What we muslims on Sup Forums should embrace is the stereotypes that Sup Forums has about us. Don't be apologetic...

What we muslims on Sup Forums should embrace is the stereotypes that Sup Forums has about us. Don't be apologetic, don't be pathetic with #notallmuslims campaign.

Embrace it. Yes we are terrorists. Yes we will terrorize you. Yes we will invade your land with refugees. InshaAllah Europe will be muslim in the near future.

Neckbeard neets can only complain on Sup Forums. The leftist media is on our side. Edgy 4channers only dare to spout their hatred here on the internet, for they are pussies in real life while we muslims, we prepare to die for our deen.

Remember, convert their families, marry their daughters, put hijab on them and make sharia the law of the land in the whole of Europe.

Takbir ya ikhwan.

Other urls found in this thread:


Do it so that you create more reactionaries and brighten the fire adjacent to libtard feet.

I am totally with you brother

No, be apologist, we need weak muslim. Lets be friends, peace on earth.

Embrace the fact that you're the product of 1400 years on inbreeding and dumbing-down on a genetic level? That Islam is the worse kind of fanfiction, and muhammad was a cousin-fucking murderer that could handle the slightest of slights without reverting to autistic rage?

I used to be against Islamification, but the degeneracy of the West is just too much. Enough is enough. We need a hard reset. I honestly think Islam will be the saving factor of the White race.

At least you are based and not cucked

Ethnic cleanse starting soon, shitskin. You will be shot dead first.


But please never dare to put a foot in my country

>inbred cousinfuckers



No brother we have to follow Islam and we don't care what the kuffar say. We cant pretend Islam is something that it's not either to please them or to troll them.

Islam is Islam. We won't accept them trying to remove our religion from us but at the same time, it's not permissible to randomly kill innocent people.

Enjoy your shitty 3rd world country sand nigger, you will never belong to Europe and the suburbs you succeed at "conquering" will turn to shit because you are shit of the desert and the descendant of inbred rape babies. Right wing will rise and you will get what's coming to.

What do you say to Westerners that have learned of Islam on their own, faithfully adhering to the Five Pillars of Islam and Six Articles of Faith?

It's because people always expect someone else to step in and do their dirty work whilst they claim victory in their own basements

muslims don't win shit, they never will ever ever ever. you get the stick that we give you and then we yank it away like we always do. enjoy your sand, bitch

Are you fucking kidding me?


The funny thing is that a Turkish wrote it, they literally have two terrorist attacks per month by kurds/isis LMAO

inshallah brother

For the record, I am a born Muslim, my father is a European revert, and my mother is an Arab. I hate posts like your because they are obviously a garbage baitpost, but I can agree with not changing your views simoly to fit western palettes. Islam is Islam, though your description of what that is is highly erroneous.


Yep, this is a 6 gorillion tier post.

Embrace it whole heartedly.

Not using the jihadi flag.

Fuck off larp

We Muslims of Chechenia are with you. European and Western perverts are trying to poison our culture with their globalization. They try to make our sons gay with their LGBT agenda. Inshaallah we will replace there pervertions with pure Shariah law.

Hear me, dear Sup Forums. Islam is really your salvation. Together we will destroy LGBT, feminism and world imperialism once and for all. Islam is patriarchal religion of peace, but to achieve it we all have to fight Zionists and their agenda.

You shouldn't be saying stuff like this during Ramadan

>1 post by this ID


2bqh i got no problem with the christians, in fact, i think converting them to islam will only make them worse due to what they did with christianity.

your father gave you cuck genes

It will be, Brother. We Chechens are white people and Islam only help us to preserve pure blood wihin our population.

Adolf Hitler himself belived that Islam is the most fitting religion for the White race. Check this out and you will know I'm telling the truth.


Christians are the People of the Book. They worship the One God just as we are, but they lost the right way. We actually can help them to find the right way once again.

ISIS can take all the southern states if they want it, you're just a bunch of fags who will be defeated bigly

Right wing will be behead, none of you is ready to kill, you're all fags

Women don't have to wear burkas in Islam. Burka != Hijab. And Burkas are the part of Arabian culture, not the Islamic one. Even more, only Gulf Arabs wear them. It's just their National thing, not religious one.

But I feel proud for them tbqh, they preserved their national identity for the ages and don't feel ashamed for wearing their national costumes. And why don't YOU wear them anymore?

Yeah that's right, don't bother attacking the muslims in Europe who are committing rape, violence, fraud, theft, drug trafficking, murder, terrorism, FGM, etc, just attack the people who are upset about all these subhuman things, that should work! Typical muslim.

Thx for being honest, bro. That's what we need on the world. Now I can hate you in peace

>only Gulf Arabs wear them. It's just their National thing, not religious one.
Go to Indonesia.

>replace degeneracy with degeneracy
You're party of the problem. The solution to postmodernism isn't Islam you fucking mentally retarded piece of shit. Kill yourself

Islam is a religion of ignorance. You don't solve a problem such as that with your own ignorance, retard.


Fuck off beaner, you copy our beheadings

inshallah my brother

What a fucking faggot you are, you deserve a truck ride

>we'll show you by changing nothing

This. And then they cry because "istanbul gets no hashtags or flags! I want my little flaggy, please Mr. Zuckerberg!"

mashALLAH brother well said. we stop being apoletic cucks like westerners.

Nide shidbost eksdee. I certainly do agree that Islam couls be Europe's salvation, but not by flooding their nations with MENA's worst, but by ahowing them the true path of this deen ans helping them onto their own feet.

Maybe, but we perfect it.

Couldn't agree with your approach more.

Nothing on earth will turn people to the felt presence of their own experiences faster than simple, uncomplicated honesty, especially when it is delivered in a "matter of fact" style.

I've been arguing a similar thing re NWO\Deep State stuff for years.

Treat it as normal as the sunrise, without emotion.

Burkas are not worn by Arabs, that is a Pashtun thing. Arabs wear Niqabs.

Dont apologize for Islam, but dont stand by un-Islamic Wahhabist scum either.

lol no, our videos are art, you're all just a bunch of hitmans

this is what my thicc musleman beauties wear, filthy kaffir

No fag, we are not going to surrender to your country, accept it


Hey Mike

I could never be Muslim. Not because I don't believe in God, but because Islam is so heavily Arab that it just puts me off. I will not learn that disgusting Arabic """language""". I will not go to Mecca. I will not fuck my sister. Islam is completely incompatible with western values. They even disagree with "mans best friend" on account of dogs hating niggers/sandniggers almost as much as we do.

>Don't be apologetic,

It doesnt matter if you're apologetic or not, we know you're nothing but scum.


Look Achmed, just because she's your first cousin doesn't mean we all think she's as hot as you do

She's likely to be born of incest anyway. A result of inbreeding like so many Muslims. The inbreeding thing actually explains a lot about Muslims behavior and thinking

No, you're all the scum, get the fuck out of our lands or we will keep the bloodbaths, fucking fags, no one wants you in the middle east

You will be defeated. Islam is what's keeping the Aliens from full contact with humanity, they know as long as you filth exist they can't enlighten us further because you would try to take your caliphate global. Humanity will never be united until it's last horrible antagonistic ideology (islam) is no more.

I used to hatefuck a married muslim chick. I always made sure to blow my load in her mouth, and she said she kissed her muslim husband as soon as she got home. She found it hilarious.
They are massive whores for the BWC

Says probably a redneck with a whole tradition of incest, you're a fags, incestous scum, transgender, you people my dear faggot are the scum of this earth

typical kaffirs getting mad because muslim beauties are superior to western coalburners
>want large families
>hate the jews
>traditional honourable society based on patriarchal control
>cook good food
>submission to god and husband
when will you swallow the islam/sandpill

You would try to take your caliphate galactic*


Instructions unclear. Want to wear hijab and turn into a girl

'Rednecks' do not actually have a tradition of incest. Also not that many southerners or even confederates were what you would consider 'redneck' that term and incest bs is just liberal propaganda. Note i'm a northerner with a high paying job.

Huminaty will never united with imperialist murderers like you, you are the ones who seed division in this world, may god punish you all


>pretends like islamists having been fighting each other since the death of Mohammad
Actually I don't think you're pretending. I think you're inbred and so mentally retarded that you don't even know your own history, or that you can comprehend others know Islam's history and can interpret the Quran better than you sand nigger redneck cousin fuckers

Islam is dying bitch. It's never been so internally divided and externally despised across the whole world. Act as rough and aggressive as you want. Your retarded inbred degenerate brain doesn't realize it only speeds up the dying process.

Can I declare a Jihad on that ass?

I wear hijab and abaya myself, I'm a sister, not a brother. Also, that woman in your pic should learn that she should cover, not wrap.

Why would I want you too, just dont be a wahhabist moron and we are good. The USA actually has a pretty Islamic legal system already, it just needs that little extra oush towards the Sharia and it would be perfect.

Lol, keep that tinfoil hat on tighter, some hair is showing.

Total lie.

>may god punish you all
>not allah

Leaf detected

propaganda? hahaha, everybody nows how degenerate your western fucks are

You make a good argument.

Will make my personal sex slaves when I need to repopulate the white races.

Cheers, mate.

Atleast youre honest about your intentions. I respect that.

Had Rome never fallen to internal corruption and the barbarian horde they would have unified the world under with their imperial ambition. At the height of the Roman Empire during Pax Romana they're methods of incorporating massive amounts of different people is unparalleled in the world today.

If Rome had kept its shit together and not embraced Christianity, then Islam never would have come to exist and we would have had colonies on Mars with shrines to Mars centuries ago.

Man, you know how easy it would be to delete you people?

You wish. Complete truth. She said all of her friends love fucking white men. They're obsessed with it.

But brother Islam permits transgender


>allah is arabic word for god
moronic spaghetti nigger detected

Ahahahaha look at you, poor scum, are you having a hard time! you are the ones who are totally divided for stupid hillary or trump, you are the ones who are coming to a civil war, christians kill eachother way before Islam, and they keep doing it, you aint going to teach me shit on history

It's disgraceful but I don't think Indonesian women are forced to wear them. They have a choise between simple and humble Hijab and any other closed clothes. For some reason they choose the most closed one. Maybe they are just imitating Arab women as they want to be closer to Prophet's culture. Can't blame them, it happens often among Muslim women and girls indeed. But, again, it's their own choice.
>Islam is a religion of ignorance.
This isn't true my friend, classical Islam always inspired young scholars to research the world and the Universe around them, and this is why Muslims were in the head of progress during Medieval times.


The USA has a secular and christian system you fucking retard, its unbelievable i know more of your hellhole than you

Who's the qt on the far right?

Please kill yourself

A true wahabi muslim would not use the word god, fucking leaf.

Allah is God in Arabic pizzaman

Why do you guys pretend to be scary when your word for god looks like a cat?

>Yes we will invade your land with refugees.
>Yes we will pose as children and get all the candy
This is a really weak position for anyone to be in. Also this comment is fake. People from Jordan does not speak this good English, and if they do, they would be busy dong something useful, not posting on this website.

>but not by flooding their nations with MENA's worst, but by ahowing them the true path of this deen ans helping them onto their own feet.
This is correct. And Islam must be salvation from the ones who forced Europeans to open their borders to flood Europe with Muslim refugees. You realize this was done only to spread hatred in Europe, to make them hate Muslims, do you? It was done by the SAME people who forced YOU to wage wars in Middle East, the ones who plotted all the events of the last 30 years.

USA is not secular, it is pluralist and most Americans are Christians. Islam encourages pluralism. Did you study the same Quran and Sunnah I did? Christians are the closest group to Muslims as well and they have a major prescence here.

That is a sin ;).

Sure you faggots have internal corruption who lead to self destruction, you have no morals or honor


2003 (it's worse now )mobile.nytimes.com/2003/05/01/world/saudi-arabia-awakes-to-the-perils-of-inbreeding.html

Wew lads. So scary. Nothing says "planetary conquerors" like fucking your cousin, blindly following the words of a pedophile, fucking your cousin again and then having kids with your cousin. Yes, Islam, notorious for inbreeding and extremely low IQ followers, will surely rule the world some day. A-any day now, a-allah will get you! TOP KEK

Even American rednecks aren't so degenerate that they breed through incest for up to 40 generations. That's fucking disgusting, but in the world of Islam in the middle East (Pakistan especially) it's totally normal. telegraph.co.uk/news/health/children/11723308/First-cousin-marriages-in-Pakistani-communities-leading-to-appalling-disabilities-among-children.html

Tfw Muslims are bigger rednecks than the western ones they constantly scream about hating

Straight to archive

>nytimes com/2003/05/01/world/saudi-arabia-awakes-to-the-perils-of-inbreeding.html

I want that woman as my personal breeding sow.