Hitler and Slavs

I'm a Russian. And I want to be natsoc. I agree with a lot of their ideas. However, you guys have to admit that Hitler did lowkey hate the Slavs.

> inb4 he called them a great people
he meant to compare the small Jewish class to the numerically huge Russian peoples. The word "groß" can mean huge or great, and it seems like in this context he meant "huge" because he contraposes it to a "small" group of Jews.

Also the addition to the Nuremberg Laws in 1942 (which classified Slavs as not tribally related to the Aryans) as well at Hitler's table talks "As for the ridiculous hundred million Slavs, we will mould the best of them as we see fit, and we will isolate the rest of them in their own pig-styes; and anyone who talks about cherishing the local inhabitants and civilising them, goes straight off into a concentration camp!" suggest Hitler wasn't a big fan of my race.

How do I resolve this cognitive dissonance?
> inb4 read more /nsg/

yes, but why did he write what he wrote above then?

Other urls found in this thread:


look he was germany first and that is the point of national socialism just like a russian natsoc would be russia first

he wanted to germanize Croats and some other

It is not possible to generalise on the extent to which the Slav races are susceptible to the Germanic imprint. In point of fact, Tsarist Russia, within the framework of her pan-Slav policy, propagated the qualification Slav and imposed it on a large diversity of people, who had no connection with the Slavonic race. For example, to label the Bulgarians as Slavs is pure nonsense; originally they were Turkomans. The same applies to the Czechs. It is enough for a Czech to grow a moustache for anyone to see, from the way the thing droops, that his origin is Mongolian. Among the so-called Slavs of the South the Dinars are predominant. Turning to the Croats, I must say I think it is highly desirable, from the ethnical point of view, that they should be Germanised. There are, however, political reasons which completely preclude any such measures. There is one cardinal principle. This question of the Germanisation of certain peoples must not be examined in the light of abstract ideas and theory. We must examine each particular case. The only problem is to make sure whether the offspring of any race will mingle well with the German population and will improve it, or whether, on the contrary (as is the case when Jew blood is mixed with German blood), negative results will arise. - page 473

The Hungarians are better governed than the Rumanians. What a pity they can't instal Croats instead of Rumanians! The Hungarians are wildly nationalist. They assimilate the Germans at extraordinary speed, and they know how to select the best of them for posts of command. We shan't succeed in preserving the German minorities in Hungary except by taking over control of the State—or else we shall have to withdraw our minorities from Hungary. - page 338

Hitler must've seen Slavs as weak subhumans because they were taken over by the Jews and their communism. Then, by Hitler's logic, we non-Slavic whites are also subhumans.

So, because Hitler said some mean things about your people, you going to disregard the main ideas of National Socialism? Stay divided Ivan.

A slavic nazi is a cuck, it's like being a black confederate.

It's almost as if Mein Kampf and much of Hitler's logic and rhetoric was pseudo intellectual contradictory garbage?

Mussolini > Hitler

LOW KEY?!?!?!?!

He downright wanted to exterminate them. And for good reason they are swindlers and tgugs and have round pasty faces with derpy eyes

he wanted to resettle us to further the east and make lebensraum for germans. now that was the nice option, there were people in the NSDAP that wanted exterminate us all together. now that was his idea, from a germanic etho nationalistic standpoint, it made sense. we can still use nat soc ideas to fuel the greatest of OUR race and ultimately, depending on the successm, who knows maybe make some lebensraum in the west.

Of course he hated slavs, take a look at poland here. You have to admit, if you are retarded you are retarded and deserve to hated for being a walking half asleep zombie

>a former socialistic cuckold

stop it right there.

Hitler’s mature attitude towards the Slavs, however, especially after 1938 or 1939, evolved and became nuanced. He recognized, for example, that there were large segments of the Czech and Slovenian Slavic peoples that were racially valuable, and he eagerly anticipated incorporating them into his postwar Greater Germanic Reich. In other words, he felt that not all Slavs were created equal.

What emerges from such an examination is that Hitler treated the various Slavic nations depending on their attitude towards Germany; those that were friendly towards Germany, he treated as friends; those who were hostile to Germany, he treated as enemies. Is there anyone, anywhere who finds this policy unreasonable?

Poland: In 1936, National Socialist Germany and the Japanese Empire signed the Anti-Comintern Pact, in which they pledged to support each other against communist aggression by the Soviet Union. Other nations were invited to join, including Poland. Some Eastern European countries with large Slavic populations did come aboard, including Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovakia and Hungary — but Poland declined. Hitler later made repeated entreaties to the Poles to join him in a common front against the USSR, but to no avail. Poland, goaded on by the Jews, the British, and the French, instead chose to adopt an anti-German stance. Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind!

Slovakia: After the break-up of the artificial state of Czechoslovakia, Hitler granted the Slovaks complete national independence, for the first time in their history. The Slovak Republic (Slovenska republika) under Jozef Tiso lasted from 1939-1945.

The Protectorate of Bohemia-Moravia: The Czech-populated territory of the former Czechoslovakia was re-organized as this Reich’s Protectorate. In it, the Czech people essentially sat out the Second World War, unmolested. The menfolk were not required to fight in the War, their economy prospered and the Czech capital, Prague, was spared the ravages of war.

Croatia: Fascist Italy and National Socialist Germany granted the Croatians national independence, like the Slovaks. The independent State of Croatia (Nezavisna Drvara Hrvatska or NDH) existed from 1941-1945.

could it have been that he used "racial politics" are purely political means of gaining favor? Like it started off well-intentioned (against Jews and preserving whites) but then as the War started and the communist leadership cucked out to the Jews it became a political tool?

I think that it is inconsistent. Once people change their mind it automagically means that their "bloodlines" became pure again?

>I'm a Russian. And I want to be natsoc
You proved to be a retard right here.


National socialism is not equal to being a german national socialist.

didnt germans along with italains tried to exterminate slovenes

I agree, but to common people national socialism mean one thing only. And there's plenty of other ideologies that a slavic nationalist can follow without the need to submit to people who wanted to genocide his ancestors.

>could it have been that he used "racial politics" are purely political means of gaining favor? Like it started off well-intentioned (against Jews and preserving whites) but then as the War started and the communist leadership cucked out to the Jews it became a political tool?

he did change his views from the early days to the war times, basically he didn't hate the slavs so much he liked those that sided with him more he hated some mostly Russians because of communism

>common people national socialism mean one thing only

no need for these mental shortcuts on a annonymous dicussion forum. of course saying irl "im a national socialist" is a different thing and then you might be as you describe, "misunderstood".

what about ostarbeiters (probably butchered the spelling)?

>all the false flagging ITT
The choosable flags were a mistake

Makes me wonder what Hitler's views would have been on the Irish, Scots, Welsh and other Celtic peoples

I know the Nazis collaborated with the IRA to a small extent but I'm thinking more on racial terms not political, he doesn't seem to mention anything regarding them

they had laws against mixing with them but they werent effective the thing is you could go thru Hitlers words and he was inconsistent about slaves at one point he hates them all at the other he says some are better and shouldnt be treated badly

germans even took slavish kids that were blonde because there wasnt enough germans for their blond standard

so you see the inner racial guestion was more of a propaganda that he used to create the idea of germany uber alles but he just wanted to rule europe and defeat the jews and bolsheviks

>>Hitler did lowkey hate the Slavs
There's a reason for that
>Susceptibility to Jewish tricks
>Many were willing participants/supporters of (((communism)))

Seriously, how hard was it to just turn around and genocide the (((Bolsheviks))) and go 14/88 with Hitler?

>he didn't hate the slavs so much he liked those that sided with him more he hated some mostly Russians because of communism
The slavs that sided with him were given special treatment in the nazi propaganda. For exaple croats were supposed to be of gothic origin, and bulgarians were supposed to be turks. Nazis were bending backwards trying to deal with this doublethink and rationalize the use of slavic meatshields.

National socialism is not about the hate for others but the love for your own. Keep that in mind and you will embrace it

pretty hard considering if you didn't keep your mouth shot you were in a grave by 1939.

In 1939 only one slavic nation was communist, that is the russians. And Hitler didn't have any problem with working with bolshevik russians to destroy for example right wing and rather fascist Poland.

so one can be a natsoc and hate hitler for genociding his race?

> e.g. Jewish natsoc

>I know the Nazis collaborated with the IRA to a small extent but I'm thinking more on racial terms not political, he doesn't seem to mention anything regarding them

Nazis thought Celtic people were also fellow Aryans

during WWII, a French Celt - Olier Mordrel collaborated closely with the Nazis that supported his Breton Independence Party.

he spoke admiringly of the Scots as being the only peoples, other than the ancient Germans, who stopped the Romans in their tracks ... remember Hadrian's wall? Well, that was put up, because the Scots could not be pacified nor beaten, and Hitler noted how greatly the British in his time relied on the Scots for putting backbone into their armies. It seems he had great respect for them.

thats because poland didnt accept them

n 1936, National Socialist Germany and the Japanese Empire signed the Anti-Comintern Pact, in which they pledged to support each other against communist aggression by the Soviet Union. Other nations were invited to join, including Poland. Some Eastern European countries with large Slavic populations did come aboard, including Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovakia and Hungary — but Poland declined. Hitler later made repeated entreaties to the Poles to join him in a common front against the USSR, but to no avail. Poland, goaded on by the Jews, the British, and the French, instead chose to adopt an anti-German stance.

and the brits and france dumped poland after

So we can all agree that the epic struggle against communism was just bullshit right? Nazis wanted power and everybody who did not meet their demands was considered the enemy.

Haavara Agreement - an agreement between Nazi Germany and Zionist German Jews signed on 25 August 1933. The agreement was finalized after three months of talks by the Zionist Federation of Germany, the Anglo-Palestine Bank (under the directive of the Jewish Agency) and the economic authorities of Nazi Germany. It was a major factor in making possible the migration of approximately 60,000 German Jews to Palestine in 1933–1939.

The Haavara Agreement was thought among some Nazi circles to be a possible way to rid the country of its supposed "Jewish problem." The head of the Middle Eastern division of the foreign ministry, the anti-Nazi Werner Otto von Hentig, supported the policy of concentrating Jews in Palestine. Hentig believed that if the Jewish population was concentrated in a single foreign entity, then foreign diplomatic policy and containment of the Jews would become easier.[21] Hitler's own support of the Haavara Agreement was unclear and varied throughout the 1930s. Initially, Hitler criticized the agreement, but reversed his opinion and supported it in the period 1937-1939.[22]

After the German invasion of Poland in September 1939, the "basis of its existence [was] removed", and the program was ended.[18]

The agreement was controversial both within the Nazi party and in the Zionist movement. As historian Edwin Black put it, "The Transfer Agreement tore the Jewish world apart, turning leader against leader, threatening rebellion and even assassination."[23] Opposition came in particular from the mainstream US leadership of the World Zionist Congress, in particular Abba Hillel Silver and American Jewish Congress president Rabbi Stephen Wise.[24] Wise and other leaders of the Anti-Nazi boycott of 1933 argued against the agreement, narrowly failing to persuade the Eighteenth Zionist Congress in August 1935 to vote against it.[25]

The right-wing Revisionist Zionists and their leader Vladimir Jabotinsky were even more vocal in their opposition.[26] The Revisionist newspaper in Palestine, Hazit Haam published a sharp denunciation of those involved in the agreement as "betrayers", and shortly afterwards one of the negotiators, Haim Arlosoroff was assassinated.

nope he hated bolsheviks because they to him represented a revolt against the old traditions that would burn it all, yes there was a power question but its everywhere.

he truly thought about Russia as the great enemy since he linked them to jews

My question was more about something else. Is it possible for 2 nations with the same natsoc ideology to fight against each other without creating cognitive dissonance? Because one usually allies with the people they agree with. So does natsoc actually prevent this because you should put your own people above everybody else?

so what would you think happen to me if I showed up to his house and said "I'm Russian and I'm natsoc!"? Would I be gassed on the spot cause I'm slav or sent to a hard labor camp or what?

It depends yes it can lead to war between them but its mostly to cultural links example like portugal and spain would probably be closer then the French to them

Poland wouldnt go to war with fellow V4 countries just like Germany and Austria sided together in ww2

no country can have the same natsoc ideology since it is about your nation but they can be friendly towards each other

And yet he had no problem working with them. He hated bolsheviks yet divided central Europe together with them. Because he didn't give a shit about "old traditions: or whatever, he just wanted more land in the east, even if it meant allying with bolsheviks against the only people who stopped them before from rampaging all over Europe.

Of course not a commie russian would, nat-soc is closer to me then random ideology guy from that country.

and besides nat soc isnt about hate of another natsoc nation but loving your own

>true but it was mostly about convenience since he was on a bad side with poland with them being with France and Britain that fucked them over in WW1

later it has been shown he did want to get rid of them as well

he even like england but the jew influence was too much for him

i hate slavs too but not as much as niggers and kikes and indians and muslims

choose one

What bothers me is that there is no "but respect other nations" clause. If it was like "care for yourself, but let others be" I would be totally on board. But otherwise, it's only gonna further a policy of violence against people who just wanna fucking live.

lol why you should hate your own country even more

you created degenerate youth the sjw movement with hippies as the base for it all

you created civic nationalism

while most of slavs suffered under communism
but still kept their culture and traditions

you are the ones that are removing confederate statues ashamed of yourselves...

> tfw anecdotal evidence.
> also tfw using a neo-nazi skinhead degenerate as an example of "natsoc"

you do know that was propaganda for the upcoming war times ?

Russians can be natsoc its just its highly unlikely since they are influenced by communism too much bagage

until ww2 communists were like modern sjws. But necessity made them go tribalistic and bring back many of the old traditions. Without bringing them back, they would lose the war, and we all would live in the Third Reich.

Poles attacked Czechoslovakia twice. In 1919 and 1939.



> Some parts (e.g., Zaolzie, Southern Slovakia) were annexed by Poland and Hungary in the fall of 1938. The Zaolzie region was directly joined to the Third Reich after the German invasion of Poland in September 1939.

>Implying we did it
>not the ((((()))))

we would all live in third reich if Hitler wated a year or two and not attack Russia in winter

Jozef Tiso was a Slovak Catholic priest and was a National Socialist sympathizing politician. He was also a friend of Hitler. In this link, you can find a picture of him shaking hands with Hitler:

Hitler granted independence to the Slovak Republic under Jozef Tiso. He did the same thing with Croatia, another Slavic country. Why would he do that if he had goals to exterminate Slavs?

There were also Slavs fighting for Hitler from Ukraine. They were called the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS.
Pic related is a celebration in Ukraine for this division.

See this video for footage of Slavs fighting for Germany:

I've read the Stalag translation of Mein Kampf, and Hitler definitely had a hatred for Slavs in it. I think it was mainly due to their acceptance of communism and submission to the Jews. Slavs willing to help him were accepted by Nationals Socialists.

kek in his table talks and the like, he said he didn't want a war.

And there is evidence for that. For example, in the secretly recorded conversation between Hitler and Mannerheim, Hitler admits that his armies were unprepared to fight Russia.

The thing is if you really are Russian you would see that most of you DO belong in pigsties. You have to believe that you're one of the special ones.

Well, to be honest, vast number of us Slavs are degenerates and idiots...Let's not kid ourselves, we have smart people of course, but in Hitler's time, on average Germanic and Nordic people were better than us. That's why he had mixed feelings about us and said he will take the best of Slavic people and leave the rest in their pig dens or whatever. Also, his major reason for disliking Slavs was the Slavicization of Austria. There were too many Slavs migrating there and influencing the country for his liking. Just like we hate niggers now for the same reason, so I don't blame him. 100 years ago, Jews pushed Slav migrations, now they push Nigger and Muslim migrations.

Are the Table Talks valid though? They don't seem like a good source to use, even though I agree with a lot of their contents.

they even warned you so its like you did it to yourselves


>nt a war.
still he should have waited it out but got carried away

We weren't degenerates or idiots.

Russians were, because communists sent people with actual intelect into gulags.
West slavs weren't bad on it economically or anything.

Hitler even like one Pole a lot. Józef Piłsudski.
He was at his funeral.

Hitler's invasion of the Soviet Union was preemptive:

"Although the table talk monologues are generally considered authentic, contentious issues remain over aspects of the published works." from wikipedia. I think that they are valid, at least we should pretend to convert normies because they dispell many of their myths.

So neo nazi skinheads are not nazis? then what are they exactly?
this is awfully familiar with the "it wasn't real communism" narrative
> tfw anecdotal evidence
I'm not a nazi and i never claimed to be

If you can't separate the policies and economics of Nazism from Hitler I understand but that's on u famalam

Mehmet, pls.

the only thing I know is he needed the gas and oil reserves also the USA involment complicated things and the Japs werent of much help with it

Are there different translations of them like Mein Kampf has multiple translations? If so, which translation is the best?

neo-nazi skinheads are trying to be edgy and anti-social. They don't adhere and they don't try to adhere to the standards of natsoc, the standards of morality and social good. That's why they are not natsoc, but a subculture that appropriated the images and twisted the image completely.

dude they are not real nazis they are abominations just likesjw are an abomination of an already abomination called communism

The Ford translation is the most unbiased based on multiple sources. The guy who redpilled me told me to read the Ford one, and I compared it to some others and Ford is truly the best.

slavs arent created equal, thisn is true

And OP please stop with this natsoc thing.
It's not for us. Especially not for you.

We were on other side. Keep it there.

some say Stalag Edition Officially Authorized By The NSDA

it was defensive because he knew that the best time to invade was right after stalin's purges, and that he would not win otherwise. Ffs if his war was a justified defensive war, why did he go around killing everyone?

so what do you suggest then?

this. Freedman told all.
Most Americans never heard it though, they follow (((mainstream media)))

not defensive

he would have had a nuke by that time

>why did he go around killing everyone?

Please elaborate. Are you talking about Jews? Poles? French? Slavs?

I'm not gonna lie. If not for the Germans America would have never been a great country, or at least, not as great to the degree it has attained. German stock are a blessing to every nation that has had them. However, they are fucking autistic with regards to following directions and obeying their leaders. Hence, their immensely positive traits have some drawbacks. One only has to look at the cuckoldry that has taken over that race under Merkel. I guess it was a good idea after all, after WWII by the AMerican Intelligence Services, to rid the world of that most peculiar race. They are akin to weapons of mass destruction. In the wrong hands and they'll end all life as we know it. Now the SPanish, of Visigothic lineage, now that is a truly master race.

true and sad


That is up to you.
But I don't really like seeing someone sympathizing with regime which killed over 20 millions of your people.

who? Hitler, if that's true then why didn't he simply wait and use said nuke. They didn't even have a nuke by the end of the war.

Look at it this way
A shitload of slavs died in a camp either way

Pff, who cares about that? I'm a fascist myself despite disagreeing with Shitler on a lot of things. I would still recommend Mein Kampf as an introductory book for someone who wants to learn about it.

Mighty words for pussies who got raped at Stalingrad and Berlin, lol.

No offense, but that's mainly because your leaders hurled their troops at the Germans and focused on overwhelming them after your side won at Stalingrad. Those kinds of tactics tend to lead to more casualties on your side.

KEK dude
> my great grandfather fought all 4 years of the war
> he earned 3 medals for the soviet union
> was sent to a gulag for 5 years in 1948 while having sustained 2 heavy injuries

thanks Russia

war crimes against any slavic people. generalplan ost as well. hitler's detest of the slavic peoples is pretty well documented

>we will mould the best of them as we see fit, and we will isolate the rest of them in their own pig-styes; and anyone who talks about cherishing the local inhabitants and civilising them, goes straight off into a concentration camp!" suggest Hitler wasn't a big fan of my race.
kek m8, society and civilization already does this on it's own. successful and talented people do well - and morons, bums, and addicts live poorly by their own choice or stupidity. hitler himself seems to suggest here that there are slavs that would be welcomed as long as they could culturally assimilate (we will mould the best of them as we see fit).

whats Mongolian about Czechs?

there were hundreds of thousands of civilians who died, if not millions.

Is it not enough for you to have pride in your race, its art, culture, religion, music, scientific and mathematical achievements?
Is it not enough for you to have pride in your great authors, composers and mathematicians?
Is it not enough that you establish your own traditional Russian society?

Forget what Hitler said about Slavs. Focus on what he did for his people, according to global principles and their unique character, and do the analogous thing for your own people according to their own character.
That will be NatSoc enough for you.

You don't really have to care about what Hitler said to be a natsoc. It's not like a cult or religion, he's just a political leader. It's the ideology that interests you, not the history of a man or some kind of weird nazi uniform fetish.

>German stock are a blessing to every nation that has had them.
Not really, in Romania they were merchants and made common front with the jews.

Hitler hated them when he wrote Mein Kampf, read my previous posts about his respect for Slavs. There's some info about Generalplan ost on the CODOH site

>whats Mongolian about Czechs?
the moustache ;)