Why do Repukelicans vote against their own economic interests?


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Explain to me how higher taxes are in my interests.


Same reason they don't vote to be dispossessed (any more)

leaf spam thread

>Why do Repukelicans vote against their own economic interests?
Why do white democrats vote against the interests of their own people?

Because stealing from others is wrong and they have a conscience.

And rascism and judging others by how dark their skin is wrong too but Repukelicans arnt moral about that are they now !

14 year old edge lords don't pay tax so you don't have anything to worry about

Why should they if the dems refuse to as well?

Because a welfare state and open borders is in my economic interests. Fuck off.


Because poor white people = our vote.
And poor minorities = democratic party votes.

>Hitler built the Berlin Wall

they dont

u fucking cock gobler


Is the text in that image real? Hitler didn't build the Berlin Wall, Stalin had it built to keep East Germans from fleeing to West Germany.

This is just a variation of "why aren't I 50 points ahead??"

>Republicans still view the US as a nation state where the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, where they are willing to short term individual benefit for long term national interest

>Democrats are only interested in AY YO GIBS ME DAT

really makes you think

Because Democrats don't sell the benefits to them the way they do the cities. Infrastructure, health care, 'dem programs for the youth. They never champion raising taxes to increase rural infrastructure, small business loans focused on rural areas, better schools, etc

They offer absolutely nothing.

So to your average joe blow who doesn't live in a city, all they hear is "raise taxes to benefit everyone but you, and yes it will increase outsourcing of manufacturing and shit you people rely on to survive, but it's for the greater good!". So, they are left with two choices, support programs for everyone else, or hope that lower tax rates will spur trickle down economics for their communities through manufacturing and stuff.

Democrats really need to focus on reaching out to the LARGE population of rural whites, and offer educations and investments for them to succeed in the modern economy.

Computer science and programming is literally 'any idiot can do it', tier. They should offer incentives for tech megacorps to expand into the midwest and train workers in exchange for tax cuts.

So that when you finally get diabetes from drinking three 2 liters of Mountain Dew a day you aren't hundreds of thousands of debt in medical bills kek

>implying socialist policies are in anyones economic interest

"Against their own their own interests"

Hey, I've got a crazy idea- what if poor people got together as a group- now hear me out- and ignored racial differences and just voted based on their collective similarities and improving them?

Libfags explain why they post the same shitty bait thread every day!


A vast majority of conservatives are rural and suburban retards, their low IQ stops them from realizing they are voting against their own interests.

clinton foundation assasins dispatched to get u

in the delusional mind of the lazy commy

They don't

Actually the Democrats have a pretty lengthy history of being pro-slavery, pro-segregation, pro-KKK...

Come back when you're not an idiot

(I'm telling you to leave forever)

Because despite republican neoliberalism, republicans at least don't actively shit on white working class, calling them morons, inbreds and useless, and cheering their death, like the democrats do.

It's an identity politics thing.

Is this Sup Forums's equivalent of Sup Forums's "I'll post this [fish] every day until you like it" thread?

Cause it's starting to piss me off that other more variable threads are being slid because of this shit.


>providing for the many instead of serving corporate concentrations of wealth is NOT in your bests interests
Got it

>providing for the many
>implying this actually happens


I love paying high taxes to fund the lifestyle of the sloth and shameless. Paying the 100 mil + for the Trump Russia investigation is money well spent. We should get taxed even higher, our politicians need a raise

>Actually the Democrats have a pretty lengthy history of being pro-slavery, pro-segregation, pro-KKK...
...And then the rest of history happened. You're right, Lincoln was a republican. This thread is about politics after the invention of the light bulb

Principles are by nature not whimsical

Because republicans are retards. And as temporarily embarrassed millionaires, they're more afraid of minorities than the people who run their lives.

Then why aren't they all ancaps? check mate

I love how college kids think only the government can improve people's lives. People are just worthless idiots who are unable to better themselves right? Once you actually get a job, start paying a mortgage, your car note, car insurance, health insurance, property insurance, property tax, federal income tax, state income tax, and SS Medicare tax, you might start feeling a bit different about so much of your money lining others pockets

They vote "against their self interests" because people like you presume to know what their self interests are.

Republicans do

Pretty sure having less immigrants and paying less taxes is in their interest, pedro.

>being canadian


fuck this site, this chink sold it out and changed the code.

Well the democratic platform is universal poverty so easy to take an 'against' position.

>I love how college kids think only the government can improve people's lives
Yeah, it's not like first world countries with a more extensive welfare state also have a higher standard of living, with less poverty and crim- oh wait.

Affordable healthcare and higher education? Paid parental leave? Democrats are just better at running the economy, and them's the facts.

does that account for the QE PRINTING STIMULUS that made most economic models completely useless?

>college kid
Dude, I'm 30. I pay my taxes and my car has been paid for ages ago.

How is it you can't fathom a working adult who thinks of his fellow man and country?

Republicans want jobs so they can work for a living. Democrats want handouts so they can sit on their ass for a living. Lefties get confused about the job part and think as long as a person gets money for food, housing, a phone, etc. that they should be happy. Republicans need meaning in their lives, earning what they have is part of that. Democrats can't understand this so they think Republicans are stupid for not just sitting around collecting welfare.

>Affordable healthcare and higher education? Paid parental leave? Democrats are just better at running the economy, and them's the facts.

Yeah keep telling the peasants that they don't know whats good them, its been working so well for your side so far.

Two problems with that.

1) Poor whites want dignity in the form of jobs and not being culturally abused. Poor nonwhites want gibesmedats and privileges like affirmative action and racial quotas. Their interests are not aligned.

2) You can change your economic status, but you can't change your race. As a result, race will always be a stronger identifying factor than class.

Republicans aren't actually better at keeping down immigration, bucko. See pic related.

Which is why red states are the poorest?

>''hurr i'd rather have tax cuts for billionaires than be able to send my kids to college''
>''durrr why should healthcare be a right when mr. shekelstein could buy his 5th yacht instead''

What part of what I mentioned isn't actually good for the people?

Implying anything has changed. Democrats do more harm to minorities than any other group in power has ever done. There's a reason blacks in particular continue to suffer despite being under Democrat's rule for a long time.

>What part of what I mentioned isn't actually good for the people?

There are very few objectively "good" things for all people everywhere at all times, "good" is a subjective metaphysical concept when paired with values. People with certain value systems will gladly turn down things that other people with different might find essential. If you cant empathize, not even necessarily sympathize, with value systems contrary to your own, then of course they will vote against you, time and again.


Because Reds are less JEWED than the blues

>"good" is a subjective metaphysical concept when paired with values
At the core of it it's all subjective, yes, which is why we need to find common ground in order to have a productive discussion. If you don't think affordable healthcare, education, and paid parental leave are worth striving for, then go ahead and vote republican. What do you value instead?

yo fuck all you whites nomatter what party you wit. All yall wanna keep a black man down.

Interesting, perhaps this is due to rural lifestyle differences?

This 'higher standard of living' meme is a load of horseshit. It's a completely made up abstract concept incapable of proper measurement. I've lived in the US, the U.K., and Italy, and I promise that the 20% VAT and higher taxes in Europe does not give you a higher standard of living. Everything is more expensive and jobs pay less

I'm not saying jews aren't evil but keeping the poorest people in poverty is the founding principle of the democratic platform. Are you saying the democrats might one day eliminate the social programs that create their voting base?

Seriously though. Do you jerk off while people beat you senseless in these threads six times a day?

People want to work, make their own money, keep it, and spend it how they want.
How is this difficult to grasp?
They don't want to be a slave for 6 months out of the year so the government can give their money to some fat fuck with diabetes.
They want to buy their own healthcare.
They want to be independent.
Dem policies are only in the interest of low skilled immigrants and college kids that need a replacement mommy and daddy.

So it's patriotic to fund politicians and wars? With views like that are you sure you belong to the right political party?

>People want to work

Then when will republicans start to work as hard as democrats?

>richest country in all history
>cant get 2 weeks of work a year
>infrastructure ugly as all hell
>school expansions in my area are trailer buildings
They got us. The Jews did it.


Murica is a two party system, and both parties are out to fuck the white working class. Better raped by plutocrats, than raped, killed, and eaten by the Democrats' niggers.

When you vote for a political party, you aren't just buying one or two things that you like off the menu, now are you? I also think those three items you just listed are more complicated than simply being for or against.

I'm sure this has nothing to do with niggers

Nigger states work less than Jew states

It's presumptuous to state what any individual's interests are, when this is a subjective value.

The idea of 'poverty' is abstract in itself, but it refers to something real.

>incapable of proper measurement
Then how do we determine whether Iceland is a better country to live in than South Africa? Since living standard is something that can't be properly measured.

>The standard of living includes factors such as income, quality and availability of employment, class disparity, poverty rate, quality and affordability of housing, hours of work required to purchase necessities, gross domestic product, inflation rate, amount of leisure time every year, affordable (or free) access to quality healthcare, quality and availability of education, life expectancy, incidence of disease, cost of goods and services, infrastructure, national economic growth, economic and political stability, political and religious freedom, environmental quality, climate and safety.

Better go with 'muh feels' and laugh at yuropoors instead.

>keeping the poorest people in poverty is the founding principle of the democratic platform
[citation needed]

>People want to work, make their own money, keep it, and spend it how they want.
Which is why republicans are all ancaps.

>They don't want to be a slave
So when are you going to go galt?

>They want to be independent
And 'independent' in this case means working longer hours for less pay, with no mandated parental leave, more than 2 weeks vacation, or guaranteed healthcare and higher education? phew

why do libshits vote against their own interests on trade, immigration?

>rascism and judging others by how dark their skin is wrong
Prove it

Oh Jesus fucking christ. I think you are retarded. DID YOU KNOW... That raising the min pay will basically render every single pay raise previously earned as useless? Since, yknow, it will be raised higher anyway. And then the prices will inflate to match the new min wage, so they will be fucking worse off again.

I love when American Democrats screech about raising the min wage. Note none of them rely on a min wage job to live, most of them live off of daddy money so it means nothing to them.

>And 'independent' in this case means not taking other peoples shit for nothing?


Probably bait but the Berlin wall was built almost a decade after Stalin's death.

I work out 8 hours a week and compulsively count calories and macronutrients, faggot. I'm trying really hard to stay in shape so that I don't end up paying exorbitant medical bills. Why the fuck should I pay for some fat cunt's Mountain Dew addiction or some nignog's crack habit?

Are you asking he prove a moral position?

My guess would be that it's based on the massive agriculture subsidies given out to farmers who mostly reside in red states. Just another form of welfare, really.

The presumption that you know the first thing about me, much less what my INTERESTS are, is laughable. How dare you? You don't know any of us or what we believe or how we prioritize our interests or what even those interests are.

In fact, the very fact that you constantly repeat "rural and suburban retards" is proof of that. I'm nor rural or suburban, I'm a TIG welder in San Francisco. I know what my interests are, that's why I'm retiring at 35. Who in the sam fucking hill are you to tell me my interests, or to call me names? You don't know the first fucking thing about me that I didn't just tell you.

The arrogance. That's what gets me. The extreme arrogance of the Democrat to think that YOU know what is best for us. With all due respect, you sure didn't know what was best for Pennsylvania, and the election proved that decisively. You want to enforce your vision of the economy and the culture on everyone else--we want to be left alone, which is why I will NEVER, NEVER vote for a Democrat in my life, not if the Republicans run Paul fucking Ryan or Jeb in earnest next election, not if they run Mitt fucking Romney, because nothing those psychopaths want could even BEGIN to compare to what the Democrats would do if they held power again. They're talking about a 15% income tax hike plus more payroll and sales taxes now--is that in my fucking interests? Please explain how if so. How is that in my interests? You can't because you don't fucking know me.

High taxes, high debt, onerous regulation, totally within my economic self-intersts OP.

You had eight years. Are you really going to try to make the case that Obama was good for the working class?

I have yet to see an argument against image attached

You're not paying to fund their habits. Your tax dollars go towards helping them break those habits and become productive members of society and contribute to the economy.

If you want to argue that it's ineffective, you can cite why you say so, but that's the concept of welfare. It's a social safety net.

The only thing liberals know how to do is call people "stupid." They try to be subtle about it and come off like petulant, sophomoric eleven year olds.

Everything you wrote assumes a homogenous society. You think America qualifies as such?
>political and religious freedom, political stability, climate and safety
Wew we got some concrete things we can get hardline numbers of off now
>class disparity
I mean what the fuck even is this, are they measuring the dalits in India?
>leisure time, hours of work required for x
Jesus Christ how stupid can this get. Hours of work as what. Average of every salary paid (which of course is not published information) divided by collective hours worked by the nation? I mean ffs. Go live overseas and see shit for yourself rather than relying on cooked up horseshit. No country has it spot on, sure the US isn't some kind of utopian ideal, but come on this self hatred just turns you into a miserable prick

Hey, that's fine. Some of us value more leisure time, opportunities to educate oneself, maybe the ability to take a longer vacation, and not running the risk falling into crushing debt because you got some disease. Others will happily scrape by without any social safety nets so that Goldstein can buy another vacation house.


>says the completely unproductive member of society who wants more gibs

Oh yeah because it would be great not to have a government, police, roads, fire departments, and other things that make life not like Mad Max.

>muh roads

Back when they were the reactionaries. Reminder that Lincoln was a critic of wage labor and would thus be called a communist today.

In a thread of retards you are as downy as they possibly get. Funding them to break their habits? What kind of a bubble do you live in? Please open your veins, you're too stupid for this world

>raise taxes
>money goes to 4 year university-which not everyone is interested in going to
>money goes to gibs, who are already a net drain on the economy

>all Republicans want is to be left alone and independent
>retardacrats keep insisting they know what everyone else wants
>can't figure out how higher taxes on all classes isn't going to help

Wew lad

Sure, we'll go with that.

Thanks for the money, pal. Can't wait for more.

>le everyone who isn't an ancap or tea party nut is a lazy poor college kid with no money or morals meme
hahaha XDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!

>leaf detected