Why is Sup Forums so resentful against blacks? What do you think is the cause?

Why is Sup Forums so resentful against blacks? What do you think is the cause?

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How resentful are we really? Are we demanding professors and speakers shut down because they are saying things we don't want to hear?


I swear I see a billion iterations of this same thread.

Everyone hates blacks. Do you think you are making people hate them less by spamming cuckshit 24/7?

Everyone hates them chinks, spics, hell even other blacks.

they fear our bbc


We simply hold them to the same standards we hold white people to.

It's our insecurities.
It's not fair.
I wish I wasn't a failure.

i don't hate blacks. i don't expressly hate any race of people and no one should.
i think they should stick to their own kind and all go back to africa though. slaves actually stayed behind in the country though once emancipated because they realize how good they had it here.
so if i don't like them or resent them for any reason it's because they still act like they're slaves when in reality anyone with half a brain can tell you it's not a hardship to be a black man in america in 2017.

fake news

Being inferior in every way. It's just not fair.

why the fuck do you have a chart of dick sizes saved

Are those really the averages for each race? They seem kinda low.

Big dicks are largely a myth

>royal marine

he's ok in my book

it's not like they are fucking garbage or anything. most blacks are wonderful people.

haha not. dude no one fucking likes black people you're so fucking stupid op.

Is it proof enough in itself by them shilling here that we are accurate in dissecting (((their))) agendas?

Cecil Rhodes knew the truth.

huh, I have a larger dick than the average nigger.
>Black bois btfo

>Henry Morton Stanley knew the truth

because i went to google and typed in "penis sizes by length" and saved it because i knew that statement was bullshit. it wasn't difficult to find.

Obviously to prove lying "muh bbc" niggers wrong. As was just the case.

In all reality, the higher standard deviation in that row is probably where the meme comes from, and then they just cherry pick the ones that are above average rather than below to arrive at the muh bbc conclusion.

they seem pretty average

Noun: computer - an electronic device for storing and processing data

Please name one city, country or community that was significantly improved by adding large numbers of free black people.

by race*
fuck, long day

The white house. White to black was an improvement. Black to orange turned it into shit.

I do not want to live near black people.
They are violent, loud, and smell bad.
Also they commit crime at an abnormally high rate in comparison to the other races, literally every other ethnicity makes better neighbors. I want a peaceful and stable society so obviously I don't want to even be around them at all.

Have a nice day!

They might kill you for reason at all.

Niggers believe in fairy tales. They have small dicks and dont get white women. I bet some people are really shocked by that.

I cant even count on two hands how many niggers i've punished.

They don't seem too small but when you think about how averages work it would mean that about half of the asian populance have 10cm schlongs which is kinda short.

Sir John A. MacDonald knew the truth.


>The white house. White to black was an improvement. Black to orange turned it into shit.

Have you heard of something called "the national debt"?

Cuz they Rob steal murder and stank

Other than that, I like black people


>Why are we so resentful against people who are objectively a net-drain on our society and the reason why we're not colonizing mars yet

This is a slide thread, OP doesn't actually have an argument and isn't going to post further. He is tricking you into ignoring good threads by posting bad ones.

Stop posting. If you do not listen to me, you are helping OP and people like him who are raiding our board.

true, but there could be less deviation. i feel like caucasians and blacks are more spread out whereas asians probably all have very similar dicks
not as much race mixing, etc.

Damn, I suddenly feel better about myself.

here is a you.
>calls others beta

It's like that episode of south park where they tell everyone the average is lower so your feelfeels don't get hurt.

it's not damage control it's the truth
sorry only commies like to suppress it

The myth comes from the porn industry, blacks and gays (leftists). Its just a subversive plot.
All porn is fake and there is only one guy with a 12 invher and its a white Sup Forums tier guy.

I don't hate black people
I hate poor people.
Blacks just happen to be poor

>Dragon tattoo

That flag and comment tho

If you ever see some nig talking about the dick myth. Just reply
Jonah Falcon.
They will lose their shit and chimpout. All you gotta do.

No issue with blacks, or other nationalists of their own ethnicity, but that doesn't mean I don't find it unacceptable that our countries are being flooded by the degenerates of their races and ofc the clashing of them meddling with our cultures.

Psychological warfare is what it is.
Anti-white propaganda is changing up a gear

I got bullied by blacks when I was younger. Not just bullied but beaten physically and even sexually assaulted by a blacks. They held me down with my legs by my ears and took turns shoving their fingers in my butt. I had no friends growing up and I was afraid all the time. Hey "White Boy" "CrackerJack" and I couldn't say anything back because the moment I did I was physically assaulted. One time my Mom went to pick me up and this kid beat me up in front of my mother cuase I didn't show him "respect"....It was the most humiliating moment of my life. It wasn't a nice childhood. It messed with my self confidence and growth as a person. I still think about it...thats why I post here....Fuck Niggers

>sorry only commies like to suppress it

im triggered, those 4 chan INSULTS, THEY ARE SO HARD TO ACCEPT /s

I smoked for a few years (quit now), and a black guy tried to steal my lighter. when I said no, his nog friends tried to jump me. a cop saw and they backed off.

I dont respect them cause they cant act like people.

because of your dick size? okay
most women don't even like big dicks anyway.
more (((porn industry))) myths. only degenerate whores that have been ruined like that.

>Dayum ay hol up u be sayin

oh no some faggot is trying to rile up the Sup Forums crowd. your mom must be so proud. i'd say go tell her but she's probably in bed waiting to wake up so she can buy you more lean cuisines
fucking kill yourself normie

Some of it is not authentic, they are just looking to get a response from people that are easily upset.

OMG look at how the blacks loiter and break curfew at THREE TIMES the national average!

Since policemen can totally tell when someone is loitering and breaking curfew, and they apply objective standards that tell us once and for all who is loitering and breaking curfew, that means that black people are LOITERING AND CURFEW-BREAKING DEMONS!

WHY OH WHY must black people loiter and break curfew so much??!??!??!??!??????

Is loitering and breaking curfew just.......... IN THEIR GENES? It must be, because the police are totally objective toward all human beings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blacks are subhuman as hell, I'm tolerant as shit when it comes to cultures and people, but I can assure you that blacks cannot be classified as humans.

David Duke doesn't even hate blacks now he knows that some blacks can be good.
He is just a white seperatist

keep telling this to yourself. Or better get to know what women talk about men when they are not around.

The first thing all friends of the girl you are fucking will know is your dick size

One of my friends relaxed around blacks and got stabbed to death. Me personally, I was robbed at 13 by one (one of my first interactions with blacks) and spent 6 years working around their lazy asses in the military.

very revealing

i will go back to plebbit my aryan overl0rd. You can also fuk my sister.

>that hover hand.

Women are terrible with estimating and perspective.
As people have pointed out a small womans forearm is similar size to an average dick.

>What do you think is the cause?

We don't. We just post that kind of stuff because liberals are fucking retards and it pisses them off. lol

wow you must know some real gems that did a number on you.
they really don't. and even if they do, which they don't, the point remains valid and correct.
women don't want a fucking 8 inch dong to tell her friends she could barely fit inside her and have enjoyable sex.
if you've ever had sex before you'd know that you fucking faggot commie larping teenager

This guy was a gay model. At the same time their picks were in tabloids it was revealed he did gay videos.
Its somesort of liberal media version of trolling they get a over the hill tit model to walk around with a gay gym rat.

This. He's rationally racist. Not hateful, just friendly but technically (racism = logical discrimination fundamentally based on behaviors of races). It's the exact same stance as any regular intelligent Japanese. The only difference is that Jewish-communist media in the US brainwashed people to hate whites and create white self-hatred to the point of it being taboo to speak and feel pride.

larping virgins acknowledged for not breaking character, good job pussies



>found the 2 inch c u c c.

it's the same two guys who used to do the "How can whites even compete?" and cuck threads

Probably because of our behavior overall.

As a black man I just find it hilarious to be honest though, white people in Norway are weak as fuck and the most beta guys you will ever see. The idea of these nerds on here being anything but beta orbiters just isn't realistic considering I know how 99,99% behave in real life.

I will literally go to the first Norwegian Sup Forums or Sup Forums meetup if it ever happens and see them start crying, unable to utter a single sentence of contempt.

13% of the population, 50% of violent crime. It'd be one thing if they were stupid and docile, like abbos, but they're not.

race-consciousness and identity for everyone except whites.

It's not blackness the gal's attracted to. You're a fucking retard if you think his blackness has anything to do with her attraction. Dude is legit built and has a symmetric, and somewhat European face. I'm no jelly.

Either you're shitposting hard or you're just a hardcore feminist. You have no arguments of your own and you don't even look at the objective truth.

Hes gay.

this just goes to show the asians are secretly ricing everyone and we haven't yet realized it.


They don't realize that threads like this are the leading cause of redpilling information drops.

>actually being this much of a faggot
wow man i'm actually impressed at this point that you aren't ashamed of yourself. you can use this space to have an actual conversation yet you choose to most childish and predictable routes

"haha le damage control xDDD u have a small penis lmao"

just wow man. how pathetic your life must be. commie larping, acting like an edgy 12 year with the "memes" to boot. impressive

What is the standard deviation, meadian, and mode associated with each of those catagories?

Also what distribution do each of those catagories follow?

Simply because you gave the mean doesn't mean that 50% of each of those populations have less that the mean (that would be the median). It doesn't even mean that the most frequently occuring size is below the mean (that would be the mode), hell it doesn't even mean that most people are .5 inches off from the mean (that would be the standard deviation).

No, it's probably due to average lower intelligence and tendency to act impulsively.

>random screentshot
>no sauce
>no data
>who when where
>objective truth
>triggered cuccs took aggro

√Can't compete

this guy really understood women

Stumbled upon this thread. Just passing through.

Everyone hates them im a spic and other spics hate them too

Keep dreaming chink.

>just wow man. how pathetic your life must be. commie larping, acting like an edgy 12 year with the "memes" to boot. impressive

>taking first random pick from google to make himself feel better about his small cocc

That chart should be updated with the crimes it's been linked to. The term "warrior gene" was a euphemism for leftist placation to make it seem noble instead of "racist" so it wouldn't be outright dismissed by (((anti-science media))).

The Celebrity Big Brother housemate has made no secret of his love of flashing the flesh, but his gay 'sextape' past may surprise even his fans.

It turns out that Kelly Brook's fiance shares her love of all things raunchy with the fitness-model-cum-brand-builder appearing nearly-naked in a promotional video for a gay club night.

Hate speech is inciting hatred against a group of people usually based off of: age, sex, gender, race, skin color, religion, etc. Simply because you are white doesn't mean that hate speech can't affect you. A black person could declare tomorrow that all white people need to die and that would be considered hate speech. By your definition, this would not be hate speech as the sayer isn't white. Seems stupid.

That picture also seems to paint hate speech as a good thing to white people and seems to attempt subvert the narrative that hate speech is bad. The only people who agree with that picture are trying to justify their hate toward groups they are intolerant to. The irony of that picture is that it attempts to try to make intolerence seem toleretable by appealing to peoples own self interest and disinterest towards the problems of others.

All and all pretty stupid picture.

If they started acting like civilized and productive members of society, we (and the rest of non-blacks) wouldn't hate them. It's not even asking that much, just reform to the point where we see a black man and don't automatically associate his kind with 90% of murders, rapes, violent assaults and theft that are routinely committed by blacks year after year.

Stereotypes are based on real-life statistics. When I see a chink, I don't automatically assume that he's gonna attempt to violently rob or murder me. I'll assume he's likely well educated but prone to academic cheating and react accordingly. How he behaves or dresses also shapes how I react. Some chinks look and act like niggers, as it is with other whites. Avoid or approach with caution. With blacks, due to the overwhelming majority of them looking and acting like niggers, making up 50% of welfare recipients and being responsible for like 90% of all violent crime despite being just 10% of the population, it strategically sound to avoid them or be on guard when you have to deal with them. The real hatred I feel is for chucklefuck leftist shills who do everything they can to enable nigger behavior while shaming and preventing me from refusing to accommodate their violent behavior.

If you weren't massive pussies you would though.

Come on isn't it obvious? White
men made black men strong through slavery. Now they're taking our bitches. It's hilarious that nobody thought ahead of time about this.

Because blacks can't do shit on their own and follow white people eveywhere and then keep complaining about white all the time. Look at them risking their lives everyday to go live in europe after crying that they wanted white gone from their lands