Why did Christianity die in Western Europe?

Why did Christianity die in Western Europe?

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People became smarter and the church became stiffer

becauss the jews got a better control system


Any answer that is not Jews is wrong.

WW1 and WW2 killed all the good Christian men.

Rise of liberal counter-culture in the sixties toward the last real conservative generations.

Nihilism and post-modernism.

feuerbach, schopenhauer, nietzsche, freud, darwin, sartre & marx won the meme war.

Survival of the fittest

Christians are weak

Is there any evil in the world that the jews AREN'T responsible for according to you?

You guys are like a broken record.

inb4 you call me a jew

like pottery >>

flag checks out


Roman Catholicism into the reformation broke the church

>id basically says pozzed

you are a jew, shilling for jew

First World War.

everyone realised how stupid and made up it is.

i can't believe we're still waiting for everyone to catch up.

t. brainlet


Look up E. Michael Jones.


Because it's not true.

Once people came to that conclusion what was left of it mutated into its secular puritan form that we know today as progressivism/SJWism.



Secular-Materialism and later Post-Modernism. The discovery of DNA almost blew the lid off of that, but then someone said, "Just claim a super-headed chemical primordial wasteland can do that."
>When Primordial stew can create a self-replicating, (with RNA assistance), information storage and programming system more powerful and efficient that modern technology.

And now the equivalent of advanced programming code has been discovered in it and theoretical physicists like Michio Kaku argue that there is "more" than just chaos. And under Darwin's own theory, which requires analogy, it can be argued that information has only one known source and that's intelligence. If DNA stores detailed information, then until we can replicated it completely from chaos, intelligence origin must be assumed. Well, then the Secular-Materialists are in trouble. Fortunately for them, Post-Modernism and Neo-Marxism requires a fanatical level of stupid.

>use military force to force a religion
>stop using military force to force a religion
>people start slipping out of said religion
who would've guessed

Better education meant that people weren't going to be believing that kind of thing. I know, I know: "Christians aren't stupid." That's not what I mean, though. I mean that people would be able to grasp more complex ideas and issues. Eventually, people would lose hope in ALL meaning, not just Christianity; nihilism.

tl;dr read Nietzsche

Because only subhumans believe in terribely written books, made by goatherders in a desert

the solution to the islam problem of europe is not a return to christianity, but a no-prioners secular/anti-theist approach

fuck your freedom of religion, making yourself prisoner of your own fantasy

prove me wrong without fedora memes

I would advise you to read "brothers karamazov"

>terribely written books

The bible has some of the best writing of all time

She is such a qt, the perfect girl to build a fantasy around until she ruins it by telling you how many Negro cocks she slurped on in her teens.


god that's hot, it gets me off when a girl tells me about her sexual experiences with other men

So you want to resurrect the League of Militant Atheists. Check history and see how well that worked out.

It's a false religion.

I think the first question to ask is WHEN did it die?

Most people aren't terribly ideological in any sense, other than what is natural to their identity and class. Most people today aren't secular-liberal because of a concious choice, but because it is the default choice.

I would say ~1793 (beheading of Louis XVI) was the begining of the end for upper-middle class and upper class people. Why christianity ceased to be the default choice for these classes of people is because it filtered down from the very richest and most powerful individuals; christian sexual ethics were a drag for the king (Henry VIII, etc), who by and large could avoid the downsides of anarchic human sexuality. He in turn would fund patronage systems of intellectuals who would justify his anti-social behavior. From Diderot and Rousseau to De Sade and Comte is a short walk.

Christian sexual ethics were still too useful to be abandoned by most common people till we had effective antimicrobial procedures, antibiotics, and to a lesser extant the pill. So ~1920-1950 is when it died among the masses.

fuck off, cuck.

fedora bullshit DOES NOT work. when will you learn and finally acknowledge that and add it to your insultingly incomplete world perspective?
