The left-wing leaning media is responsible for radicalizing this man with their year long anti-Trump hysteria...

The left-wing leaning media is responsible for radicalizing this man with their year long anti-Trump hysteria. Hollywood celebrities have threatened to physical attack the President. Democrat politicians have openly called for "resistance" against Trump. Liberals have normalized political violence and incited domestic terrorism. This man felt emboldened to shoot at Republicans because of the Deep State's attempt to oust a democratically elected politician. #YesAllDemocrats share the burden of responsibility for his attempted assassination.

The media outlets responsible for driving the anti-Trump witch hunt such as CNN and MSNBC must have their broadcasting licenses revoked. They have proven to be a clear and present danger to the lives of elected Congressmen. All people affiliated with violent left-wing groups such as Antifa should be investigated by the authorities and whoever funds them must have their assets and bank accounts frozen. The Left has called "open season" on the Right. Law Enforcement must charge these people who agitate against democracy with seditious conspiracy and jail them.

Other urls found in this thread:


>attacker is brown
>this has nothing to do with policies, purely his identity and religion

>attacker is white
>probably a liberal, can't be one of us, and his identity had nothing to do with it


Hannity, who I have always deemed a bit of a cunt, and way to my right, had an anazing show tonight worth watching.

Mueller is nothing but a Deep State shill, and there needs to be a Special Prosecutor appointed to look into Comey and Lynch re failing to indict Clinton.

the cognitive dissonance of the left right now is fucking unbelievable, like watching a loony house

they are saying this is trump's fault, and the second amendment's fault, and saying republicans deserve to be shot because they advocate gun rights

this people are a real real thread, burgers you have to crack down on this now, crack down on the MSM and hollywood, and also identify all this antifas and vegans and jail them, or expatriate them

Calm down. It's not that big of a deal. It's America, we love guns and violence.

>this people are a real real thread, burgers you have to crack down on this now
I think a lot of people supported Trump because they thought the left losing to him would make them reevaluate how retarded they are. Evidently they were wrong.

At least him even existing is accelerating things, because I don't think any of those cultists will listen to anything but a smack in the face.

Wow guys maybe he just got tired of Republican asshats shoveling money at the. 001%

Why can nobody see this is a class issue?

excellent example of a deluted leftard, you people are sick and evil

The deep state is pushing for civil war. It's the only move the pizzagate pedos have left in their playbook.

The best thing we can do right now is dismantle their power without resorting to outright violence. Violence delegitimizes any political action. Right now, the left is on a downward spiral. All we need to do is keep telling people the truth and the left will implode over the next few years.

If we take the bait and devolve into civil war, it will solidify the deep state's control over our politics for decades to come. Mark my words, the people pulling the strings will never be caught dead in a civil war while we're left to kill ourselves. They'll be on some island while America burns to the ground. All wars are rich people's wars.

While all the civil war commences, I hope that during all the chaos the libertarians take on the federal reserve. That'd be cool to see.

I guess Conserviturds with their Nazi racist agenda forgot all the death threats they made about Obama....We told you you were wrong then, bike lock bait, and you are wrong now.

>fucking liberals and their indoctrination machines are LITERALLY killing Republicans in the streets

Meanwhile on Sup Forums
>how do we kill all the jews/gays/tranny/black/muslims
I really enjoy watching some of the mental gymnastics some people on these board use to justify their outrage

yes, it only made them more crazy, but if hillary had won, they also would have gone crazy.

You cant live a double life, this bunch of psychos try to camouflage themselves as productive members of society, but sooner or later their true self comes out, they where waiting until they where powerful enough to crack down on free thinkers, but now that they see their defeat, they are getting desperate a not thinking.

this people are meant to fall, sooner or later, and I know it because they are the ones making themselves fall, just a matter of time

Conservative News outlets for the past 8 years:
Libshits for the past 8 months:

Yes, but tell me how the left is "radicalizing" the country you conservacucks.

I'm no lefty. You should take that flag off, because you clearly aren't an American and you have no idea how things work here. kys :)

Just go shoot up Anderson Cooper or Rachel Maddow
> that will show them, kiddo

Nothing will change and in a week this will be forgotten. You will still be posting bulshit on Sup Forums and the media we'll go back to their normal hysterics. Life is meaningless and none of this matters.

you are right, those "illuminati" bastards would love having people killing each other, and escaping in the mist of chaos. The government has to crack down on them legally, keep pushing them and have them explode and us keep our cool.

Them its a matter of defending yourself.


I'd argue that they're more likely to resort to extreme measures now, because they perceive themselves as cornered animals. If Hillary had won they'd be drunk on power, but more interested in preserving and expanding their power instead of trying to burn everything down.

Still, the right would have correctly perceived themselves as cornered if Hillary had won, and the end result would probably be the same. This has been building for too long to just diffuse. I want all of this to be resolved peacefully through introspection, but I don't think that's a choice now.

>i am no lefty
please shills, just go, nobody believes you, how is your sick brain relating a nazi flag with the USA, i said myself i am not a gringo

why are you saying to "not use that flag", what does it had to do with anything?

fucking triggered faggot, nazi flag was the mayority of Sup Forums when this flags where used.

I hope this isn't going to end up 1post by this ID because I'm really interested in how this propaganda machine works. Obviously the huge majority of people aren't so easily manipulated because they aren't bat ahit crazy.

I would like to know more about the MSM intent and if it can be proven. It will be interesting to see if events like these can be settled civily. I'd they can I say that something we really want?

The first amendment protects freedom of speech true or not, but will we see civil suits in the future holding MSM liable for people's deaths?

>meme it
left-radicalized terrorist. isis-radicalized terrorist. same thing.

The fact that they are pushing the short angry white man that was rude to women makes me wonder if all the people on here that troll anti-white, anti-manlet, anti-male memes are in fact journalists.

THEY ARE, I know for a fact many libtard shills, and those out of touch shills, are journalists, just follow their twitters

then they go and write a piece of "muh evil Sup Forums nazis"
fucking parasites, mainstream journalists are some of the worst scum

How many conservatives shot at a bunch of democratic politicians?

>Inb4 Jared Loughner

That guy was a run of the mill nut with no real political motivations.

>I'd they can I say that something we really want
If that is something we really want.

Sorry, tablet fagging

>how many layers of bluepill you on?

This boomer trash consumed nothing but television telling him that the president was illegitimate, evil, a Russian agent, a Nazi, a rapist, calling for resistance, etc.

For someone without critical thinking ability, who believes everything he is told, what he did is the only logical thing that any decent person could do

This shit is entirely on the MSM's heads

This is absolutely something they want, because it's good for ratings. They've stuck to the same narrative for over a year, no matter what the facts or evidence say. I don't think it could be proven in a court without internal communications saying so, but it should be pretty obvious to people.

I'd be thrilled if Wikileaks or some new Guccifer could leak emails from CNN/MSNBC, because they're absolutely retarded enough to reveal these kinds of things.


they are pissed of journalists, pissed of at the internet, at youtube, at content creators,,,,and most of all, pissed that all comes from here, and that they cant even do 1% of the job that is done here.
They also rip off whatever they legally can, this is why its so easy to fool journalists with "fake news", and have them ran on all their plataforms....

literally mind cancer, well i guess its natural selection on the brain, the leftist brain will inevitably go extinct!

The only thing that makes me sad, is my genX brother, he is fucking lost, feels like he is almost dead

Why aren't any americans suing the fuck out of the MSM for this?

It's about high time red blooded americans started to fucking fight back against this bullshit.

about 7. holy fuck if that's real

This stuff never happened. You also are full of shit degrading the tea party in this way. Way off base.

dont worry, this level of dissonance will break mainstream, the leftards are already dead, the more they try to avoid responsability on this, the more people will see who they trully are

>and way to my right
gtfo & check t levels

But, none of what you described is even close to what the mainstream, majority of conservatives were saying. Fringe. And you down-play the radical left, who are literally rioting and assassinating opposition. the left is way off base, and you should up your shill-game

Giving TRUTH a bump.

It's real

Hilary must have had some extra money lying around for this guy

Op is right.



>The left-wing leaning media is responsible for radicalizing this man with their year long anti-Trump hysteria

It's mostly Hillary Clinton's fault. She had everyone believing Trump was the anti-Christ, when in reality he's just another Republican.

But that was her angle, that Trump was the ultimate evil and he must be stopped at all costs.

She wound these people up and now they can't turn it off.

I get you man, but I'm wondering if someone could really hold all their propaganda liable. If a lawyer can prove some how the MSM drove an insane person to kill someone. It might set a scary precedent.

>"muh fringe groups"
>"muh not politically motivated"
>"muh mental illness"
>"muh Alex Jones and Glenn Beck are small timers"
fucking kek, keep playing mental gymnastics.

Bullshit. Let them spew as much nonsense as they like. If the people that eat it up as truth and expose themselves, then it will known exactly who got to fucking go.


There's a difference between saying and doing. The right took purely passive means of resistance, prepping for conflict. The left are rioting, bike locking people and now shooting politicians. I'm surprised you can't smell your own shit since your head is jammed so far up your arse.

American Hero. Sanders supporter. We told you Trumptards we are REAL Americans. Watch out.

>Left gets rodeo clown fired who dressed up as Bush and Clinton before Obama become President. National outrage. Right is to blame.
>Left pushes shooting Trump and beheading him ISIS style and now sicko lefty shoots up a baseball game. The right is still to blame.
>Being this far up Saul Alinskis ass.




Reminder to download Sup Forums X and filter:
/^Black Lives Matter$/
/^European Union$/
/^Tree Hugger$/
/^United Nations$/

you're accusing the left of inciting violence and advocating for suppression of the press and free speech(classic kike move), but their words are far less vitriolic than their right counterparts. Furthermore, you're allowing the left to assign all the works of the mentally ill who happened to lean right with politically motivated violence instead of just a schizo sperging out and killing people. You are playing into their hands.

How many "OCCUPY DEMOCRATS" jpegs do you think he had saved on his computer?

>left less vitriolic
Kys you lying cunt. The left practically horks up bile they are so venomous with their rhetoric. You are just using criticism of leftists and projecting onto the right.
Dumb larping cunt.

your AI broke down buddy

>Sanders supporter. We told you Trumptards we are REAL Americans

>you're accusing the left of inciting violence and advocating for suppression of the press and free speech
That's literally what they're doing.

>their words are far less vitriolic than their right counterparts
Kikebook and twitter prove you wrong.

>you're allowing the left to assign all the works of the mentally ill who happened to lean right
Shooter had no history of mental illness and certainly didn't lean right judging by his TV preferences

>politically motivated violence instead of just a schizo sperging out and killing people
"Are these Republicans or democrats?" "Republicans" /opensfire/

Are you unironically delusional?

and no more arguments were to be found. Thanks for playing, reddit.

No one called you a shill you mong.

Freedom, you worm. Freedom. America.

It happened the day after a hearing where democrats were trying to accuse Sessions of plotting with Russian spies to overthrow the United States of America and then help the President to fire the FBI director to cover up that Russia is now in control of the US. That's what they are actually accusing them of.
They have recklessly made democrats believe that Republicans overthrew the nation. And that the election was hacked and the vote was fixed. They are 100% responsible for the violence their followers do.

By not revealing that you're a paid campaigner you're breaking many laws. Don't worry you won't be a nerd Virgin for long.

Exactly they have been explicitly saying that its an illegitmate government and that leftists should violently resist. Every celebrity, joirnalist and politician thats said this should get arrested.

The problem with your hypothesis Dear Sir, is that NeoCons (emphasis on CONS) are as sick and twisted as your afore-mentioned Regressives. Ciao for thought.

>le plebbit meme

talking about arguments, fuck you, at least its good that you are showing your mental problems to the people, that way its more obvious.

stay deluted, and shilling,

>(classical kike move)

yeah right rabbi, i can read through you. The MSM are only a very small part of the press, and nobody is suppresing them, there is nothing about news companies and journalism degrees in the constitution, freedom of the press is not a special privilege for this "news" CORPORATIONS

FUCK YOU!!!!!!!

fucking turdhead

>Freedom. America

Yes. We all know that you hate those things. That's why you deserve what is coming to you.

>attacker is liberal

>must be okay as because policies

Hitler was a vegan is not the same as Hitler telling the German people that "is bad to kill animals for food", and had them feeding vegan diets to dogs.

today's youtube vegans are virulent cultists,


democrats are violent people, we have evidence to support this, lads.

ACT~tually... it is the Regressives pushing the race politics. Smart people know and have been knowing that we are in a green war. $$$$$$ pay attention tadpole

>Blame ideology

>Blame ideology

Great point you made there, you sanctimonious prat.

show me 3 examples of the mainstream media advocating killing or violence. You have no idea about the shooter yet because it just happened today and you're assuming he has no history of mental illness. You're talking out of your ass.
oh and
>plebbit spacing and formatting
>literally, unironically
you can't even talk without using meme speak.

Opinion discarded.

nice arguments shlomos. How does it feel knowing you're never going to take away the first amendment?



learn to English fuckwit

He shot Scalise with a Chinese made SKS rifle.

Was Chinese intelligence involved?

>but their words are far less vitriolic than their right counterparts
my sides

>i have nothing to counter your argument so I'm going to pretend that I'm laughing because I'm so smart and superior and explaining why you're wrong would be a waste of my time
>tfw to smart to be on Sup Forums

>the leftist brain will inevitably go extinct!
to the contrary. The leftist brain will be replicated more. The NWO wants stupid people for labor.

his MO definitely seems to fit some sort of outside op

Are anarchists always that retarded?

Sure friendo. No mercy.

>literally all major smug leftist anti-Trump shows

I'm kinda surprised that Current Year Man isn't on there though.

>show me 3 examples of the mainstream media advocating killing or violence
Easy. Kathy Griffin, Madonna, Julius Caesar play, HuffPo, Loretta Lynch, Maddow

>A person holding a license under this Act or who has applied for a license under this Act, who, because of a physical or mental illness or disability [...] is unable to practice the profession with reasonable judgment, skill, or safety, may be required by the Department to submit to care, counseling, or treatment [...] as a condition, term, or restriction for continued, reinstated, or renewed licensure to practice. [...] The Secretary may order the license suspended immediately, pending a hearing by the Department.
If the guy were mentally ill, it's likely he wouldn't have been a home inspector for decades. That's an important job.

Who gives a shit how I post?

This, their licenses are only valid so long as they "serve the public good" as per the FCC code.

I think they should be taken off the air.

the shills have been hammering on the 'show me 3' thing lately

don't feel you have to, don't be their bitch

portland guy same shit lmao goddamn y'all are fucked up


they put back online

answer is yes

>THX1138 -- subtle get
we're your friends, we're not like the others

I can show a lot more than that. Is this their confirmation bias in effect or something?
>That doesn't fit my narrative, therefore it didn't happen.

Pretty clear that the shooter knew what the fuck he was doing and planned it out for a while.

Not exactly a sophisticated motive. The guys just your typical dumb as a brick of dogshit angry commie.

why can't we acknowledge the stupid people in both sides of the political spectrum and apprehend them instead of attacking their parties as a whole? It's messed up how this guy tried to kill Republican congressmen because they didn't follow his ideology, and the people who made him believe it was ok to kill over ideology are also stupid, but i believe the vast majority of both parties refrain from physical violence.