Why do kikes support democracy and universal suffrage for every country in the world?

Why do kikes support democracy and universal suffrage for every country in the world?

Why must EVERY country be 'democratic' in the way that the US and Western Europe is?

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because shitholes with 5+ major violent ethnic groups cannot be rules democratically , if you force them into being democratic the country falls apart and the people flee to the west for handouts.

Slim thighs > Huge butts

I forgot about the old tesco bags

Everything must be up for debate.

>why do kikes support democracy
because it's easy to manipulate people and it provides them with a false sense of freedom
>universal suffrage
further degradation of the family unit which leads to an increase in dependence on the state, and women vote for more socialism and immigration

Mass control

She needs to eat her eggs.

Because it's FREEDOM you fucking dolt

There's nothing bad with women's suffrage either. Just autistic fucks on here who have a problem with women are against it thanks to insecure and jealousy problems. Just like muslims who're insecure and jealous of of women, plus muslim men are shit at sex, and any experienced woman will know this.

Democracies are easily corruptible. There are many elected representatives. Each representative is an opportunity for bribery or corruption.

A monarchy or despotic gov't is much harder to influence.

They support democracy because they control the media.

>Why do kikes support democracy and universal suffrage for every country in the world?

Because kikes buy politicians.


ok go live in north korea then or go back in time to nazi europe, or some other dystopian nightmare

he's views on women are outdated

in fact it's men that are the dumb ones now

1. they have a death grip on the media
2. most people alive are addicted to tv and social media and are incapable of forming their own opinions, so they vote for whoever the media tells them to
3. or they vote for continued handouts

so that they have multiple equal powers to play against each other

>the only alternative to democracy is starvation under commie gooks
yeah nah

80-90% of the people are politically retarded, that's why. I'd prefer a system where men earn their right to vote through military service and education.

why only men?

also, who funding this education?

Because democracy is bad for every country including US and Western Europe. It's bad because it can be infiltrated by Jews.

Jews want to infiltrate and control all countries on Earth. So they want democracy in every country in the world.

They don't support Democracy. They use it to get what they want by ballot stuffing with illegals, dead votes, if the vote is close they recount until they get the result they want. Honestly never met a jew that genuinely like Democracy and I'm related to a few by maraige. They use it as a cudgel against their political enemies saying if illiterates from 3rd world socialist shitholes aren't allowed to vote without ID YOU are against Democracy, but they're all authoritarians with an open hatred for working class whites.

media control
the most suggestible people must be given the right to vote for jews to work their magic

what the fuck is free about a democracy you incredible moron

Kek, I was just thinking that.

because it is the least worst form of governance, if not corrupt.

nah democracy restricted to people who demonstrate cultural preservation would be much better

They dont but they pretend they have to so they can invade those countries. Democracy wars are basically the new religious wars which were done to "convert" people to our religion so you "could save them".

>having that saved
end yourself, deranged faggot.

Because bringing "democracy" to places that don't want or care about it causes those places to destroy themselves. That is the legacy of the jew: Destroying cultures from the inside out like a cancer.

