Why is this allowed

Why is it okay to dehumanize the Nazi's like this? An innocent fucking cargo plane pilot whose no threat is brutally murdered by the rabid kike. If we switched the setting of this to let's say mudslime doing this to a US cargo pilot would there be "outrage"? Sup Forums's too cucked to handle this topic so I was wondering with Sup Forums what do we do about this?

It's a fucking video game.
Your just as bitchy as the sjw's complaining about muh vidya diversity

The problem with "it's ony a video game" is it's being sold to the easily influenced public who will see violence against anyone who disagrees with them as okay because they're evil nazi Drumpf supporters!!! Instead of murdering innocent cargo plane pilots and Kommandants just ordering a milkshake and casually ask you for ID why not fabricate bullshit to kill "evil" Nazi's?

I mean they literally take over and invade the united states you fucking idiot

Not really, GTA had an entire torture mission where white redneck Trevor beats the shit out of a literally innocent Muslim brown dude.

This mission did make a few people upset but no one really cared.

App phys here. 200 in my class 7 of which are women. All disgusting as fuck

Do you not know how Conquering works you retard? Sure the Nazi's invaded but they overthrew the government, rebuilt and created a paradise, kike free country for the white citizens while moving a few of their own in.

Like the jews who have taken over your media?

Again, being just like an SJW

I'm conflicted. On one hand whites killing other whites is bad, but Nazisim is steeped in socialism.

Fuck off nigger, I'd happily embrace a nazi United States hybrid over the current jewish controlled anglo state.

With an advanced empire. They have robo dogs and have moon colonies.

In this timeline you have tranny bathrooms.

Its literally propaganda and youre a fucking retard if you cant see that. Goebbels would be making video games today. Go read a book before you give any more braindead baseless opinions.

>so I was wondering with Sup Forums what do we do about this?

They want your race to disappear, and you will never vote to stop white genocide, so I guess voting is out, and chances are they aren't open to peaceful discussion. That doesn't leave much.


Think about it like this faggots
>Bad people take over
>You fight bad people

Shill. Go back to your marxist hugbox circle jerk where the big bad Nazis cant hurt you. Its promoting genocide by making the opponents of communists look like the worst thing ever. Hitler did nothing wrong. Youre a shill. Get out.

Trevor is canadian and nobody (We're talking about normies here.) can hate canadians.

I fucking hate commies

Stop trying to fucking market your game by stirring up outrage and getting Kotaku to write a "Nazis HATE this game!" article, it's actually pathetic.

Oh shit guys, he's using caps lock. Must be serious.

Don't shoot up a school, yeah buddy?

Because they won
Also he isn't a Jew he's polish

Weong nigger, the only bad people I'd fight to the death with are Communist subhumans and leftist filth. If the Nazi's were on our shores U'd welcome them in open arms and even join them in the routing of the non-humans in America.

>I dont understand National Socialism at all
>the post

Anyone who suggests National Socialism is a socialist ideology exposes themselves as not being informed enough to even understand the basics of it. I bet you havent even heard of the 25 points.

>literally innocent
He wasn't

Who on Sup Forums has never
t a l k e d l I k e t h i s ?

No, because if i made a video game in which you brutally murder an innocent jewish man, i would probably get put in jail or sued
Nazis were stupid for not realizing they were part of the jews' plans but they had good intentions, it isn't right to show them as literal non-humans.

aw, boo hoo. poor widdle bitch is having his widdle safe space violated.

yep, this is very typical of sexually insecure, emasculated racist white bitch boys. what a pathetic, soft and impotent rage driven coward you are, getting all triggered by a fucking video game.

i hope you spend a lot more time being a whiny little bitch about this so i can keep laughing at your frail, jew obsessed psyche.

>dehumanizing a Nazi
>a fucking Nazi

That's hilarious. Either way, it's a video game. Dehumanizing enemies in games makes them easier to kill. It's why all the people in GTA are assholes for example or why in a lot of games enemies don't talk.

Stop over thinking Wolfenstien!!!

If I asked you how long you've been on this board, would you answer honestly or would you lie

Probably 3/4 of us.

That mission had me laughing my ass off. Same with the border patrol mission where you had to chase down Mexicans.

lol k mate


The spacing is real but the argument stands true. And once again, they humanised NatSoc soldier in The Old Blood DLC, yes it was very brief compared to what both the DLC and original game give out with narration, but the whole conversation was pretty deep.
Don't got anything else to say mah dude? Al'right, fuck off.

dropped Wolf The New Order after coming back from the moon mission, it was a good game, that level was kinda disappointing, and all I could see was my character shooting up a beautiful ordered and crafted world so I had to stop

Think about it like this for fucks sake:
>Bad goys invade your nation
>You kill bad goys to take nation back

Stop playing video games. They are massive wastes of time and make you a fucking loser. And on top of all that, the Jews now own an industry, so you are enriching kikes who hate you while simultaneously wasting your life. STOP GIVING THEM YOUR TIME AND MONEY.

The fuck was I supposed to say?

Reddit posters are not Sup Forumsacks, even if they make up 3/4 of the board since 2015. Youre a bunch of larping children who were banned from your anti-white shithole because you found our memes too funny. This place is closer to Reddit than it is to what Sup Forums was like for half a decade.

Its all done on purpose by their thought leaders too, the commies etc. They purposely destroyed the quality of this board because it was a non-stop redpill factory educating people on the reality of our situation, instead of in marxist critical theory objective truth denial environments where people are emotionally intimidated into committing racial and cultural society, all in pursuit of free gibs.

I thought it was all just hyperbole, but most Trump supporters are literally nazis. Wow.

Why would you get so worked up over a fake video game world? Especially in a game where the main objective is to mow people down.

just look at this dystopian america! brutal as FUCK

>the epitome of the modern capitalist corporation tones down the radicalism of Karl Marx in order to appeal to soft socialists so they will participate in its ultracapitalist schemes

I'm getting a stiffy just from how hard Marx must be spinning in his grave.

>into committing racial and cultural suicide*

>its only propaganda to program you goy!

Think of the poor nazi larpers.

This game is "kill whitey: the game"

It's meant to prepare the lefties for the war against the evil "nazis" If we want the west to survive then we must kill all of the lefty people that want to destroy white people(themselves) with the multicult.

Atleast we know that we will slaughter most commies easily...

>50 rounds fired on an open field, only guy that dies is the commie shooter.

Better luck next life, commiefag.

Notice how liberals didnt try to make excuses for Scalise, they just said he deserved it and celebrated? Like they didnt say "Oh, it must be some troubled man with mental issues" they said "Ha, thats what you get"

I thought the ebil Nazi Drumpfs hated the KKK? Why are the swedecucks having them casually exist?

because I thought maybe there would be a compelling story

no, just bloodshed

Could we have a game where you single out butch dykes, din-dus or jews without anyone losing their minds?

If you want non cucked entertainment just fucking read some you man babies. You ever notice that is the one medium they don't attack? Because they don't step out of young adult series and harlequin trash like 50 shades.

Dominate that medium and you'll notice it will heal Hollywood some because they're so lazy they're always looking to turn books to movies. The most you'll get is some black washing.

Vidya is done. You get maybe 1-2 sjw free big games a year and it's so stale a fucking WWII won goty from multiple places last year like it's the 90s/early 00s.

I agree it's just a video game so it's not that big of a deal but I wish we would actually do the same to communists.

Dehumanize a group of people that murdered millions of innocent people because they were born the wrong nationality/religion/race?

They did that to themselves. Fuck em.

looks comfy tbqh

Your utopia is another person's dystopia.
The Nazis were also well known for their secret police. It's probably a totalitarian police state, which I imagine wouldn't sit well with many Americans.

It's a fucking game, is every piece of media that portrays an ideological group bad propaganda? People will forget about this game by 2020

>Why is it okay to dehumanize the Nazi's like this?

Who's losing their mind now?

In case you didnt know, that scene blamed Russians for islamic terrorism, and was anti-white propaganda.

>No Russian
>Because were "false flagging" the innocent religion of peace

Braindead idiot. And youre Russian, too. This is how kikes act.

I don't know how any of you could support an ideology that claims whites are superior to other races and is responsible for the killing of ~6 million jews.

dude, forget about talking any sense to nazilovers, its a religion to them

That's the whole point of Wolfenstein. The first game was mindless corridor shooter.

Because it scares them. Seriously. Nothing scares people more than Nazis. Why? Because they are so superior, so mechanically precise, so not-monster-like in the traditional sense. Seriously, imagine being hunted by a clean-shaven, university-educated, religious, technologically advanced super soldier motivated by an evolutionary sense of being the Master.

That's fucking terrifying to everyone who feels low on the totem pole, low on the evolutionary hierarchy. They feel the pressure of the threat, and so they see any and all horrific destruction of Nazis as being among the highest moral goods possible, because they would personally be at risk.

There's literally nothing wrong with national socialism

shameless attention bump

>It's a fucking game, is every piece of media that portrays an ideological group bad propaganda? People will forget about this game by 2020

t. doesn't know what propaganda is

That's a lie. That brown guy was Armenian or Georgian, and he was wearing a crucifix.

I agree, but in the setting of the game:
>People you don't like invade
>You try to take back what they took

>"it's only a video game"

Yeah that didn't fly when feminists cried about pixelated boobs

Gaming has always been the new medium for (((them))). It's not a surprise what they're pushing onto people just like it's not a surprise what is being released into the movie scenes. It's all a part of the narrative.

>Muh 6 gorillion
>never forget goyim

Jews aren't human and neither are you

>Party A gets triggered, everything is a-ok
>Party B gets triggered, somehow this is wrong and only party A is allowed to get triggered.

>posts a blue eyed blonde haired aryan child

Is COD: MW propaganda? Or World at War where half the game is shooting Jap stereotypes? It's not propaganda, over the top bad guys are just simpler to create and are an easy target for the player. It's game design 101.

it's propaganda designed to alter the moral and ethical code of white males

>Because they are so superior

Who won the war again? Who lost so hard they've literally become a synonym for evil? Who's ideology has been reduced to fat skinheads holding rallies in trailer parks?

Yeah, that's what I thought bitch. You know how I know you're a bitch? Because you're too much of a pussy to offer super edgy thoughts like this in the real world for fear of what people will say/do to you. That's how fucking pathetic Nazi's are.

In actuality, yes all war games are propaganda.

Mate where did I say it was ok for the SJW's to get trigg'd?

Oh, I know. I'm Dutch. We had Pim Fortuyn, our first modern far right leader, and the biggest, flaming faggot you have ever seen. he as assassinated by a left wing "activist" 15 years ago for saying nasty things about Islam.

Same thing happened, and the perp got a joke of a sentence. Occasionally some "respectable" leftist suggest that the state should stop ensuring the security of Geert Wilders because "he brings it upon himself".

The left supports violence. They just pretend not to when they're so much as at risk, but the majority of the political violence in the West has had left wing origins. And that's without the fairly legit argument of including Islamic violence with left wing violence (after all, the left is chiefly responsible for fomenting Islamist radicalism).

>Dehumanize a group of people that murdered millions of innocent people because they were born the wrong nationality/religion/race?

Yea, where do those Jews get off thinking they are the chosen ones. Youre right, they aren't human. Its too bad only around 500k of them died combined between camps and Einsatzgruppen executions, primarily of things caused by the allies like starvation due to supply line destruction, and lack of ability to prevent - preventable disease.

Your character is literally a white male.

false equivalency asshat moron

This is getting ridiculous.

Actually, I think the nazi's wouldnt allow the KKK to move that freely.
>Hav u taken any zjerman lezzonz?

t. dumb nigger

I get that, but as a player i don't mind the idea of them invading, so i don't feel like playing the game

>Tumblr spacing
>On our Mongolian basket weaving website
You have to go back.


>How dare you point out social hjustice propaganda in vidya! What are you? A fucking SJW?

Its another safe, uninspired garbage game typical of today's AAA trash but leave it to Sup Forums to keep swallowing the shit and loving it.

My equivalency is false because....?

Or maybe they'll just think it's a game that they can play without thinking like a fucking autist.

I know all about Pim, and how his killer walks free on your streets for shooting the man who could have been head of state. He was assassinated for trying to warn us about the islamic problems we now have, which still existed when he was around.

t. no response

>you will never hold an "opinion" so utterly fucking stupid that entire countries ban it in an attempt to raise their collective IQ

Feels good man.

>Muh nazis dindu nuffin

They were the most vile hate group that plundered the European civilization into bloodshed, so what do you expect?

They should be demonized. They are a laughing stock, and they certainly will be portrayed as scum of the earth.

Hitler made you into a meme of humiliation. Get used to it.

When you call all white people nazis, all Trump voters nazis and everyone who disagrees with your leftist views nazis, over and over and over again, and then someone produces a trailer for his WW2 game in which you can see a black American burning a couple of German soldiers to a crisp with a flamethrower, how are normies going to interpret it?
They're gonna see a good guy who dindu nuffin giving some nazis the barbecue treatment and the nazis deserve that.
That in turn reinforces the idea that white people are nazis and deserve to die.

Game design 101, advanced propaganda.

Why are you fat fucks mad about Nazis getting killed?

Didnt you win a World War kicking our asses?

It's hilarious seeing LARPers get trigged when you can kill Nazis in games.