So... how can we solve world hunger Sup Forums?

So... how can we solve world hunger Sup Forums?

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Starve the Africans
Stop sending them food

Enjoy your cancer

Wipe out Africa.

You can't reverse the progression of a society from a Stage 2 or 3 population growth level back to the pre-industrial-esque Stage 1 without some kind of apocalyptic event that would also fuck over the developed world.

All we can do is force African countries to get to Stage 4 or 5 of the Demographic Progression as quickly as possible. This means giving them top-tier education, introducing feminism and handing out free birth control.

By getting people to stop fucking like rabbits in the Mid-east, Africa, India and China

> African countries to get to Stage 4 or 5 of the Demographic Progression as quickly as possible. This means giving them top-tier education, introducing feminism and handing out free birth control.

The only way to do that is to genocide the Africans and replace them with whites

Africans are too fucking retarded and savage to improve. If you think you can magically make them smarter than you're an evolution denialist on par with creationists.

First of all kill all fucking niggers because they parasite on our society.
Make as many fields as possible and put farmers to them.

Africa is the only current continent with high fertility rates

It's also the only continent where famine is common. However famine in no way stops the endless, exponential population increase of niggers because they have been programmed to breed regardless of outside circumstance.

People in India and China are already not fucking like rabbits, though; the fertility rate in China is 1.56, and India's is 2.43 (which is very close to the 2.10 replacement level).

Many middle-Eastern countries have also decreased their birth rates over recent decades. Iran's has gone from a high of 6.52 down to 1.71, while Saudi Arabia's has declined from the explosive 7.30 to a mere 2.76.

Please, if the poo-in-loos and sand people can get theirs down, so can the blacks.

They don't breed in spite of famine, they breed because of it. High mortality rates encourage high fertility rates in order to maximise the chances of at least children surviving to adulthood. As conditions have improved in some African countries, mortality rates have dropped, but fertility rates have dropped at a slower rate as culture takes a little while to adapt to the new reality (see Phase 2 and 3 of the chart here ).

>he doesn't know that the main genetic divide in humanity is between Africans and non Africans

Muslims and poos aren't even remotely as savage and violent as Africans.

>they breed because of famine

wrong. In many parts of Africa there *is* no famine whatsoever, yet the population keeps increasing regardless.

Africans (Bantu, Negroids) have been genetically programmed to breed constantly regardless of circumstance.

> As conditions have improved in some African countries, mortality rates have dropped, but fertility rates have dropped at a slower rate as culture takes a little while to adapt to the new reality

Wrong, fertility rates have not dropped, they have remained "sutbbornly" high.

Expecting Africans to evolve not to shit out niglets is like throwing a fish onto dry land and expecting it to evolve feet.

It would take thousands of years of natural selection, and by that time Europe and every other white country will be flooded with niggers.

If you don't accept concepts like genetic inheritance of intelligence as well as behavior then you are on par with a creationist.

wow remember when Libya was almost first-world

Based Obama sure fixed that situation

>The more hotter it is, the more crime there is.
We need nuclear winter.

Make more countries White.


>talks about cancer

Recognize that starvation is a natural process of population control for a society that can't support its own people and that foreign aid artificially prolongs the society's suffering by allowing population growth beyond the level it can support?

You can only prop up the market so long before the correction comes. In the case of Africa that point will come when their population grows to a point that the civilized world is either unable or unwilling to prop them up anymore and they will die by the hundreds of millions.

The only way to avert this extreme correction created by foreign meddling is to start imposing sterilization upon recipients of foreign aid.

Don't want to get snipped? Then feed yourself.

hey hey now aren't we forgetting someone

Compost the poor.

Grow organic food from their corpses.


fix women at 10 and charge 500k to have kid

Or when the West has its next Great Depression and/or large war and the free food stops.

Then you'll have hundreds of millions starving to death rather quickly.

Next decade.

keep pumping CO2 into the atmosphere

plant life is booming under these conditions, hundred years from now mega trees are going to move from fantasy to reality

Stop your science denial, criminal scum.

>CO2 is all plants need to grow
>not water or anything

>he doesnt know Carbon fixation efficiency is the limiting factor for growth

The niggers in Rhodesia literally genocided the whites of the region, the only ones smart enough to farm the land instead of pillaging it.

Them starving to death isn't even close to the level of karmic retribution they deserve

Eliminating the niggers and slopes would do wonders towards solving world hunger.

tree height is limited by gravity.


For your sake you better hope that gradual population control comes before the crash; because if it doesn't you're going to see a migration crisis that makes the current one look completely trivial.

As a Murrican, I've got the luxury of the Atlantic Ocean to protect me, you've only got the Mediterranean and between the Italian Navy and (((the NGOs))) you've got two armies working full time to ferry them across the sea.

Sterilization or starvation are the only options. I hope the do gooders recognize that they can't support 6 billion Africans before its too late.


wrong, the true limitation is capillary action

Just stop giving Africa food aid, they're over what their land has the ability to support.
Can't be hungry if you're dead.

Who consumes the most and produces least? That is the weakest link. But, there is no world hunger problem, it's a scam.

Cause nogs live in the hottest areas, and nogs are cancer.

Teбя никтo нe cпpaшивaл, пpидypoк.

world hunger is not a problem, it's just natural selection

stop sending them aid which just breeds more of the bastards to die

not having water is an even bigger limiting factor

kill all non-Australians

Looks like Argentina might actually be white after all.

Is it fuck you retard.

....because of gravity

Feed the Africans to the asians.


>As a Murrican, I've got the luxury of the Atlantic Ocean to protect me, you've only got the Mediterranean and between the Italian Navy and (((the NGOs))) you've got two armies working full time to ferry them across the sea.

Italy would erupt into a civil war and Austria would shut down the borders.

Italian navy would start confiscating these NGO boats and all these things start sinking en masse in the Med.

You could walk from Malta to Libya on bodies without getting your feet wet.

these things usually sort themselves out.

I think the answer it's quite simple.

They are decreasing in most places, just not nearly quickly enough.

Botswana went from 6.70 to 2.84.
Namibia's gone from 6.65 to 3.52.
Mozambique's gone from 6.54 to 5.36.
Kenya's gone from 8.12 to 4.33.
Nigeria's gone from 6.78 to 5.65.

And about 100 years ago, massive families were the norm. It's part of the demographic transition.

My grandmother, a centenarian, grew up during the Depression era. She had 7 kids who survived to adulthood, and her parents probably had way more kids than that (but a larger proportion who didn't survive to adulthood). Most of my parents' siblings had about 4 kids, while most of my cousins around my age are having about 2.

Extremely large numbers of children were the norm for the vast majority of human societies for a very long time. It's not something that's uniquely African, it just seems that way because they're the last ones to catch up.

And even if you think they're too stupid to do it, large families can still be averted with the right environmental surroundings.

Consider blacks in America. In many urban communities, blacks are the vast majority. Yet black fertility rates in America are very low, especially by Sub Saharan African standards. In fact, black fertility rates in America are below replacement level.


Because they can get abortions, they can get birth control pills, and a large number of black American women (compared to the black women in some extremely conservative African countries) try their hands at getting jobs. Furthermore, they're urbanised, a factor which also impacts fertility rates (especially since so much of Africa isn't urbanised yet). Even though, statistically, the kinds of jobs that black American women end up working aren't as illustrious or well-paying as those gotten by their white American counterparts, it's still workforce participation which, together with the availability of family planning services, impacts their fertility rates.

>Recognize that starvation is a natural process of population control for a society that can't support its own people and that foreign aid artificially prolongs the society's suffering by allowing population growth beyond the level it can support?


It would definitely get to that point if decades of artificially propping up African population growth resulted in a famine or epidemic disease that killed hundreds of millions.

But the question is, would that point come before or after the liberals destroyed Europe with mass immigration and gibs me dats?

If famine comes first, I think Europe is fucked because the liberals will never accept not giving people food until Europe itself is starving.

If its an epidemic disease, Europe will fare better because at least then you'll have an "us or them" excuse for closing off your borders to disease ridden migrants.

fukin kek


>Stabilizing regional governments
>eliminating ethnic/religious discrimination
>increasing per capita income
>being more willing to support countries experiencing disasters
Most important thing is to stop regional wars. They fuck up the economy, kill assloads of potential workers and destabilize the government, preventing the situation from improving.

Greece and Italy are the most threatened by sea bound migrants. Greece is probably a little better off as their government has been trying to combat immigration while Italy's Navy has been working with NGOs to bring in as many migrants as they can to the point that the Italian Navy is parked 10 miles off the Libyan coast to scoop them up.

I predict Italy and Greece will initially petition the rest of the EU to take in their migrant problem until the problem gets bad enough that the people elect a government that tells the EU to fuck off and they close their borders.

stop feeding starving nations

>Extremely low
Fake news.

>But user, the blacks are too dumb to build their own fancy cities and set up abortion clinics

Well, even if that is true, that's what Chinese neo-colonialism is for. With China's population growth becoming static, China will have a new market for building ready-made cities for people to move into.

lol why are chileans so permabutthurt about Argentina and Uruguay being better than them in every respect

Like feeding feral cats.

>7 billion people on earth
I think solving world hunger is the last thing this planet needs. Especially in Africa

Europe will be starving. Then no more gibs. Then the African population fixes itself.

stop feeding the niggers

Why bother solving world hunger?

If whites left Africa and stopped sending aid, there would be catastrophe for them. Not sure how that would hurt the developed world. There's no way African nations can ever become fully civilized on their own without white aid. They don't need development to control their population crisis.

most problems solve themselves when left alone

this is the real power of free market

commies keep inevnting problems they need to loot u to solve

>impose a one child per couple policy globally.

nice anecdote with no sources or citations

>However, because of other groups moving out of poverty faster, and because African women average more than four births each, their share in global poverty will double to 43%.

>“It’s not that the number will grow,” said Kevin Watkins, one of the report’s authors. “The point is that poverty is not coming down in Africa in comparison with elsewhere.

>However, because of other groups moving out of poverty faster, and because African women average more than four births each, their share in global poverty will double to 43%.

>“It’s not that the number will grow,” said Kevin Watkins, one of the report’s authors. “The point is that poverty is not coming down in Africa in comparison with elsewhere.

Every available metric shows that African birth rates are stagnant.

What if we archive it

Kill the hungry

>All we can do is force African countries to get to Stage 4 or 5 of the Demographic Progression as quickly as possible.
It'll never happen. Too many variables to make it feasible have gone way off. Only thing to do at this point is massive population decrease (as quickly as possible), or as a species we are fubar.

Then the human race would eventually die out, stupid. I mean every 2 people on earth would only have 1 kid, cutting our population in half every generation.


Fuck them, serves them right for installing a fucking retard like Mugabe.

"Hurr durr lets murder all the farmers who know how to operate farms and trash the land so nobody can grow on it!"

People are starving because their shitty 3rd World government doesn't give a fuck about them and steals all the money so they can go shopping in Paris for more shit in their 12th palace.

It's because they're fucking hot. No one wants to do shit when it's hot.

More midnight basketball courts could fix this.

Kill everyone who ever registered a reddit account

Don't be a tard. It's over 100 for 4-5 months/year where I am and for a few of those months most days are over 107. Everyone does just fine including the shitskins except the worst nogs.

Kill the niggers