Book suggestions

recommend some books. been enjoying sam harris. what else would i enjoy? thanks.

Confessions of a Crap Artist
The Trouble with Gurley Pets

Crash by JG Ballard and Labyrinths by Luis Borges

>Black Rednecks, White Liberals by Thomas Sowell - the slavery essay is good

If you're into literature, any of Hitch's essay collections are good: Arguably, Love Poverty and War, and And Yet...

>Dispatches by Michael Herr

don't know what to make of 2nd suggestion. which makes me question the first suggestion. lmao

ty, will check these out

the bible you fucking pussy

The Fellowship of the Ring
The Two Towers
The Return of the King

Crime and Punishment
You won't regret it. get the P&V version


I'll admit I don't know who the fuck that is, but I enjoy Doestoyevsky.

They're both good stories though yeah the one isn't really a book. It does present a basically perfect world.
Confessions of a Crap Artist is honestly a great book. It's the only non-sci-fi novel Dick wrote and saw published. Explores themes like how the "sane" are just as mad as the rest of us.

>been enjoying sam harris

I haven't heard great things about crime and punishment from them, and personally I'm enjoying the McDuff translation right now. I read brothers Karamzov in Garnett but I will re-read one day in P&V. I read idiot by them and plan to read demons in their translation. I heard some very specific stuff about how they didn't capture some things well. They have a lot of criticism. Their idiot was fantastic though I have no comparison.

I scrolled through Gurley and it looked like a fanfic so I thought you might be trolling. but thanks dude I'll read em both.

Is there a problem with Sam Harris?

Sup Forums books

He's a kike

Atlas Shrugged is dismissed as a meme around here, but I genuinely enjoyed reading it. Even if you don't agree with Rand on any of her positions, the first third of that book is still one the greatest stories of accomplishment that I have ever read.

He's a pretty eloquent kike

But still a kike and not even a kike that is on our side.

I just read "Islam and the Future of Tolerance" and thought it was a good gateway-book for faggots who still think "Islamophobia" is a thing. He didn't question Nawaz more about how he "interprets" the killing of infadels to mean anything else which is my biggest complaint. That fucker sugarcoated everything and dodged questions and Harris didn't pry more. Needed to be a longer book. But it was a decent book and I'm interested in reading "Lying" and "Free Will."

Well, it is a porno story but that doesn't mean it isn't a good story. And if you want to be a literary analyzing ass you could look at it's themes of the dangers of getting what you want and that building perfection isn't as good as trying to change things to be better.

Harris is dumbass atheist. Next you'll be telling us that you think Dawkins is an intellectual.


I said I will read it. I trust u dont need some thematic explanation lol

What's some Sup Forums recommended reading I can listen to on audible?

The Holy Bible KJV

Atlas Shrugged
How the West was won
Revelation - a return to virtue
Culture of Critique
White Identity
