You arrive at a Javascript conference

>You arrive at a Javascript conference
>You see pic related
What do you do

Go there and wear a Pepe pin.

Shit on table.

Turn 360 degrees and walk away.

>javascript conference
you asked for it

Good job people

360 degrees is a full circle, user

Where a name tag with my name on it.

I think gendered pronouns are dumb. I wish we had a gender neutral pronoun that didn't sound dumb coming out of my mouth. I just ask everyone to use my names possessive form. Which also is dumb but I think it's the least dumb since we already consider it culturally accepted to tell people what name to call us.

Jim Jim and jim's ty

Never fucking fails. At leats one, every time. Jesus gtfo newfag fuck.


Take them all and flush them down the nearest toilet.

do another 360 then

No you fell for his bait you newfag

put on one of every button

wear them all

Is it worth learning JS for advertising so I can get better tracking on web site events?

>Fuck the mods BTW




>gendered pronouns are dumb
fucking retard go off yourself

Tell everyone you're a webdev for the Daily Stormer

Do a 1080 and walk away

>put on an ASK ME! button
>lie when asked

You fell for him baiting the bait


>put on an ASK ME! button
>get offended at people for asking

>over a month old
>three likes

Good job everyone.

Wear two of them at the same time

Try starting with GA

Arr that will be good shrapnell!!

They are. Ever since women entered the workforce buisness writing is full of his/hers which is painful on the ears/eyes . Writing for an unknown audience is also annoying.

Even trying to guess miss vs Mrs is fuck ingredients stupid.

It would be ,u just easier if we had a completely neutral term.

yes and no.

Javascript is core to anything web centric. But its an awful langauge thats full of ambiguity and weirdness. Not to mention it gets abused alot where lots of "bugs" are actually just ""Features"".

Its not hard to learn, and if you can already code, I don't see why not. But if its your first langauge nope, nope nope nope. Go learn C/C++

>yes hello my pronouns are nig/kike

Are you guys Master baiters?

It's summer already, isn't it.

Blast them on Twitter for not having a xe/xir button.

I already do a ton of GA. I'm on that GTM shit now and I know fuck all about DOM and data layer.

>be me
>go to a drag brunch for a coworker's birthday (bottomless mimosas yaaaaas)
>need to piss
>the bathroom was labeled as "gender neutral"
>it was the only bathroom
>it was a single stall

>only 360
I'd turn 180^99 and walk away.

havent been on Sup Forums in a while

these new flags are cool


New mother fucking fag
>i was just pretending to be a newfag

look at you.
you are already thinking like shlomo wishes you to.
in this case what is dumb are women entering the workforce business not gendered pronouns, and what you want to change even further will damage the fabric of society, good job

>javascript conference

Is this America?
This has to be America.


>he's in a badSTEM program like CS

I wouldn't wear one.

Also, why the fuck would personal pronouns matter when conversations are always in the second person?

You are truly the most shabbos of the goyim

Usually in the case of not knowing gender, like an animal or something I just go with the slurred 'e.

Like, "hey 'e really likes that", this should be sufficient, this xe/xir shit is fucking stupid, the letter x isn't supposed to be used like that, it's a letter chained up in the alphabet basement that you feed table scraps to and keep out of sight.

Do you even read shalom?

It's virtue signaling, user
A trite and meaningless task that scores them sweet social points

JS is a god-tier language, anyone who says otherwise is a Jew.

When you don't know an animal's gender, you say it, most times.

>Arena Berlin

lol idiot you'd just be making a simple right turn

Be a shitlord.

I think it might be just the way our language formed no longer matching up with how it's used in current society.

Gendered pronouns make sense if you know who you are talking too 99% of the time. But with mass communication 90% of the people I mail it will never meet.

Traditional ways are not always best. Holding onto them past the point of logic is detrimental

yeah right
i bet you even use node, faggot

Stop the C/C++ meme. Learn Python.

Just call them (you)

stop the python meme. learn haskell


Ask where the bun/bunself badges are and accuse them of bigotry for not having any. Then tweet about how I'm literally shaking because JavaScript is run by Nazis who want to put me in a concentration camp.

Learning Python first makes you a bad programmer.

Get one with the eggplant emoji

Good job retard, you financially supported the neoliberal postmodernist invasion of tech by going to this conference.

Next year try not giving your money to people who want you and your children dead of AIDS and go to LambdaConf, the last remaining unpozzed conference.

>What do you do

Create a new framework, pepe.js

>It's virtue signaling, user
I'm not sure.
The badges look more like someone thought of a plan to find out who has the feminine penis.

Hug a knife.

Functional fag.

What's this kind of trolling called shlomo? Low-info concern trolling?

>You arrive at a Javascript conference
Make your own button that says

why no moonman.js?

Call everyone a man

>Good job people
Another faggot in denial of human biology.

turn 360 degrees and walk away

Frameworks, frameworks everywhere.

You're not even people.

Delet this

Go back to c#

I only use 'it' when referring to blacks.


C# is a better choice, it has C-like syntax but is much easier for beginners. After that go to C or C++ for the more fun bits.


>writing javascript
>not just copying it off other website

I hope you enjoy going to entry-level speeches by first-year nog and roastie developers who were invited to avoid an all white male speaker lineup.

I'm sure they'll have several sessions on how to encourage diversity on your team, how to hire nonwhites and roasties, and how to get involved with the women in tech movement. Enjoy.

I watched RailsConf go from one of the most educational and inspiring weeks of my life to the equivalent of a college freshman diversity and sexuality week. The last time I went was so pathetic and overrun by SJWs and communists that I was physically sick to my stomach being in the same room with them.

Do yourself a favor, don't ever go to a tech conference that isn't LambdaConf or one that has adopted LambdaConf's anti-SJW Code of Conduct.

>Javascript conference
Am I in middle school?

No, python is loosely type, and poorly structured (white space for loops and if statements da fuq)


C/C++ are the best language for learning.


Because you can start from core C which is VERY simple, and has all you need to learn the basics of programming logic. Then you can slowly ease your way into C++ to learn OOP while being exposed to the computer and how memory is managed.

Once you learn that, when you do pick up another/easier langauge you can actually apprecaite its features and more importantly NOT FUCKING ABUSE THEM (looking at you java devs)

Judging by how edgy you try to be, I'd say yes.

put them all on and initiate conversation to see what happens

Python 3.6.1 (default, Mar 27 2017, 00:27:06)
[GCC 6.3.1 20170306] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> 180 ^ 99

so you turn 215 degrees ?

JS is a jew tier language that reads more like hebrew than even hebrew.

Node is like the chabad of JS

If you weren't such a jew you'd show your real flag

State that my preferred pronoun is "Your Majesty". Throw a hissy fit if anyone disagrees.

My company won't let us use node, or else I would.

It is really good for certain things like websockets or IO/async heavy programs.

meh, that only fits when the patient is someone decently intelligent, ive known 'programmers' for whom the concept of pointers is strange alien and esoteric

Burger master flag reporting in

take one if you want

Guess what fag? Nobody writes C anymore and C++ is a total and complete mess. To be employable you need to know how to make an end product, not how to deal with low-level eccentricities. Starting in a language like C# will make the entire process much easier since it has pointers and even "unsafe" code, but you're not forced to learn them to do basic tasks. I find it hilarious that you'd rip on Java devs for abusing libraries and language features when everything past C++11 is basically a complete shitshow when it comes to implementation and "language feature use", and all the learning that happens in C++ now (standardized education wise and in many online tutorials) uses the STL and Boost libraries.

what kind of retarded bullshit are you spouting, especially about employability, also have you ever even written a line of commercial code in C#?
pointers and EVEN unsafe code my fucking god its a comedy

Jesus Christ! Is there any niche of Western Civilization that they won't leave the fuck alone with their psychotic faggot bullshit?!?