Immigrants fuel economic growth

>Immigrants fuel economic growth
Why does nobody ever follow this up?
They may fuel economic growth, but it goes from 5 people splitting 100$, to 20 people splitting 200$, sure there's a bigger pie but people aren't actually getting a bigger slice, so what's the point?

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There is no point.

Gotta keep the wage's bottomed out ya know

(((Economic Growth)))

We live in a Judaeo-Masonic mind prison, where they already own everything of value. It's all lies. Our money is worthless.

F P B P, shut the fuck up OP nobody cares

tfw the most perfect first three posts of all time

But it's something I constantly see.
If nobody cares
Why does this thread have 255 posts and 132 replies?

Hired bumpers

if u get the right immigrants they can create a lot of wealth and bring up the wages of your unskilled labourers

the main problem are unskilled immigrants and low amounts of education for the native population

Can you bring up an example of this happening?
When have immigrants brought up the wages of unskilled labourers?
Henry Ford was an American

The countries that ask for immigrants have severe labor shortages. It's not like they have an option without trashing their economy.

Also everyone should get richer in the long term if said immigrants actually contribute to society. Just look at the US.

Good imigrants (the legal ones) are much more likely to start a buisness. If you´ve got a merit base immigration, that means the most educated/rich have a higher chance of getting in, you save money because you don´t have to spend money to educate them.

The problem comes when you get many unskilled unmotivated people.
Immigrating to a different culture is hard so you cant blame the average guy if he takes the easy way. The easy way would be not to go out and work but to live off of welfare.
Not having a welfarestate is one way to stopp that.
The second problem with low skilled workes is that if they work they compete with the native low skilled workers.

If they have labour shortage, that will force an adoption of labour saving practices to be adopted
We've had the technology to have kiosks you order from, for decades.
When I'm in countries with "severe labour shortages", I don't see this technology adopted on a massive scale, I see only McDonalds has it, not even Burger King or KFC, or any of the other chains have it.
If fast-food restaurants are this slow on adopting lavour saving technology, what other kinds of technology is there out there that we aren't adopting because it's cheaper just to pay someone minimum wage?

wouldn't the logical extension of that argument be that if you bring in infinite immigrants you'd have infinite money

Why couldn't they stimulate the economies of the shitholes they came from?

Why accelerate the process of climate change by facilitating the movement of economic migrants into consumer countries?

Because Jews, that's why.

it's happening here in Switzerland since the 90s

the minimal wage for unskilled labour is around 3-4 k USD here in Switzerland , but that is only for beginners/entry level , the longer you work, the more most jobs pay you, so a seasoned garbage man can make around 6-8 k per month

a nice flat in a good city costs around 1.2-1.5 k per month, if you live in a rural area this can go much much lower

and skilled immigrants can create a lot of wealth because they can contribute to the creation of high technology products, which boost your wealth enormously

Switzerland is importing: IT people, researchers, doctors, engineers mostly ; and it's really needed because the native population has gotten so used to high wages that most don't even consider going to university (why go to uni when you can learn a trade job and make almost 8 k or more per month) and some can't because they are too dumb/lazy

what they don't understand is, that the wages are only so high because other higher edcuated ones are creating so much wealth and what they are seeing is simply an indirect return from that
That's a problem, here's an example talking about it.
If you want to subsidize people starting businesses, put money into making a culture where people start businesses, don't just take in immigrants because they are more likely to start a business.
If you want to subsidize local soccer teams, give them tax breaks, don't give monopoly powers to local car dealerships because those dealerships sponsor little league soccer teams.
You're going to get all kinds of distortions if you don't just directly subsidize the thing you want, and instead go through an intermediary.

Those are both weak arguments.
In the first example, I'd look at something like this article.
>"Since bitcoin has no physical properties, it's also harder to steal. Venezuela still has a robust black market in U.S. dollars, but storing greenbacks is risky in a country besieged by crime. "Burglars smell the Benjamins as if they were hunting dogs," says Hector, a physician turned bitcoin miner."
When the currency is so fucked up in Veneuzela, a doctor makes more money mining bitcoins, than he does practising medicine because the country is fucked up, you can see why he's not "stimulating the economies of the shithole he came from".
Mostly because socialist policies destroyed the country he came from.
And for the second part, moving from India to Canada doesn't really effect the environment, except I guess potentially contaminating the groundwater because they're shitting in the street?

Reducing restrictions on buissnes is all nice and well and probably increase the amount of companies created. The reason why immigrants open more buisneses is also due to the fact that they come from somewhere else. They bring new ideas and a different perspective.
Deacreasing regulation and stop subsidising bad behavior will solve almost every problem not only bad immigration. The reason why so many harmfull imigrants come is simply because of the welfarestate.

They don't. If refugees were such a prize why would Poland have to be punished for not taking them? IT'S ALL LIES user

to increase tax revenues and the private wealth of the elite