Fuck you capitalist pigs

Fuck you capitalist pigs

Prove that communism doesnt work, everyone is equal and deserve the same amount of everything, power should be with the people !!

capitalist scum

Other urls found in this thread:


fuck off


People are selfish

That's it
Those three words are the root cause of everything wrong with leftist politics and why they don't and never will work

I'm betting this is yet another shitty 1 post by this ID bait thread.

USSR, Cambodia, Maoist China, the Eastern Bloc, what more proof do you need?

Why do you deserve what I produce?

>1 post by this ID

Don't be an idiot and reply to an OP who isn't reading your responses.

Prove that communism DOES work. The burden of proof lies on you to legitimize your shitty ideology.

ummm china

dumb pig


lol you think communism works? Look at Venezuela

Marxist-Leninism always ends up in tyranny.


Yes make everyone equal, apart from the people who run the Communist State! Let them have whatever they want!

>Prove that communism doesnt work

of course they failed, all the world was against them and they weren't following the marxist ideology perfectly: fore example stalin is a bufu
firstly there were soviets but after stalin came an d becomed a dictator. there were also other communist states that failed for the americans. the fact is that no sistem is good, capigtalism has failed in 2008 and in many countries and for many ppl. and also fascism would not be a good thing if there was a fascist leader in your country you werent here posting on a free speach website and you coulden't vote

The only one that was even halfway close to working was Tito's market socialism and even that fell apart without him to oversee it all.

All of those countries had a large improvement in living standards- despite not having the same level of foreign investment available to capitalist countries, which allow for profit


East German living standards was better than Nazi German living standards?

Communism has never worked anywhere anytime


well soviets won XD

fuck off

>there are poor and wealthy people
>and thus inequality

>make everyone poor
>inequality gone

>build walls to keep people from escaping your shitty system

So, every communist state fails before becoming truly communist, so what evidence exists, that true communism can be achieved?

>As Becker puts it, "nowhere is the failure of socialism clearer than in the radical transformation of the Israeli kibbutz." If a socialist experiment could ever succeed, it should have done so in this case. Most kibbutzim were founded by highly motivated volunteers strongly committed to socialist ideology. For many years, kibbutzim had great prestige in Israeli society, and many of the nation's early leaders were kibbutz members. After Israel became an independent state in 1948, the kibbutzim also benefited from extensive government subsidies. Unlike other socialist experiments, the failure of the kibbutzim cannot be ascribed to lack of ideological fervor, inadequate resources, or hostility from the surrounding "capitalist" society. Despite these advantages, kibbutzim failed to achieve a high level of economic productivity, and even failed to retain the loyalty of many of their own members. Over time, many kibbutz residents became frustrated with the perverse incentives created by socialism, and many also yearned for the individual freedom and privacy created by private property rights.

Only by watering down or abandoning their comitment to socialism have kibbutzim been able to survive. If socialism cannot work under the highly favorable circumstances of the Israeli kibbutz, it almost certainly cannot work anywhere.


this is such amateur "trolling" that I nominate OP for the banhammer. mods? this place is going to shit.

Somebody has already made the point of East Germany, but living standards may have improved, but by your own admission, not having access to investments crippled these countries and forced them to crumble under the economic weight. So, again, communism is proven ineffective.

stalin was exploiting communism to live good. in the URRS and mao china the generals had bigger portions of food this is not communism

no system had never failed

So what nation has achieved true communism?

you mean china before or after capitalism?

Remind me again why we allow your ideology to exist

no one.............. maybe the indipended state that was founded by japans(i don't remember the name) after westerns made it fall