What is wrong with these people?

What is wrong with these people?

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President Trump and VP Pence have more important things to think about right now. They need to complete the Saudi arms deal and ensure good, ongoing relations between the US and Saudi Arabia.

>Leftist shoots Republican
See....I told you

what a bunch of faggots

Our thoughts and prayers are with the swat teams raiding the propaganda ministers of the anti American rebels.

No God
No Identity
No Family
No Independent Thought

Trump will lock up and execute every traitor Dem. KeK wills it.

Fuck them. They're more concerned about "drumpf sux XD" than actual lives of people. They are no better than Isis or communists, and we should hang them all.

Lowered frontal lobe brain matter.

Liberals have decided to use guns to get rid of guns.

I don't see this ending favorably for them.

>implying people's lives matter


>I wouldn't have shot you if you made the process to purchase a gun an hour longer.

Liberalism, not even once

Yeah let's just take away everybody's guns except for the military
That will turn out well

>Gun control might be an option

>Mandatory Gun Training is also an option

The armed forces serve Trump.

DC has the harshest gun control laws in the nation. How did they work out?

>We need gun control to stop ourselves from getting our hands on guns to shoot you with


brah it's just hitting me hard that 9 Republicans and Rand Paul were dead to rights for a crazy motherfucking liberals, what saved them was the guy was shooting through a chain linked fence.

>Terrorist attack happens.
>As it's relevant, Trump once again discusses his travel ban.

>Shooting happens.
>Liberals who get irate about the above immediately start aggressively pushing gun control.

What are liberals going to say when none of the Republicans magically become anti-gun?

>“The only reason why any of us walked out of this thing, by the grace of God, one of the folks here had a weapon to fire back and give us a moment to find cover. We were inside the backstop and if we didn’t have that cover by a brave person who stood up and took a shot themselves, we would not have gotten out of there and every one of us would have been hit — every single one of us,” said Bishop. “He was coming around the fence line and he was looking for all of us who had found cover in different spots. But if we didn’t have return fire right there, he would have come up to each one of us and shot us point-blank.”


We were forced to give up our guns and then our gun crime went up 15-21% over then next 5 years

but GUN CRIME went down!

Nope mass shootings went down. The rest went up

They're seriously heartless and retarded.
The burnt corpses of children haven't even been plucked from the tower block in London and I've read so many comments that its a conspiracy against Muslims and Blacks (despite the fact many white families lived in that block) and that Theresa May is to blame.
Also lots of fucking Muslim praise completely ignoring the other residents race and religion and the wide array of locals ethnicity and backgrounds helping out.

The entire point of the second amendment is to shoot at a tyrannical government

If gun control is so detrimental, explain Switzerland to me. Everyone owns guns in Switzerland and they habe an extremely low violent crime rate.

Rush predicted people would start snapping after being let down time after time by the fake news.

>using old people's meme

why didnt they make shooting people illegal

just make crime illegal

Arr, had they not a ball in their match lock they would be made to walk the plank by this lowly scallywag. Let this be a lesson to ye gun grabbers.

or to scare the govt so much that they dont have too.

>washington d.c
>gun control

liberals aren't very smart

definitely, leftists are now increasingly gleeful at the death of white people, conservative or otherwise.

its time to get the rope

they should start making liberals illegal


>save civilization


You thought that meme was going to die when a repub is in office? Heh, 4 years to go, bud.

inshallah this crusader site is next

Sweetie, it's not like we want to yank your guns out of your hands. Do you really think that's even possible? No, hundreds of police will get shot, darling. Nobody is coming to take your guns. All we're asking is to make sure that guns don't end up in the wrong hands, babe. People who have a history of mental illness, take certain meds, criminals, etc.
People don't even carry guns around with them anyway, unless you're in Bumfuck, Texas.
Believe me, I want people to be able to carry guns around, honeybuns.. Some want gun-free zones, which I disagree with, but we can compromise...and it just seems like as soon as you put "gun" and "control" in the same sentence, every redneck starts chimping out.

America is so saturated in guns that if you ban guns it would be impossible to seize all the existing weapons without full blown martial law, and even that would fail.

>b-but Trump used the Manchester attacks to push his Muslim ban

Never let a good tragedy go to waste

You don't speak for the party leadership. I heard some D. senator on TV today talking about trying to "get control of the 3 million guns in this country." That IS the long-term goal and they will use any event to move the ball in that direction. You think if they had more checks they'd just stop trying to get control? Very naive.