Any Self-loathing mestizo here? What's been your expirience? How do you deal with self hatred?

Any Self-loathing mestizo here? What's been your expirience? How do you deal with self hatred?

Joining martial arts helped.

Writing helps.

Cleaning helps.

Eating and drinking healthy helps.

Avoid all television and mainstream music.

Those are a good start.

I'm quarter Portuguese in Latvia, so its pretty much the same

>Any Self-loathing mestizo here?
yes,I'm half white half mestizo.
>What's been your expirience?
I hate my indio phenotype brown eyes, tan skin, low iq
>How do you deal with self hatred?
Knowing that my children would look white if I bleached my genes out with a white woman

>Knowing that my children would look white if I bleached my genes out with a white woman
low iq confirmed

I'm a mestizo who loves myself.

t. 1% mesoamerican

Self hatred is for germans and swedes

Sort of, almost. I hate mestizos but I am white.

Have you ever considered that your "muh dick" white woman lusting actually exacerbates your ethnic self-hatred by sublimating your inferiority complex into a sexual conquest fantasy instead of actually resolving the feelings of inferiority

spix don't have muh dick tho, they're azn tier

smelly dumb pardo scum
Does your girlfriend have mustaches?

>Am I white?
>Am i nigger?
Fucking get over it. Jesus.

Kys mate is your only way out.

ugh mestizos have their own entire continent yet they must flood the USA. Even most of our KKK members here are mestizo.

This. Gtfo browns

>tfw too low iq to know what most of these words meant


Look mestizos I'm white and think you're inferior and should be exterminated but you should really just stop caring what I think. Stop allowing yourself to be mentally cucked and just focus on promoting the interests of your own race, I would respect shitskins so much more if they were just quietly self-confident and worked to help each other instead of screeching and screaming constantly at white people for "oppressing" them

I'm half Norwegian and half Colombian. I got my dad's hair (blond but turned kinda sandy blond when my balls dropped), eyes (dark blue), and his height (I'm 6'2) and my mother's dad's build, wide shoulders and big fucking feet.
Eh, I get questions whenever I go up to the Dakotas, where my dad's family moved here almost a decade ago, about if I'm from Scandinavia or Iberia.
I've been to both of my parents countries and I identify more with Norway than Colombia.

>t. puto

I did kendo and karate growing up. Looking back there were only whites, asians, and a handful of latinos who participated in them. No blacks.

>I've been to both of my parents countries and I identify more with Norway than Colombia
Tell that to Norwegians, spic. I'm quarter Portuguese, and not some sudaca like you, but I'm a shitskin foreigner in Latvia

Well if you have to ask that question you probably know the answer.

I'm 1/4 mestizo, 3/4 Spanish.
I don't mind as much, 4/4 Spanish would be better but I would rather live in USA with 60% whites and everyone else was 100% westernized/knowing "white culture" is the best, speaking English, patriotic, assimilated, no identity politic groups, etc. Than a USA with 80% whites where BLM, Feminists, Islam, etc were intensified.

My point is yes "muh whiteness" is good, but that doesn't prevent us from having so many white feminist and sjw/antifa.

I mean, I have been to Stavanger with my dad and I fit in just fine. It helps when you learn 3 languages at once growing up.

Be proud of who you are you pathetic cuck. I have no respect for any self loathing sack of shit like you.

No. No one has a clue I'm a spic until either I tell them my full name or straight say I'm the offspring of two spics from South America. Honestly feels great.

>Than a USA with 80% whites where BLM, Feminists, Islam, etc were intensified.

No those intensify specifically because there are less white people here. Any number under 90% will mean those other 10% non-whites start to get fucked by the increased amount of them.

Most people think of you are a shitskin abomination that you really is. I speak Portuguese, Austrian German, Czech, English and Latvian. Doesn't help much being a local in the area of Baltic states and Scandinavia. I don't look dark, but the fact of mixed ancestry places me there

>adding your mugshot to some analyzing website.

How stupid are you people you keep doing this.

Except not. I have fair skin that rarely darkens unless I'm in the sun a lot, which I usually don't as I prefer the cold.

>sudaca and American delusional over Europe again
Talk to locals and explain your background. If you are not an autist, you can catch barely masked disgust

To be honest I couldn't be happier. Ever since my wife embraced an open relationship both our lives have been a lot richer.

I lived in Stavanger for almost 9 years you fuckass. I think I would know how the Norsk felt about me more than you, you pathetic retard.

kek, keep roleplaying pardo filth. You'd be detested everywhere and in every European movement and community. Your probably a rape baby from my great great great grandfather anyway. Mistake he did was not killing enough of feather niggers

Damn so much hate. I remember when I was 15. Try going outside more often.

>muh you're a virgin

Didn't say that, just that you are behaving like a child. Learn to read.

Sorry, but no. They're just swell people.

Portuguese temperament. Hang yourself.

Is Jontron dead?

I hate myself so much but at least I'm a 6'2" beaner. all the international girls I meet always go like "oh my you're the tallest mexican I've ever seen" and it feels awesome. But then I open my mouth and they realize I have a 2D personality.

>tfw self loathing is on a large social scale amongst hispanic populations
>older generations push the younger to whiten the gene pool in "avanzando la raza" or advancing the race.

Feels pretty good.

I spy for Sup Forums in lefty groups while eating tacos

Moreso than people in Sverige but I know the difference between faux hospitality and the real deal.
Majorar la raza


>role playing autistic pardo tries to explain how loved he is, when in fact almost all Norwegian people around him can't understand who come your beta dad felt so low to bang your sudaca whore of a mother
You have nothing to do with the guy on the left and never will


Wake up, look in the mirror and say "At least I'm not a nigger."

My mother was a criolla, but keep pretending you know anything kiddo.

Yeah, think it might be because they're not as urbanized yet.


Spanish phenotype: light brown and straight hair, light green eyes and pale skin.

Sorry to disappoint, spain is fucked though won't brag about how great my country is. Love living in south florida however. Stay buttblasted mang.

Half white/puerto rican

I say this everyday. Also taken up gardening , hunting, began reading communist manifesto/mein kampf.

Oslo was, but I hated it. Trondheim is shit and Bergen is on the same path

i could do with the bbc though

Reporting in

You are not Iberian you fucking mongrel. You mother probably has ton of hair growing from her back and her "Spanish" side goes to Andalusian rejects. Afonso I O Grande was cutting """people""" like you from the wombs himself on his blood purity trials
Spanish or spic? From what I get you are some feather nigger mixed wetback
>shitskin complains about decay in society that is foreign to him

>tfw mixed black/white

The fact you let Sup Forums make you so insecure about your own race and heritage really is beyond fucking pathetic seriously

How do I look?

God , i fucking hate humanity.

Easy there Squanto.

I really fucking do.

No , i'm being serious.

I'm not joking.

Kidding , i love people and want what's best for them.

I'm an idealist who cares for the underdog.

wait a second

zuka blyat kurwa

Lmao just give that thick assed loli sister of yours to some superior genetic specimens to spitroast

Nvm realised you are in Mexico

Vile offspring of Cain! Hehehe

Fucking pathetic. So you're mixed. I'm mixed. I'm not ashamed of it. Just what I was born as.

vodka and LARPing as a full fledged white man on Sup Forums

I fucking hate people like you and people like OP as well. Stay away from me. All of you.

I would suggest you grow a pair or kill yourself. So you are a gross, hairy, brown midget, deal with it. You aren't going to suddenly wake up with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a 6'2" frame.

Good for you user

I hope your children get nemounia and die.

Nobody fucking likes White people.

A FUCKING LEAF. Every single time.

Meanwhile... Puerto Rican here, Build wall.

I want to see White Aryans getting disgraced. Then , i want to see Jews eating eachother.

I want to see the collapse of everything.

Mestizo here. I just wanted to be white, fucking RNG gods

You look like a cuck.

actually, you are probably a beta compared to me. i bet youve never even killed another man in combat.


did you try like fucking off back to Africa, nigger? It's not Sup Forums, the most people hate niggers. Latvia? People hate niggers. Czech Republic? People hate niggers. Mexico? People hate niggers. Portugal? People hate niggers. But you won't fuck off to Africa before we start killing families like yours though. You may ask why, let me reply: you niggers are low life creatures that would rather live as pariahs in comfy White man's land than in his shitty ancestral homeland.


And check.

Anyone else mestizo but look arab? Thinking bout going to Sweden and pretending to be a refugee.

dumb zogbot. there are more honorable and fun ways to kill men

As a self loving criollo, fuck you filthy indians. I wish my philandering great great grandfather hadn't sullied my family's line by fucking a filthy mestizo half indian in the first place. My line may have been reconciled pure under Spanish caste requirements over a century ago, but I'll always resent even the tracist elements of those ignorant savages present in my genetics.
>Retarded fucking indians never even invented the goddamn wheel

why are aztecs so fucking short? no wonder the spanish holocausted them so easily

Not in this life , no.

Men , women , children , animals , vehicules land-sea-air , buildings. Kill , rape , torture , buy , sell , steal , destroy.

Able and willing.

But yes , i am a beta faggot. I'm fine with that , it's good , enjoyable and necessary for my spiritual progress.

There is only one God but Allah and Muhammad is his profit.

Praise Saturn.

Allahu Akbar.

Reporting in: Mom:Lebanese/Dominican,
Dad: Galician/Moroccan

Top KEK.

Limpeza de sangue!
You are just a nigger bro

Be white mexican.
Marry india from Puebla. Brother and sisters all married white mexicans.

Make meztizo kids.

Her family thinks I'm the fuck racist.

Not really.

i don't humor , since when do i humor? is this a thing with me now? i humor now?

we humor now? is that it?

I look Lebanese instead of hispanic

>being this mad

I wouldn't go back to Africa as it's a shithole and I've never been

And I said I'm mixed white/black, I was born and bred in the U.K.

so no I'll be staying here thanks, stay mad though

I don't see why mestizos are self loathing.

Only the most purity spiraling white nationalists don't want you here at all.

I say that if you fight with us as fellow cultural Europeans/Christians, you can stay as second class citizens who can't vote for gibs, have more than two kids.or legally reproduce with white people.

>as it's a shithole
Why do you think Africa is a shithole?
>I'll be staying
Not up to you to decide. tDofR is coming