Leaking intel to Russia who the U.S claims are covertly backing ISIS. Incompetent buffoon or something more?

Leaking intel to Russia who the U.S claims are covertly backing ISIS. Incompetent buffoon or something more?

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>tell someone that's also fighting your common enemy something your enemy is doing.

Wow, much secret, very hide, lot silence.
We've had this thread literally minutes ago and Leftists abandoned it after 20 posts, so what makes you think the brain trust at Sup Forums is going to suddenly become Communist-manifesto reading good goys at THIS little 'bombshell' of yours?

>Trump leaked a secret
>Let's publish the specifics on an internationally accessible website

were you born under a rock?

Liberal doublethink is truly something.

Who in the US is saying Russia backs ISIS? The New York Times?
The US created ISIS. We can do what we want with them.

>believing anything nyt publishes
You need to go ghost


Clickbaiters into archive

Leaking Intel is not the same as sharing Intel
Let's let Russia suffer terrorist attacks because liberals are butthurt over hrc sucking donkey dick
Such a great philosophy for a world leader

Boooo hooooo muh ruskies haked elexion and want destray us booo hooo.

Get off this board.

But why would would ISISreal hack itself

Thanks to Obama’s Poor Choices, ISIS Has Sophisticated Arms, Weapons


Riiiiight, Russia is aiding ISIS. That's why they're tooling around in all those Russian Humvees and carrying Russian M16s around.

Man why can't we have Kennedy back.

the global intelligence community is ridiculous for 15 years. all of it. every country, no exceptions.

God bless you

Saudi Arabia shamelessly funds ISIS and other extremists, and Trump just agreed to send them boatloads of cash. How is this any different from Obama?

You children are truly pathetic. No wonder you are unemployable

>still running muh Russia cuz they have no alternative

>something more

Wasn't he the guy who was executed for our sins?

Or am I confusing him with that bearded, robed hippy with the son-of-a-deity complex, John Lennon?

trump would kill Ivanka before he would even say something bad about the Putin regime, and that's the only consistent position he holds

he's totally their bitch