Do people still socialize?

I have not had a solid circle of friends since I was 20. When I moved from my small town and moved to a major city, I never really made a solid group of friends like I had when I was 20.

I thought maybe this was just how it was in the urban environment, but I went back home and found that many of my rural friends don't really hang out with each other anymore. It sounded like they don't really socialize much at all, and they just focus on work and stuff like that.

Is this how it is where you are? Am I just isolated, or do people not really socialize much anymore?

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I haven't had any friends at all since freshman year in highschool (21 now)

I've also been wondering this. It seems like adults are generally alone most of the time.

I had a big close group of friends, but one person broke it up cause they invited the local school shooter tier prick to every time we would hang, so we all got pissed at each other. Now, a year later, none of us hang often. I have a group of nerdy neets i hang with now, every so often. Gotta find hobbies to meet friends pretty much.

I live alone in a neighbor in the suburbs, never really met the neighbors. One day a huge storm knocked out the power. My entire neighbor took to the streets, for four days while the power was out, is was like one big family block party. When the power came back on, we have never spoken to each other since.

Was it always like this? Or is this a new phenomenon?

I've heard the term "Urban Lonliness" being thrown around a lot. Where urban areas are so populated that no real culture ever forms, as opposed to a smaller town where people know each other on a deeper level, so more of a culture forms.

I have had friends in the city where I was pretty good friends with them for a few months, then just never saw them again for various reasons. Didn't even bump into them. It's like they never existed.

It's not like that in a rural area, you can never get away from somebody. But then again, it sounds like people aren't really hanging out much in my rural home town either.

Are friends just a meme?

Get some friends, being lonely is not based, or red-pill.

And I dont mean just find vapid retards to go to happy hour with, meet some genuine friends you can trust and confide in.

This goes for mostly everyone. We all become adults and other priorities take over. Family, kids, career. Noon what's time to spend the weekend in moms basement eating dorritos and playing NBA jam for 15 hours straight. The one piece of advice I can give you is determine your financial and social status and start hanging out in places that similar people to you would spend time. I go to country clubs, and became friends with the founders of my cities scotch society. Just do that but for poor people.

Nobody socializes anymore. Everyone just sticks their head in their iphone and facebook.

Don't know, have only ever had one friend. And that was 12 years ago.

Anyone else having more trouble after becoming redpilled? I've always been introverted, but I could carry on a conversation like a normal person. Now, it is hard to talk about casual topics with people because most things people are interested in (((sports, movies, and tv))) are just propaganda

>became friends with the founders of my cities scotch society.
I've been to a scotch tasting. A society based on booze is ripe for plunder

I got extremely redpilled on a ton of shit from the ages of 21-24

That's when I seriously lost my social circle. Like I was kind of keeping in touch with them, but every time I would have a converastion with one of them, you could see it on their faces if I said something redpilled-ish. Like a barrier immediately went up and they just mentally labeled me as "No longer a person that can be socialized with" or something.

Changing your worldview makes it hard to connect with people, because you cannot relate on a single thing. Most people want to talk about their favorite television show, okay well I don't own a television and I think it's a Jewish brainwashing tool that has basically destroyed society.

I'm sure most people on this board can relate to that, but it's just...I dunno, ridiculous. Too bad Sup Forums doesn't have more of a real life presence.

I really don't mind at all. I just worry about losing my social skills, but I think I go outside enough to make up for that. Also I'm starting a job soon, so.
>Was it always like this? Or is this a new phenomenon?
I always assumed it was just me. Other people seem to have friends and socialize pretty regularly. They seem to.
I don't attribute it to being redpilled but yeah I've always had that problem. I just don't care about people's dumb shit.

man I was just thinking this,
I moved to LA from a small town literally have not made a friend since ive been out here, I keep in touch with my buddy in chine more then I keep in touch with people 5 minutes away
being redpilled dosent help either

Uhh yeah of course. It's better to have social capital.

But how and where? All of the people I know have friends from high school or college.

I understand exactly what you mean. I have a group of friends that are your typical normies. All they care about is sports and smoking weed. Cool group of dudes, but I don't really fuck with that lifestyle anymore. While I would never want to give up what becoming redpilled has given me (moving away from degeneracy, busting my ass in college to get into a top grad school, knowing what kind of women I should marry), I just am trying to find a way to hide my power level more and be able to become a fake normie.

spent my teens and 20s on the internet. i am 30 and i still live with my mom
high school really fucked me up psychologically

Yes same here. Moved to a big city, but the only people I keep in touch with are people from my home town.

I know a couple people from the city who keep contacting me, but I don't really like them at all. They seem kind of crazy and weird.
I have a friend my age from High School who fucking uploads pictures of himself with different groups of rich-looking friends every weekend.

Literally just him and a bunch of alpha-looking fratboy types in different cities. Always on roof tops or at swimming pools drinking with a bunch of rich looking women.

I mean, he looks like a fucking faggot (in my honest opinion). But I can't deny that it is good to have social capital for business and for getting pussy.

The only time I get laid is if I sit on Tinder, but that is kind of gross and risky

I always have 3ish people im considerably close to thoughout college, recent grad.
I really only have my gf, father, and friend "business partner" right now

>meet some genuine friends you can trust and confide in.

It's called growing up kiddo

Associate yourself with people who have hobbies other than watching football all day and smoking weed.

>When I moved from my small town and moved to a major city
This is the problem. Fuck city life. Everyone's an unaccountable faggot who votes for more foreigners.

Hey man, fellow LA bro here. What do you do? I had a few Sup Forums friends out in pacoima and westwood 3 years ago but they all moved to colorado and southcarolina

those kind of people are impossible to find because they almost never leave the house

people who do leave the house tend to be uninteresting giant normies

I kind of agree, but there aren't any jobs in most of rural America.

I don't work in oil or logging so... Yeah fuck that. I also find that you have to work so hard to live in rural America that you don't even enjoy it that much.

I don't know about other places, but in my town I worked my fucking ass off. I wanted to fucking die by the time the weekend came.

I was shocked how easy city-work is. You actually get breaks and there's like regulations and shit. The jobs also pay more (but obviously the housing is more expensive). So I dunno, I think that the "rural life" meme is a little over-romanced on Sup Forums.
Alright so this is normal? I'm not a total fucking weirdo?

Bullshit. In fact, its quite the opposite. Those who smoke weed and follow all sports tend to stay at home. Bars are where you can find interesting folk as well Jazz clubs, VIP lounges, community events, etc.

the thing is you gotta just casually bring up redpill topics in public most cant take it full on it seems like, sometimes i feel like im living a double life its weird then its like fighting the blackpill so then you gotta embrace that and be split


weed smokers usually social faggots who leave the house

>believing the stereotype that they stay at home

sports fags go out to bars to watch sports and drink. bars are where you find normies of the ultimate calibre. The only things they talk about at bars is cars, sports and getting laid.

weed smokers are usually social faggots*

That won't really work for me. I am still in college right now and I plan on going into either law or business. Both require me to hide my power level and "re-teach" myself how to act like a normie.


>sports is just propaganda

I don't like this Sup Forums meme, maybe you should play some fuckin sports and you would have more friends

i would rather die alone than be friends with sports fags

You don't understand what I am saying. I am talking about the bread and circuses. I have friends who do nothing but watch every NHL, NFL, MLB, La Liga, Bundesliga, etc game there is. Those are outlets for tribalism and nationalism. I don't have a problem with making friends, I just can't watch ESPN for six hours a day,

Yea same I mean I try to socialize when I can as much as I can at times, to break the anti-socialism that my job creates for me, since I work from home. I live in New York City for goodness sakes, but after being red-pilled, its at times, even hard to talk to family, let alone my friends that I've known for a long time. Slowly we've drifted apart and and yea thats a apart of growing up, everyone has their own responsibilities at times, but now, it just feels like were even more anti social, even with out the whole red-pill thing. Its now feels more like what this user said , What I can't fathom is how even when I point stuff like this out to my friends, they just make excuses for it like hey that's just the way things are now, get with the times. Just because thats the way things are now, doesn't make it right or good. I mean literally the logic behind all that is, you're more social with you're friends or strangers or "friends" on facebook, but when you're with real people, your like a deer in headlights when it comes to a conversation, or worse your mostly on your iphone/facebook, or on your iphone, while I'm trying to talk to you. I mean JUST...



you think its related to personal space and privacy?

Like you are open for everyone but all the sudden you want just to have your own space .

Dude seriously. I like that a lot of sportsfags are not SJW faggots and they like just banging women and eating big cheeseburgers and shit like that, but holy shit you are a FUCKING RETARD if you seriously follow sports.

People who actually know about each player's stats and discuss strategic decisions made by teams. These people are verging on homoerotic with their sports fandom

>good goyim cheer for the big black bulls so oppressed only making 12 million a year you can get tickets for only 250 shekels

Outlet for nationalism and tribalism as I said in another post. Instead of focusing on becoming the most successful possible and securing a family, seeing Tyrone score a triple double and ripping a bong became more important.

video games - not joking

Your circle of friends will dwindle as you grow older and people set in on their individual paths. This is why its red-pilled to either find your passion and dedicate yourself to it or a life partner. Friendship is generally training wheels into adult-hood whereby people center moreso on closer and deeper connections to a passion, individual, or wife/kids.

Urban environments are the worse. People are married to their careers in an attempt to keep their head above water in artificial competition concrete jungle. You'll have associates and people you meet up with to shoot the shit. You wont have many true friends. People develop relationships based on getting ahead or networking. They'll usually put you in lower priority tiers if you give them no advantage in getting ahead. This is why urban dwellings are considered to be cold places w.r.t to humanity. In other regions, you'll see people more connected with their humanity, more happy, and more friendly. This is due to not being compelled by an overbearing artificial competition construct. They're married to the human experience as opposed to an artificial survival construct.

You're not isolated. You're just realizing you're getting older and your environmental downsides. When you hit 25+, it's really a wake up call. You'll grow, mature, and find yourself from this point forward and be truly content with who you are and what you put your time and energy into. It's what older generations called a :mid-life crisis. It's not a crisis.. It's a biologically clocked red-pill as to the nature of the world.

Find what truly makes you happy, what you're passionate about and 1 person or two to share it with. Due to technology you have a group of anons who are here to socialize with you. Enjoy the journey.

Do you find comfort in mortality ? or you think you have had no time in this quick life experience?

I dunno i feel that I don't fit in this timeline, time is so fast I did not had time for anything

I wish i was not limited by mortality and the time clock we humans invented

fuck, see thats what im saying though youll be split like what does this mean though like is it fake is it right what is it, just plain sucks is what it is, theres really no way to go full normie thats the thing your to far into it

How old are you?

I actually have a personal mission. I want to destroy pop-music in the same way that Alex Jones helped to destroy the mainstream media.

I am writing a classical album, filming a music video, and filming a documentary about how pop-music was designed a brainwashing tool.

Is this kind of goal too immature? Is it naive?

>Alex Jones helped to destroy the mainstream media.
u wot?

i have a small group of friends, and a fairly red pilled family.
Seriously, my aunt's complaint about trumps travel ban was that he didn't just shut down ALL immigration because fuck other countries.
that the best solution for inner city violence is to build walls around them and drop guns and ammo inside until everyone is dead or peaceful.
that abortions should be free but come with mandatory sterilization.
all mudslime "immigrants" should be set to live with rich liberal celebrities and judges that seemed so keen on having them here in the first place. or at least in blue states.
crusades 2.0 cannot happen soon enough.

anyway we have a lot of laughs. good times.

we're all too connected to the rest of the world, we end up neglecting the closest to us, the community

there's no such thing as a tight knit community anymore, sure some people have groups of friends, but they rarely are friends outside of saturday and friday nights

i feel like i am wasting my life living with my mother. I can't do things i want to do living with her. one of those being jerking off any time i want. it's a living hell desu.

I find the people around me less and less interesting as time goes by

>I am writing a classical album, filming a music video, and filming a documentary about how pop-music was designed a brainwashing tool.
Have you actually started doing any of these things?

You're gonna get fucked, why don't you just get into actual politics instead of attempting some 16d chess. But what do I know.

>meet some genuine friends you can trust and confide in.
Yeah hold on, let me just pop down to the vending machine and grab a pair.

Try to confide in me faggot and I won't be your friend much longer.

I am a good looking dude.

Haven't gone out to a movie or hung out with a real friend in years. Only times I met up with "friends" it either was just getting baked and wasting my weed or walking around a mall. Socializing takes too much energy I feel exhausted after give minute convo. Hanging out is very expensive. I have all at my fingertips with refreshments, free movies and my own environment. Why pay for a fake experience with a normie?

Social life after school is an effort. It used to be you sort of had to socialize with people, but that isn't the case anymore. If you want meaningful relationships in your life then it is your responsibility to actively work on those. You have to pick up the phone and call your friends, take time out of your schedule to make plans with them and actually spend time with them. This is probably the most important thing you can work on apart from your mental and physical health.

If you don't take this sort of "maintenance approach" you could soon realize you haven't had a real conversation with your best friend in 3 months. Call your friend, and clean your room.

My friends socialize, (all ~35ish with jobs and families) but they are all functioning alcoholics that drink too much. I dont like drinking much, so go out to humour them maybe once a month.

Playing sports is not watching sports.

What are you going to do when she dies?

UFC is based.

>have you started doing any of these things?

Yes, I already have a classical album out and it was a best seller on a few different platforms.

When I was younger, my music got on the radio, television, and I played in a touring band.

The new classical album is already written. I made it extremely poppy and aimed towards normies, so non-classical people could enjoy it. I am booking a producer right now to record it, and I already have the videographer for the music video.

I have all of the research compiled for the music video.

My goal is to be like... sort of the Alex Jones of music. Like one of these alt-right/alt-lite e-celebs but a musician instead. I have an entire media plan to begin an attack on pop music.

I think it's a pretty good idea. No idea if I'll get anywhere with it, but I kinda wanna just shoot for it and see what happens.

I have a few friends, but sometimes we only see each other once a month or every 2 or 3 months. Usually it's a gathering of a group, but sometimes it's just one friend.

Pick up a real hobby.

I used to build motorcycles and made a lot of great friends along the way with some of my builds. When I got hit by a drunk tons of people helped me out.

I'm closing in on 30 now and things have changed for me. But I always run into someone I know at an event.

Nothing brings people together better than mutual hatred and leisure.

never got the whole drinking thing desu. alchohol, especially beer taste like shit. i guess i haven't drunk enough of it

>tastes like shit
>bad for you health-wise

i see no reason to drink it.

it's related with money

Money is the key in your situation, your life would improve and you would feel more happy .

Anyway this stupid time passing annoys me , the past 4 years were like a horse race, I could not even understand how it did pass so quick.

It was not 4 years it was 4 days for me , you understand this feel ?

It's called getting older user, it's normal.
As people get older they settle down. Things that were fun when you were young just aren't fun anymore

Cringe thread.

Ladies, join a club or hobby or racist "book club" in your area... You must be social to effect change.

Assholes, when you are a shut-in it's because you're a narcissist.

she has a life insurance policy so if she ever dies i get like 100000 dollars

i have been out of college for ~five years and have basically not talked to anyone, i thought i was close with the people i knew, but i think they did not actually like me, i was always drunk and didn't really contribute in a meaningful way to the group. looking at their perspective, if they wanted to add someone like me to the group, i wouldn't really see any value in that, so i guess i can understand in that way. i have basically given up on having any meaningful social circle at this point, only peers i talk to are store clerks now, been trying to get closer to my family though, that's always worth a try, they are basically obliged to put up with you.

kind of unrelated, but does anyone ever walk/drive/etc. down the street and consider the fact that there might be all these other shut ins right in your area that you'd never even know about?

Book club

>tfw the friend you increasingly feel distant from keeps bringing up the same story from ten years ago when we went to a party in Brooklyn and [SECTION REDACTED TO PRESERVE ANONYMITY] all over the train.

I found friends when I stopped looking.

Worked on becoming the best version of myself, and I found others just flocked to me over time.

Best way to attract the best kind of people imo

Not drinking is an extremely redpilled thing to do. Beer has hopps in it which increases estrogen, and alcohol makes you into a retard (I don't care what anybody thinks, it does).

Dude. That's nothing.

I hope you know that.

1. Get a job and up her life insurance
2. Get a job and get a life

It's called being an adult. Your friends will move away or get married or be too busy to hang out anymore. But some people still hang out, I see hobos hanging out with each other behind the beer store all the time while I'm walking.

You can't confide in people when you browse pol and are red pilled as fuck

Being lonely may not be red pilled but it sure as hell is a result of it

good advice :)


There are other shut ins.

I saw one today on my job and he looked like me --a dude just on my own walking through the trails. On my runs I never see young white men outside.

I used to socialize with a huge group of friends. Now I just hang with my gf. I like it this way

It's called hiding your powerlevel newfag.
The redpill comes in stages and this shit is stage 2.
Once you realize that everyone is basically a propaganda programmed drone you realize that by understanding the propaganda you can use it influence just about anyone.
After taking that redpill you should become a master at socializing

I'm in LA any way to meet?

My life:

>be confident guy with lots of friends in small town
>move to city for uni, stay because of good job
>can't connect with anybody
>be lonely ever since

What the fuck are those people even doing in their free time? Do they have free time at all? They basically go from workout to job to sleep. What the hell?

I keep hearing about estrogen. So I need to instal a filter on my sink, stop eating chicken, stop drinking beer (not a common thing anyway), what else? I don't drink bottled water unless I'm grabbing it at the store while out and about. Should I ditch plastic Tupperware? Are silicon Tupperware and baking/ice trays okay?

just b urself

Being lonely in University is suicide tier

LA user here too very lonely city

San gaberials valley reporting in

you could get a house with 100000 dollars and then wont have to do wage slavery in order to pay rent


So you're saying people have always socialized less as they got older?

I traveled across Mexico a few years ago. Entire towns were out chilling in the streets at like 1 A.M., and people were like hanging out and partying every night.

Obviously they are also a poor country and they are late for everything, so maybe this approach isn't great. But I'm saying, is the social isolation of our modern American natural? Or are the Jews behind this?

from looking at ice Poseidon it seems like living in LA is just an endless stream of happenings and interesting people.

>cheering for niggers who call you an evil whitey while making 10x your lifetime income

I ain't having that degenerate shit

>play vidya online
>playing casual souls 3 what a lot of redpilled and japanese players play
>become online friends
>never speak to them after the first session
What gives

Uhhh I actually don't really know. I haven't done any of that shit, I still drink bottled water.

But avoiding alcohol was one of the best decisions of my life

its harder after school but you can do it

>move to social area of town, or close to where your hobbies are
>have interests or hobbies where you can connect with similar people

it's a 20 minute drive for me now rather than a 1-5 minute walk. if your coworkers are cool you can befriend them but really i don't like it as much as in school since i have to be in the same room with them for 8 hours a day already instead of just 1 class or whatever.

>city work
As in working for the city? Or just as a contractor within city limits?

you're pretty determined to never leave the house aren't you

Oh forgive me. I forgot everyone here is some tier 10 alpha who makes at least $300k a year. Stop larping like you are on some moral high ground. I am just trying to function in a society in a death spiral.