Has Trump destroyed european nationalism?

When Trump got elected we were all hoping for him to be the beginning of a rise in nationalism. What really happened was that our nationalist/right wing partys have lost EVERY election since Trump became president.

Did Trump do so bad? Or was he a shill to make european right wingers look bad?

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Le Pen


>nate carbon is still posting

Yes. Drumpf shouldn't let his administration crash so hard

Nah, Europeans just can't understand individualism, freedom, nationalism, and pride like Americans can. It's too deeply ingrained in the mind of the European. They mocked us for decades for being like this, but now they are paying the ultimate price.

My understanding is that trump was very unpopular in the states and as a result became the president. Maybe some new poll numbers could help clear up the confusion.

>Nate bronze

Trump is not responsible for fixing our own problems.

Heh, he is a Trojan horse.

At least in Germany he certainly did. People see Trump's chaotic white house and flock to the established parties because they're scared of what a big change might bring. Reliably boring is suddenly not so bad.
Also his lukewarm committment to traditional alliances like NATO and general isolationism made people wary to cut ties with the EU for example, something most rightwing nationalists in Europe oppose - "if we can't rely on the US, maybe we shouldn't leave our other strong union of nations".

you do realize all of these are red flags that the election was co-opted, especially given the terrorist attacks

these are just signs that europe doesnt have democracy anymore in those states

Nate is fucking terrible

1. Correlation =\= causation

What a fucking idiot right off the bat

These trends can equally be the result of propoganda during the election season

Muslims vote. American niggers and beaners don't. That is why.

What's funny is other than the media circus over the nothingness that is "muh Russia". Nothing drastic has occurred in the states and what has been occurring is certainly not the fault of trump

How do I know you ask? Every single graph follows the same behavior which is some scary shit when dealing with meta patterns like country level polling.

Really nice find user, proves that the cartel has stolen democracy like they tried to do in America with those polls.

America's so far still to chaotic to control and hopefully remains the nest of chaos the world needs.


He's correct in his assertion that trump getting involved in European Nationalism would hurt it but that simply hasn't been the case so it's irrelevant.

What keeps surprising me is that leftists take these numbers to mean a loss. The PVV is the second largest party in this fucking country. The "respectable" parties are excluding them from any potential government, and that's exactly why they've been failing at forming one. We might even get new elections because of it.

How the fuck is that a failure of anyone but the left, who's most prominent party was reduced to total irrelevance by its own radical voterbase?

Oh noe, they'll call us Trumpists and Russian shills now.

As opposed to being called nazies all the time.

How will we recover?

You're forgetting the Sweden Democrats, Shlomo.

Stuff like Flynn being dismissed or the excessive leaking is certainly unprecedented in recent times.

he said nationalist movements.

Yeah, the media bullshitting actually works here. The people believe it. People will only wake up if the US ends up successful under Trump.

It's definitely true, however it has little to do with the way Trump acts.
Whatever would Trump do he would be reported in the worst possible way. At least in the US there are local ways for news to distribute so people know that the MSM is lying to them.

In Europe though they actually believe a new Hitler has arisen, they believe that Trump is being investigated and that he calluded with Russia to hijack the elections.

That's what the MSM tells them. Most of them don't bother to read the finer print or watch the occasion where the MSM is proven to lie.

How many Europeans actually watched Comey testify? And how many were fed whatever MSM lies the media shoved down their throats.

So you see, no matter who or what kind of right wing person would have been elected in the states, and no matter what policy lines he'd pursue, the European propaganda would make the devil look nice compared to him.

Lastly, right wing parties often under performed in the actual elections, see:


Where LA PEN lost everywhere due to a media blitz against the "neo-nazis". (compare to pols and the result in the first round). Certainly cannot be attributed to Trump.

>le pen


you're, right, they aren't. none of them are except MAYBE le pen.

trump doesn't have any effect on what you idiots decide

Israel is a bastion of nationalism.
Most of the other nationalistic parties you cheer for were/are also supported by our gov.
That includes FPO, PVV and others.

Our goverment was one of very few that came out against Germany's policy in 2015 allowing for a mass population transfer and called it out for what it is.

Here is an article our defense minister published in a leading German newspaper, against the Muslim invasion:


Use google translate, you won't get such harsh language against "refugees" anywhere in European politics.

Or maybe hans can assist?

None of those parties want to deport brown people.
They just want to have a tiny little breathing room between guzzling refugee cum.
It's about choosing the lesser evil and pushing the other parties to the right.
SD has been doing that recently.
The opposite is true in all these other countries.

European right wingers never had a chance. It doesn't have anything to do with Trump one way or the either.

Although I will say the one thing that may have impacted it. After trump was elected the CIA etc. got worried about Europe and started working there to ensure that right wingers failed. Maybe Trump made them take their job a little more seriously. But remember, the intelligence agencies basically admitted in front of congress that they needed to take Russian interference and they needed to expose what happened so that Europe knew better how to defend themselves against Russia, Putin and fake news. So maybe Trump and Brexit made the establishment sharpen their game.

>What really happened was that our nationalist/right wing partys have lost EVERY election since Trump became president.
Contrary to the years before 2016 where right wingers usually won?

Wilders never had a chance to begin with.

Like there is any point running on such a platform in modern Europe.
Had I been a nationalist and realist in Europe, I'd first try to improve things slightly and only then, small step at a time move things back to the right.
Unlike the US, most European countries could actually manage this if an actual right wing government got elected and started the process.

With current platforms the right can't get enough power, what good would it do to escalate (for politicians)?

>Blaming others for the failure of your own people to get their shit together

Sounds like a cuck move bro.

If you can't make fellow Europeans understand that the EU has stripped them of their natural rights AND they're committing cultural suicide through a muslim invasion, then I'm sorry but we cannot help you.

People being fired in the executive branch and leaks are not new or unprecedented

What was watergate? What was the pentagon papers, what was. Snowden and manning, what was scooter Libby, what was drudge and Monica lewinski, what was fast and furious and Iran-contra

These were all the results of White House or federal government leaks.

Just because you are a good and easily led by the nose doesn't make it actually unprecedented

>fuck yourself over by not participating in debates + Turkey fucking
>goal achieved and no longer relevant
>achieved the highest vote ever achieved in history of the FN with 34% of the population voting for her.
>protest voters went to Schulz and massive infighting

But no, all of this must be because of Trump. And they never had any winning numbers to begin with.


Dude it has nothing to do with Trump. The AfD has a lot of infighting and there was Schulz who siphoned from them. Now they are recovering.

he was first in the polls for a year until he started supporting drumpf

europeans have been cucks for decades, white europeans will disappear within the next 20 years and there is nothing you could have done about it for the last 70 years

>t. kekistani trump fanboy

No, he fucked up massively by not participating in debates and the cuckservatives had help from Turkey fuckery.

Jews are only a problem as a diaspora, they never did any of their shit before they left Israel, if they can go back there and exist as a normal nation there is literally zero problem.

We're less than 65% white you fucking retard
Trudeau is a closet muslim who just fired his immigration minister because he wouldn't open the flood gates

You have absolutely no way to refute me hence you resort to ad hominems. Just shows how retarded anti-Trump people really are. Just go back to your "day of muh rope" faggotry which will never happen (see SA).

Trump isn't really right wing. he is just a master thief, giving stolen money to his friends and fellow billionaires.

But the rejection of the right wing since Trump is a symptom of decent human beings going out to vote.

I think Europe destroyed it themselves by failing to challenge the problems that plague them.

Oh look another frog communist

Even though trump isnancronyist billlionaire he is the least crony-billionaire we've had running the show since carter

wtf i love based black guys now

trump is a retard and a globalist

>6 months in and this much concern trolling

If we actually start a new war I'll be worried

And he's already given major fuck yous to the globalists in many different ways

How do people still believe this Nate Silver's jewish polls?

>wtf i love based black guys now
You probably do since you retard voted for Labour.
>trump is a retard and a globalist
He's smarter than you and all of his opponents and a nationalist who does think about the long term game, which is stabilizing whites at a constant value.

Nationalism only works when your male population is uncucked to death. Western Europe is fargone and the male population is numale-tier. In Eastern Europe however you see a rise in Nationalism. Hungary, Poland and Czech Republic are telling to EU to fuck themselves. Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia are becoming more nationalistic due to proximity with Russia. In Kosovo the Nationalist party (Vetevendosje) DOUBLED their votes and became the #1 party from 3rd. A new big war is coming soon. Hold on to you butts.

No, Europeans and their own cuckoldry did.

>being this deluded

He lives a pretty humble lifestyle, at least compared to the Saudis that fuck your wife.

>euros are cucks
Not our problem

Its very likely. I thought about this myself. He is a stooge thats for sure.

It's not even a polls at this rate.
Has 47% approval amongst likely voters, and between 40 and 42% amongst all Americans/registered voters depending on the polls (except for Gayup which is standing out again).
His job approval on the economy is even better at +5.

>Sweden Democrats
>a party of civic nationalists that literally doesn't want to kick out anyone
>wants to work with right-wingers to dismantle the last of the welfare state that actually made Sweden good

Sure sounds great. I just hope they get power so everyone sees they're not changing a fucking thing.

And the funny thing is that their policies are pretty mainstream in even other western European countries.

Troll harder faggot.

>Euroshits open hells gates to muzzies and nigs to virture signal against Trump

please be true, I want my vote for Trump to be responsible for the destruction of Europe

They were going to lose anyway. It's too soon for europe to become nationalist. And the right wing is doing fine in europe. It's the left wing in europe that's getting fucked.

I agree, diaspora mostly revolting in their views.
People should just stick to their countries. Tourism/ time limited work visas etc are fine But not more than that.

Trump became an old meme.

>Or was he a shill to make european right wingers look bad?

nah, he is just a retard and people worry that other politicians like him will also end up being incompetent morons

no its not
The left is stronger than ever in the important European countries.


Yeah, Europe was quite perfect before Trump was elected.

I honestly think VERY small scale immigration (like measured in dozens per year) is okay too but nothing beyond that.

> Falling for the divide and conquer tactics

Im no fan of the Kekistan shit, I think it destroyed the fun in Kek. But that was the whole purpose of it anyways, Sargon wanted to take Kek away from us.

But why on earth do you fall for this ridiculus shilling tactic? Pic related is not the most self-asserted person but its painfully obvious that he was around this place when you were still told to lurk more newfag.

Spreading this dumb Kekistan are loosers meme will only shut down any person who is not a 10/10 chad. Let them do their thing, it helps the cause in the end SO many normies have been pilled, not red pilled but whatever pill sargon is giving out, and its better than no pills at all.

no thats the whole problem right there

Need to think in terms of NATIONS and NATION STATES
These are our countries.
If someone wants to marry a shitskin, they can go live in the third world

the only good thing he's done so far is mess up western relations (which he didn't mean to do)

he's already got the us involved in syria supporting the kikes of course
>You probably do since you retard voted for Labour.
huh? i didn't vote labour
>He's smarter than you and all of his opponents
dont question anything trump does he's smarter than you!
>stabilizing whites at a constant value
what has trump done to do this?

also why do you have a kekistan flag? are you autistic?

fleeing now is just proof of innate beta cowardice - terribly unfortunate that the population is so passive, and averse to displaying strength and standing up for themselves (however, I'd be lying if I said I was surprised)

But that would also be immigration. You do realize that immigration on that small a scale, distributed throughout both country of origin and location of destination, is completely incapable of making any impact on the genetics or culture of a country?

He's just an edgy teen going through "reee muh secret club". Because in the adolescent mind being original and unique is more important than actually effecting change in the society.

Don't you remember being a teenager?

They haven't lost popularity, it's just the retarded winner-take-all election systems of western Europe that denied them their rightful share of power.

Except Israel purposely destabilising Syria and caused the migrant crisis. Israel is the problem, not Jews. All of this bullshit in the middle east is a result of Israeli influence in western politics.

We've already been involved in Syria you fuck!

Also Good what has letting the Western Europeans leach off us and use us as defense done for the USA? What has giving countless billions to the UN and IMF and countless others done for us?

It's helped "the us empire". And the globalist oligarchs that profit from it but it doesn't help the peole of America

This is exactly why I elected him, I want to see the us withdraw from the world it was never part of our identity to lead he world, we aren't good at it and it will destroy us if it isn't already to late.

>huh? i didn't vote labour
What did you vote for then?
>dont question anything trump does he's smarter than you!
>"hurr globalist and jew"
>what has trump done to do this?
Deporting illegals, intimidating liberals.
>also why do you have a kekistan flag? are you autistic?
I find it fun.

Except it does make an impact and matter
This is how it all started with "lets have a small amount of non-white immigration, we need it, low unemployment, it won't change demographics we promise!"

50 years on and you are a non-white country

Did you hear the part about "Measured in dozens per year"? Because I meant that. ~60-80 people a year is meaningless.

When was the last time a president was advised against making an appointment and then that appointment not even lasting a month in office? Obama's national security advisors kept their post for years.
When was the last time crucial information was leaked to the point of foreign agencies saying they will no longer share information with US officials?

Even if you support Trump, you can't say his White House has been a tight ship.

>calling someone a troll on Sup Forums
sure is summer
kekistan is self defeating cringe that only makes you look like an idiot and NO it does not redpill normies
>hey what this kekistan thing
>wtf im redpilled now
kek worship was always cancer and you should kys
dont be fooled, trump is still up to his neocon ways in the middle east, why do you think he hates iran so much? because he's a kike

the best outcome is that trump will fuck the us up with his incompetence and bring us closer towards race war, you can bet the next president will be an anti-white lefty
>What did you vote for then?
ukip, even though they're a joke party these days
>Deporting illegals
yeah, "criminal aliens", anchor babies and other illegal rats can stay though
>intimidating liberals
how exactly does this help white demographics?
>I find it fun
you must be over 18 years old to post on this website

>Except Israel purposely destabilising Syria and caused the migrant crisis.
That's a lie.
Israel did zero of anything to destabilize Syria and you have exactly zero evidence to support your claims.
Syria got destabalized mainly by the Arab spring, same as Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen and Libya.

inb4 Arab spring was orchestrated by Israel. Don't forget that Iran supported the Arab spring in Libya, Egypt and Yemen.

The refugees were living in Turkey by the millions for a couple of years since the civil war started in 2011. 4 years later Merkel called them to come and they came.

If only you could reason instead of literally basing your views on nothing at all.


Europeans like to differentiate themselves from ameripigs, so they decided nationalism wasn't cool anymore.

Your vid supports my point, you don't have anything to support that Israel was involved in Syria in any way.
So you bring up a vid about Iraq a decade prior.

So Netenyahu was wrong.
Are you suggesting no politician ever made a mistake in his life?

Netenyahu wasn't even a politician at the time, our PM, Ariel Sharon, at the time of the invasion to Afghanistan was against it and more concerned about actions towards Iran.

European nationalism was already dead you faggot larper.
If you are going to try to claim alegiance to a country or region, then post with your real flag

Isn't the problem usually the opposite? Its a strong or a juggernaut right wing party and an opposing leftist party that manages to win by cobbling together all the other sub faction parties that are afraid of change.

Not a bad system because it prevents drastic changes but gives people options but the problem is people are ruled by a larger EU bureaucratic system they don't control that makes MASSIVE changes very fast.

> invasion to Afghanistan
That is invasion to Iraq

Most nationalist options in western Europe are Russian and Israeli operations, or controlled opposition, so they're being obstructed at every step of the way.

Usually there are appointments that don't even get through their congressional reviews. Not to mention most candidates are long time contenders and government officials and therefore their teams are long time coming and they know how to play the game.

I didn't want another politician that knew how to play the game.

Why to fuck are you trying to into us politics when you don't even know?


He is a 90's democrat and us politics don't shift that way, we just spent decades under lefty dominance they won't be back in power for some time

ukip went down because they didnt want to compete with tories and risk brexit.

tories didnt do as well because may though it would be a good idea to censor the internet and take freedoms away from native british because her and labour imported non whites into britain and those non whites are fucking things up.

austria almost elected a far right president.

germany will always be cucked.

france will always be cucked.

netherlands too. they are mini germans.

the only europeans with a shot are the british and eastern/central europeans.

the rest are cucked, and will likely form the new axis in WWIII against the allies (USA, Britain and Russia)

>protest voters went to Schulz and massive infighting
You haven't paid attention, have you=

the nationalist parties all increased their share of the vote pretty dramatically (except for UKIP, which already got what they wanted a year ago anyway). they just didn't go all the way. see: PVV second biggest party in NE parliament, hofer taking just under half of the vote in both elections, le pen doubling what her father got in 2002 despite underperforming. and keep in mind that italy kicked out their globalist PM in december, and there could be new elections in austria this fall. if macron blows it with his reforms, we'll be quite possibly looking at a le pen presidency in 2022. the real problems are that the FN are getting cucked in the french parliamentary elections (they're not the leading opposition party, only the second biggest) and the collapse of the AfD

>the rest are cucked, and will likely form the new axis in WWIII against the allies (USA, Britain and Russia)