Red Pill me on Keynesian Economics, the Keynesian multiplier, stimulus bills, and all the rest.

Sincerely, a first year finance student with a macroeconomics final in 5 days.

It's fuckin crap m8

He was a fag (literally) and his economics suck dick, much like him.

>break shit in war so you can replace it later

breh read ur fuckin textbook

macroecon is garbage

t. third year finance student

Why do economists, politicians, and academics alike still endorse his policies (or the evolution of his policies as found in New Keynesian Economics), if it's so clear that it's a failed model?

Keynes was a faggot.

>He was a fag
>Keynes was a faggot.

Its a excuse for more taxation

Keynesian economics is a load of utter nonsense and is the single most damaging invention in recent human history. It is based on very simplistic models which have no basis in reality.

He was fucking google it.

Taxation so they can steal more money

keynesian economics is more or less "you print money and throw it at every issue" kind of economics. It relies on extremely complex equations that only work if you say "all else remaining equal" because you can't have a formula to represent reality.

Its bullshit for retards, and the only game in town at any school that pumps out economists.

>> extremely complex equations & models
>> formulas can't represent reality

TIL Keynes invented global warming.

>single most damaging invention in recent human history

anglo ofc, kek

Hjalmar Schacht, a typical "conservative"/market oriented Keynesian fixed Germany's economy during the first years of Hitler's government, so it works

>during the first years
Do tell us what happened after that

Hate to break it to all of you, but Keynes was right.

Ancaps will go off on their "muh gubbiment bad" and cling to Austrian school of thought.

News flash: praxeology is such an embarrassing theory it astounds me that there are serious Austrians to this day. Government is needed, end of story, and whether you like it or not, it can and will affect both economic systems and policy.

While Keynesians can actually prove their theories through equations and graphic representations, Austrians seem to think that's wrong, and empirical evidence is not a way to observe or understand economics.

Explains their social stances too, but I digress.

To sum up, Keynes was right, and half the people here think reading one Ron Paul book or a little Hayek and they think they're economic geniuses. Make sure you read his General Theory to be educated properly on economics.

Source: Econ PhD student and Keynesian.

Göring took over and they mobilized for war

Works when you need to fix the private market by introducing the government as a customer and employer.

But like all economic schools of though, it should only be used for a business life cycle or about 20-25 years.

so what's wrong with hayek smart guy?

>Source: Econ PhD student and Keynesian.
As I suspected. If you're not larping then you're just part of the Keynesian circle jerk.

This is the most pseudo-intellectual bullshit posted yet. Not agreeing or disagreeing, but holy shit. You can't just expect people to believe you when your post reads
>News Flash: this other theory is an embarrassment! [Insert counter claim here] END OF STORY!
and provide no evidence in one direction or the other
Show the PhD faggot

Whoops didn't read the student part, so post your school ID

It's the Aryan economic policy, opposed to the Jewish policy of gold standard and laissez faire.

Praxeology is an embarrassment. That's true enough. Because it claims to be a priori, like on the same level as 2+2=4. Mises is literally saying his theory is unquestionably true and should just be taken as true otherwise you're irrational and insane. So a typical arrogant kike who tries to create some abstract system and block out any dissent to it, just like fellow Jews Ayn Rand and Karl Marx, who both had similarly unquestionable systems that the goyim were expected to just take as given and never question.

He refuted Friedman's points with "in long run we are all dead".

> Put a government in charge of Sahara and in two years expect a sand shortage.

Disprove it, faggot.


Following the great depression, government involvement in the economy was needed to stimulate growth. The premise of his view base on the idea that the classical model doesn't work for one main reason. People save money, meaning the amount produced in production does not equal the injection back into the economy. Nations can get stuck inside the production possibility curve and can stay there a long time.

there is substential evidence from neo keynsian and econometric models, that he was actually right in certain situations. for example if the nominal interestrate is at the zero lower bound fiscal multipliers can be >1.

Economics isn't a provable science like physics or biology you dumb fuck.

>keynesian econ
>red pill

Pick one

And this is the chief bullshit. Savings are the real lifeblood of a society the same as a household. The more savings the more resilient you are; savings are what get you through hard times not going into debt to keep up appearances.

Sup Forums isn't the place to go to learn about economics. Economics isn't a science. Economists aren't philosophers who can offer a grand prescription to cure all ills. Reality calls for a little of this and a little of that. With that said...

Keynesian economics boils down to demand and stoking demand. When the economy slows down, the recession leaves a hole to fill. Government, using public finances, is the "lender of last resort" that can fill that hole until the economy recovers. The best methods of doing that can change over time. During FDR's New Deal the preferred method of stoking demand was a massive system of public works, which can still be useful as well as politically popular, while today most politicians primary method is fiscal and monetary cuts in particular. These policies stoking demand have a stimulative effect on the economy.

Contrary to the opinions of many, Keynes was not a socialist. Use of the public sector is not the same as government control of industry or the "means of production." Most Keynesian policies aren't controversial today, but merely expansions of existing programs and well established and accepted methods.

Isn't its basic claim that humans act to accomplish desired ends. A raw observation is a priori.

Keynes gets a bad rap. He understood that his stimulus proposals only made sense during times of extreme economic crisis. It's not his fault that retards decided that they could create wealth out of nothing forever.

Keynes was a socialist. And economics is the only real philosophy/science there is

>stimulus proposals only made sense during times of extreme economic crisis
In the short run. QE1 and QE2 eased the pain in the short run but have just prolonged and multiplied the next crash. Keynes ideas are so prominent today because short term economic policy is so much more alluring and easy to propose rather than long term solutions.

I can't tell if this is bait or not. I know you're a /syrup/bro, but I seriously can't tell.

More or less this. That and the appeal of the idea that there is something you can actually do to make the situation better.

No one wants to hear "suck it up it will correct itself you just have to adapt"

They want to hear "it's okay I'll just use public money and you can go back to the way things were before"

To be honest, you can't blame Keynes or his economics on that. The real problem is that politicians love to give money to their supporters, so real life Keynesian economics is only ever applied when it allows the politicians to do just that. So in a recession they pump out all the monies for their supporters and when the economy recovers they forget Keynes never even existed and start distributing all those surpluses that accumulate into state budget when the economy is booming for their supporters. So the end result is a kind of fiscal version of the Austrian school money supply nonsense.

>those lips.

Was Keynes a kike or part nigger?
