Did she forgot Berlin Wall? It worked pretty well,and when she was a young Commie she actually supposed it

0 are illegal though. Our problem is letting in 200,000 plus legal immigrants a year.

Didn't the Berlin Wall work pretty well for many years, or was that just a meme?

Are you stupid on purpose?
He said those are legally documented immigrants. The only thing that changed is their legal status

>stopping illegal immigration is hard, therefore it is not worth doing

It's that same can't do attitude that made your cuck ancestors remain serfs in Europe while mine immigrated west and tamed an entire continent, turning it into the most powerful nation in history.

Now run along, Klaus. Muhammad is having a sexual emergency and his dick ain't gonna suck itself

>just deport them again

Well, guess what doesn't happen despite the things Berlin has announced a couple months ago. Exactly, you got it. An increase in deportations. Germany is barely able to execute these deportations as leftist judges keep blocking everything all the time.

Our country is doomed.

>They will come by boats, by planes,
where will they hide, behind waves and clouds?

He only says "Sorry" to Israel.

Question to Germs. How fucked things are? Which German town should I visit to see ACTUAL FUCKING GERMANS and not shitskins?
Went to Berlin last month. Jesus fucking Christ on a stick it was bad... It's like you live in Apartheid or some shit

>where will they hide, behind waves and clouds?
No, behind American made asylum laws and visas and fake marriage licenses.

>The UNHCR says so.
So your source still doesn't back your claim. Nice one.

You are just making your shit up as you go everything you say is just conjecture. Do you have any source which said how many people come through Hungary? That is all I am asking.

And no, I was not asking about the number of people arriving by sea or the country of origin of the """refugees"""". I was asking about the number of people going through the Hungarian border.

I love the tunnel meme, the tens of thousands of tons of FUCKING wall sitting on top of your tunnel might make that problematic.

Only 2 things wrong with the Trump Wall:

1. It's not made of hot flying lead.

2. It doesn't extend up the east Commiefornia border.


Actual fucking German here.
You won't find any 'pure' German towns over here anymore. Everything has been infested with niggers, gypsies and shitskins.

that's after the walls got breached in 1870 tho

fucking this.
Even if they don't "pay" for the wall, the savings from kicking them back over will pay for it.
>tfw Mexico is paying no matter how this goes down

Or, we could build a wall so those people go somewhere else.

>>by boat

No Germany, no they don't. Unlike you, we have what's called a "coast guard"

walls work for gated communities by the rich. guns work for the security guards of those same rich. yet the common man can neither have walls nor guns which the rich use their wealth to provide for themselves. why is that? if they do not work, why do rich elites insist on using them for themselves?

Mr. Francis, TEAR. DOWN. THIS. WALL.

>Coast guard
>Ground penetrating radar
>Border patrol/dogs

Verdammt du blöde Sau, gerade nen Deutsche muss ja doch wissen wie effektiv nen Mauer sein kann

So what, you should just accept people breaking the law and do nothing? Great fucking solution, mutti. I'll take advice from her regarding immigration when hell freezes over.

Well they do like beheadings....

even the rich areas?

Theu have to go through security first. Hmmm...

No your societies opinion doesn't matter kys and at least one other muzzie,
Run along! Chop chop!

>said the gay porn leader in the world

>They will come by boat
More effort then crossing an unwalled border, easier to track and stop too
>They will come by plane
No because you still need some form of identification to fly, unless they will start sending airbusses out to pick people up
>They will use fake marriages
Not viable for the vast majority of them because not a lot of people willing to provide
>They will dig tunnels
Dangerous tunnels which often collapse on themselves and cannot possibly hope to support the same amount of border crossings prewall
>Hide in trucks
Which is why there will be checkpoints at the holes in the wall that allow traffic
>Student visa
Sure that means youre entering legally

So sorry Kraut but your logic is flawed, its also mostly about discouraging the vast majority, Stopping everyone is impossible, stopping 90%? Very reachable (and more desirable then the current situation)

>No one actually counts them
>More than half of the migrants are unregistered / unaccounted for
>We do not even know where 60+% of all migrants that (may have) crossed out borders are now


top kek

>anyone can go inside the vatican.
Yes exactly. After an Airport like security check...

go to hell fat childless nigger kike

She is right. Fellating migrant cock is the only way germans should react to this invasion


We have like 5 times more coast and stopped the boats.

Having land borders is pretty gay anyway, it's like having the balls touch.

but the Great Wall worked? They also work in rich parts of town.

I hope she told Israel

>illegal immagration already down something like 76%
It's good to win so much.

You can't marry in Israel if you're not a Jew.