Casual muslim from Bosnia here AMA (if you dare :^) )

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What is your favorite meal?

What's your fav strain of DUDEWEED

Were your ancestors raped by the Huns?


If I throw a pig carcass in you mosque, how will you guys react?

see pic related

i dont smoke le weed, not interested


Why are manlets so edgy?

How come Germans get blamed for world wars when the whole conflict was caused by bosnia?

Sta ima?

Why are your people such embarrassing cancer? And when will you go back to T*rkey where you clearly belong?

Why aren't you in a hole in the ground Bosnik stinkdog?

What a traitorous coward. A typical muslim.

>casual muslim

You know that makes you a shitty muslim right? Youre following your own fancy interpretation so that you can taqiya your way out of the more heinous doctrines.

Please keep it up by all means though. Most of your brothers and sisters are more devout and therefore keep blowing shit up.

Ok, how about these one then:
are you a pedophile like your idol Mohammad?
Is cousin marriage good for the average IQ of the population?
Do you want sharia law?
Is stoning women for adultery a proper punishment?
Is raping women not wearing the veil ok for you?
Is it ok for you to use Taqqiya against the kuffar?
Have you used Taqqiya in any of these questions?

pure dinaric blood baby

who did i betray?

>american non-muslims declare what makes a shitty muslim

Are you guys ok with Hitler or no? If you take over the West I want to LARP and wear Nazi shit. Thanks.

>Get raped by T*rks for generations
>1-100% pure dinar b-blood......

And much like any Muslim worldwide, you're also amazingly stupid. A coward, a neet and a dunecoon.

Truly a winner.

when are you heading home and leaving the low lands?

>Im American and therefore I am incapable of understanding a religion

Not an argument. Ive done my research and seen whats happening to the world. According to your own beliefs, you are a terrible muslim. You should be blowing up non-believers at tween concerts.

I also want to be clear that I dont have a problem with you personally, I just think your ideology is one of the most murderous, backwards ass, disgusting, archaic systems to ever come about. Islam will cause the end of the West.

How old are you? What do you remember about the war?

Why are Bosnians obsessed with either a) Aryan looks or b) dark meat?

Bosnians are very lose when it comes to religion. It is not like the OP is an exception or something, sure there is one ultra extreme organization that is violet as fuck. Rest of them are cool folks whom drink, smoke and do adultery.


>iF yOu dArE

Quite correct... Most Bosnian Muslims I know are hardly Muslim at all.

you are a girl

We removed most of the rotten apples.

Can confirm.

Casual rapist here.

are you sunni or shia ? Terrorist or terror supporter ? Goat or Sheep ?

what part of casual do you not understand my little manlet friend?

Funny how danes are introverted and sissified as fuck irl, been there many times, but on the internet they are the greatest crusaders ever.

After I get my IT company up and running I'll exploit other slavshits, don't worry.

Sure I'm not an excellent muslim because i dont play by the rules, but it's complex. Islamic theology is ridiculously ambiguous and complex.

Btw, the reason why there is friction between the west and Islam is because of the war waged by America. Do you think muslims would hate the west if it werent for the interventions, warfare, and fuck ups by the west?

26, remember nothing. a) Not sure, I myself have grey eyes and lightbrown hair. Is that aryan enough?
b) meat = good and makes you tall and strong. We eat meat all our lives and have 0 health issues.



sunni, ebin, ebin

Why aren't you still in Bosnia, you double crossing goatfucker?

Filthy casual. Kaffir

Andreja is as cute as Nomi

>After I get my IT company up and running I'll exploit other slavshits, don't worry.
please exploit the lowlanders as well

t. Dansken

I'm about to visit your country in a few weeks. Will I get stares if I walk down the street drunk, singing with a beer in my hand? Also are there places tourists should avoid?

Why do you live on benefits in another country instead of working and living in Bosnia?

How does it feel being hated and loathed by virtually everyone on Earth. Even the fucking Turks don't like you. Maybe the Albanians can tolerate you, you know being fellow former Europeans that betrayed their people and faith to worship a pedophile mass murdering rapist spread by a bunch of desert savages.

I hope you know the rest of the Western world, beneath the politically correct veneer of our governments, views all Muslims as the same, you're no different than some goat fucking Hill tribesmen from Pakistan as far as we're concerned

>Do you think muslims would hate the west if it werent for the interventions, warfare, and fuck ups by the west?

Short answer : yes

Long answer : can't get along with the euros, can't get along with the Russians can't get along with the Chinese, can't get along with the Thais, can't get along with Filipinos, can't get along with Bermese, can't get along with each other. Can't get along with anyone.

I excuse you for not being able to get along with the Jew though.

>who did i betray?
Bosnia, you pisslamic shit.

Islam and European culture are incompatible.

I meant black girls.

South African detected.

Buttmad mohammedan
not gonna answer though.
Get out you cancer

>I went to Denmark

You have never been outside your T*rkish ghetto, you turbonigger.

Are you a Serb or Croat


last two arent answers. answer properly dumbass.

underrated post

can someone post the pic of the "new germans" in which some somalis are shown during oktoberfest plsss?

This guy that went to highschool with me is a bošnjak ljiljani flag muslim.

>cum on my face džeko dijamante
>think that bosnia belongs to bošnjaks
>mfw we all know it doesn't

Why did you make up a lie about ten thousand muslims being dissolved in acid when clearly it takes two million liters of acid to do that and nobody can find any traces of acid purchases?


you fucking cheeky dijaspora serb

as per , you Muslim hyenas roam around in packs in ghetto areas with liberal pussy multicultural embracing Danes.. I bet you're no different

I hooked up with a Bosnian muslim girl whose father is an imam. I fucked her right in his house when he was at work and came all over her face. Shes a huge whore though. Would her father murder her or me first if he found out half the shit shes done with me?

>P.S - Am Serb diaspora in Canada

*as per

>Am Serb diaspora in Canada

Most definitely.


>8/10 for courage m8

muh dick

Just dont be obnoxious.

I will exploit everhything and everyone whether it's in China or Europe. I'm a capitalist by heart and will live like a KANG when I head back home. Don't worry though, you have fun in the rain while you pay an exorbitant amount of taxes for Ahmed's dental coverage ;^).

ok buddy

I dunno im not into black girls. Probably because it's exotic and different from the regular big nosed stick figures in the balkans.

those questions are ridiculous. My answer would be the same as any westerner's answer.

so envious :)

manlets begone

I dont even go to mosque you memer, how would I know? Plus the 3rd wasnt even a question

You have to go back, Trudeaujovic.

pa nelazem

how does it feel knowing white people (and especially girls) are disgusted by you, your appearance and your smell?

Can a fat muslima negate these feels?


Of being a sandnigger rapebaby who lives outside his own nation?

You got me.

Triba ti veci dokaz stari.

What is the matter, scared to admit you aren't a turk?

Why are you live in Netherlands? And you are a shitskin?

I know. Gave you a compliment.

imam kanadski flair i pricam srpski? Sta vise mogu da pokazem burazeeee?

Taqqiya confirmed

Why do you choose to believe in the myth that there's a god?

Back when I was in iraq I once slathered my dick in lard and raped this Muslim tease. I tore off her hijab, smacked her around a little bit, gave her a mushroom stamp, and tore her sphincter. Then I put three in her head and went on my way.

Skontah sam da si nas kada si pogresno napisao ne znam.ć

Come and get it pussy

GTA: Operation Iraqi Liberation (Oil)

That would be Serbs. Bosnians accepted Islam as a protection from 500 years of rape

Why not just apostatize?

ja al sam diaspora fag

converting to islam for protection is the ultimate form of submission to rape.

Is this degenerate?

>Do you think muslims would hate the west if it werent for the interventions, warfare, and fuck ups by the west?


Znači i kod vas ima polu pismenih drogeraša?

Jesi srbin?!
Ostavi cigare, nemoj da se kurvaš, nemoj da masturbiraš!

Was Mohammad a pedo, or was he a pedo?

envious? of Muslim cowardice? you're are honorless scum, so tough in ghetto gangs beating up kids of multikulti embracing soft Danish parents, but when being alone you're pussies full of trash talk. speaking from experience.

>albanian diaspora

Every time

your favorite meal is pita sa sirom? Not with beef like a typical Bosnian?

Best cevapcici, Sarajevo, Banja Luka or Travnik?

Any other subcevepcici posters need not reply.

Where is your headscarf??? HARAM!!!


Meh, the notallBosnians shit doesn't work m8.
Most Muslims in general are pretty cool, but Muslims are still the ones killing kids at concerts.

>unironacally being a European muslim

Haha, nisam jebeni siptar, ni musliman

That's a trap btw for all the saucers


I would be happier if Islam never came to our regions. It is incompatible to how we want to live our lives. Because of fucking Turks we are divided as we are now.

How does it feel to know that I pass as a tall white looking Chad? I blend in perfectly here. See pic related.

do you know even where bosnia is?

Tall and white, blue/grey eyes and lightbrown hair, so not a Turk. How about you though? Because you serbs are the most swarthy looking of us all, but you keep pointing at us like we are the Turks.
But it doesn't matter whether no1 acknowledges Bosnia as its own entity and ethnicity. I'm a bosnian slavshit, equal to croats and serbs no matter how much they hate us or we them.

we are whiter than serbs

Because it is dangerous. I'm not a fool to risk my life for edgy political expression. Although i dont care much for the religion, as denoted by 'casual' in the title.

he was a potato

Im not a ghetto dweller, Sven.

haha, should I judge serbs for what their (((snipers))) have done to the children in Sarajevo?

Ignoring my cevapcici question.

Slovenian spy detected!!!

why arent you dead?

Muslims were the ones who shot the children in sarajevo. Never shy away from FFO.

Ahh, goddammit.
Fucking tannies getting more and more hard to recognize...

All jokes aside. If you're looking for a good contact in Sarajevo for outsourcing IT projects, look for Mandzo, he's got a huge network and can definately help you out.

Good look brate.

Valjda se kaze Drogos :D.

Kurve su za picke
Cigare su za picke.
Masturbiranje je za picke.

But whom raped you for several centuries? The most inbred people on the planet with the most rapey reputation on the planet next to the Russian army.

Or you gonna tell me converting to Islam was just a prank, you inbred little shit.

I swear, explaining the sheer scale of inbreeding in Muslim communities is the most grading thing I've done, because they're unironically too fucking stupid and inbred to actually get it.

>Islamic theology is ridiculously ambiguous and complex.
No it isn't. Mo was straight to the point.

>Blond Facial Hair (And all the other hairs)
>185 CM
>Blue / Green Eyes
>Sharp Face Lines