You all are gunna give me shit for this, but I don't care...

You all are gunna give me shit for this, but I don't care. I believe that the only lasting solution to our worldwide political disagreements, would be to recognize that it is actually an existential issue.
To fix our politics, we would have to dig beneath the institutions of alienation, beneath our own feelings of particularity, into our own colonized minds, and then dig out the existential lie that is “I am and only ever will be, myself.”
Until the majority of mankind can defeat their inner brain-seeds of hedonistic self-interest and singular identity, every time they dig up the root ball of another evil regime’s self-interests, they’ll only either plant their own within its place, or leave a gap for someone else to.
Only through identifying the probability that our current experience of life takes up only one name slot within a list of names as infinite as time itself, and is both as recurring but as variably different as history itself too, can we look past our own self-destructive self-interests.
We have an existential empathy problem, not a political one. This problem is an addiction as western as the hedonistic colonizers who coined the philosophy of hedonism itself; it is an addiction to robbing our future to indulge in the present.
TL;dr: Namaste is the way, my dudes.

>every time they dig up the root ball of another evil regime’s self-interests, they’ll only either plant their own within its place, or leave a gap for someone else to.
this moved me

There is a deeper issue at play which is that humanity only barely meets the lowest possible standard of a species capable of creating a civilization. We're just not that bright. How long did it take us to invent the wheel? We are not up to the task genetically of solving these problems. As long as humanity is itself we will always fail.

Another civilization will come after us. Civilization on earth is in its infancy.

>honestly believing this
you're no older than 18

Tell me where I'm wrong there tough guy
I think you're just angry because the truth hurts

everywhere. read the bible. you're a fucking faggot. you should probably quit while you're ahead because I will fucking absolutely humiliate you. I will show zero mercy if you allow this to continue. I will break you at a fundamental level and you will probably kill yourself. I've had stalkers before. Butthurt people who just couldn't stop hanging around. They all dropped eventually...

Okay tough guy I'm ready for you to break me at a fundamental level, if you're done throwing your little crybaby tantrum. Let's do it man! Bring it on baby!

You cannot override human psychology, you can only study it.
You must work around it, only then can you know stability and progress.
Namaste all you like but always remain objective. Today we are consumed with ideas such as equality and justice, completely man made concepts that as such do not exist anywhere else in the animal world but yet remain in denial of objective biological differences amongst ourselves, differences that make it impossible for long term stability and coexistence, there will never be one society which works for all of us, the fact that we go on minute by minute allowing this fantasy to take place is lunacy.
Tl;dr: We are all uncheangeably different we cannot Move forward in any real sense until we accept objective truths about ourselves.

it's simple. man was created in god's image. perfect. our ultimate goal is not to 'grow' we were punished for that (building the tower of babel) so God split us up and now we're doomed to not understand eachother.

the ultimate goal is to know Christ. Ye are a God of the most high, but you will die like a prince.

>>Civilization on earth is in its infrancy
Graeber would agree so too, but we are capable infants. I believe, that we as a WESTERN civilization at least, will find it difficult. But we humans have a long history of austerity and self-denial, from which we can ignore our hungers do to exactly as we need to and nothing more (see Buddhism).
Quite honestly, if there are aliens out there waiting to contact us, they probably haven't yet because we haven't yet figured out that we are all destined to experience reality as each other.

That, or they were already annihilated by either themselves, or by astronomical dangers like asteroids n shiet... which begins my next rant.
We must unify and collectively tax all of earth, in order to fund scientific research for self-preservation, astro-danger protection and space colonization.
Perhaps Geo-mutualism is a future political answer?

But if we may be destined to experience life as each other, then we may not be equals in the present time, but we are still equals within the overall timeline of our existential experiences themselves.
tl;dr: If I am or will be you, we are kind of equals.

Hmmm I don't know about your political part at the end, but it is interesting that we haven't seen anyone else. The distances between stars are so huge. Maybe it's literally impossible to travel faster than the speed of light with any technology, in which case we're all on tiny islands in space. Kind of sad if true. Or maybe you're right they just decided to leave us alone for now while we figure things out. It would be amazing if we could at least talk to them, that would change the way we see ourselves so much, might bring on a new renaissance.

listen to how fucking stupid and crazy you are.

you've been educated stupid in unbelievable detail. entire libraries of """"knowledge"""" you believe to have is total unequivocal nonsense.

what's it like to be this closed-minded? To never question anything?

when I see trash like "asteroids" and "scientific research" in the same sentence, I know instinctively that the man writing has no self-awareness and has literally never laid eyes on the subjects he discusses.

You've never seen an asteroid. That's the funny part. I know that. Like a psychic power, hahaha. I know you're just spewing bullshit.

>>Yer stupid, because I said so. >.

I'm always interested in the reactions I get when I point out that human beings are very primitive creatures. A LOT of rage. In this case I guess you are going to try to disrupt the thread with your rageposts, go right ahead I guess. Clearly you have no interest in this subject but you remain. So have at it, good luck!

>> You've never seen asteroids yourself, therefore they don't exist... just like you've never seen the wind, therefore it doesn't exist.
Fuck off.

you're clever enough to know I was addressing you as the crazy one.

the insane generally are pretty adept.


some expert. what happened to your confidence?

primitive compared to what? Fictional beings invented by human beings? If we can imagine behavior, then we can inhabit that behavior. It's only a matter of convincing ourselves and then the rest of the world.

One man's insanity is another man's Theory of Evolution.

are you the same coward from before? what happened to the old discussion? you disappeared on me. ran away.

>Theory of Evolution.
didn't I call that stupid jewshit fake already?

Oh right, I deleted that to make fun of you cause God told me you were an expert on asteroids even though you've only been told about them. HAHAHAHA.

You're correct, we're top dog in our world. But cosmically, do you think we're the apex? Every species so far on earth eventually gets eclipsed by another superior one. I think it's unlikely that we're the last step in the chain. Given millions of years, another superior species will evolve or be created by us and dominate the earth. And this drama is surely playing out across the cosmos as well. We're the first ones with a brain large enough for a decent vocabulary and thumbs, so we rule over all the animals and bugs. But that's not really saying much, is it? Our competition is dolphins and chimpanzees. We're just meeting the minimum standard for a civilization.

>being a commie

Hell is for ever!

you're an imbecile

Well I see all my points have been refuted here, lol
Back to the drawing board!

>i have no concept of rhetoric

You're still blue-pilled, T.B.H., user.

Sure but the world is meat and steel. Humans are hominid animals. Game theory needs to be followed objectively otherwise we will follow the fate of Trans-soxania and our line, our nations and culture erased from the universe as hateful men enslave, gang rape and cum in our daughters and teach their rape babies how to hate.

Uur a mess of mt dew blubber and tendie wounds around your mouth, how can u be perfect with a 4 inch penis

There are many shared experiences and universal concepts all over, such as Carl Jungs collective unconscious theories.
But even so in the end we can only be ourselves, what makes you think you can convince the world of anything through mindfulness?
What makes you think that half of the population is even neurologically capable of such introspective thinking?
We must teach truth as we find it.
If you could somehow calculate the total amount of pain ever felt by human beings and currently being felt physical or emotional you would find instances of happiness are almost a glitch.
One could argue the world is such an ugly nasty place we've all already died and this is the hell we fear exists.
The Truth will hurt but it will always set you free.
Tl;dr: Life is pain there's no higher meaning if we look at the evidence. We are imperfect but we can make things work if we just stop lying to ourselves, maybe.

mommy says

>That really made me think: The thread

Humans are biologically inclined to defend their egos when they're challenged.

Telling someone that we're likely nowhere near close to being the apex species in the Cosmos will possibly get them butthurt.

Guys, let's address the topic at hand, rather than the logical fallacies of indoctrinated persons and such. We need to address and accept our probable existence as each other, before we can make a lasting and sustainable change within our politics.
If history repeats itself, as it has proven to do time and time again in infinite variations of difference, then we are probably likely to exist as everything that ever did, does or will exist.

Yes! I don't know why this surprises me so much, maybe because I'm so aware of my own personal limitations.

>If you could somehow calculate the total amount of pain ever felt by human beings and currently being felt physical or emotional you would find instances of happiness are almost a glitch.
Sorry about your clinical depression m8, but it's not that way for most people, or other animals.

I don't get it. You honestly believe that you are impartial and objective and not brain washed and then put a meme like that up. Do you know the state of journalism in the US? Tucker Carlson is like the only objective and honest MSM journalist in the entire country.

Quit virtue signalling and start thinking objectively. Your red pill will be when you realise that you are not as smart or good or impartial as you think you are.

or plants, fungi, microbes etc... they live pretty happy lives and make up the fast majority of the sheer weight of life forms.

I feel you. Dw about these bitter dudes, just practice what you preach, try do some good everyday, and be happy

Implying red or blue, democrats or republicans aren't all liars of neoliberal corporation heads who wish us enslaved and control everything from our government to our money supply.

You must be new to planet Earth.

I've been living in the woods in the pacific northwest for the past 5 years and I see tons of life around me all the time. I've seen animals die in terrible ways, get killed by predators, have their babies killed by predators. But on the whole, most of them seem pretty content most of the time. All the creatures but us live in the moment, and most of those moments are pretty great. It's human beings attachment to the future and the past that seems to cause us to suffer in my opinion. Regret and worry are the enemy of happiness.

Have you seen how much of the world lives in misery? How much of it lived in misery all throughout time? The violent deaths they lived, the diseases they developed, the powerlessness they felt? The hunger, abuse, disorders they endured.
Since the beginning of time..
Happiness is a glitch m8

>All Cretans are liars said Epimenides the Cretan.

Fuck you are a dumb cunt. Go and get an education fuckwit

quality post m8 great contribution

uhm no, actually happiness is a healthy biological release of dopamine and endorphins which cause the experiencee to experience neither pain or neutrality.

Are you seriously suggesting non conscious or self aware organisms can be happy.
Is developmentally retarded child in any measurable way happy?
Wew lad

I'll answer that. Absolutely they are. There was a retarded kid in my school named Jessie. When recess came he just went to the same exact spot in the middle of the playground and jumped up and down and laughed his head off watching us play. Happiest kid I've ever seen. I envied him.

Stop talking to yourself, user, and stop believing everything you hear on mainstream media, or from the duopolized political institutions of corporate slavery and government tyranny.

Agreed. It is obvious. They don't have the mental capacity to pretend to be happy, and laughter is happiness expressed.

you had something interesting to say, and then you completely shit the bed. I hope you're happy.

You just aren't actually thinking far enough into the probability of your existence as me, within a before or after-death scenario. If you are, were or will be me, then we are, were or will be- equals.

dopamine and serotonin are human words for a molecule. We notice its release when people report feeling sensations of happiness but we cannot adequately describe how a molecule becomes a sensation. when people drop things like this its obvious they dont understand anything beyond the surface level. Its similar to being told the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. If you watched a representation of one in action you would quickly realize that saying such a thing is vague and empty and doesnt represent any sort of true knowledge. Aside from the OP (even a broken clock can be right twice a day) you show a startling lack of comprehension about the world and whats going on.

holy shit you guys would actually equate a reaction to stimuli as consciousness.

>dead persons arm jerks
>it's alive

The problem is, civilized white people can realize such facts and live in a peaceful, self-realized society. Niggers and other uncivilized races can't. The closer we are to eradicating them, the closer we are to an enlightened society and true peace.

If you have some lock on what makes a retarded kid not conscious go ahead and share it instead of false-flagging with an argument that nobody made.

Yeah, no. I've known some fucking dumbass white people. In fact I've known a few really fucking dumb white supremacists. So that ain't gonna cut it.

and you equate serotonin or dopamine to happiness because you read it in an article somewhere. Theres cases of people completely lacking either chemical and living happy and fulfilled lives. So what is happiness?

I think he's just a roleplay fag in KKK character desu. don't bother.

Consciousness is an emergent phenomena of patterns of neural activity.

I am not fucking you, man.

If anything, epistemological solipsism makes more sense than idealist monism. Note, I did not say metaphysical solipsism. I mean, we experience the world via mental representations, indicating only the directly accessible mental contents of an individual can be known.

emergent property*

>metaphysical solipsism.
>epistemological solipsism
>idealist monism

*vomits heavily*

tell me sophist, how does that matter feel? wheres the subatomic particle that thinks and loves?

>We must unify and collectively tax all of earth

You had me until here

I'm not a sophist.

>wheres the subatomic particle that thinks and loves?
Look up "Panexperientialism" or Panpsychism

>more cartesian and roussean focus on the self
you dont realize this is what destroyed the west? you can track it directly to descartes, rousseau and enlightenment.

Don't find arguments of panpsychism convincing***


Nice, didnt know there was an exaggerated word for that.


When you dream you generate vast landscapes and places within whats essentially nothing. Whats so difficult to believe?

Faggot Marxist philosophy is not the way forward.
There is no successful nation on earth that believes this. It fails every possible value measurement.

Blahblahblahblahblah blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah [breath] blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah

Yeah, whatever fuck off

Im curious about this Graham probe since a quick skim of his wiki lead me to dialethism, which is brilliant and absurdly obvious. Whats the basic concept being presented?

How else would we get all of earth to fund scientific projects for astronomical danger protection and planetary inhabitation?

You blue your cover.

Sorry you failed middleschool reading levels. Judging by your kekistani flag, i'd say you lack the parts of the brain which are required.

Nah, all of our minds have been colonized by principles of the selfish eternal Anglo.

He argues for paraconsistent logic, not dialetheism, which tries to deal with contradictions in a discriminating way. I think if we rely on our empirical observations and defeasible reasoning, we will see there are many inconsistent or contradictory 'things' in life, both ontologically and experientially. Thus, I do not think deductive reasoning is based on anything valid, meaning I do not accept a priori knowledge and believe metaphysical reasoning is based off presuppositions that the world can be cogently ordered by thought.

You were so busy being a faggot and using buzz words that you forgot to make a point


The vast majority of philosophy is dweebs struggling with linguistic homunculi that literally dont exist outside of their minds. I could sit here and mince with words with you all day and the final sum of whats being said would equate to little more then hot air. you're correct in calling philosophy a frustrating waste of time. (for the most part) but I guess it did lead us down a path of accepting reason and being objective.

but having said that expand on the last sentence a little, you say we cannot order the world by thought. What do you mean by that? We order things with our thoughts all the time.

And by your posts annointing you as knowing microbes are happy, you clearly are a great Bernie supporter.

Now go ahead and move to China where you belong where your socialist ideals are more fully realized.

Oh that's right, you wouldn't wanna do that because you know as well as anyone else with half a brain cell that this capitalist system begets the best system attainable.

But of course all us that realize the truth are the amoeba, right?

Whatever, you stupid douche.

I prefer saying pragmatic instead of objective or reason...

There's a difference between using thought as an instrument to accomplish certain tasks or achieve certain goals versus using thought to mince words, as you've said.

What I am saying is thought is used first and foremost to guide action, based off predictions, or achieve certain results. It does not need to commit itself to any ontological claims. Consider how in empirical science hypotheses are operationalized in order to avoid extraneous metaphysical claims -- it's about falsifiability and replicability rather than having the linguistic homunculi conform with the way things are.

For this reason I accept Instrumentalism.

>Implying socialist ideas are accepted in the dictatorship of China.
>Implying an either-or logical fallacy, that I am either with you, or a Bernie supporter.
>Implying the capitalist system isn't self-consuming at its core.
>Implying you hold any weight in your arguments.

Come back when you stop manifesting as weaponized autism, and can join in on rational debates.

>What I am saying is thought is used first and foremost to guide action, based off predictions, or achieve certain results. It does not need to commit itself to any ontological claims.

But is it not the very product of being? How can you say there is no relation when the two are fundamental to eachother? Furthermore how do you reconcile the ability of dreams to produce a reality with that of that of the static one in your day to day?

instrumentalism is a nice word btw, it'll never mean anything to anyone outside of philosophy, but its a nice word.

>it'll never mean anything to anyone outside of philosophy, but its a nice word.
Your questions are pretty much philosophy and have been asked constantly before. I feel epistemological limitations prevent us from ever coming to a conclusive answer, but underlining such limitations has consistently shown over and over again how such questions were framed based off oversights or presuppositions, hence my disdain for Aristotlean logic.

>But is it not the very product of being?
One doesn't have to commit to any ontology.

>Furthermore how do you reconcile the ability of dreams to produce a reality with that of that of the static one in your day to day?
Look up "Hard Problem of Consciousness" or "mind-body problem". Pretty much what you're asking.

>How can you say there is no relation when the two are fundamental to eachother?
Philosophers have been debating the nature of being (essentialism), and its ontological relations (e.g., mind-body problem), or lack thereof (anti-essentialism) forever. Fact is, that relation is inconsequential to my day-to-day life, no one will ever reach consensus, and I prefer to live pragmatically.

I know what Im asking, Im asking how you integrate the problem into your "meta"physical views. (you dont, is what Im getting)

and thusly we arrive at the hot air conclusion of this conversation. Years of study and you've come to the conclusion that the rejection of it all is more or less the only correct answer.