Washington, D.C

Why is Washington, D.C. so overwhelmingly liberal? Even in GOP landslide presidential election years, such as 1972 and 1984, the Democratic Party candidate still received 85%+ of the vote there, and they've never given their electoral votes to a Republican, not even once.

Is it just parasites living near the tax money?

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It's made up entirely of niggers on the east and limousine liberals to the west.

Think about it

>liberals vote for more government
>people living in DC work for the government
>vote for bigger government for job security

And of course there's the normal melanin factor

DC proper is pure nig, desu

where did the nogs come from? was DC a popular place for blacks to live after the emancipation proclamation?

It stars with an n and ends with an s.

Virginia is pretty much a blue state now due to the northern part near D.C.


Dig deep enough into any problem and you will find the root cause is somehow associated with niggers. In this case, it's not somehow associated... It's niggers.

But the parties arent constantly the same.

it's always the niggers



lots of fuckin nig nogs and gays. god i hate gays

>People who relay on the beast vote for the beast. Why?

>Why is Washington, D.C. so overwhelmingly liberal?


>why is a place filled with non-whites voting Democrat

I legit had no idea Nixon was his VP


Who moves to washington DC and lives there?

Politically motivated people. Republicans are ok with the status quo, while democrats are not.

It is also essentially a city-state and cities ALWAYS lean left.

DC didn't have electoral votes yet. and Ike would have lost DC

>Tfw MN

Fuck the twin cities.

DC (and Maryland) were traditionally considered part of "the south." Lots of slaves, nearby plantations, etc.

The Mason-Dixon line is mostly ignored today, but it used to be a real social/cultural/demographic division.

In "The Education of Henry Adams," Henry Adams describes his family taking a trip down to Maryland in the late-1840's, and it was basically Africa down there.

I wish people would drop this misnomer
they're leftist

Also shilling for this discord.
discord gg/NZbga

That entire area is dependent on government jobs injecting cash into the local economy.

Of course they're gonna support a gigantic, ever-growing government that shovels tax money into pits for burning.

They have a vested interest in growing the federal government aka where they all work

Mondale only won MN cause he was their senator.