>meet new serbian lesbian prime minister, ana brnabic


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not only is she a lesbian but her father is croatian

swedish tier YESing

Makes me really happy, not all of us Serbs are ignorant homophobes.

>from proud kebab removers to sweden tier libtards
just fucking end me now m8

Arent serbs too stupid to be libtards?

>us Serbs
>american flag
дyвaј кypaц
кpивo ми caмo штo cи нaшa дијacпopa, a нe ycтaшкa или шиптapcкa

Understanding degenerate faggotry isn't phobia.

if you don't have your country's flag, your opinion counts as half as an opinion of a normal person

I bet you that she was in a porno


Well Serbia has always been the Sweden of Balkans,from Slavic rapefugees escaping Bulgarians to 100k White Russian refugees.

See what I mean?

They are so fucking stupid.

are you sure "she" is not a man?

I respect lesbians. They have good taste.

>from Slavic rapefugees escaping Bulgarians
мeтни блгapcкy зacтaвy тaтapинy cмpдљиви

Ratko Mladić did nothing wrong

Sta seres mongoloidu glupi 800's su Bugari krenuli da gaze Slovoene i oni su prebegli u Srbiju.

So for those keeping score:

> Serbian PM
Lesbian, no children
> Irish Taoiseach
Gay, half Indian, no children
> German chancellor
Fuck knows, no children
> French President
Married granny, no children of his own
> British PM
Married, no children

What a perfect expression of the state and demise of the West.


Say goodbye to your nation.

Finally some good news.

They went from
>Remove kebab

>Remove penis


he's right though

she's not transgender


Serbia YES.

I always though Croatia was the center of degeneracy in South East Europe, it seems now Serbia went even further.

Sta bi sa debelim Dacicem?

sve je bio u pravu

Serbia wanted to abolish nobility after they got de facto independent but got stopped by Ottomans and Austrians,and fought both WWs against the Axis.I have no idea where rightist Serbia meme comes from lel.

I Tudjman je pred kraj pricao apsolutno isto, pa su ga svi ismijavali zbog "crnih, zutih i zelenih vragova" i slicnih metafora.

daj link
iskreno sumnjam da je rekao nesto makar malo slicno ovome

>"crnih, zutih i zelenih vragova"
To je pričao o soroševskim udrugama koje su tada bile aktivne u RH. Te udruge su htjele ono što se danas provodi.

Samo mediji danas to ismijavaju kao da eto da je bio lud.

what does her wife look like?


par reci protiv neoliberalizma, nista radikalno ili "otvoreno"


Nije tako detaljno kao Milosevic, vise je o generalnim principima. Pogledao sam sad Milosevica do kraja i sve je tocno.

Pa da, onda je pocelo, i onda se jos smjelo rec Soros u javnosti. A onda ga nitko nije zaozbiljno smio spomenuti 15 godina u medijima, tek su nedavno ponovo poceli.

Srbi znaju sta je "druga Srbija", ista stvar se i kod nas kreirala samo mi nemamo ime za to ili ga ja ne znam.