This Irishman will be the spark that ignites the Race War

This Irishman will be the spark that ignites the Race War.

why whodat

how is nig on nig violence gonna start shit

haha. that was a joke you see the irish are subhuman.

Well then we're losing the first battle, no way in hell Mcgregor wins.

They're the same race

>Nigger vs. Nigger: Standup Edition

can you explain why would the nigger win?


nobody going to riot over this, unless theyre from st louis, baltimore or detroit



Show your real flag bastards, ill annihilate you into a thousand pieces

Anti Irish is code for anti white Irish are the master race

Mayweather is considered one of the best boxers of all time, especially defensively, while mcgregor doesn't even practice boxing

it was a double joke lad I'm a master ruseman
you fell for it!


They won't because they're pussy faggots
No matter who you are if you're white you should be rooting for Connor. Also Mayweather is a pussy manlet in real life

that fuckin midget niglet finally found another leprechaun he can't duck

are the rules and regulations exclusively from boxing, or can the white nigger throw kicks?

>highest concentration of pale, freckled gingers on the planet
>not white

i thought mcgregor wasn't even a boxer??

yes you see but mayweather is a nigger. so we see both fighters are out of their element.

He's not, he is a UFC fighter. Theyve been beefing on twitter for a while now.

The Irish built the West. Lough Erne represent.

Not how these faggots only say it under a flag that is not their own
Top devisive kikes

The Irish aren't roman stock.

wtf black people hate floyd

Mayweather is gonna catch a leg sweep or a roundhouse to his big chrome nigger dome and go down to the mat. Connor will jump in with his drunken leprechaun rage and pound the black right out of him. It's gonna be the most S A V A G E fight in UFC history.

I haven't watched UFC in years, but I'd tune in (and pay) to watch that happen. Connor is such a piece of shit too, so he'd probably teabag or spit on Mayweather or something just to troll the fuck out of the dindus.

>the spark that ignites the Race War
too late, Obongo already set that in motion

please kys nazi larping virgins

Wait a minute. Will it be a boxing match or a mix martial arts match?

hes the best fagget virgin kys larping racist


What do you mean there, Ted? Posting, trolling, and shitposting? You aren't meant to take it seriously, Ted.

he isn't, this whole meme fight is going to suck

>one of the best boxers of all time vs someone that plays a different sport

gee who will win

Irish aren't even human.

We are gods walking amongst mere mortals.
Lilly white skin, red hair, green eyes, freckles....

The one true master race.
Ireland has all a white man needs.
(1) Large breasted redheads
(2) Potatoes [ == vodka/french fries ... what else do you need]
(3) Irish cream ales
(4) Worlds oldest whiskey distillery
(5) We invented the Scottish

Do I have to go on?

>doesn't practice boxing
>18 of 21 wins by Knockout
>doesn't like to kick

..nigga do you think he's using the fucking Force to knock people out?

Mcgregor has a 2 inch reach advantage on Mayweather, has demonstrated repeatedly that he has the ability to find the perfect range on his opponents in an Ali-esque display where their punches stop mere inches (or less) from Mcgregor's face without touching him, has displayed fluidity and speed of movement that is unparalleled in either boxing or MMA (look at how Mcgregor moves, as a 35 year old man the only two people I could realistically compare him to as far as fighters in either sport go, Ali and Tyson are the only two that are even comparable. Ali was faster than Mcgregor and Tyson both, but not by much.

Mcgregor is also half Mayweather's fucking age and is used to taking near-bareknuckle punches to the fucking face for a living.

Meanwhile the last time Mayweather took a punch that was harder than a squishy turd he turtled up for the rest of the fight and played the points game while banking on the judges giving him the decision because he was the face of boxing.

Tits or GTFO


From all the talk I've heard, it was my understanding that it was just going to be a fight. They were going to get in the ring and just beat the fuck out of each other.

If it's strict boxing, that's gay. Too many faggy rules. A true test of combat is who can physically dominate their opponent. That will show us if the niggers of Europe are truly superior to the niggers of America.

You just know that if Irish dude loses some Australian is gonna go full cuckposting after

>Boxer that avoids fighting for a tactic
>MMA fighter that is used to tactics that aren't allowed on boxing
>Meeting in a boxing match
Geez, who do you think will win? The nigger will just dance around, hit the guy occasionally and win on points. It doesn't matter if in a "real fight" the guy could destroy the nigger, these are boxing rules which means that you can't do anything efficient to win.

Boxing rules.

This true though neither is the Anglo or Aryan.

place your bets m8s

Because Mayweather is a boxer, one of the best ever. Saying Mcgregor will be ready because he does MMA is like saying a basketball player would compete with sprinters because basketball involves running.

I don't get the irish are non white meme ? is it an anglos inside joke ?

Ugh, don't embarrass us with that pleb flag.

Yeah It's a total joke, Mayweather wouldn't get in the ring with him if he wasn't 100 percent sure he wasn't going to cruise.

Please, user. Back to your larp cage.

>130lb nig vs 170lb savage Irishman
>130lb nig has been fighting scrubs for the last 5 years
>130lb nig has ZERO power (unless you want to count the cheap shot heard around the world)
>170lb Irishman has same speed as 130lb nig with vetted KO power

The only way Mayfagget takes this is if Mcgregor completely disregards his cardio, which isnt gonna happen.
>I'd be surprised if this fight even goes to the 3rd round.

if the mental bogtrotter catches the slippery darkie, you could gave an upset ah happening, gayweather has not been in the kind of scrap that macgregor brings, son of gregor by a bludgeoning KO

Then that defeats the purpose of them fighting at all.

Might as well have them both play fucking lawn darts to see who scores more points.

Maybe we'll just send them both to the streets of Sweden and have them beat the shit out of betamale cucks.

If not straight up boxing,this nig wouldn't have a chance. That simply isn't niggerweathers modus operandi. It's most likely just boxing, or in merryweathers case tag and run away .

The Irish never have and never will be relevant.

Reported for spewing all that toxic masculinity, shame on you Sven.

it's a competition of who is better within the stipulated rules. mayweather may be the best of all time in his weightclass, mcgregor doesn't have a chance.

this isn't the horse you wanna back for white pride

unless Floyd freakishly blows out his knees Conor is getting humiliated

>all the butthurt Anglos

Piss off

this is a retarded statement, the end goal is to beat each other up the best way possible, if nigger can use only his nads vs another nigger that uses hands feet, legs and floor to fuck you up, it is only rational that the manlet nigger is gonna loose

No, it's a boxing match Avi, a boxing match.

It's just bants, mo bhuachaill. The whole "are the Irish White" meme is mostly from stupid lefties who think past Americans didn't consider you White. They do the same with the wops. The truth is we always thought you were White even when we hated you. We just didn't want foreigners of any kind. White always meant European, even dirty stupid ones we didn't want.

Well if that happens, I'll be standing by ready to throw a folding chair for McGregor to use.

the irish arent anglo

just a couple guys that know they cane make a hundred million each, in a cartoon match. They are both pretty cagey in that regard. It'll have to go at least 4 rounds, for people to get their money's worth.

It's not inside friend. They can't stand us because we kick the shit out of our english cousins here in the states every chance we get instead of the other way around like it used to be. Plus we are easier to look at and they know it.

McGregor's gonna knock him out. Screencap this


I thought Mayweather's conditions were boxing rules, no legs?

it'll be like the pacquiao fight, just an hour of boring dancing around with barely any actual slugging. mcgregor will take it slow because otherwise he'll gas and mayweather won't take any chances. boxing is shit, it's all just hype for the pay per view monies.

I don't think McGregor would actually be that bad at boxing-- he's really fucking quick and has amazing reflexes, his footwork is good and he's a very psychological fighter. Plus he's Irish, so he has a +2 racial trait for it

if its boxing rules, its going to be a cashgrab only, nigger has more money than white devil, so he prolly fixed the fight already

2/10 m8

>Confederate flag
>pretending not to be Scots-Irish

neither are aussies considering you're all the bastard spawn of us and some fucking abbos

your lineage can be traced to someone who got sent to that god forsaken continent for stealing a slice of bread, get fucked

You have to go back to tumblr

This. The nigs ego is simply too big to allow a loss. I can't really say I hate him. More so I hate boxing decisions based on points. Bring back those 20th century boxing matches that lasted 100 rounds or until someone got knocked the fuck out. This nig only cares about the $$$$ this hyped up fight will make. I'll wait to watch it the next day instead of throwing money at (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((pay per view)))))))))))))))))))))

Hopefully Conor can land that left

Mayweather slaughters McGregor in a pointles fight. There are plenty of other, much better fights coming, including the one this weekend between Ward and Kovalev.

Irish = white niggers

simple as


my man

now that's the real race war

you cant touch Mayweather. He even has a special punching technique he uses on women so bruises don't show.

...moar tits

>the sad state of mcgregor fans

Fuck that faggot McGreggor. I honestly root for Floyd every time he fight because he's a brilliant fighter. Plus normies can't stand him. Just like Iverson.

KSW in Poland is pretty based.

I don't think Conor can do this with big boxing gloves. It's really different.

This. Ward/Kocalev will be much more competitive than the bloodbath that will be Mayweather/McGregor. McGregor is a good fighter, but Mayweather's defense will be too much for McGregor.

> "I'm the worlds top chess player"
> "yea well i'm good at chess, checkers and connect 4, therefore i'll beat you at chess"
impeccable logic

Yo, Conor wins 4th round screencap.

.t boxing enthusiast and mma practicioner


Nice grammer Shimshon


Never said we were. Daft cunt.

German-Irish, nigger. Go fetch your Affliction t-shirt, faggot.

No, they are just low class like the Slavs.

If the potato nigger beats the nigger-nigger, everyone will.

McG might be willing to break the rules just to put on an entertaining show. It's not like he plans to fight in boxing again.

Nobody's going to war for hipster manlet that get's outboxed by weedsmoking spics

This guy gets it.


lol, stay mad potatoes, you'll never be white

Irish and proud. We get along with everybody.

best idea I've heard yet. esp. if they meet Gustaffson


You are gonna feel like a dumb phaggot after the fight

The odds are already +700 for Connor. They will climb and hit +1000 before the fight.

I am going to wager 1k USD on McGreggor once the odds it +1000. The boxing industry is driven by marketing and views, how much PPV revenue they can generate. Mayweather is going to retire after this fight and they need a new superstar with a big personality to get viewers, why the fuck else would they pull the best MMA star to fight?

THIS IS MARKETING. If you want to make large bucks place large bucks on Connor.
