Ask someone who stopped believing in free will today anything

Ask someone who stopped believing in free will today anything.

Can I have a shekel

Care to be more specific? Is this a religious thread? Sauce on your image?

What difference at this point does it make?
>Believe in free will
>do what you want
>Believe you have no free will
>Still do """what you want"""

You can't give us answers. Cuck

I mean that people do not will their actions independently of any stimulus.
Our legal system is based around the idea of free will: "you could have acted differently but you did this so you are responsible for your actions". It make a huge difference.

Free will is real though
Anyway, I dont even care bc I am genetically superior

hi cat


hi cat

So if you don't have free will, what determines your actions? God?

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hows high school treatin ya?

external stimuli and my genes determine my behavior

being snarky is the most annoying quality a person can have imo. but I won't hold it against you, after all you aren't responsible for it ;)


find x1 and x2

if you kys theres still a chance free will exists

>believe in soul and free will = something essentially you reacting to events based on your own unique makeup
>believe in genes and determinism = same thing

It's a non problem tbdesu

You misunderstand this entire topic. Believers in free will do not believe that your actions are simply reactions. That belief is exclusive to determinists. Believers in free will believe that people can independently will their actions, as in they can produce an action independent of any outside cause.

does it hurt ?

Free will must be aboslutley destroyed. There must be a coalescense only then can humanity advance.

And what would be generating these decisions? They have to be anchored to something or they'd be completely random, it all comes out the same in the end whether you see it as purely material or not.

can't find the first one tho

Yeah no shit its called your sub conscious.

What do you think about Sam Harris?

Do you want to enforce laws and punishment still?

that was supposed to be squared but apparently unicode is too hard process

They believe in their own agency. That is what you are misunderstanding. You are essentially trying to shoehorn in a determinist perspective onto all sides which is not accurate.

I have no opinion on him. Don't pay any attention to his work.

I think it is still necessary to do so. However, we should get rid of the notion that guilty people are bad people.

I think you're misunderstanding me, I'm saying that agency in the first place in the sense of 'a decision I made' has to have an 'i ' to exist or it would be totally meaningless, so the only argument left is about what constitutes 'i' . I don't think I've ever seen a free-will believer claim that their agency just falls out of the sky and doesn't depend on anything

so basically life is completely unfair, its supposed to be that way, i should embrace the Chaos and kill as many pretty people as possible?


You never had a choice to begin with


In that case you are just attempting to argue that a belief in free will is a deterministic one. I thought your original comparison was trying to demonstrate that people of both beliefs come to the same conclusion. That is why I attempted to correct what you said about believers in free will, because I thought you were trying to represent their actual conclusions. What you are actually trying to do is much less interesting.

>when youre so genetically superior you have to brag about it on an underwater cambodian throat singing board

one small (you) for (you)

No, you were right the first time

Free will can only exist in a deterministic universe. If we lived in a non-deterministic universe, there would be no basis upon which to judge the consequences of our actions.

For example, if you walk into work one morning and your boss was a hippopotamus (lol so randumb xDxDxD) you would not have any MORE free will in such a universe, surely.

The sequence (thought -> action -> consequence) is what gives us free will. This sequence of events, going forward in time, is the only way we can make logical decisions at all.

Then you are doing a bad job of expressing your thoughts properly.

What are you trying to say?

How could you punish and lock some one up in a cage for something they dont have control over?

What is your specific objection to that?

Its illogical to punish someone for something they can't control. Or it isn't a punishment at all since without free will freedom doesn't exist and you can't take it away as punishment.

You have a limited sense of what punishment is about. It isn't about taking away freedom as the current democratic systems claim. It serves many purposes and can be used to serve the purpose of preventing further criminal behavior from harming society. It isn't a personal matter as you are making it out to be. There is no guilt or blame involved.