

The shooter didn't kill anyone. Yet again, Bernouts fail.

>Drumpf installs his racist dictatorship to ruin America
>not expecting the ultra high IQ citydwellers to do something about it

I've been calling the government tyrannical for years, lefties just don't like being our of power, that doesn't justify what has been done

Fighting for one party over the other isn't stopping tyranny it's just preferring one tyranny over the other

She needs a chopper ride

>guy dies by a gun and fails

Yes, the 2nd amendment sure does rock

>if necessary

>tyrannical government
>Trump is pro gun rights
>taking everything CNN says to you ver nation
This place is unironically turning me into a dictator

Ver batim*

>if necessary

This is the key. You are able to defend yourself from the agents of the government when they come to infringe upon your rights.

You don't just go and start shooting fucking legislatures.

>50 shot
>1 dead

yea not like that braindead bernouts

put these fucking people in jail

Fuck that kill em all

Yeah because shooting someone at a baseball game REALLY was an act of self defense and rights.

Just like shooting someone in the theater was to preserve white people.

>mental gymnastics

>Conservatives: NO, NOT LIKE THAT!
That's strange considering I'm seeing dems shit themselves over guns today.

>t. 17 year old

Going by that logic I guess this was a legitimate rebellion against government too.

And the only person killed was the commie. We won.

Who the fuck is even saying the shit they claim?

absolutely nobody. it is contrived fantasy just like when they made up stories about their tranny maid getting punched by a man who yelled "this is trump country now" or their eight year olds asking if they should no longer wear a burka.

I'd hope Liberals would be saying 'NO, NOT LIKE THAT!!' too.

Unless of course they are okay with guns now.

Good, does that mean you'll stop crying about gabby Giffords now?

I guess JFK being assassinated was necessary

>you, democroshit; I love free speech
>me, intellectual; blows up half a dozen abortion clinics to protest the institutionalize do killing of unborn babies
>you, a democroshit; not like that!

I rest my point.



Liberal logic

Its supposed to work exactly like that. Your just not supposed to have a media that lies constantly while spewing hate radicalizing socialists.

>shot by a democrat
>opposes guns
>it's okay when we do it

Yea I don't think shooting into a crowd of unarmed people is really the way to go about getting sympathy for your group that is full of degenerates.
Maybe you should put up some flyers saying you're all loons instead of shooting some senators...

Nobody is saying that. The shooter was stopped with a gun. This is shitty bait. Sage.

Yes, that is how it's supposed to work.
And the attacker was shot by someone else who also expressed their second ammendment rights.
This has to be the most patriotic happening ever.
My freedom boner is so huge right now.

Nigger speak triggers me so fucking much.

The funny thing about that is that the left and tbe media tried to blame that on the right. But the shooter was insane. And not like "oh that man was a madman or a lunatic to have done that." No that shooter was literally insane. They had to pharmacologically treat him so he was mentally competent to stand trial. After he pled guilty he was sentenced to a mental health facility.

And the dude who was killed was a socialist! Rager boy!

>right-wingers face when realizing second amendment applies to leftists too

>can't differentiate between attempted murder and a revolution

Leftists have a point; none of them should have guns, or the right to vote.

No, it's for opposing a tyrannical government.
How the fuck is Trump's administration tyrannical?

>niggers think republicans would ever defy the authority they democratically elected without suffering the horrible legal consequences of every holding such chaotic and stupid ideas

check this out, The Amazing Atheist BTFOs conservacucks

How will Sup Forums recover from this?

Meh, only person who died was a liberal, so I'm pretty happy about the outcome.

fuck leftists

>member of Senate

>actively searching and gunning down people

it cut all my gibs

the shill are out in force today.

"If necessary"

> it's actually unnecessary


>pro censorship
> right wing
The irony is fucking palpable. These faggot should stick more fruits and oils up his ass

isnt that the fat guy shoving bananas or some shit up his ass ? why would I care about his opinion ?


Seeing lefties buy guns and start practicing at a shooting range has never made my freedom boner stronger than it is now.

Let me point out the irony of a Berniebro being pro 2A in peace.


>Socialist shoots into crowd of GOP members
>Lefty shout hooray
>Conservatives say that's not how you go about political discourse and don't commit terrorism
>Lefty says conservatives are butthurt


>1 post by this ID

So what if he shoves bananas up his ass when he just BTFO you with superior logic???



This is unironically the truth.

so wouldnt antifa technically be americas first communist revolution?

"You shouldn't generalize. Not all Muslims are bad even though 60% of them believe that Sharia law should be the only law in the world"

"WOW! Less than 0.0000002% of guns are used for crime??? BAN ALLL GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!"

>amendment meant for the people to protect themselves against a hostile government
>shoots up a baseball game
God liberals are fucking daft

Wtf i hate the bill of rights now

guns arent the problem, the fact that you guys sell guns to mentally unstable and violent people is the problem. you really need to do a better job with background checks and making it harder to get a gun license.

>amendment meant for the people to protect themselves against a hostile government

Nope. Thats not what it says in the constitution.

Domestic Terrorism and attempts to silence people through intimidation and force *IS* political discourse to the left.

Filled with government officials


Oh please, please keep posting these "arguments" that reveal just how deep the butthurt goes. Don't let up! 2018 elections are still a ways away! More sunlight!

You'd never get a blanket gun ban through just for the left tho.

No matter how mentally unstable and violent they get.

Atheists are based AF.

>that's not how you go about political discourse
that's where you're wrong kiddo

Liberals are shooting up conservatives to FORCE a corrupt government, not fight one.




Really makes you think about republicans using the pistol argument

That's right, I forgot these people are insane!

Impossible with the healthcare information restrictions put in place by Clinton.

What we need is harsher enforcement of laws, examples made out of people, and a resurgence of gun safety and education.

Also, wtf were all these prime targets doing lollygagging in an open field with no security on the spot?

>So what if he shoves bananas up his ass


supposition is not an argument. banana.

>A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
>security of a free state
How that doesn't translate to you, I don't know

>shooting at a baseball game is necessary to a security of a free state.

Yeah, not like that you fucking idiot.

The founders didn't say to shoot politicians you disagree with, it means that if there ever was some kind of quartering in private homes, extreme personal violation of rights such as military boots on the ground, then we could fight.

This isn't the fucking french revolution, the 2nd amendment was not put in for shit you don't favor, it was put in for tyranny

This is why liberals are seen as retards.

guess i can go shoot dems now :)

after all they want to remove my sec ammendment so thats tyrannical bro


Lmao dumbass. nobody died but him because everyone there had a gun to defend themselves.
gun regulations don't prevent shootings anymore than bomb regulations prevent bombings.

of course a faggot would think shooting trump voters is the way to change the government.

absolutely this


Yea, because it wasn't necessary

This man gets it.

JFK's assassin was also a commie. Did they ever teach you that in school, that Lee Harvey Oswald was a devout communist? They never mentioned that to me when I was in history class.

Had to learn that one myself from my personal reading.

>"my wife's son needs guns to defend himself from Drumpf's regi-"

I recognize your filename you shitty fucking leaf. You have never made a good post and you should fuck off forever.

top kek

the hero was a 65 yr old man. he gave his life for what's right.

Extreme unjust government power. It is meant to be somewhat vague.

>Boots on the ground
>quartering soldiers in peoples homes
>gun confiscation
>political prisoners being taken
>jailing law abiding journalists.
>Going through every possible legal avenue before resorting to force obviously

Those are just some examples.

Ahhh I love the smell of a straw man in the morning.



End thread

You forgot

>running a better election campaign


>practicing softball

Highly underrated post


Imagine thinking your brand on SJWism is somehow against the bleak futures presented in Black Mirror.

>Hey Trumpsters, I know you're not great at history, but remind me again who won last time we had a Civil War?